In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 9: 0008 taking and giving

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Sora shot through the air as he rushed towards the 5 spring merchant guild, his body was in consent pain as he shot through there. his powerlevel was increased by the second. but his Qi was running out at an equal speed. after some time, Sora soon arrived at the 5 spring merchant guild.

Zi Ling quickly came to greet Sora upon hearing he had arrived, but she froze upon seeing Sora. be it aura, baring, or looks. Sora had changed completely came from a few days ago when they first met, Sora's appearance has been changed bit by bit, becoming more godly like. the aura he gave off made those looking at him feel like a longer life form. all this, adding up the fact that his eyes as if looking down upon all existence... it made people have a harder time looking Sora in the eyes.

"we meet again," Sora said with a smile, Zi Ling nodded slightly, she didn't even react as Sora placed his plan on her head. Sora will enter her head, shattering her willpower, dominating. the look in her eye instantly became respectful upon looking for a second time.

"Well, let's go inside," Sora said with a smile, Zi Ling nodded as she went to her office. Sora first had her tell her of the sale of the apples, it turned out the apples were completely sold out on the first day, she merchant the apples quite well which lead to a battle between many who wanted the apple.

She sold the apples at 1 mid-grade copper rank stone per 2 apples. so she made about 30 mid-grade copper stones and only spent 15 mid-grade copper stones to buy the apples from Sora. Sora was slightly annoyed seeing hearing, he knew nothing about business, but he couldn't help but feel he was cheated. she was making double the amount she spent after all

But this all had to do with how clever she was, she marketed the apples well or else it would have taken some days for people to notice how well the apples were. Sora had her summon her father with a random reason, and soon the true owner of the 5 springs merchant guild was summoned. after dominating him as well, Sora went on to take over the whole % Springs Merchant Guilind, dominating all the enters and people with high statues within.

With the 5 springs merchant guild under his command, Sora took the guild treasures into the system and had it absorb them. of course not all of it, just the stop they had laying around collecting dust. this was not Sora's business, he would have it absorb countless other businesses within the future and spread all over the world selling stuff from the system.

{congrulation on leveling the system to level 12... Soil, energy, and water within the system have leveled up and reached level 11. life forms produced by the system will grow 100 times faster. the system. note that Qi within the system would now

The system map has been upgraded... the host can now set teleportation marks on the map, a set of 2 max, the map can now show unique items which could be useful to the system growth. note that items must not be hidden with special means, such as within a storage ring. but more stuff like being undead, so long as it's not too deep then the system would be able to sense it.

the land within the system has increased 128 aces, the system would now produce 1 spirit stone every 6 hours.

the system within the system would now slowly restore itself after being used... please think of it like how a human gets tired and needs time to rest. the host world has reached a level where it could slowly recover from its energy being used almost completely up. note, that lower the energy too much could damage the energy, like how it's not healthy for a person to get too tired.} the system said as Sora let out a deep breath as he looked at all the elders, before having some give him a storage bag.

in these parts, storage rings are harder to come by. to make a storage ring, one needs to comprehend the Law of space and time, to be able to seal away a large piece of space within a small ring. on the other hand, a storage mag was much easier to create, of course, the bag had to be made out of a unique item as moving around too much could cause the space within to go unstable.

Sora went on to give them a punch of apples he wanted them to sell over the period of a few weeks, of course not just apples. there were other friends and even the water from the system he wanted them to start putting in special bottles to sell.

Sora went on to look around the city for some time and using some of the spirit stones given to him he brought a huge mansion which nobody liked. it was called fog mansions, it was on top of a mill surrounded by dense fog and trees. the reason Sora picked this mansion was that he noticed a question mark on the system map over this mansion. this was because the system couldn't see through the fog.

the map mapped stuff within Sorarange of view, 360 dress around Sora in all locations. if Sora had his best can see 50 feet away, then the system would map the area around Sora, 50 feet in the front and back. but everyone within the city was pretty much mapped... but this mansion

as he went up the mansion, he looked around for anything worth wild. one should know his senses were sharp, so he was amazed when he soon senses a strange up the mountain. Sora's senses could rival those of silver rank expert, of course, those at level one or so, this was because those at the silver rank have something called spiritual sense which pretty much give them a 6th sense of the world around them.

those who train spiritual sense can use it to control things with their mind, and even mind control others. it's almost like what Sora does with the first of domination, but slightly different and weaker. Spiritual sense can be trained to the point it's better than all 5 senses put together, it's like opening one 3rd eye and seeing the world completely differently.

Sora quickly walked up the hill and arrived before the mansions, there was no fog covering the mansions, it only encircled the mansions, the mansion was, of course huge. it had a huge open field. Sora looked around for a moment before nodding slightly, this place was not bad for a high out. with the fog blocking the outside world, plus the fact it oversaw the city, it was not bad.

Sora ignored all of this and went to go look at the thing which made him feel strange, walking to the middle of the field. Sora tapped his foot slightly, his Qi rushed into the ground, and began fusing with the earth, taking control of it, the ground opened up into stairs which Sora walked down. quickly arrived down he quickly arrived before an underground gave which had a skeleton who had silver bone

"Is this a sub-human race?" Sora said in confusion, there were many sub-human races. just like beasts which came in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so did humans. it was like that back on earth, and it was even more so in this world.

Sora walked towards the undead, but as he did formation patterns appeared all over the cave. the earth seemed to come to life, as spikes stabbed at Sora. Sora with his hands in his pocket ignoring all of this, he was quickly hit by the spikes, but they shattered upon touching his body.

as Sora neared, more and more formations patterns appeared, each stronger than the last. but they all shattered, the fog surrounding the mansions suddenly began disappearing as it took from within this cave. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly as the fog turned into a fist that punched Sora.

Sora was punched, leading to him shooting backward and slamming heavily into the cave wall. Sora looked up in shock and amazement, the fog fist suddenly began shooting fog spikes at Sora, which Sora quickly defeated against

'this... a level 4 law?' Sora thought seeing his defense shatter and a spike almost stabbing through his head, but he quickly dodged. a level 4 law brought upon a +100,000 to one strength, such improvement strength was something Sora have set to reach.

The fog slowly began taking form, as it took the shape of a middle-aged man. the fog color also changed, showing this man had clear white hair, bright blue eyes, and the quite handsome. Sora seeing the way this man looked eyes instantly narrowed,

"that white hair, and blue eyes... you're the fog demon? to think your dying breath was in this place." Sora said with a smile, The fog demon was a demonic cultivator, a pain in the ass for the royal family. his comprehension of the law of fog was extremely high, plus he had a unique technique that allowed him to turn his body into fog, which allowed him to make a quick escape and ignore most attacks.

"Haha, so brat you heard of me? this will make this perfect. I want your body brat." He said with a demonic smile, Sora froze as his words

"naw, I don't swing that way," Sora said with a shake of his head, the fog demon froze slightly before his eyes turned sharp. Sora dared play with him, the fog demon.

"Haha, to think a little brat such as yourself would have the balls to speak to me in shock away. if I didn't end up falling to my injuries here... wait, I know you, you're Sora. the 4th prince. the arrange prince" He said in sudden realization, Sora smiled slightly

"it nice to meet a fan, but no autographs," Sora said with a smile, Fog Demon was instantly annoyed once more with Sora. who the fuck wanted his autographs? Ignoring Sora's words, he laughed at how perfect things were going, he would not only take over Sora's body but also have a clear path to becoming the king. Just how lucky was he?

"so, how is your soul able to exist for so long? with what I hard, this fog was around for about... 4 or so years. you disappeared around 6 years ago after your battle against my father and a group of other experts and ran while cursing your mother for giving you just two legs." Sora said softly, veins appeared don't he fog demon forehead as head

"who ran away? I retreated." He said angrily, Sora shrugged lazily, it's not like he truly cared, seeing how Sora could give a fuck, the fog demon lost it and rushed towards Sora. at a shocking speed, he arrived before Sora, but just as he was about to enter Sora's nose, mouth, and ears, 5 undead suddenly appeared and reached out subduing him almost instantly. each of the undead of course had comprehended their own law within their lifetime, they all had a powerlevel of at least 150,000

"w-what? how do all these undead have a powerlevel of 100,000?" He yelled in horror, such power was enough to shake this lower region. yet they were under the control of the brat in front of him.

Sora waved his hand as a portal opened, the undead suppressed the Fog Demon even more, to the point he couldn't even move. Sora had them all throw the fog demon into the system, where Sora used his power to over when that fog demon. Sora had the undead bring in the fog demon skeleton before they all entered the system.

within the system Sora could show a powerlevel nearing 2 million, he easily dominated the fog demon which could only show a powerlevel of 120,000 at the moment. after which, Sora sat down and had it spill all of the information it had.

"How did you comprehend the law of fog to the 4th level? I thought no one in this region has comprehended it to such a level." Sora said calmly as he sat down on a rock with crossed legs,

"My lord, anyone could comprehend the Law to this level if given enough time. those at the iron rank could level up to 150 years, while those at silver rank could live up to 300 years. it's even longer with unique herbs, the royal family answers are filled with monsters trying to comprehend the 4th level of the law. some other rare monsters already have, and are simply trying to comprehend more than one law to such a level before entering the upper region and breakthrough to the gold rank." The fog demon said respectfully,

"is that not dumb? shouldn't there be more recourses within the upper region and a much higher time to breakthrough and comprehend law?" Sora asked in confusion,

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"that may be true, but to get there is extremely dangerous. the barrier which blocks our land is deep in the endless sea with many powerful sea monsters. once you pass the barrier, you would be met with a sudden increase in gravity which is just how heavy the Qi there is. the sudden change could cause people to become sick, faint, have trouble breathing, and so on. adding the fact that they must fly the whole way, and if the breakthrough at that moment, the chances of death are high. plus the endless sea where the beast would eat you if they have the chance, it best to be as strong as you could be before you go." The fog demon said to which Sora nodded slightly with slight undead

"There are other troubles as well, past the barrier the sea is even larger and further. filled with even more danger, and with a new world without any foundations, you're an easy target for those over there." He said making Sora think for a moment before walking over to the skeleton.

"so, how did you survive after your death?" Sora asked calmly,

"Well, it's the technique I cultivate my lord. It's called the Fog demon cultivation art. that's why I called myself the Fog demon. by turning into fog, I could enter a person and devour them from the inside out. this is because as the body tries absorbing me, I instead absorb them. by doing this, I improve my cultivation quickly. in just 100 years, I reached level 9 silver rank." He said pridefully, Sora looked at him blankly, what was so amazing about that? to others... no the whole lower region would be shocked, a person in the late stages of Silver under 100 years old was shocking. it was unheard of

"This cultivation art is from a powerful expert who was at the diamond ring but passed away in the battle against the beast king thousands of years ago. I was only 5 years old when I stumbled upon it, that old cultivate had me temper body, and even helped improve my cultivations.  when it was ready for me to cultivate the technique, he tried to steal my body. but he underestimated the injuries he suffered, leading to him disappearing. I was too young to know I should have absorbed him, and not let him free... but it is what it is." He said helplessly

Sora asked a few other questions, the reason he could live was because of his unique ability to turn into fog. he was lucky to comprehend the 4th level of the law of fog, allowing him to forcefully slip his soul from his body, quickly turn it into a fog and enter a deep sleep while awaiting a silver rank expert to appear and see what was going on.

his plan was simply to steal the body of a silver rank, as they were the only people that would have sensed what he did. he would steal their body, quickly transform that body into the fog and with some technique and pills, he would have slowly refined that body to be a perfect fit for his soul before returning to trying and regaining his former cultivation and so on. it was not a bad idea, he had everything look as if it was a trial ground, and only those who were worthy can reach his body before he moved. but he underestimated Sora.

Sora waved his hands as undead Qi gathered, waving his hand he grabbed the Fog Demon returning him to his body and turning him into a skeleton undead. waving his head slightly

"thank you, my lord, with this I only need to turn my body into fog and take over someone's body to regain my life once more." He said with a bow to Sora, Sora nodded slightly before looking at his silver skin

"why is your body silver?" Sora asked calmly,

"I'm also a body cultivator my lord, at my peak my body, Qi, and soul cultivation were all balanced. allowing me to fight those above my cultivation realm. I was aiming to be the best, so I wanted to cultivate everything I have to its peak. the body tempering art I had turned my bones into the stage of cultivation my body tempering cultivation has reached" He said calmly, Sora nodded slightly before looking at the ring which was on the skeleton body.

Fog Demon quickly handed him the ring, and Sora removed everything out of the ring, countless spirit stones, pills, weapons, scrolls, and so on appeared. Sora had the system absorb all of this stuff while leaving the important stuff behind

{congrulation host on leveling the system 5o level 15... the soil, energy, and water within the system have leveled up to level 14. lifeforms produced by the system will grow 100,000 times faster.

the host can now set up 10 teleportation marks anywhere that has been mapped on the map.

the land within the system has increased to 10 square miles. the spirit stone will now make iron rank spirit stone. copper rank spirit stones are produced 10 per minute, iron rank spirit stones are produced 1 per week.

The system shop is opened, and the host can buy all that has been absorbed by the system or scanned by the system. depending on how its information was gained by the system (note host) would depend on the price to buy side items. note this is only for items and not abilities.

a unique treasure has been absorbed... refining treasure. the book of curses, a silver rank treasure used to curse others through karma. the book has been upgraded, allowing no one to track the book.

chances for herbs to gain a will of their own.} the system said as the world suddenly increase at a shocking speed that Sora was caught off ground by the improvement.

10 square miles, that was like 25 square kilometers or 6400 acres. that was huge, the land Sora had now, he could start building stuff without worrying about running out of space for the time being.

"Silver," Sora said calmly, a moment passed before a frost air filled the air as Silver appeared before Sora while kneeling before him.

"you and the others, I will open a portal to the outside world. go out and start gathering stuff to build my mansion within here... Fog Demon, go and create that fog once more. I will work on getting your body later." Sora said as he waved his hands, opening a portal, everyone nodded before they left, Silver went to get the maids and butlers who went to carry out his orders, while Fog demon created the fog barrier

"Now... what should I do you all," Sora said calmly while looking at the members of the 7 deadly sins who were captured. only 5 of them remained, Merlin who was currently the strongest was looking around the system with curiosity, seemly more interested in knowledge than her own life.

Sora sighed softly, there were some of which he didn't want to kill. for one, Escanor could be a useful subordinate, and Merlin with her lust for Knowledge, who knew what she could do if Sora gave her the knowledge of the cultivation world. but they had unique abilities which Sora couldn't ignore.

Merlin had the ability called Infinity which could make anything last forever, she could even channel this power into her attack making it countless times stronger. Sora, of course, wanted this, Escanor power which made him stronger as the sun raised was also useful. he could go from having a powerlevel of 3.7 at night to a shocking powerlevel of 28,500 at none.

These were powerful abilities Sora wanted, but taking them from them would make them almost useless. then again, Escanor was not the perfect host for the ability, it would be back if he gave it back to its original owner, Mael. but then again, why would he give such power to anyone else?

{... sensing host trouble... A god can take and give. with the right hand, can be empty or full. you can give to take. with the left hand, it's a tool for building or destruction. the host, for now, can only take and give but have not formed his left hand to build and destrory} the system said stunning Sora as he thought the system had no will

{System will is not born, but as the herbs gain a will, the system capability improves. the system would never grow a will of its own as the system is the host. the system is simply learning to better help the host.} the system said to which Sora nodded as he looked at his hand

"let's see," Sora said as he waved his hands, a spear appeared and he stabbed it through Escanor's stomach, quickly absorbing him, but didn't absorb his blood and forced only on the skill. it hard to be pinpoint, but he was able to do it absorb it

{new ability gained... Sunshine. a unique ability created by the supreme goddess using her unique power of creations, along with the little power of chaos she had... this power is not like the commandment that can grow long side the user...

Sunshine is an ability that from beginning with the rising of the Sun at dawn one's power begins to go through changes change, both physically and mentally. at noon, a person's power will reach its peak, but at night a person's power would be at its lowest. 7,600 times boost to one's power.

Note this power can be used in another world, but it would have the side effect of weakening a person as the moon raises.} the system said as Sora frowned hearing the side effect. but feeling his powerlevel which was slowly increasing he smiled slightly, as he looked at Escanor.

Escanor was his favorite member of the seven deadly sins, and because of this, he would let him live. Sora held his right hand out and forced on giving him Sunshine. Sora forced, and his energy suddenly rushed out of his body, entering Escanor body, giving him Sunshine once more.

'i don't lose Sunshine?' Sora thought in confusion as his strength was still increasing, although he felt tired and had trouble standing.

{Host is not giving in the sense humans think of it. think of it as how an expert could share their bloodline, a drop of their blood to a normal human. the host pretty much did this, but like others, you can take it back whenever you wish.} the system said making Sora node slightly as he turned his attention to Merlin,

Sora's spear flashed, stabbing into her chest. Merlin's eyes widened as she felt her ability to Infinity leave her body.

{new unique ability has been gained... Infinity. Infinity is a unique and incredibly powerful ability that allows one to keep their ability active until they choose to dispel them. No matter how powerful the ability, one only needs to cast it once for this power to take effect. It is extremely versatile and can be used in numerous ways to make one ability everlasting, including freezing others in ice eternally, causing flames to burn endlessly, or even stopping one own time. it can even allow one energy to be endless.

This ability can only be used within the seven deadly sin world... but once this ability takes effect over there, it could still have this effect in other worlds. this ability greatly boosts a person's comprehension of the Law of every lasting and time} the system said as Sora.} the system said as Sora smiled happily at this.

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