In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 10: 0009 the ruler

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"where am I?" Meliodas asked softly, he had remained his health and was good as new, looking around he found himself standing on a huge palm. slowly up, he saw a huge state who seemed to be endless in size looking down upon him

"W-who are you?" He asked as he stumbled backward, he was like an ant standing against the world itself,

"I'm the embodiment of this world, the universe. there is a great danger that threatens to destroy this world. the one who killed your friend is a person not of this world, from another world which wishes to destroy this world... you have the capability to fight against them. and hopefully, save your friend." It said softly, but its mouth didn't move as it didn't have a mouth.

"w-why can't you make a move?" Meliodas asked with a frown, but it shook its head slightly.

"i'm not a fighter. but if I could give you my power, you could better use my power compared to what I can do in such time. plus... my consciousness was only born due to the danger he brings. as a demon, you can handle most of my power. enough to rival my creator chaos." It said stunning Meliodas,

Chaos was the creator of this world, but to bring this world into creation he was a bit weak leading to the world being small. there were only about 6 or so realms. the human realm was only one planet, and the sun. of course the son was not a true son, but in a way a fake.

to create this world, Chaos lost a huge amount of his power. One should know, that Chaos had first created light which made the darkness flee, that was what used up most of his energy. even more when creating the world within, and lifeforms. but the universe slowly grew, and of course, had gained enough power to rival Chaos at his peak. before he brought creation into the great empty primordial void.

"what do I need to do?" Meliodas said seriously, The embodiment of the universe nodded slightly as Undead Qi, Qi, magical power. Power of Darkness, Holy Power, which was fused began entering Meliodas.

"i'm almost all-knowing within this world... so I have seen through a bite of how he is so strong, with this I believe you should reach the level of chaos at his absolute peak. I will use the power of space-time to reverse all the mistakes I will make, and find the best route." the universe said as Meliodas sat, and he felt his strength start improving. but he suddenly coughed up blood on the spot, but time instantly went back, returning him to the state before the energy entered his body.

Within Purgatory within the seven deadly sin world, Sora walked through trying his best to resist the harsh condition within this world

Purgatory is a realm located in the space between the living world and the afterlife. Purgatory is an infinite, chaotic, hellish spacetime where mutilated souls and predatory monsters seek prey, the air is scorching hot and freezing cold at the same time and the earth is toxic, together destroying the flesh and bone of the living.

Sora's flesh was being destroyed and quickly healed none stop, which in return caused his cultivation to start improving quickly. with his hand on his waist, Sora struggled to get used two the pain and after some time of getting used to it, he began walking around.

Time is warped in Purgatory; a minute in the real world corresponds to a year in Purgatory. It is basically a universe separated from the mortal plane. this world was one of the few worlds that Chaos at his peak created, which is why it was so huge.

'i can't believe this would take husk chaos was sealed away in... it's going to be troublesome, but I should spend time cultivating here. I will not use Qi anymore.' Sora thought helplessly, so time went by he quickly ran into many monsters within this world which he killed easily.

Sora shot all over this world, searching for the being sealed within while his body grew stronger and stronger. and so 10 years went by. his strength had exploded greatly within these 10 years, only 10 minutes passed in the outside world. but Sora remained within this world, growing stronger as his body was tempered none stop until he no longer was affected by the harsh conditions.,

{Name: Sora

titles: none

Age: 30/150 trillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [Royal family of the Grand Gale Kingdom Bloodline], [Beast King Bloodline], [Seven deadly sins humans bloodline], [Gaint Clan], [Fariy Clan], [The demon Clan],

World Name: none

World Level: 15

Land Size: 10 Square Miles

worlds conquered: none

Body Cultivation: 1 Iron rank (+3, 500 to one LVL. Combat level at Half step Silver rank}


Energy Cultivation: 1 Iron rank (+3, 500 to one LVL. Combat level at Half step Silver rank}


Soul Cultivations: 1 Iron rank (+3, 500 to one LVL. Combat level at Half step Silver rank}


God Marks: 140 (plus 14,000 to one powerlevel.


Law: None


PowerLevel: 35,000 {Strength at LVL 9 Silver rank

max powerlevel: 175,000 (powerlevel at a level 1 Gold rank this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War. Powerlevel can only last for 5 seconds when using the technique at its peak.

with armor and spear formed, + an extra 350,000 to PL at which point, Max PL is 525,000 PL power at half step level 4 gold rank.

Times with 10 with Sunshine at its peak (one mode)}


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.]

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter (incomplete)], [fist of domaintions]

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory]

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The 10 commandments].

once a person reaches the iron rank, a person's body and energy cultivation are not measured together like in the copper rank as the same thing. Sora Soul was also so powerful that it couldn't be measured along with the others as well, so it too split into its own rank. this would have happened within the Gold rank, but it shockingly happened early for Sora. with all 3 placed, Sora gained a huge most compared to if they were simply added together.

Sora Soul grew so strong as he absorbed many souls within Purgatory, after all the monsters here were all souls which appeared here. Sora absorbed every monster he ran into, boosting the strength of his soul to a level that could be considered scary.

of course, the scariest thing was how little Sora's strength grew with how much stuff he gained access to absorbing, and the time he spent cultivating here.  10 years, for such a small improvement, was shocking, it was all because of the resources. the more he grew, the more god marks, and so on. the more resources he would need. right now, he could already match at level 9 silver rank, he was ready a powerhouse within the seven deadly sin world... and that's not adding his item or The Fist of War.

Soon, Sora saw a huge giant standing tall with armor on. Sora jumped as his wings grew from his back before he shot forward at extreme speed. the huge creator quickly sensed Sora and got ready to fight. he knew who Sora was, after all, he has seen everything that had happened last night.

Sora had also absorbed all of his commandments and even destroyed his will which he left within. something which shocked him, but he could do nothing but watch. as soon as Sora neared, he swung his huge sword which was the size of a mountain towards Sora.

Sora swung his spear and the two attacks met, but Sora used full counter, reflecting the demon God's attack back at him. but the demon king took no injuries, but instead healed from that. the demon king currently was only at half of his power, only having about 100,000.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Sora flashed he kept attacking him, but with which blow the demon King only healed. Sora smiled  after some time of this, before jumping backward

"snort, seen your useless attempts of killing me is pointless? return the commandments and I might just forgive your stupidity." The demon King said coldly, but deep down he was shaken, Sora while attacking him was showing a powerlevel of 105,000.

this was because Sora was using the Fist of War to boost his power by 3 times. this was currently his limit, any more and he would be pushing his body. Sora although wearing his God Of Conquest armor, he was not currently using the boost.

at the Iron rank, the armor and spear both became true and real things. so like real items, Sora had to send energy into the armor and spear to gain the boost, so if he simply wear them, it was like wearing normal clothing. this also meant that if he were to ever be too tired, the armor and spear would only have their passive abilities, other than that they would be like any other normal weapons and armor.

Sora didn't say anything and rushed toward the demon king, this time he used his armor and spear boost, and used the fist of war to boost his power by 3 times. with a powerlevel of 455,000, Sora stabbed the spear toward the demon lord's chest.


the demon Lord was sent sliding backward, but he was not injured, he in fact healed from that, but this attack seemed to have touched upon his limit as he sent him sliding backward. Sora smiled slightly seeing his,

"so your limit is powerful of 500,000. so the ruler's ability can only covert any things which try to affect you and covert it to do the opposite to you. an attack will instead heal you, an ability that wants to seal will instead be given to you... but the max should be 5 times your powerlevel." Sora said with a smile,

The Ruler is a magic ability that allows the Demon King to "reverse" all the attacks and powers effects used against him. All attacks and weaknesses are converted into healing and fortification. Even the effects of others' powers are completely reversed; for example, if Sora, were to use Snatch to steal Demon King's strength, he was forced to give his own to the ruler.

"snow, just because you know doesn't change a thing, even chaos could not harm me." The demon king said with a snort, he was instead right. He and the supreme goddess were created by creations, and in the end, they turned against him and sealed him away. Chaos was helpless as he couldn't harm the two.

Sora smiled slightly, before he flashed, before holding his hand out, and with that, he gave the demon king some of his energy which tried to heal him. the demon King instantly coughed up a mouth full of blood, before he fell to his knees. feeling the breath, he quickly stopped using the ruler, leading to Sora's energy entering his body, and healing him.

Seeing this, Sora moved at a speed the demon king couldn't react to, stabbed his forehead with a spear, and began absorbing him. thanks to his overwhelming power, Sora quickly absorbed the demon lord,

{congrulaiton host on gaining a chaos grade skills... a chaos grade skills are skills that are absolute within each world host might visit. these skills, the host has gained a Chaos grade skill known as... The Ruler, an ability which makes all things which try to affect the user within 5 times one person do the opposite of what they wanted...

completed the hidden quest, gain a chaos grade skill... the host has been rewarded with increased host land by 10 times, and one world of host choosing when opening a portal.} the system said making Sora's eyes brighten slightly

{gained a hint of chaos energy... amount to small to be measured by the host, chaos is the energy which brought upon creations. gaining chaos energy can allow one to control the creation as they wish, this energy could allow one to pretty much be a reality warper... the host body has become 1 million times pure, host physique no longer has any impurities. from now on, the host would reject all impurities.} the system said as the blank liquid slowly licked out of Sora's flash, stunning Sora slightly as these things stuck like hell.

Sora of course had a high resistance toward the bad smell, but this smell was enough to make even a person with no sense of smell sick. Sora quickly had his armor returned to energy, although he would have to recreate it now, it was easy to do such a thing. tempering it with the Fist of conquest was the only trouble something.

standing but naked, Sora had water from the system appear to wash him. but the water disappeared upon appearing, Sora sighed seeing this, before he jumped into the portal, with a flash he appeared back in the outside world, and went on to wash with the water from the system.

after a good long hour, Sora recreated the armor and tempered it for 20 minutes until it was good as new... no, it was twice as stronger. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly before he noticed he had been taking longer breaths, he was unable to absorb impure air and only the purest of it. so he had to take deeper and longer breaths, but in return, he could hold his breath even longer.

{Name: Sora

titles: none

Age: 30/150 trillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [Royal family of the Grand Gale Kingdom Bloodline], [Beast King Bloodline], [Seven deadly sins humans bloodline], [Gaint Clan], [Fariy Clan], [The demon Clan],

World Name: none

World Level: 15

Land Size: 100 Square Miles

worlds conquered: none

Body Cultivation: 1 Iron rank (+7,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 3 Silver rank}


Energy Cultivation: 1 Iron rank (+7,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 3 Silver rank}


Soul Cultivations: 1 Iron rank (+7,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 3 Silver rank}


God Marks: 140 (plus 28,000 to one powerlevel.


Law: None


PowerLevel: 70,000 {Strength at LVL 10 Silver rank

max powerlevel: 350,000 (powerlevel at a level 1 Gold rank this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War. Powerlevel can only last for 5 minutes when using the technique at its peak.

with armor and spear formed, + an extra 700,000 to PL at which point, Max PL is 1,050,000 PL power at level 4 gold rank.

Times with 10 with Sunshine at its peak (one mode)}


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.]

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter (incomplete)], [fist of domaintions],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory]

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler].

Sora's heart dropped seeing this slightly, how many resources would be needed for a breakthrough now? Sora looked at this for some time, before taking a deep breath... at least he was near breakthrough through to level 2 Iron rank... right?

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