I’m a Straight Man in BL Love

Chapter 33: 34.1

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Chapter 34: Ambiguous 


Cheng Yichi hesitated. Bai Ruyu rubbed the tip of his nose affectionately, but now he has not concealed it at all, and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you surprised?”


“A bit.” Cheng Yichi admitted slowly, and raised his eyes again. Looking at Bai Ruyu, “I thought you liked Gu Zechen.”


“No, he likes you so I gave him up.” Bai Ruyu said, “Actually, I am a person who gives up easily. If I can’t get their interest, I’ll just leave.” He said this very freely.


Cheng Yichi said, “Then I can’t give it to you either, and you can’t…”


The words that were about to be exported were blocked in his throat, and the cold fingertips pressed against Cheng Yichi’s warm lips. He shook his head uncomfortably.


Bai Ruyu smiled and said, “However, you have already given me a lot.”




When he went down to breakfast, Cheng Yichi was still thinking about Bai Ruyu’s words. He didn’t understand. He didn’t go with Bai Ruyu on several dates. Bai Ruyu said that he gave him too much, but Cheng Yichi didn’t understand what he gave.


“Early morning, Yichi.” Duan Qingsi greeted the casual Cheng Yichi with a cup of hot tea.


“Morning, brother.” Cheng Yichi smiled.


Duan Qingsi saw that he was not in a good mood, and asked with a smile: “Who messed with you? Are you upset?”


“No.” Cheng Yichi responded angrily, “I am not happy.”


Duan Qing Si said: “Can’t you talk to me?”


Cheng Yichi suddenly asked him: “Brother Qing Si, why do you keep sending me text messages?” He didn’t ask directly why Duan Qingsi liked him. Instead, it’s a different way of saying it.


But Duan Qingsi said, “Because I like you?” His tone was like coaxing a child. Cheng Yichi touched his hair embarrassedly, and said, “There has to be a reason, right?”     


He is an actor, for occupational reasons, he is liked by many people. Some only like his appearance, some like his acting skills, some say his voice is good, he has many fans, and even some people like his shortcomings, but he still doesn’t understand the difference between their feelings and likes.    


Duan Qingsi said, “No wonder you don’t act very much in love scenes.” 


Cheng Yichi sighed: “Yes, it’s too difficult.”     


“Everyone on the Internet says that there is no reason to like someone. I like him so I think he is good everywhere, good person, good personality, good looks, but even if these are your subjective feelings, there is no reason to not like them. 


However, with so many reasons to like It seems very strange to be alone. What if one day the shortcomings of that person make you unbearable and you don’t like them anymore?”     


Duan Qingsi couldn’t help coughing as he looked at his distressed appearance. Stopping his laughter, he said, “If you really want to be with someone all the time, you should like it.”     


“If you think that being with him is worth a lot of effort, Even for a day, that’s fine, that’s nice.”     Cheng Yichi asked: “Then someone told me just now that ‘because I gave him too much’, so what does it mean that he likes me? I obviously don’t have anything.”     


Duan Qingsi asked him: “Can you help me take off my glasses?”     


Often wearing glasses may cause eye fatigue, so Cheng Yichi readily agreed and gently put the gold chain on the bridge of Duan Qingsi’s nose. 


After taking off his glasses, Duan Qingsi closed his eyes. Only then did he realize that brother Qingsi’s eyelashes were actually very long, and a little mark was pressed on the bridge of his nose. 


Cheng Yichi thought: his eyes must be very tired. So he put the glasses aside, raised both hands, and rubbed the temples on both sides of Duan Qingsi respectively, while exhorting: “Brother Qingsi, don’t wear glasses for a long time, or your eyes will hurt too.”


He found that Duan Qingsi wearing glasses was very gentle and had a mature temperament, but after taking off his glasses, he felt a little more aggressive.


Duan Qingsi slowly opened his eyes and smiled: “Thank you for doing this for me, Yichi, I like you.”


Cheng Yichi’s fingers rubbing his temples were slightly stunned: “What else do I have to do? I didn’t do anything special?”


“It doesn’t mattee. Whatever do you do, it seems that I will like you more.”


Duan Qingsi smiled, he really liked him –


“Except you rubbing Li Yi’s feet.”




Cheng Yichi fled to the kitchen.


About confession, Wei Buyan was very easy to refuse, but Duan Qingsi’s obvious confession is difficult for him to face, mainly because he can’t refuse, he regards Duan Qingsi as his elder.


Again, these feelings…


How strange.


Especially since Duan Qingsi said such a sentence at the end, which is not like him at all.


Cheng Yichi covered his face and thought: Cheng Yichi, you are a big straight man, how can you even flirt with your little uncle?


Bah, scumbag.


But thinking about it, Cheng Yichi himself felt aggrieved: he didn’t even think about flirting with others.


Duan Qingsi smiled and watched Cheng Yichi flee to the kitchen to get food. When Cheng Yichi’s figure was completely invisible, he slowly restrained his smile.


According to what Yi Chi said, there must be someone he didn’t expect confessed to him and said something strange.


If it was Li Yi, Cheng Yichi would have known their intentions long ago, and naturally he would not be surprised, nor would he be distressed. It should be someone he was very close to before that made him think so hard.


And at this point, not many people popped up in his mind.


There were footsteps on the stairs, Duan Qingsi looked up and happened to meet Bai Ruyu.


Bai Ruyu finished drinking the lemonade in his hand, nodded and smiled at him, signaling good morning.




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One more day is Christmas.


In the past two days, everyone has started to prepare Christmas trees and New Year’s gifts.


The program team is no exception. The first task that the guests will send after they wake up is to buy gifts and give them to those who they want to give.


However, there are six people in this room who only want to give gifts to the same person. The remaining two are expected to give each other. 


The last one… I was afraid that everyone would not have gifts, so the program team stipulated that multiple gifts can be given.


And people who received multiple gifts can only get it successfully if they guess the gift correctly.


Of course, giving a gift is key because it represents a match for the next date. If two people give each other a gift and guess at the same time, they have the right to the next date, but if the gift cannot be guessed, the next date will be in vain. But the gift is for tomorrow, so you can buy it today.


After the program team sent out the task, everyone looked at Li Yi and Cheng Yichi. They still remembered that the first time they picked a gift, they chose it together.


Li Yi didn’t respond and stuffed the phone into his pocket.


Most of them just want to buy a gift for one person.


Cheng Yichi thought about it after reading the text message: “I want to buy nine gifts.” 


It happened that Jiang Heng brought it when he saw him tomorrow.


Tonight, the program team said there was a warm-up event. Cheng Yichi didn’t care, and went straight to the mall to buy a gift.


He strolled outside all day, and when he heard “We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year (1)” coming from everywhere, he suddenly remembered: is it going to be a new year?


He is a little homesick.




When he went back, the spicy smell had spread from the kitchen to the whole house.


Cheng Yichi’s eyes lit up: “Eating hot pot today?”


He likes hot pot so much, maybe he was a pot in his last life.


Gu Zechen came back after him, hung up his coat, and smiled: “I saw your car.”


“It’s a bit conspicuous, isn’t it?” Cheng Yichi sniffed his nose twice, feeling that the mucus in his mouth was about to secrete more vigorously.


“We’re eating hot pot? Is there any special occasion today?” He happily followed Gu Zechen to the restaurant. 


The hot pot was already open, with the tomato and the hot pot on the other. The tomato sauce was fried and the tomato sauce was added. The spicy pot had a fragrant smell. 


Cheng Yichi sniffed. It must have been cooked with various spices before adding the hot pot base. It smelled great!


Li Yi is today’s head chef. He first filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Cheng Yichi: “Try it.


“Also you should drink soup in small sips since you can’t bear to stop.”


Li Yi also laughed along.


Cheng Yichi saw that Li Yi only served the soup for himself, and before everyone was on the table, he began to drink it. He felt a little embarrassed, put down the bowl, and said, “I’d better wait for everyone to come.”


“It’s okay, It won’t taste good when it’s cold.” Li Yi placed the beef and mutton, and then placed the chopped vegetables one by one.


Gu Zechen also said: “You drink it first, we can serve it again.”


Cheng Yichi narrowed his eyes, and did not refuse any more. He listened to their words and drank the soup in small sips.


Everyone seemed to want to accommodate him.


In winter, a sip of tomato soup is especially warm. The slightly sandy and grainy tomato is very chewy, and the soup is sour and sweet.


After he finished his first bowl of soup, the others were almost there.


“This year? I’m going to celebrate the New Year with everyone in the hut.” Bai Ruyu started first, “It’s so fast, it feels like it was just yesterday. In the blink of an eye, one third has passed.


“It’s really fast.” Cheng Yichi nodded and slid the shrimp into it.


Li Yi sat next to him and turned his head to look at him: “I like it.”


“No, as long as it’s hot pot, I like it very much.”


Li Yi seemed to remember the last time he had eaten hot pot in Yichi, thinking that he was the only one. People know that, only he had rubbed Cheng Yichi’s stomach.


He was a little happy, laughed twice, and added a chopstick of meat to Cheng Yichi’s chopsticks: “Eat more.”


The bottom of the hot pot is spicy and delicious, not choking hot, a little numb, but more fragrant. 


The tripe and mutton are rinsed in this way, and then served with a sesame oil dish, drizzled with sesame sauce, the meat melts directly in the mouth, and the tripe is also crunchy.


No, it makes a crunching sound! It’s still tender, the juice bursts in the mouth, it’s delicious!


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Cheng Yichi was really frozen in his spot, he drank three bowls of soup in one sitting, but fortunately Li Yi cooked a whole pot, and he ate a lot of dishes.


Mainly because everyone was feeding him with public chopsticks, and his bowl was so full that he couldn’t stop.


Feeling that in the end, Cheng Yichi felt like a food broadcaster.


He didn’t drink any more tonight. Bai Ruyu glanced at him in disappointment. He drank a few drinks on his own. Others also drank a little, but not much. Gu Zechen and Qi Jing didn’t drink at all.


After eating, everyone moved to the living room and started the “surprise activity” of the next program group.

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