I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 22: 22

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Chapter 22: The Great Adventure


“It sounds good.” Jiang Heng first applauded and cheered: “Brother Yichi sings really well.”


Cheng Yichi smiled and put down the microphone. He then walked straight off the stage, and sat beside Jiang Heng.


[I don’t know why, but it’s a bit uncomfortable to hear. I remember when I worked four part-time jobs in the past two years, and it’s always like this. Good thing I’m here now.]


[Cheng Yichi sings very nicely, although some of the sounds are not accurate, but he is very emotional, and his faults do not hide his faults. ]


[Alas, but why did he sit next to Jiang Heng?]


Jiang Heng also froze, not knowing what to do.


He smelled a good-smelling floral fragrance around him. It was on Cheng Yichi’s body. He didn’t know what Cheng Yichi liked.


There was always a very fresh smell on his body, like a floral fragrance, but it was a little lighter than that, very natural.


Jiang Heng thought: Teacher Cheng is really fragrant.


Cheng Yichi slightly bent his body to Jiang Heng’s side and said with a smile, “You don’t mind if I sit here .”


Taking a deep dive, Cheng Yichi smiled back at him, sweetly, as if the grief just now was just a phantom, passing by.


“Then let’s continue?” The atmosphere fell into an embarrassing situation.


Bai Ruyu took the initiative to come out to cue Cheng Yichi, “I didn’t expect Mr. Cheng to sing, so he kept it hidden. Then the flowers this time will start from Mr. Cheng’s side?”


Cheng Yichi nodded, and hurriedly threw the flower in his hand into Jiang Heng’s arms at the first second of the music, and then winked at him with a smirk.


Jiang Heng hurriedly passed the flower in his arms to the right again, and it immediately became lively.


He took the flower in a more prudent manner and handed it to the side unhurriedly, only to be dragged away by the impatient person next to him, and threw the flower into another person’s arms with a smile. Just looking at it, it was quite interesting.


The music finally stopped.


Wei Buyan held the flower and lowered his eyes, as if he was smelling the fragrance of the flowers, but there was no trace of surprise or confusion on his face: “Oh, it’s me.”


“The truth or the big adventure?” Bai Ruyu thoughtfully handed over both stacks of cards.


“It’s a big adventure just now…” Wei Buyan picked up a green card, and said in a somber tone, “Then let me tell the truth.”


But he only looked down at the words on the card, and he didn’t say anything but smile.


“It’s very private?” Bai Ruyu is not someone who is difficult for strong men, and said, “If you don’t like it, you can change the task.”


When it comes to Wei Buyan, he must have drawn some difficult topics, and maybe he will be embarrassed. He should not miss such a good show!


Wei Buyan gritted his back molars, threw the card back, and said, “Let’s change another one.”


When he found it, he had the card in his hand.


“Ah oh.” Tang Yinuo didn’t read the content, but sighed and said, “I didn’t expect such a question to be difficult for Wei Buyan, it’s too weak.”


The content on the card is a bit crazy. Tang Yinuo’s eyes widened when he first saw it, but Wei Buyan would definitely not answer this question.


Unexpectedly, just as he was about to throw the card back, one hand took the card from his hand.


Wei Buyan.


He played with the cards, glanced at Cheng Yichi, and shrugged: “Okay, I admit, this question is a bit private, but it’s not offensive, I answer—”


“Have you ever bought Coke with anyone?”


Indeed The classic spoof question is a bit vulgar, but some parties like to play this.


Yesterday, Bai Ruyu and the program team had already screened the questions, but they still missed the net.


Duan Qingsi was thinking about the problem, and he rubbed his wrist uncontrollably. Hearing this question, the fingers on his wrist stopped, and his eyes flashed blankly: “Buy Coke? Why do you want to buy it with others?”


On weekdays, these elites would never say anything rude. In fact, Wei Buyan was limited to some terms he learned on the Internet. Love is to do, but also to say it in another way, but the new term is a bit confusing, which is very strange.


He thought that all the male guests were present, and he should have known without reminding, but he didn’t expect Duan Qingsi to raise this question.


He was a little embarrassed.


Others only knew it superficially but Gu Zechen, who was sitting beside Duan Qingsi, had thin skin.


Just as Cheng Yichi sang on stage, his heart beat faster. Now he found out that there would be some embarrassing questions.


But inexplicably, there is no exclusion.


He looked at Cheng Yichi, Cheng Yichi had no other reaction, just sat there sullenly.


“If you don’t understand, you can check your mobile phone yourself. It’s not easy for us to explain too much.”



Bai Ruyu said with a smile, he also felt a little embarrassed, but it’s okay, he can skip it.


Duan Qingsi searched the Internet and fell silent, then put the phone back in his pocket.


“Everyone should know what it means to buy Coke by now, right? My answer is, no.”


His answer ended before everyone could react, which caught people off guard.


Tang Yinuo showed a look of astonishment: No?


Some people present didn’t quite believe it, and there were even people who questioned in the barrage.


Wei Buyan said, “It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, I really didn’t have sex, only kissed.”


He said the sex very frankly, but instead diluted the charming atmosphere just created by the problem.


“Of course I believe it.” Cheng Yichi raised his eyes and looked at Wei Buyan, “It’s true, you won’t lie.”


Wei Buyan was stunned for two seconds, then chuckled: Of course, how could I lie in front of you.


He spoke so lightly that no one heard him.




In the third round, Tang Yinuo was drawn, and Tang Yinuo accepted the big adventure with a bitter face: one person and one forehead.


Tang Yinuo said it hurt and asked Cheng Yichi to help him touch it. Cheng Yichi took this set and touched Tang Yinuo’s forehead coolly. Tang Yinuo showed a satisfied smile.


The fourth game was Fang Yunshi. The good boy was just watching the play, and now it was his turn.


He pointed to himself in disbelief, and lowered his eyes aggrievedly: “I don’t want to take a big risk.”


Cheng Yichi felt sorry for him and felt He was obedient and coaxed, “Then let’s be honest, shall we?”


The child quickly agreed.


“Your favorite things are—”


“Cars, racing suits, helmets, and…” His eyes turned to Cheng Yichi, “Brother Yichi!” The last sound was the loudest, for fear that others would not hear.


Cheng Yichi knew Fang Yunshi’s feelings for him, but everyone laughed, so he could only touch Fang Yunshi’s hair: “You don’t need to talk about the last one.”


“Why,” Fang Yunshi asked, “but I just like you very much, even more than I like Bell.”

You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com


“Who is Bell?”


“The bear I was sleeping with.” Fang Yunshi raised his face and blinked, “I want to hug you and sleep too.”


He said these words in a low voice, only Cheng Yichi could hear them.


Cheng Yichi was startled for a moment, then ruffled Fang Yunshi’s hair: “Then I’ll think about it.”


Fang Yunshi paused aggrievedly, turned around, and ignored Cheng Yichi.


Cheng Yichi laughed, and he was even more aggrieved.


Duan Qingsi also picked up the topic, whether it is the truth, or the sincere truth – “Do you have anything to regret?”


Duan Qingsi thought for a while and said, “Probably so. I regret going abroad a few years ago to escape something. It was wasted for a long time.”


Cheng Yichi had heard of this, but when he asked his father, his father only said that Mr. Duan was going to do business.


Is there any other secret?


Duan Qingsi looked at Cheng Yichi and thought: He is really contradictory. On the one hand, I want to keep him out of trouble, and never let him know, on the other hand, I think I should tell him my desires.


Geez, he thought: what to do.




The next few rounds gradually became less interesting.


The flowers were given from one person’s hand to that person’s hand. The questions asked were varied, but the big adventure was not as passionate as everyone imagined, and they were all very simple punishments.


In the final round, Li Yi was finally punished.


No one know if he was lucky or what happened. Several times the flower stopped in his hand, and the sound almost stopped, but he just flicked his wrist and the flower flew into Fang Yunshi’s arms.


“It’s finally yours.” Bai Ruyu said, “otherwise I wouldn’t know how to calculate your points.”


They finally remembered that Bai Ruyu had said before the game started that this Truth or Dare is to decide the next date.


“But how is this calculated?” Cheng Yichi wondered, “Hua doesn’t go into the arms of different people every time, and everyone completes the task every time without drinking. Isn’t it the same?”


Bai Ruyu then told them: “No, it’s the audience who are watching the live broadcast to arrange the date. They will vote, and the guests with the most votes have the right to choose the date.”


A very novel way of competition.


Cheng Yichi was stunned and thought: I hope his fans will never help him win the first place, otherwise he really doesn’t know who to choose.


It’s so hard.


Li Yi stood up, much taller, and the sexy male hormones rushed toward him. No matter in appearance or figure, Li Yi can be said to be the best.


Even though the ten people have different looks, they are completely different types of handsome guys, but Li Yi inexplicably makes the audience in front of the screen blush.


His smile is the charm.

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However, he obviously did not smile at us.


The audience thought: We are so self-motivated, he clearly looked at us with a cold face, and only smiled at Teacher Cheng…


Gan, it’s even better!


Li Yi took out a card from the card and smiled.


He asked, “Can I invite Brother Yichi to help me?”


Cheng Yichi looked at the card, only two English words were written on the small pink card –


Pocky game.


Cheng Yichi also played Truth or Dare before, more than He has done even more outrageous things, but he is a straight man, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.


But Li Yi was different, he knew that Li Yi liked him.


Some of the behaviors on weekdays are just getting along with friends, but now playing this game seems to be too much.


Li Yi saw the hesitation in Cheng Yichi’s eyes and smiled: “It’s okay, I’ll drink.”


“No, forget it.” Cheng Yichi thought, it’s not that he hasn’t played before, just stay away and bite it off.


“Come on then.” His face was a little red, Cheng Yichi thought, it seemed to be hot.


It’s so hot that even the floor is warm in this room, and sure enough, people get angry when there are more people.


Li Yi didn’t know what other people’s reactions were now, and he never bothered to show off. He came to chase after Teacher Cheng, not to show his charm.


Li Yi picked up a matcha-flavored pocky, put it in his mouth, and leaned over to approach Cheng Yichi.


He focused all his eyes on the little mole on the tip of Cheng Yichi’s nose. It was not pure black, but a little brown, very cute.


Gee, I kind of want to kiss.


Cheng Yichi couldn’t help but took a step back, and was pulled by Li Yi again, not to move, but this man had a strong sense of aggression.


He even felt that his legs were a little soft, not because he liked it, but because Li Yi’s aura was too domineering.


There was a loud noise just now, but Cheng Yichi could no longer hear any other voices. He could only hear his pounding heartbeat and Li Yi’s breathing.


The distance between the two is not very close, but slowly, Li Yi leaned over, bowed his head, and seemed to kiss Cheng Yichi.


Cheng Yichi panicked, bit off pocky in one bite, and took a big step back with a small piece of green pocky in his mouth.


Then pocky slowly melted between his lips.


Li Yi stood up carelessly, the pocky in his mouth was still a long way, and the other people present were relieved. But Li Yi was not annoyed, he just smiled, chewed the pocky slowly like a kiss, and swallowed it.


The action is astringent.


Cheng Yichi didn’t look at him, and the other people who looked at him couldn’t help frowning: This guy…


Cheng Yichi quickly regained his composure. He thought, this can’t be blamed on him.


After all, he’s a straight man, facing a boy who likes him, there is no reason to refuse generously, and he will really be helpless.


Originally, he thought it was easy to participate in this show, it was a rest, but now he regrets it a little.


[! ! ! ! saved! Is this something I can see without paying? Ah ah ah ah ah! ]


[The sisters upstairs are calm, although…even though I can’t restrain myself! Damn, the new year is so good! When the little wolf dog was holding pocky, I felt like he was holding his brother’s tongue slowly, so astringent, woo. ]


[Mr. Cheng seems to be frightened, but I really didn’t think he was so cute before. Why did Cheng Yichi become Cheng Jiaojiao in this big family? Too sweet and gentle. ]


[Well, if I call wife now, will someone jump out of the screen and hit me? ]


[Wife wife wife! ]


[Bah! Cheng Yichi is my husband, all of your wife fans should leave. Why is Cheng Ying-di so charming? Those who say otherwise should get lost! ]

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