I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 21: 21

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Chapter 21: The truth


“Are you done?” Cheng Yichi entered the kitchen and asked Li Yi.


Li Yi took a spoon and said to Cheng Yichi, “Come and taste the soup?” 


The spoon will be washed after it is used. Cheng Yichi felt that it was nothing wrong, so he lowered his head and took a sip. 


He gave a thumbs up instantly, and his eyes were shining: “It’s delicious!”


“Is it?” Li Yi also laughed, “I added a little starch water, it should be thicker.”


Cheng Yichi drank the delicious soup happily, and couldn’t say a word. He thought about it and sighed again.


Li Yi asked him, “What’s the matter?”


Cheng Yichi pretended to touch the flesh on his stomach, joking: “My abs are going to disappear.”


Li Yi glanced at him: “Then I will cook you a fat-reducing meal tomorrow.”


“Ah. No trouble…”


“No trouble.” Li Yi said so, and Cheng Yichi said thank you again, thinking about bringing something to Li Yi tomorrow to thank him.


“The food is ready, you can take it out.”


Cheng Yichi nodded, holding the plate as he walked steadily and passed the living room. Qi Jing’s eyes suddenly locked on him, and his voice became obedient again: “Brother, can we eat?”


Cheng Yichi said loudly, “Yes.” 


He was afraid they wouldn’t hear. However a group of people in the living room rushed to the dining room.


  [Wow, the content of beauty is too high, help! ]


  [Let’s have dinner! Choosing a seat is a required skill, and I have a hunch that it might be a big drama hahaha! ]



Several people walked to the dining room together.


Bai Ruyu sat down first, Tang Yinuo pulled Fang Yunshi to sit aside, and the rest of the people stood and didn’t sit.


Fang Yunshi looked at them curiously, didn’t speak. He poured a glass of juice to Tang Yinuo, who then poured it to Bai Ruyu, and then peeled the candy to eat by himself, enjoying himself.


    [Yunshi and Yinuo are really cute, darling, some small movements are particularly fun, like a child. ]


Li Yi and Cheng Yichi were still busy, Wei Buyan was the last one to come after them, and as soon as he came over, he said, “Why don’t you sit?”


But he smiled and asked why others didn’t sit, but he didn’t sit either, only leaning on the back of the white chair, he tapped the index and middle fingers of his right hand a few times.


Bai Ruyu was helpless: It seems that this young man was only looking at himself again.


He simply said, “Then why don’t you sit next to me?” as if he was helping Gu Zechen.


Wei Buyan didn’t expect Bai Ruyu to talk to him, he was stunned for a moment, then he walked to Bai Ruyu’s side and sat down.


But he sat very carefully, sitting on the right side of Bai Ruyu, next to the other side. There is also the outermost position. It can be said that if Cheng Yichi comes last, he is more likely to sit there.


“I didn’t expect Ru Yu to help me arrange the location, follow my orders.” Wei Buyan said with a romantic smile.


   [I, I can’t understand it a bit, help! Wasn’t Wei Buyan still nice to Cheng Yingdi just now? Why are you complimenting white beauty now? ]


    [Sad, this is the character of the romantic boy, and the family is so rich, I guess he used to play coffee and often change boyfriends. ]


    [But… as long as you don’t cheat, you’ll be fine, right? Mainly because his face is delicious to me! ]


Wei Buyan always had a smile in his eyes, and when he looked at him, others seemed to like him, but Bai Ruyu felt that it was empty and empty, like a fake, a real smile…


He suddenly realized he remembered that Cheng Yichi also bent his eyes and looked at himself like this. But his heart skipped a beat.


Sure enough, Teacher Cheng is more sincere. 


Bai Ruyu thought: Actually, he still had selfish intentions to date Gu Zechen and Cheng Yichi, but he just wanted to prove that his vision was good, and the two people he liked were very good.


Wei Buyan sat down, and Duan Qingsi also chose a seat to sit down, but he happened to be sitting opposite Wei Buyan, and he also reserved the outermost seat.


Qi Jing pursed his lips and went to the innermost seat.


Jiang Heng was the only one who was surprised: Everyone was not standing just now, are you going to sit with Cheng Yichi? Why are they all sitting down now?


Gu Zechen patted him on the shoulder: “Xiao Heng, you can sit too.”


As an adult, of course there is no need for intrigue at this time, it is too childish. Jiang Heng sat stupidly next to Wei Buyan, Wei Buyan was right with Bai Ruyu. 


Suddenly, the chatters stopped.


Gu Zechen smiled and sat in the middle, just waiting for Li Yi and Cheng Yichi to come.




When they were eating, everyone chatted casually, and the conversation didn’t always stick to one person. 


Fang Yunshi ate the fastest, like a little hamster, and after eating, he went to add a bowl of rice, Jiang Heng also went to add more food.


Cheng Yichi sighed with emotion: “It’s great to be young, now you have to eat a little more at night to exercise and lose weight, and your body’s metabolism is not as good as before.”


Bai Ruyu filled a bowl of soup: “You are not fat, you should be the thinnest among us, right?”


Cheng Yichi is not thin, he is muscular and thin, and his body lines are very beautiful and beautiful. In Bai Ruyu’s view, he doesn’t need to control his diet at all.


Cheng Yichi said, “It only looks good on the camera.”


Having said that, he still added a small spoonful of fried chicken with edamame. Woohoo, Li Yi’s cooking skills really suit his appetite.


Cheng Yichi and Li Yi who came to the dinner table last, finally finished eating. 


The others had already put the empty dishes into the dishwasher in the kitchen one after another, and Li Yi was still eating leisurely.


Cheng Yichi stared at the last honey sauce chicken wing, a little greedily. Before he could take his eyes away, a pair of chopsticks moved the chicken wing over.


It was Li Yi’s.


Li Yi put the chicken wings directly into his bowl: “Public chopsticks, I haven’t used them.”


Cheng Yichi hesitated for a while: “Don’t you want to eat?” 

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“I’m full.” Li Yi slowly packed the tableware and chopsticks He got up and said, “You can eat.”


Cheng Yichi struggled for a while, but the chopsticks were getting closer and closer to the chicken wings.


Forget it, he said to himself: Today, let’s indulge for the last day!


“Is it delicious?” Li Yi asked him with a smile.


He nodded, chicken wings wrapped in his mouth, so cute.


Li Yi also thought Cheng Yichi was cute: “Then I’ll make it for you next time, okay?”


“Ang!” With something in his mouth, he wanted to say yes, but Cheng Yichi just “Ang” came out directly. Ashamed, he continue to bury his head in eating.


So cute, Li Yi thought.


The barrage was about to go crazy.


    [Why? Why can’t I even blink my eyes when I see them? ? ? Li Yi is clearly under the new year, right? It’s so cold and so deadly in the trailer, why? Anyone can tell why he is a cub who loves his wife! ]


    [Woooooo, I really like the phrase “I’ll make it for you next time.” ]


  [Buy Li Yi’s shares with bankruptcy, if Li Yi is not in the top position, I will perform a handstand and eat apples for the whole network! ]




“There is a special session tonight! It’s set by the show team, and the winner can have priority in the next round of dating.” 


Bai Ruyu and Gu Zechen got news from the show team in advance, nodded to each other, They gathered in the living room.


Ten men, with shocking beauty. The audience in the live broadcast room all held their breaths and couldn’t control their heartbeats: What kind of beauty is this? !


Hormones seem to be extremely strong in this confined space, everyone wants to behave better in front of the people they like.


Even better, Wei Buyan completely unbuttons the button, and the sexy breath blows, Duan Qingsi is extremely cold, but also rolled up his sleeves a few times, revealing his strong arms.


Jiang Heng simply relied on the heating in the room to turn on the heat, and put on his basketball jersey, which was golden and dazzling.


One by one exudes charm inadvertently.


Cheng Yichi was nestled between Fang Yunshi and Tang Yinuo, and they were both holding one arm and one arm. 


His body was very soft, and he was always in good posture whether he was sitting or standing. The small shrink is there, with the next two.


“That’s it…” 


After everyone sat down, Bai Ruyu made a bunch of flowers like magic, “Play a simple and exciting game, beat the drums to pass the flowers, and whoever spreads the flowers will have a real risk.”


“If you don’t want to be honest, take a big risk. If you don’t want to take a big risk, drink, and if you don’t want to drink…” 


Bai Ruyu shrugged, “Then wait for your Prince Charming to rescue you.”


Several people thought of Cheng Yichi’s drinking drunk face, looked at him.


Cheng Yichi obviously remembered it himself, and smiled awkwardly, but it was very official on the surface, and he smiled reluctantly.


But still beautiful.


Tang Yinuo quietly said to Cheng Yichi, “Brother, don’t worry, I will help you drink! I am very good at drinking!”


Cheng Yichi could not let Tang Yinuo help him drink, he said directly: “It’s okay, as long as you can afford it. You don’t need to drink anymore, don’t worry.”


“The game starts!”


Bai Ruyu casually sang in the first round.  Whoever got the flower had to choose a penalty from then on.


The singing stopped abruptly, Cheng Yichi looked at the flower that was thrown into his hand at the last second, and then looked at Tang Yinuo, who smiled like a little fox with a malicious face. He thought to himself: I really believe you’re evil.


“Come on.” Cheng Ying-di was very happy, and Bai Ruyu also flipped the card happily:

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Sing a song you like.


Tang Yinuo was instantly discouraged, ah, so boring, he thought there would be something crazy, it turned out to be just singing.


But he thought again: this is Cheng Yichi singing. Has anyone heard him sing? No! Wow, there are ear blessings!


“Come on, our best actor.”


A small ktv was installed in the living room, but they never used it since they moved in. This is the first time they have used it. Cheng Yichi leaned forward and pressed a few keys. 


The light hit him with a very artistic conception. It was light blue and light yellow, with pink light in the middle, which was quite artistic.


Cheng Yichi looked particularly beautiful in this atmosphere. He obviously didn’t drink alcohol, and the people present just watched him come to the stage and sat there, and they unconsciously became drunk.


“—cough, a piece of “Someone Like Me” for everyone.”


“A person as good as me should have lived a brilliant life…”


Cheng Yichi didn’t like to look at people when he sang, with lowered eyes, affectionate yet seemingly unconcerned.


His voice was originally warm and sweet, but when singing this song, he deliberately suppressed his voice, making his voice a little lower and a little hoarer.


The mood is also a little lower.


“Confused people like me, people looking for people like me… people like me who do nothing, how many people have you seen?”


Cheng Yichi finally raised his eyes, with sadness in his eyes, his voice was very low, the more he sang It seemed that it didn’t matter afterward, but he made the hearts of the people present twitch.


Li Yi took a closer look and found that there were tears in Cheng Yichi’s eyes. He was a little silent, but he couldn’t turn his eyes away from Cheng Yichi. 


Duan Qingsi rubbed his thumb. He didn’t wear a jade finger today, and he didn’t want to be in contact with Cheng Yichi when there was something blocking him. 


Cheng Yichi sang very sadly, and there was a ripple in his heart. He couldn’t help thinking: What makes Xiao Chi so sad?


Is he laughing at himself, or is he singing to others?


“Will someone feel sorry for someone who is inexplicable like me ?”


Gu Zechen’s heart was crushed. He looked at Cheng Yichi and thought: I really feel sorry…

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