I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 23: 23

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Chapter 23: Feelings Revealed


The audience in the live broadcast room was still admiring the handsome guy’s face one moment, but the next second the screen suddenly went out.


Oh, ten o’clock? It seems it’s time for them to leave… 


A ghost! 


The broadcast was closed so early, unexpectedly.


There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, but the fact that Cheng Yichi is gay seems to be a definite thing.


For years since his debut, he has neither had any scandals nor talked about his ideal type. The only time he had a love experience that seemed to have nothing to do with it, as it was only to kiss the heroine of the movie Gauze. He was a bit stubborn, and stunned the staff back then.


But he really rarely does emotional dramas. 


So he began to speculate on the Internet: Is it because Cheng Yichi himself is gay, so there is an obstacle to the emotional drama between men and women? Was it difficult for him to get into?


If Cheng Yichi heard these words, he would probably be speechless: he wanted to play some emotional scenes, especially the kind of adult ambiguity, but unfortunately the director wouldn’t let him. 


The directors are all very good. At a glance, it can be seen that he is playing is not a real lover. 


If Cheng Yichi plays this role, the superficial skills must be done well, but there are more deep core parts inside that he couldn’t dig it out.


Cheng Yichi doesn’t believe in evil, so he deliberately put on a mask and went to the hospital for observation for a few days.


As a result, he was recognized by the marketing account and spread rumors about his health.


His fans told him: Don’t try too hard, your life matters. 


Cheng Yichi didn’t know if he should cry or laugh.


But the idea of ​​acting in a romantic drama was dismissed. 


The agent said to him: When did you fall in love, what will you show? Cheng Yichi, you have to learn to love people first.


However, he didn’t expect that all these would become evidence that he was gay on the Internet, but he couldn’t refute it.


Cheng Yichi had a big heart, so after the broadcast safely, he took a bath and lay on his little bed to do yoga. 


He is in good shape. Not only does he exercise, but he also does some other exercises in bed before going to bed. He doesn’t need to send heart messages tonight, he is in a good mood!


But Cheng Yichi, the manager outside the hut, was about to die of worry. 



He didn’t understand what Cheng Yichi was doing. He told him not to participate in a variety show. As a result, he not only participated, but also did a liar. 


Now, both of them are interested in him. It seems that he is gay on the Internet. They have also reached an agreement, and the agents can imagine how many people will scold Yichi in the final truth broadcast schedule of the show.


Doesn’t he know that the character liar is annoying? Especially on the premise that the other guests are excellent, this means that they have directly deceived other people’s feelings.


The broker was so anxious that he turned around and called the little grandfather.


After a long time, the phone was picked up.


“Little ancestor, you finally answer the phone.”


Cheng Yichi reached down and hugged his leg: “Hey, Brother Wang, what’s the matter?”


“Look at what’s being said on the Internet now, if they know you’re not a liar then, you won’t be scolded to death!”


Cheng Yichi said indifferently, “It’s okay.” 


After speaking, he changed his posture and continued to press his legs, “Anyway, Liar will be scolded.”


“Others are scolded, It would be better for me to be scolded. Everyone else is an amateur, but you’re a public figure who is willing to accept criticism and responsibilities from the public.”


Cheng Yichi said, “Others are also pitiful to be scolded, and it’s not that I have never been scolded before. It’s alright.”


Brother Wang was stunned.


After a while, his low voice came from the microphone: “Then do whatever you want, Yichi. Are you having fun?”


“Don’t worry, Brother Wang.”


Cheng Yichi hung up the phone. Although the previous information and tonight’s Truth or Dare scared him, he really had a lot of friends here. 


Everyone is very good, everyone is excellent and charming, and it must be a very happy thing to be liked by them. 


Cheng Yichi thought: If that person is not me? Even better!


Idle, bored, eleven o’clock, and didn’t want to go to bed yet, Cheng Yichi simply turned on Fufu TV to watch the voting arranged by the program group.


Fortunately, I am not the first. is the second.


But Li Yi was the first.


To be honest, Cheng Yichi doesn’t dare to date Li Yi anymore. If only Bai Ruyu, Tang Yinuo or Fang Yunshi could be assigned? Well, he doesn’t know why, Cheng Yichi always feels extra safe around them, it’s strange.


Cheng Yichi narrowed his eyes in a daze. The phone slid down along with his hand, and landed on the side of the pillow – he fell asleep.




When he woke up the next day, most of the people had already left. Cheng Yichi was sound asleep. The ten o’clock live broadcast period had already passed. 


He looked at the bottom of Weibo, and sure enough, some people were complaining that they couldn’t see bim in the morning.


Cheng Yichi thought: I’m not actually working, I’m resting, so I have to sleep well.


He washed up, went downstairs to the kitchen, and saw Qi Jing-zheng put the instant noodles on the table. 


The inside was still the deluxe version, with an egg, a sausage, and some mustard greens.


“Do you eat these in the morning?” Cheng Yichi reminded aloud. 


E-sports players like Qi Jing, although their work and rest are reversed day and night, they are very irregular. They sleep at random every day and wake up at random.


The only thing that is not random is their attitude towards e-sports. All the time was in the game, and now he was eating such unhealthy food, Cheng Yichi was a little worried.


Qi Jing probably hadn’t woken up yet. He was hungry and got up to eat. He didn’t know it was Cheng Yichi who was calling him. The anger between his eyebrows was very strong. 


He turned around impatiently: “What’s your business…”


When he saw that it was Cheng Yichi, the words he spit out were stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t spit them out.


Cheng Yichi frowned, and Qi Jing thought worriedly: Shouldn’t he be angry?


The child changed quickly, and immediately became obedient. At nineteen years old, he was obviously half a head taller than Cheng Yichi, and he was also a surly type, but Cheng Yichi somehow felt that he loved him.


“Brother Yichi.” Qi Jing curled his lips, pretending to be wronged, “I’m hungry.”


Cheng Yichi smelled the smell of instant noodles and thought about it: “It’s unhealthy, why don’t I cook noodles for you?”


“Okay!” Qi Jing laughed, no matter how rich the instant noodles, no, it should be said that the richest delicacies are better than the noodles cooked by Yichi himself.



Cheng Yichi doesn’t make much food, but he is best at cooking noodles and fried eggs. 


After he came here, thanks to Bai Ruyu, Fang Yunshi and Li Yi took turns feeding him, he didn’t even remember the little cooking skill be had. 


The clear soup noodles he cooks are fragrant, not greasy at all. The fried soft eggs are tender and yellow, and placed on the clear soup noodles, they are delicious and beautiful.


Wearing an apron, he gently stirred the noodles with chopsticks in one hand, and took the egg next to him with the other hand. He was warm and peaceful.


Qi Jing watched him closely, didn’t speak. He just watched him cook noodles. Qi Jing enjoyed staying with Cheng Yichi like this, even if he didn’t say anything, the time was gentle and comfortable.


“Okay.” Cheng Yichi served the top, and he was still very satisfied. He thought he could cook it for others next time. He should thank everyone for taking care of him during this time.


Qi Jing picked up a piece of noodles with chopsticks, didn’t bite, and went in a small mouthful, Cheng Yichi didn’t care, and said, “Xiao Jing, I’ll make a call first, you can eat slowly.”


“Okay.” Qi Jing ate slowly and slowly, he couldn’t help recalling what he looked like when he first met Cheng Yichi. 


At that time, Cheng Yichi was already an excellent actor. However, he was thin, small and malnourished at the time.


It seems a bit humiliating in retrospect.


While thinking about it, Qi Jing slowly chewed two bites of noodles. He was reluctant to eat it in one go. 


He smelled the heat from the noodles, and he felt very warm in his heart, as if Cheng Yichi had given him it back then. Like the very first bowl of noodles he had ever had.


He really likes Cheng Yichi.




Cheng Yichi was on the phone with Jiang Heng, he just suddenly remembered that he promised Jiang Heng to go to the basketball game today.



“I’m sorry, I slept today. Your basketball game hasn’t started yet, right?”


Jiang Heng had no expectations. Although he would play in the afternoon, he was just talking about it the day before. He was annoyed when he saw Cheng Yichi hadn’t woken up but he didn’t dare to disturb Cheng Yichi’s sleep, so he went to class silently.


Jiang Heng’s voice became excited when he received a call from Cheng Yichi.


“You remember?”


Cheng Yichi smiled and said, “Yes, I still remember!


“What time do you have in the afternoon? The basketball game?”


“Five o’clock…Are you coming?”


“Of course I will come.” Cheng Yichi said, “I have never broken my promise.”


Although Jiang Heng has always liked Cheng Yichi, he never sent a heartwarming text message to Cheng Yichi the first two times, and the third time he was forced by those people’s Shura field


He wanted to express his admiration. 


But he himself knew that his love for Cheng Yichi had always been illusory, and it was difficult for him to confess clearly.


Was it Cheng Yichi’s mature bearing that attracted him, or the title of actor, or the role he had seen before?


But now, that feeling seems to have materialized somewhat.


“By the way, I may take a little friend, but he may not go either.”


“Little friend?” Jiang Heng wondered, “Is Brother Yichi’s relative?”


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“You know it too.” Cheng Yichi, the riddler, hung up the phone.


“Brother, are you going out this afternoon?” Qi Jing asked curiously when he saw that Cheng Yichi had already put on his shoes and was ready to go out with an umbrella.


Cheng Yichi knew that Qi Jing was going to ask him, turned around, and smiled: “Well, I’m going to watch Jiang Heng’s basketball game.”




Qi Jing squinted, unconsciously, his tone full of jealousy: “Brother and Jiang Heng have a good relationship.”


There is still a little bit of yin and yang.


Cheng Yichi was amused by him and looked at Qi Jing being unhappy. He had to cough twice, he could barely stopped his laughter: “Cough, cough, then can I invite Qi Jing to come with me?”


Qi Jing His eyes lit up, but he hesitated. 


If you don’t fight for a day in e-sports, you will become unfamiliar…


However, Cheng Yichi said, “It’s not bad for a while, don’t you just play games every day in the club? Your body won’t work much. After going out for a lap, maybe you’ll feel better when you come back.”


Qi Jing’s club does have a gym, but few people go there. Qi Jing is the most diligent, exercising for 20 minutes every day. 


He is young so it’s easy to be plastic, and after persevering, he will be able to build muscles and his body will be very good.


But the rest of the club eat supper at night, not eat in the morning, eat a lot at noon, and finally don’t go to the gym.


No wonder most e-sports players have fat hands.


Qi Jing remembered Cheng Yichi’s self-discipline, nodded his head, and followed Cheng Yichi’s tail like a little tail.


He is about 1.8 meters tall, but he obediently follows behind Cheng Yichi. It is very contrasting and cute. 


Cheng Yichi bends his lips and smiles, puts on a mask, and tidies Qi Jing’s collar. He went out.


What Qi Jing thought was: I can finally date my brother.


However, Cheng Yichi always felt that he was taking care of children.




XX school large basketball court.


Jiang Heng wore a fiery red No. 7 basketball uniform, looking even more outstanding among the youthful male college students.    


A tall, lanky boy was standing with Jiang Heng, his hand on his shoulders. Smirking, he said to others, “He’s so overboard today. I don’t know which sweetheart is coming, but he even sprayed perfume. Kill me already. Is there anyone who sprays perfume before playing basketball?”


You are reading story I’m a Straight Man in BL Love at novel35.com

“No,” Feeling his pride stung, Jiang Heng threw the boy’s hand that was relying on his shorter height, and said, “Get away, don’t keep being so close to me.”


“Hey.” The boy got angry, “Don’t touch me? why didn’t you tell me when I took your shoulders before.”     


Jiang Heng was a little annoyed: “Then don’t do this anymore.”   


“Here!” As he was talking, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to see the long-awaited person finally coming. 


Although Cheng Yichi was wearing a mask and hat, he still recognized it and greeted him happily.


I didn’t expect Cheng Yichi to drag a small child behind him.     


Jiang Heng was dumbfounded: “Brother, this is what you call a small…friend?”     


Qi Jing didn’t look like a child here.     


Qi Jing faced Jiang Heng, who had sprayed perfume, and deliberately showed his muscles, trying to exude male hormones. 


He looked disdainful, but when he turned around, he changed his appearance when he acted like a spoiled child to Cheng Yichi: “Brother, Why don’t you come to see him?”     


Cheng Yichi didn’t answer, but this sentence made Jiang Heng happy: “Yes, kid, your brother came to see me play basketball.”     


“Okay.” Cheng Yichi said, “I agreed yesterday to watch your competition, so I definitely came. Xiao Jing’s body needs to strengthen his exercise. I took him out for activities by the way.”     


Qi Jing was not very happy when he heard that he was just passing by. But he never lost his temper with Cheng Yichi, so he said, “Brother, let’s go to the auditorium and wait for Brother Jiang Heng.”


“Alright.” Cheng Yichi nodded, “Come on, Xiao Heng! I’ll bring you water when the time comes.”


Jiang Heng suddenly heard himself being called “brother”, goosebumps arose.


Qi Jing and Li Yi The two of them have always been representatives of the double-faced team in their small house, but Li Yi is only a double-standard.


But Qi Jing changes his face every time, Jiang Heng doesn’t understand, Cheng Yichi hasn’t found out that Qi Jing is doing it deliberately.


Are you pretending? How can you eat him like this.


However, there is another possibility, Cheng Yichi found out, but still eats his act.


Jiang Heng looked at the back of the two as they walked away for a while, until the other boy patted him on the shoulder: “What are you doing here stupidly?”


Without speaking, he turned back and walked onto his own battlefield.


This match must be played well!




“Ahhhhh! Jiang Heng is so handsome!!!” The boy on the court, dripping with sweat, looked at the auditorium, and he saw the off-white figure and waved to him.




The girl sitting in front of Cheng Yichi cried louder!


“He’s waving at me!” Cheng Yichi’s ear was good, and when he heard it, he pushed Qi Jing and wanted to sit next to him, so that he wouldn’t spy on other people’s privacy. 


The girl’s friend complained: “Come on, He’s from “Who’s the Liar” show that become a hit as soon as it was launched. He likes boys, don’t you know?”


“I know, I thought it was because Jiang Heng knew about me being a cp fan.” 


Her friend thought that she was being a pretentious.


No one would remember an ordinary cp fan, but she couldn’t help being excited and shouted: “Jiang Heng, come on, ah ah ah! Win the game and win Glory and take Mr. Cheng!”


“I’ll go bankrupt to buy your shares!!!”


Cheng Yichi, who was sitting in the back, gradually lost his expression: Take… What does take Mr. Cheng mean?


Qi Jing’s face was dark, and he was already sitting far away, yet he could still hear them. Why do some people knock that fool and brother’s cp, and no one knocks himself and brother’s?


“Sit further away, otherwise the viewing effect will not be good, brother.”


Cheng Yichi looked at Qi Jing who was sitting in the corner, and then looked at the basketball court that was obviously deviated from the center.


Cheng Yichi watched the ball. Every time Jiang Heng made a shot, he couldn’t help but jumped like a kangaroo, clenched his fist in his hand, and looked very excited.


Qi Jing glanced at him secretly, but every time he waited for Cheng Yichi to turn his gaze back, he turned back again.


He heard Cheng Yichi sighing behind him, and his tone was still very gentle: “Why are you so angry, Xiao Jing.”


Qi Jing thought: Maybe I’m being a little pampered or arrogant. But his heart was beating so hard that he couldn’t control it.




During the intermission, Qi Jing was sent by Cheng Yichi to buy water.


Cheng Yichi frowned for a while looking at the changing team players on the field. He can’t play basketball, but there’s something wrong with this game. 


The highlights and hits in this game are basically Jiang Heng. I can be said that Jiang Heng is at home ground, so the defence of the opponent’s players has also become a dead end for Jiang Heng, not letting him have an opportunity.


But not long after this defence, Jiang Heng’s movements obviously slowed down. Although he was still shooting three-pointers, the surrounding defence caught him off guard and made it difficult to fight, so he passed the ball to his teammates. .


After a while, that teammate slipped a circle of basketball in his hand and passed it back.


Jiang Heng was so angry that he wanted to hit his teammates.


This teammate was added on a temporary basis, he was small, and his jumping ability was very good, but he was let on.


Who would have known that he was trapped, and when the ball came back, the opponent didn’t block it.


When the ball was passed to Jiang Heng, he was surrounded like a mouse surrounded by a cat.


Jiang Heng looked at these people with cold eyes, laughed. Suddenly he took the ball and made a fake move and faltered, causing the other party to become confused.


It’s now! 


Jiang Heng took the ball from the other side, took off with force on his left foot, and jumped up, stretched his right arm up with one hand. He hanged on the basket, and hit it!


There was a burst of warm applause!


At this moment, Jiang Heng suddenly hit the ground when he landed. The sound of the audience stopped abruptly.


Only the player who hit the ball held the ball with one hand and smiled: “Brother, I’m sorry, you hit the ball when you came down. When it comes to me, I can’t dodge, can I?”


Jiang Heng who injured his leg, was gasping for air, unable to pronounce a single sound. His eyes were also blurred, and he couldn’t see what was in front of him. It was too painful to be hit like this.


He couldn’t stand up.


Suddenly, an angry voice sounded, and he hardly recognized it. He had been very gentle before: “Clear everyone around, don’t touch him, the ambulance will arrive soon.”


“And you,” Cheng Yichi shook. Shaking the mobile phone in his hand, he tilted his head and smiled sharply: “Although intentionally hurting someone during a ball game does not constitute criminal liability. Guess what, do you think you can still participate in basketball games in the future?”


“By the way, there is also compensation, I will contact your parents and counselor.”




Jiang Heng was already in the hospital when he woke up.


Cheng Yichi was outside on the phone. It was Qi Jing who was sitting beside the bed reading a magazine. When he saw him wake up, he twitched the corner of his mouth: “Woke up?”


Jiang Heng was really unlucky.


“Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt the bones, just take care of it.”


“Thank you.”


The moment Cheng Yichi’s voice sounded, a very cliché thought suddenly flashed in his mind, or was Bai Ruyu joking? 


A: If you can’t solve it yourself, you’ll have to wait for your Prince Charming to rescue you.


Jiang Heng thought: Is this coincidence?


“I won’t quit, I’ll go back in about two weeks.”


“Whatever you want.” Qi Jing flipped a page of the magazine and said casually, “It doesn’t matter if you quit or not, I just like him and Yes.”


Jiang Heng was actually a little curious: “Why do you always pretend to be good in front of him?” 


“I’m not pretending.”


“Huh?” Jiang Heng was puzzled.


However, Qi Jing gradually blushed: “I just wanted to be good to him.”




“Jiang Heng was injured today?” 


At night, Cheng Yichi was not in the living room, he fled to the garden outside and vomited..


Tone, there is no camera here, relatively much freer. Bai Ruyu’s hand came from behind him, squeezed Cheng Yichi’s shoulder, and asked, “You’ve worked hard, we all know.”


“No.” Cheng Yichi felt a little uncomfortable, “I asked his classmate later. He won’t usually be like this when playing, it was only the day I went that he was injured.”


“It’s not your fault.” Bai Ruyu warmly advised.


 “I know.” It’s rare that Cheng Yichi didn’t say anything today, he was holding a bottle of wine, he took a sip, his headache got better, “but I always thought that I was also a reason, I always thought that if I If you don’t go, he won’t…”


“You are the most rational.” Bai Ruyu said with a smile, “Why would you use other people’s mistakes to punish yourself today?”


Cheng Yichi took a sip of wine and got a little drunk. His eyes were full of water. He was very beautiful in the moonlight.


“Qi Jing went to him and watched him play basketball.”


“Huh?” Cheng Yichi slapped his face and looked at Bai Ruyu in surprise, his actions seemed to be slow for a few seconds, slow down, as if he was just slow to react beautiful little baby bear.


“Didn’t you see that they both like you?” It felt inaccurate, and Bai Ruyu added, “To be precise, they both have a good opinion of you.”


“Men, even if they are teenagers, There is also a competitive spirit in the bones, especially in front of the people you like and rivals in love, you are more willing to show your best side.”


“Is that so.” Cheng Yichi has a special place? Nodding his head, three seconds later, he was shocked again, “What did you just say? All of them like me?”


Bai Ruyu: … 


The response is so slow.


“It shouldn’t be…” Cheng Yichi couldn’t understand, “How long have they known me?”


“So? It’s just a good impression.” Bai Ruyu smiled, “Yichi, how attractive do you think you are? I would actually suspect this.”


Cheng Yichi felt wronged: “No, I really didn’t expect—”


“I treat them as sons, and they actually… actually think me as…”


“Okay, okay.” Bai Ruyu Hurry up and interrupt Cheng Yichi before he says anything earth-shattering truth. 


But he couldn’t help but coax him: “Then you know now.”


Cheng Yichi played with his fingers and nodded. Then he kept playing with his fingers.


“Many people in this small house are interested in you.” Bai Ruyu said, “Don’t doubt yourself, Yichi.”


Cheng Yichi continued to nod his head, put his hands in a circle and put them in front of his eyes and look at the round moon, and laughed, “Round!” 


The cuteness is dead. Bai Ruyu couldn’t help but rub his hair.


In fact, he should count as 0.5, but for Cheng Yichi, he should be able to be 1.


“What about you?” Cheng Yichi asked suddenly.


Bai Ruyu didn’t react: “What?”


“What about you?” Cheng Yichi suddenly smiled, and then asked, “Will you also have feelings for me?”


Bai Ruyu looked at him. His lips were beautifully red, moist and attractive.


“Of course.” His voice became lower.


“Really?” Cheng Yichi glanced at him lightly, then smiled, “Then get closer, I’ll tell you a secret.”


Bai Ruyu swallowed, only known online that he is a gentle beauty, naturally thought he was not offensive, even Cheng Yichi trusted him so much. 


He couldn’t help a little, his throat rolled, and he let out a sigh.


This kind of feeling is too wonderful and novel. Cheng Yichi got closer and closer to Bai Ruyu, 


Bai Ruyu stared at his lips for a long time, and finally only pressed two fingers against Cheng Yichi’s lips, not letting him go any further.


“Why?” Cheng Yichi was dissatisfied.


“When you’re drunk, you should go to bed and not disturb others.” 


Bai Ruyu sent Cheng Yichi, who had become a puddle of water, back to his room, and helped him shut the door thoughtfully, then walked to the bathroom.


He looked at the finger that touched Yichi for a long time

—then, he slowly put the place that touched Cheng Yichi’s lip into his mouth, and slowly grinded it until a red mark was sucked out of that place.


At the same time he closed his eyes.


I’m sorry, Ze Chen, I can’t help you anymore.

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