I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 32: 33

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Chapter 33: Detecting Intentions


Cheng Yichi was very uncomfortable, he tried to shrink his feet, and whispered, “It’s dirty, I’ll be fine later, no need to rub.”


Li Yi looked at his plump and tender toes, thinking: how can it be dirty? 


But he couldn’t say it, for fear of scaring Cheng Yichi, so he said, “If the cramp is not rubbed away, it will come back later.” 


He said very seriously, Cheng Yichi’s entire leg was numb just now, and he couldn’t stand up at all. He had no choice but to ask Li Yi to help him knead.


Straight men can do a lot of things, and some straight men even help each other. Of course, that doesn’t include Cheng Yichi, but he doesn’t feel anything else about hooking up.


But “rubbing feet” is so weird.


Cheng Yichi didn’t know if it was his own psychological reaction.


It seems that with a single kick, it can directly hit Li Yi’s heart, which is really strange.


And…everyone around is watching them.


    [Little Wolf is rubbing jiojio for his wife, so caring. ]


    [Hahahaha, my wife’s desire to escape is obvious. His whole toes are hooked up! See, Is it really uncomfortable? ]


    [But there’s no way to do this. If jiojio doesn’t rub off, it will still cramp, and my wife will pinch it in pain~]


    [Hahahaha, I feel that other people’s eyes are so intense that I’m embarrassed to see my wife rubbing his feet to himself. Dying of laughter~ ]


“Okay.” Li Yi put down Cheng Yichi’s little leg, “Brother, try moving it.”


He doesn’t know how Li Yi pressed it, but when Cheng Yichi retracted his leg, he found that his foot was not numb at all: ” It doesn’t hurt at all?!”


“Thank you, Xiao Yi.” He exclaimed in surprise.


Then quickly went ashore and fled the place into the locker room.


After soaking for more than an hour, the skin becomes wrinkled after soaking again. Cheng Yichi changed into his normal clothes.


Because there was heating in the golden soup, he didn’t wear a down jacket for the time being, but only a thin sweater, which looked very gentle.


Gu Zechen, who had changed into his swimming trunks, was stunned for a moment: “Yichi, have you washed yourself?”


“Yeah!” Cheng Yichi didn’t say anything about his cramps, he just looked at Gu Zechen’s abdominal muscles and suddenly blew a whistle.


Like a cute little ruffian, he exclaimed:”Zechen, you are in good shape, I saw it when I was doing push-ups, I like it.” Cheng Yichi gave a thumbs up.


“Really?” Gu Zechen didn’t know where to put his hand. He just felt that it was strange, shy, and somehow showy and proud—


He said he liked it.


Cheng Yichi was dumbfounded: Really turned red so fast??




There is also a table next to the hot spring pool for them to eat some snacks during the hot spring bath, or they can order directly. All in all, the service was attentive. 


The others stayed in the pool for a while before they had finished soaking.


As soon as Cheng Yichi followed Gu Zechen out, he felt that the temperature had risen suddenly, and it was very hot.


Wearing a thin sweater, his face and neck oozes perspiration, it felt sticky and uncomfortable.


Gu Zechen looked at him and asked him, “Do you have any other clothes?”


He shook his head. Gu Zechen thought about it for a while and asked, “I brought two shirts, both of which have been washed, if you don’t dislike it…”


Cheng Yichi did not refuse, and followed him back to change the shirts. It was too hot after all.


Gu Zechen’s body frame is slightly larger than Cheng Yichi’s. Although Cheng Yichi has fitness and strength, he still looks delicate and beautiful, while Gu Zechen is taller than him, his shoulders are a little wider than his, and his waist is not as thin as his. 


Cheng Yichi was wearing Gu Zechen’s clothes, just like wearing a boyfriend’s shirt.


Gu Zechen looked at him and it turned red again. He was too sensitive and prone to redness. If his mood fluctuated, his whole body would turn red.


But Cheng Yichi had to admit: this looks pretty sexy.


They walked out together again.


Cheng Yichi said, “Go to the hot spring, don’t catch a cold.” He walked to the table and sat down, swiped with his mobile phone and ordered something to eat.


Gu Zechen nodded and walked towards the essential oil pool in Bai Ruyu.


    [Why did you go back just now?? Did you change your clothes?? What happened in the locker room? What I, a vip user, can’t watch???]


    [Damn, there is a man who can turn the whole upper body red to death, it feels like an allergy, but the redness is even and there is no small bumps, but it has a strange beauty. ]


    [Why is the wife wearing his boyfriend’s shirt? Damn, What did Gu Zechen see there that made him become so red? ]


    [Hee hee, maybe his wife is wearing his clothes? ]


“Why did Yichi go back to change clothes??” Bai Ruyu casually glanced at the shore and asked.


“He’s too hot, so I lent him my clothes.”


“Your clothes.” Bai Ruyu repeated softly.


“Yes.” Gu Zechen was a little embarrassed, but at this time he was soaking in the hot spring, and he could only see a red mark on his neck, spreading down.


Bai Ruyu smiled and said, “It’s good.”


Seeing that Cheng Yichi was no longer in the bath, Duan Qingsi also went up to change his clothes naturally. He was not used to soaking in hot springs in front of so many people, and it was just for the sake of Cheng Yichi.


Cheng Yichi thoughtfully ordered a cold drink for everyone, fearing that they would be too hot from the hot spring, and every cup was in line with everyone’s taste. After Duan Qingsi came out, he handed Duan Qingsi a cup of hot tea.


“Thank you, I like it very much.” Duan Qingsi took a sip, warmth melted into his heart. He put on the jade wrench again, tapped it, touched it again, and felt indescribably comfortable.


    [Chi Baozi is really good. He has only been with him for a few days, and he has remembered everyone’s preferences. He is really caring. ]


    [Hey, if it weren’t for the materials from the pool, I would be squatting here every day. Do I abuse myself in the live broadcast room? I’m girlfriend fans of Yichi and before I thought that their interaction was really emo, and now I feel that Yichi is so caring: he is still the boy I love. ]


    [Who is moved?? it’s me! If Yi Chi is straight, he should be very good at taking care of his girlfriend, right? Alas, how sad…]


    [? ? ? Now there are still wife’s girlfriend fans, you can call yourself such a cute wife fans? Or husband fans?]


Cheng Yichi ordered pasta, a platter of snacks, and slowly simmered the noodles. He likes this slow-paced life very much, but he also loves filming.


If it hadn’t happened, he should still be listening to the director and screenwriter on the set, or playing against the same crew, instead of cheating in this love variety show. He lowered his eyes, and his happy mood seemed to suddenly sink.


Duan Qingsi, who was sitting next to him, felt that something was wrong. He didn’t ask him, but just shook his right hand, and the warm temperature passed from his fingertips, which was very powerful.


Cheng Yichi raised his head and smiled at him.




They went back after eating outside. It was only two or three o’clock when they left, and it was already dark when they returned. In winter, it gets dark early and it’s very cold. Everyone wants to go to bed and go to bed early.


After soaking in the hot spring pool today, although it has been disinfected in the afternoon, everyone is not at ease. Once they go back, they will go to the bathroom to rinse it again.


Qi Jing obediently went to the e-sports room to play a training match. The afternoon was over, and the coach called him from his mobile phone, for fear that his hands would be rusty. 


Qi Jing himself knew that he had to practice more. It was not enough to win the world championship, he also had to win a grand slam. He just rushed, just grabbed some fast food, got into the gaming room and started staying up late.


Cheng Yichi looked a little distressed, and said to Bai Ruyu, “It’s hard work.”


“I’ll give Xiao Jimg some supper tonight.”


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Bai Ruyu said, “Okay, I’ll help you.”


In the bedroom, Cheng Yichi had already changed out of Gu Zechen’s clothes, ready to wash them before returning them to him. Bai Ruyu said: “You wash first or me first?”


“It’s okay.”


Bai Ruyu smiled: “Then you should go first, I’ll go to the hot red wine.”


It’s too cold today and the hot red wine warms the body.


Cheng Yichi made an “oh” sound, and his eyes were bright: “It’s amazing, I’m looking forward to it!”


“Then go and wash yourself.”


Cheng Yichi was urged by Bai Ruyu into the bathroom, always feeling as if he forgot. What, but when the shower head spilled the water, he couldn’t remember anything.


After washing, when he wiped his body with a towel, Cheng Yichi remembered: “Oh, I didn’t bring any clothes into the room.”


He tentatively called out, “Ruyu, are you there?”


“What’s the matter??” Bai Ruyu’s voice passed through the bathroom door, not really.


Cheng Yichi asked, “Can you help me get my clothes? Just get a top and underwear?”


Bai Ruyu found the clothes, opened the bathroom door and handed them over through a small slit. Cheng Yichi grabbed the clothes with thin white hands and said happily, “Thank you, Ruyu.” 


He breathed a sigh of relief and it was only when he put the clothes on himself that he realized that something was wrong.


It seems…the top is too long and doesn’t fit well, but the underwear is his own. Cheng Yichi remembered that he had a white shirt, but it shouldn’t be that big.


He walked out in confusion, saw Bai Ruyu sitting on the chair looking at his phone, and when he saw him coming out, Bai Ruyu raised his head and smiled: “Does it still fit?”


Bewildered, Cheng Yichi tore off his clothes: “It’s big, is it a washing machine?”


He went to his closet to search, and sure enough, he found the same clothes. So he turned his head to look at Bai Ruyu.


Bai Ruyu suddenly made a “sigh” sound, showing an apologetic expression: “I’m sorry, Yichi, my clothes are too similar to yours. I took it casually, but it turned out to be wrong?”


Cheng Yichi was stunned for a moment: “So I’m wearing your clothes now?”


Bai Ruyu nodded in embarrassment, but kept her eyes on Cheng Yichi: “I’ve washed it all, but that top is not often worn.” 


Cheng Yichi laughed: “It’s okay, I’m fine as long as you don’t mind me.”


Bai Ruyu brought the waem red wine to the table and said, “I’ve already given it to others just now, and Qi Jing eats small food. Biscuits, no alcohol. You can drink some too, to warm up your body.”


Cheng Yichi took a mulled red wine and took a sip. It was rich and mellow, with a little spicy taste of spice and sour taste of lemon. 


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Combined together, it was really good. Perfect for winter, just one sip and it warms all over the body.


He drank a few more sips, the red wine itself was not high enough, and the mulled red wine evaporated some of the alcohol in it, making him less likely to get drunk. 


As if the whole body was being roasted hot in the oven, in winter, the stove, roasting chicken, he felt like a little girl selling matches, seeing the winter in his fantasy.


Is he drunk again?


He drank very well.


After just sipping a few sips of wine, he put down the glass, climbed onto the bed, wrapped his arms around himself, buried his head on his chest, and remained motionless.


Bai Ruyu wasn’t sure if he was asleep or he was just drunk. He called out, “Yichi?”


Cheng Yichi raised his head and blinked. There was fog in his hazy eyes and buried his head again.


Bai Ruyu thought about it and asked him: “Yi Chi, how about I hug you to sleep?”


Cheng Yichi looked at him and pouted: “No, I didn’t take a bath.” 


It was the first time that Bai Ruyu caught Cheng Yichi disliking it but he didn’t care, so he went to the bathroom to wash it, and he was out in less than five minutes. 


He likes to be clean on weekdays, at least half an hour, but tonight it took him five minutes to wash, it can be seen that he is very urgent.


When he came out, he thought: If Yichi fell asleep, he would let him go. If he didn’t sleep, then…


After he came out, Cheng Yichi was still like that, lying on his stomach and didn’t speak.


Bai Ruyu called out softly, “Yichi?”


Cheng Yichi looked at him, didn’t say anything, and took the initiative to climb over and hug Bai Ruyu’s waist. Bai Ruyu didn’t expect Cheng Yichi to be so obedient, so he couldn’t help laughing lowly. 


He rubbed his hair twice, “Ok. Drinking red wine obediently, I think Chi Chi is really obedient. “


He thought about it for a while, and then said, “If you don’t wear Gu Zechen’s clothes next time, you will be more obedient.” Cheng Yichi got a headache from his persuasion.


He stretched out one hand and covered his mouth. His hand was soft and had no strength at all. The other hand was still on Bai Ruyu’s waist, ready to sleep.


Bai Ruyu smiled and said, “Okay, let’s go to bed.” He took off the hand that was on his lips, kissed the heart of his hand, and the back of his hand, and then held his hand on his own. 


The hands of the two are about the same size, but Cheng Yichi’s fingers are thinner, while Bai Ruyu’s is longer, clasping his fingers together, Bai Ruyu hugged Cheng Yichi and fell asleep.




The second day.


Cheng Yichi was a little stunned when he woke up.


He slept on Bai Ruyu’s bed again, and the person next to him had already left, and he tucked the quilt for him very intimately to prevent the cold wind from entering.


He drank red wine last night and had no headache, but Cheng Yichi’s feelings were a little complicated at this time.


Bai Ruyu took a glass of lemonade into the soup in a good mood. It was cold, with two pieces of rock candy in it. It was sour and sweet, and asked, “Awake?”


Cheng Yichi didn’t respond. Bai Ruyu noticed it, and just thought he was getting up.


“Here, drink some lemonade to add some vitamin C.”


“Okay” Cheng Yichi took the water glass and looked up at Bai Ruyu.




“What’s wrong??” Bai Ruyu tidied up the hair in front of Cheng Yichi’s forehead.


Cheng Yichi didn’t dodge, just took a sip of water and said, “Did you know that the degree of red wine is very low.”




“I remember everything from last night.”


Bai Ruyu’s hair was stopped. Paused, then pinched his face: “Oh, that’s good.”


The author has something to say: 


In the next chapter, Bai Meiren’s plan will be discovered by everyone! But they discovered it by themselves, and it has nothing to do with Yichi.


A word of warning: because Yichi is very slow in love and always thinks that he is straight, so for most of the 30 days of the show, those men were inexplicably in the Shura field. 


Yichi was really tempted later, and then the relationship was confirmed. More later, it can be said that after the end of cohabitation, there is still a fair competition time to determine the relationship. 


After all, everyone knows that there is a difference between the recording and broadcasting time of who’s the liar.


Therefore, there will be many Shura fields in the future. If you want to see our dumpling, who is firm in 1v1, you may be disappointed.

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