I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 24: 24

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Chapter 24: Four people Together 


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


Gu Zechen saw Bai Ruyu brought him in, and asked, “I’m back.”


“Okay.” Bai Ruyu glanced at him and responded.


Gu Zechen was still a little worried.


After Jiang Heng was injured, the condition of the house was not very good. He brought a bottle of wine and smiled and said that he wanted to go to the garden.


He wanted to ask, but there were too many people around which would make Cheng Yichi even more uncomfortable, so he only asked Bai Ruyu to see him.


After all, Bai Ruyu is the only person who doesn’t have an object of interest.


“Is he still uncomfortable? He drank a lot of alcohol.”


Bai Ruyu said: “He should have never encountered such a situation before. Have you seen the news, and since he has never been seen, he should be emotional? Things are relatively slow, even I’m in a dazed state now.”


“Especially Jiang Heng’s injury made him unconsciously blame himself for his mistakes, so please don’t put too much pressure on him and don’t overstep the rules.”


Gu Zechen smiled bitterly: The program team must have deliberately invited Cheng Yichi to come.


For the sake of popularity, Cheng Yichi agreed that he might want to expose his sexuality naturally, but he didn’t have any thoughts of true love.


Of course knowing that being pursued by someone he doesn’t like will only make him feel distressed, but…


he really can’t control being close to someone he likes.


Gu Zechen closed his eyes, sighed and said, “I understand, I won’t make him distressed… ”


“Twenty-five days left.” “Bai Ruyu left only one sentence and went to wash up.


Gu Zechen thought about it for a moment, and felt that it was indeed very rude.


The sound of water in the bathroom was gradually rising, and Gu Zechen had no intention to pay attention to it.


He lay on the bed and listened to music. It was “Someone Like Me” that Cheng Yichi sang.


At this time, Bai Ruyu let the water flow down and wet his skin. He rubbed his red finger and closed his eyes to feel the temperature of the water.


Everyone gave him the title of “tenderness”


The title is indeed not wrong, however, he acts on his best interest.


When Cheng Yichi made his own desires smaller than the responsibilities he needed to undertake after being with him, Bai Ruyu naturally chose to give up, but tonight, the moonlight is very beautiful.


He was reluctant to give up.




The second schedule started a little earlier in the pool. As soon as the audience opened the live broadcast room, they found that Bai Ruyu and Cheng Yichi were together.


The two were making breakfast in the kitchen. Bai Ruyu was cooking small wontons, and Cheng Yichi was cooking noodles. The scene was very harmonious.


[Bao, you finally appeared! I didn’t see you all day yesterday! my treasure! ]


[By the way, I heard that Jiang Heng was injured and was hospitalized, so he has to quit the show temporarily, right? ]


[I also heard that last night, the official Weibo of the program team posted on Weibo, saying that it was an injury from playing basketball. Fortunately, the child is young and can be made, and the injury will recover quickly. ]


[Ah, actually, I’m quite a fan of Jiang Heng × Cheng Yichi, mainly because they are very fragrant in the new year, but Li Yi is a wolf, Qi Jing is too old, Jiang Heng is just right, it’s a pity that Jiang Heng is absent so much. It has been estimated for a long time. ]


Bai Ruyu only cooked a bowl of small wontons and sprinkled some shrimp skins and seaweed.


He asked Cheng Yichi: “Do you usually like to eat chopped green onion?”




“Do you like coriander?”


Cheng Yichi shook his head in a hurry, Bai Ruyu smiled: “I don’t eat either.”


“By the way, why did you get up so early today?”


Cheng Yichi fished out the noodles with chopsticks and ran them through cold water, while responding, “Yesterday. I missed a day and made everyone worried at night, so I want to get up early today to make breakfast.”


“By the way, do you want to eat noodles?”


Bai Ruyu replied very naturally: “Eat.”


“Huh? You didn’t cook small wontons.”


Bai Ruyu smiled: “I cooked it for you.”


Cheng Yichi was surprised: “How do you know I like it? Thank you.”


Cheng Yichi doesn’t know who likes him now, and his memory after being drunk last night is not very clear.


But he is very willing to approach Bai Ruyu, thinking that Bai Ruyu is not dangerous.


After all, he sent a message before, only Bai Ruyu never sent it to him.


Of course, no one in the house felt that Bai Ruyu was dangerous.


He thought about it: “Let’s cook eight bowls first. Qi Jing went to watch the basketball game yesterday. But last night, when I got down to pour water at two or three o’clock, I saw that he was still playing games in the esports room and replaying the game. He will definitely sleep a little longer this morning, so he won’t be ready.”


Bai Ruyu didn’t care about Qi Jing staying up late to play games, what he noticed was that Cheng Yi Chi woke up at two or three o’clock: “Did it happen last night? Are you comfortable?”


“Okay.” Cheng Yichi touched his forehead, “Last night in the garden, the humidity was too heavy and I caught a cold. I drank a little more, and my mouth was dry, so I just went down and got a glass of water to drink.”


Bai Ruyu directly reached out and touched Cheng Yichi’s forehead, Cheng Yichi didn’t respond, he shrank back, and was stopped by Bai Ruyu: “Be obedient, now come here.”


He touched his forehead, his palms were warm, and his forehead temperature was fine, so there should be no fever.


“I won’t let you drink next time.”


Cheng Yi Chi thought he was joking, and smiled to please: “I will pay attention next time!”


Bai Ruyu’s expression was very serious: “Take care of yourself, you know?”


“Clear!” In fact, Cheng Yichi quite likes the feeling of being ordered around, and besides, he also likes Bai Ruyu, so naturally he is willing to be ordered by him.


Of course, it’s just a friend’s liking.


Then the conversation turned back to breakfast.


“Gu Zechen doesn’t need to prepare anymore. He’s already gone.”


“So early?” Cheng Yichi looked at the time, just after eight o’clock, of course it’s not early, but Cheng Yichi got up at half past six o’clock, and he didn’t see Gu Zechen after he got up, which means that he really left early.


Bai Ruyu nodded: “He seems to be busy lately. He doesn’t even let the hospital give him a holiday. He only took a few days off before going to work.”


“Being a doctor is really hard.” Cheng Yichi thought thoughtfully .


“Yes, so they may not be able to take care of the family as much in the future.” Bai Ruyu is quite right, there will be gains and losses.


Gu Zechen has made great achievements at a young age, but it is certain that he is busy. Every day the hospital After saving so many people, Gu Zechen was often the last to come back.


The audience still remembered the lost CP, and sighed:


[It’s a very realistic question, maybe Bai Meiren and Gu Zechen are not actually suitable. ]


[Are you sure they broke up because of this issue? ]


[+1, are you sure they didn’t break it because Mr. Gu was interested in Cheng Ying-di? ]


[I’m speechless. The cp can’t be broken, it’s not like they’ve been together from the start. I really support Bai Meiren and Cheng Meiren together! ]


[Upstairs you’re going to get kicked out! ]


The program team cut the first episode two days ago. The first episode was the first day. It was a very long episode, and it was very interesting. It was broadcast directly last night. Sure enough, the response was excellent!


In the program broadcast last night, everyone found that in fact, on the first day, everyone did not have so many single arrows against Cheng Yichi.


Even in the evening vote, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding to bypass Cheng Yichi. There were only two people choosing him personally makes them even more curious.


What is the reason? The situation in the Shura field has changed drastically in just five days.


However, in the first issue, Bai Ruyu’s single arrow to Gu Zechen can be seen by many people. Some people ridiculed Bai Ruyu as “a licking dog, nothing?”, and others said that Gu Zechen was a “scumbag”, and he kept hanging on others if he didn’t like it.


In simple terms, the discussion rate is very high, but the people in the house don’t care much.


They all know that within a month of being in WHO’S THE LIAR, as long as they don’t open accounts on social platforms, they won’t have much enthusiasm.


Besides, the people they come into contact with in their usual work are also quite understanding, and they won’t gossip and talk behind their backs.


In a word, many people also think: people are amateurs, and everyone has a different attitude towards love. What does it have to do with you?


But the audiences who have a preference for Gu Zechen and audiences who have a preference for Bai Ruyu watch this way, think that the other party is not pleasing to the eye towards each other.


They were called each other in-law two days ago, but today they become opposite families, similar to the fan circle.


But because they’re not fans, just people who eat melon fun, their battlefield is not Weibo but major posts and barrages.


The other viewers who posted the barrage happily eat melons. Anyway, their wishes are not important, but the will of the crowd is the most important.


Bai Ruyu brought the small wontons to the table, and helped Cheng Yichi with the clear soup noodles. He smelled the aroma in his nostrils, which was strong and fragrant: “It’s delicious!”


Cheng Yichi smiled embarrassedly: “I can only make this bowl of noodles, you can try it.”

You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com


Bai Ruyu chewed the noodles and ate them slowly, which was pleasing to the eyes. He smiled and praised: “It’s really delicious, there are tastes of home. It’s very warm.”


“Are you guys having breakfast?” Wei Buyan came over, took a chair and sat down beside Bai Ruyu, said with a smile, “It smells so good.”


The clothes he wore today are a champagne gold satin shirt. It is very attractive and can attract attention from a distance. It may be customary for ordinary people to wear it, but Wei Buyan wears it on his body, and he just wears a kind of wind flu.


Someone on the Internet has taken stock of the clothes that Wei Buyan wears.


These clothes have one thing in common: conspicuous.


Everyone thinks it is the most eye-catching color, but Wei Buyan likes to wear it, and it strangely looks good on him.


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Cheng Yichi brought his face over to him: “Here, be careful of the heat.”


“And my share?” Wei Buyan was surprised, “Thank you Yi Chi.”


“I’ve wanted to do it for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to thank everyone for taking care of me during this time.”


Bai Ruyu He Wei Buyan stopped eating noodles.


What does this mean?


“Are you leaving?” Wei Buyan put down his chopsticks and stared at Cheng Yichi.


“No.” Cheng Yichi didn’t feel that this sentence was like saying goodbye. He was just on a whim and wanted to thank everyone. It was quite straightforward.


“That’s good.” The two didn’t say anything, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts.


Neither of the two people present had a strong emotional entanglement with Cheng Yichi, and Cheng Yichi was quite comfortable with them both.


Although Wei Buyan sometimes said that he wanted to chase him, this person also likes Tang Yinuo and Bai Ruyu, so he probably just likes to be provocative.


Not to mention Bai Ruyu, if possible, Cheng Yichi would like to follow him on the show!


“Do you have any plans for today?” After eating, Wei Buyan put the tableware and chopsticks into the dishwasher, and asked Cheng Yichi as he moved. Cheng Yichi remembered Duan Qingsi’s invitation to an art exhibition and was very moved.


“I want to see the art exhibition.”


Before Wei Buyan didn’t say anything, Bai Ruyu said first: “Can I go together? I want to get myself a day off today, want to find inspiration.”


“Of course! “Cheng Yichi couldn’t ask for more.




In the afternoon, Duan Qingsi was directly waiting for them at the exhibition. There are not many people, but the style of painting is very characteristic.


Cheng Yichi happily separated from them and went to see the paintings by themselves.


Bai Ruyu didn’t look at the the nature of portraits. Instead, he paid attention to the temperament of the pedestrians in the exhibition, looking for inspiration. Wei Buyan also had what they like so the three divided into three separate ways.


Cheng Yichi couldn’t walk anymore.


He is standing in front of a pair of “The Closed Man”.


The painting is of a man in a hospital suit that seems to be amusing himself. He bends himself into a ball trying to find his own fun.


He feels that the eyes of the twisted person inside are frightened, so twisted that they no longer have their own consciousness. Maybe he is suffering from illness, maybe he is not sick, but his inner world has collapsed.


However, the overall effect was very shocking. Cheng Yichi couldn’t help reaching for it, and then he stopped his hand in mid-air.


So sad.


From a distance, Duan Qingsi saw Cheng Yichi froze there, with an inexplicable expression. He was in the dark, but the tears in the corners of his eyes were very confusing.


So he stopped and just looked at him. The person next to him was the one who followed Duan Qingsi last time.


He whispered: “Mr. Cheng Xiao would be very happy to know that you are holding this exhibition for him.”


“No need.”


Duan Qingsi really understands many of Cheng Yichi’s preferences, most of which are heard from his father.


He just listened indifferently to Cheng’s father who actually only said “the son of the incompetent” on the surface, but in fact the meaning of praise came out. He remembered it all.


Many rides are based on pool preferences. He always thought it was strange to do this, a little too focused on one person.


But he had to admit that in the dead of night, he was thinking about Cheng Yichi, thinking about this boy, it seemed that his troubles had also been swept away, and all that was left was happiness and peace of mind.


Duan Qingsi has always been a fair person. He drew happiness from Cheng Yichi and returned it in the same way.


If the process is not followed, he would know all along.


Wei Buyan also has a little sense of appreciation.


Cheng Yichi prefers paintings and pictures with people that are more empathetic. If he really wants to talk about skills and brushwork, he can’t express much about it.


While Wei Buyan looks at painting, he first looks at the structure, the layout, and the style of the painting. He has also scouted some ancient calligraphy and painting, which is quite appreciated.


He walked slowly to Cheng Yichi’s side: “You like this kind of painting.”


“Yes.” Cheng Yichi couldn’t bear to turn his eyes, “I feel that he is in great pain and wants to break free, but still can’t do anything that he wants.”


Wei Buyan agreed and watched along with him. He said he was looking at paintings, but most of his eyes were on Cheng Yichi.


It is a feeling to be watched by others, but Cheng Yichi noticed the gaze that had been on him no matter how concentrated he was, and turned around and asked him with a smile, “Why are you looking at me?”


Wei Buyan answered very frankly: “Because you look good?”


“Okay. Let’s go find the others.” The more honest the words were, the more Cheng Yichi accepted them. He was not shy.


When passing a painting, Wei Buyan suddenly stopped.


Cheng Yichi turned his face sideways and looked at him suspiciously.


Wei Buyan said, “Do you know which painting I like the most?”


Cheng Yichi shook his head.


Wei Buyan motioned him to look at the picture next to Cheng Yichi: A man walking alone with bare feet in a field of flowers. The sun is very thick, pouring on him, with a wreath on his head, as if coming down to play with the little angel and the whole person is glowing.


Cheng Yichi doesn’t have any special appreciation on things that are too beautiful.


However, he found that there were the most people around the painting. Whether it was the impasto technique used in the painting, or the eyes of the man, the characters and the story behind it, they all tended to be perfect and liked.


It seems that everyone is like this. The more they lack something, the more they pay attention to it. Cheng Yichi doesn’t like it, but Wei Buyan likes it very much.


So Wei Buyan: “I like this one the most.


He turned around, his eyes were very sincere: “He is very similar to you.”


Duan Qingsi was chatting with Bai Ruyu, and was waiting for Cheng Yichi and the others to come over.


Duan Qingsi always gives people a sense of alienation when he speaks, which may be related to his upbringing since childhood. The words he says are very comfortable, but he rarely talks about his own emotions.


Bai Ruyu found that after Cheng Yichi came over, the smile on Duan Qingsi’s face became more genuine.


It can’t be said that the previous smile was a fake smile, only that compared with the later one, it was somewhat distant.


“How was the exhibition? Did you like it?”


“Hmm!” Cheng Yichi’s face was red with excitement. He liked this exhibition very much.


Almost all of them were portraits. There was even a complete story behind each painting. It was entirely Duan Qingsi’s style.


He thought of the birds in the Hundred Birds Garden and the exhibits in the film exhibition. Cheng Yichi had to admit that Duan Qingsi thoroughly enjoyed his tastes.


However, he didn’t read the stories behind each painting. He likes this kind of thing, and he likes it more because he is immersed in fantasy.


Some things, if you see them too clearly, they lose their original beauty.


“Let’s just eat out today. Before I left, I left a note for Qi Jing and asked him to tell everyone.”


“What if he didn’t see it?” Bai Ruyu asked.


Cheng Yichi said firmly: “Impossible, he will definitely see it.”


In the house, when Qi Jing turned over in a daze, he always felt that something was scratching his face, which made him uncomfortable.


He slept soundly, struggled for a while to wake up from his sleep, reached out and touched his forehead, and sure enough he touched a piece of paper.


Qi Jing was a little angry when he woke up.


The club knew that Qi Jing, who had just woken up, was the worst offender. He was simply the devil alive: “Which crazy person put this on my head…”


He angrily took off the note and saw: Xiao Jing, I, Ruyu, Buyan, and Brother Qingsi went out. I shouldn’t be back for dinner tonight. Please let everyone know, thank you!


The harsh words stuck in his throat.


Qi Jing will look at the note over and over again, smell it again, it is indeed his brother’s smell, and he has been troubled since getting up: “How can I keep my brother’s note?”


“By the way, why did my brother go out without calling me,” Qi Jing felt wronged. The big man of 1.8 meters rolled up on the bed, like a girl waiting for her lover to come back, “I don’t need to sleep.”


He was not happy with directly questioning my brother, and finally he had to console himself:


“But it’s okay, my brother left a note for me. He didn’t forget me, he definitely still cares about me!”

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