In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 101: 0098 birth

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"is something wrong my lord?" Red asked calmly as he sat Sora a glass of wine, Sora calmly took the wine and lazily leaned against the balcony overlooking his city. Sora drinks the wine for a moment, before nodding slightly.

"for the past years, things have been a bit too peaceful. it's making me uneasy. with how things are going, I will have nothing to worry about for like a million years, enough time for me to peacefully grow without any trouble... it's just making me feel as if I forgot about something. but I know everything about myself, so what is there for me to forget?" Sora said calmly, Red was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know what to say.

"... why did you choose to be a butler, I always saw you as the knight type," Sora said after a moment, Red was stunned for a moment before he smiled for a moment

"I wanted to be your knight, but with your talent, I believe one day I would be left behind. so a butler was the best way I saw to be of some use." Red said with a smile, making Sora shake his head slightly

"you were my first and most loyal follower, I would never leave you behind," Sora said softly, but Red shook his head as Sora miss understood.

"I meant in terms of power, your growth is fast... Silver and I couldn't match it, so we chose these roles for ourselves." Red said making Sora quiet for some time,

"thats why I always wait for people's strength to reach their limits before having them compete to change them. I want the best of the best, but that doesn't mean second best, 3rd best, and so on should be ignored. plus, you were there from the start. this god shall never forget that." Sora said with a smile, making Red bow gratefully,

"I should report that Charmcaster has been showing signs of going into labor. she might big birth to your child." Red said to which Sora nodded before going to see Charmcaster,

meanwhile, within a world of destruction, a coffin slowly awakened as a huge demon-like being from destruction slowly awakened. it weakly stood up, but fell to its knees the next moment, it looked around for a moment at the many other coffins placed all over this stage world, before it let out a cry.

suddenly the world seemed to stop at its cry, countless monsters formed from destruction rushed over and paid their respect seeing the being who have awakened.

"With my awakening, then an era of destruction across the omniverse shall begin. gather all matter across the omniverse for me to regain my power, and to awaken the other lords." He said as he looked at all the monsters which let out cries of joy.

"Great one, we must report. the rebirth of conquest has been conquering many worlds, he had taken in many of our brothers, it took some time for us to pinpoint the location of his world." a monster said, making the great one eyes widen in slight surprise.

"so thats why awaken so easy... what are his conditions?" He asked slightly unease, but he put on an act that he could care how strong he might be. the monster showed an ugly smile, that made him released

"he lost most of his power, the power he had remained is what he is using to travel the omniverse. he seems to be cultivating, with how everything seems, I can say for sure that he is not stronger and low outerversal, but if we let him grow he could be a huge pain. from what I see, he is not as dumb as he was in the past." The monster said, making the great one eyes narrow

"then why have you fools not attacked and killed the annoying rat?" He asked, making the many monsters lower their head.

"w-we couldn't unite without a leader. knowing that a mistake might enrage the great one, we stopped devouring worlds and awaiting your awakening." He said making the great one frown for a moment, but this was indeed the best choice. if they couldn't unite and foolishly rushed in to attack conquest, things could have ended badly for them.

"We of the stories eaters are one of the strongest races across the universe, we destroy the very story, to others, they would seem like the author dropped them, but we simply destroyed them... hear me, once I regain a good amount of my power, I will lead you all out there to end that bastard for good and get revenge for the many times he had killed our bothers and sisters." He said yelled, causing the monsters to let out roars of joy, before the great one lead them all to the mid-grade world.

as soon the great one appeared within the mid-grade world, he saw everything seemed to be in 2d. if Sora was within this world, he would have realized that this world was the world of Pepa pig, but it was a mid-grade world with a powerlevel of 50 mountains and rivers.

as soon as the great one opened his world, he began eating everything. but it didn't take long for a pig to rush over.

"Oink Oink, stop that." Peppa pig yelled at a shocking speed, she moved at a speed that could shatter universes apart, she arrived before the great one with a punch, but the great one blocked and was sent sliding backward slightly.

"suck power for a pig." the great one said with a disdainful smile, before his eye a pig that was multiverse was standing up to him, how could he take it seriously. Peppa Pig oinked in rage and pointed forward, a finger that had the power to shatter worlds an infinite times overshot towards the great one, but the great one dodged while still absorbing the story.

"This is your story I see." He said as the world slowly began turning into dots that he eat, Peppa Pig seeing its family and friends being eaten roared in rage. suddenly, a golden aura covered Peppa pig, she floated up as golden hair appeared on top of her pig head.

"oink... this ends now," Peppa yelled as she rushed forward with everything she had, but she suddenly froze, and found herself unable to move.

"we story after entering a good amount of the story can take control over it. with the author unable to write a thing, you're forever frozen," The great one said with a mocking smile, making Peppa's eyes shrink slightly. Peppa wanted to move but it was all helped.

"Now, let's give you all the power this world could have under its current state." He said with a smile as a feather appeared in his hands and began writing, suddenly, the remaining power of the story began entering Peppa, making her explode with power like none other. but they were left within a blank white void, outside of all stories.

"Although my control of the story isn't absolute like some people, it's good enough," The great one said as Peppa let out a pain screen, her body began turning into a monster as the story was broken the great one action of having it enter Peppa body and even grow caused such a state.

she began expanding like a balloon and seemed as if she would explode at any moment... which she did, she exploded with great force, and the great one opened his mouth, absorbing all of that power it. He laughed madly feeling a bit of his power return, before he shot off, aiming to absorb more world...

it has been 100 years since Sora Dao began a Great Dao. Sora was currently sitting outside the sitting room while awaiting for Charmcaster to give birth. his legs were crossed, and he had his eyes closed, quieting waiting for the moment to see his first child. as for why he was not with her, it was simply because only females were allowed to be in there during childbirth.

"Grayfia, what do you think a good name would be," Sora asked calmly, Grayfia went quiet for a moment before shaking her head.

"I don't dare, thats something for you and leady Charmcaster to go over." She said softly, Sora just smiled slightly. he of course knew she was going to say that. but he had his reasons to ask,

"that remains me I haven't met my stepson," Sora said softly, making Grayfia freeze slightly. she had a child, but Sora never seemed to care much about it.

"I keep telling you to loosen up, there is no need for you to always be so strict... at less, you're not so strict even in bed," Sora said calmly, making Grayfia blush slightly. just when she wanted to speak, the doors opened and Charmcastered walked in with an adorable little girl in her hands

She had purple hair, and purple eyes, she cutely looked around the meeting room before her eyes landed on Sora. the two looked at each other, each sizing the other up. the little girl suddenly broke out of Charmcaster's hands, Charmcaster who was tried didn't expect her daughter to show such force

the baby fell towards the ground, but at the last moment she stopped and slowly floated up. Sora just watched as the naked baby slowly got used to flying before flying over to him. when she got into a rage over the metal commotion, Sora heard her voice.

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'Are you my father?' an adorable voice entered Sora. Sora smiled slightly as he nodded taking the child into his hand.

"so, what else can you do?" Sora asked with a smile, seeing he couldn't see all of this child's future, child, through for a moment before purple energy covered its hands.

'even before birth, I was learning magic. because of mother, I managed to touch upon the truth of all magic.' She said pridefully as she saved her hands, leading to a huge purple dragon suddenly appearing. the dragon showed its might, that of the Gold rank. shocking for a simple spell to create something so powerful. one should also know she was just born, and as she grows her full potential would be shown to the world. since her mother was the goddess of dark magic, she would also have enough talent for the dark arts.

"thats impressive. well, allow me to intrude you to your teacher. Grayfia. From now on, you will remain within the castle," Sora said as he had the dragon disappear, and pointed toward Grayfia who bowed slightly.

"5 hours a day would be spent towards training a subject, the other time is up to you to do as you want," Sora said seeing her eyeing Grayfia for some time before nodding slightly, with that Sora looked at Charmcaster who was still tried and was simply watching this.

"Recover," Sora said calmly, making Charmcaster to her peak as if nothing had happened. Charmcaster was stunned for a moment before she bowed greatly. Sora stood up, before snapping his clothing, having clothing suddenly appear on the baby's body.

"Well, what shall his name be?" Sora asked with a smile, Charmcaster was quiet for a moment while looking at the purple-haired girl.

"my mother was called Sylvie... it fits her." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly, not having a problem with the name. so, with that, they left and Sora went on to show his child to everyone. everyone from Sora's other wives, to the elites across this world all, paid their respect while giving gifts to the newborn.

Sylvie's eyes glowed slightly seeing all of this, the way everyone was looking at it. she couldn't help but remember what her mother said, she was meant to rule everyone here. as the firstborn, once Sora leaves the throne and puts all his attention on getting stronger then it would be all her. thinking this, she couldn't help but grow a huge and bright smile. which made everyone speechless at how adorable the little thing was...

so months went by, Sylvie kept her time learning under Grayfia with the idea that she would become the next ruler of this world. She spent her time reading books, cultivating, and training her martial arts. her talent was indeed shocking as she understood everything instantly. she had sharp memories so she never get anything, and her cultivation speed even without going around absorbing people rivaled Sora back in the day.

Her knowledge of magic surpassed even her mother. she was a freak among freaks. but even with how everything seemed shocked by this, Sylvie grew depressed as Sora never seemed to be shocked or care much about her shocking growth. it seemed like in Sora's eyes, it would be shocking if she did any less, this only made her push herself.

but she didn't know Sora knows what was going on. although he tried to motivate her and act surprised, over time, it starts to be clear that he's not surprised. many people already put together that Sora can see the future, which leads to Sora not bothering to act anymore.

"Daddy, look. I created a spell that allows me to travel at a speed equal to teleportation." Sylvie said with bright eyes as she ran into the throne room. Sora smiled slightly upon hearing this

"thats impressive, I don't believe such a movement technique exists. you're a one of a kind." Sora said with a smile, Sylvie's smile weakened slightly seeing Sora's eyes. there was no surprise. it was just an act. but she created something that could allow anyone to move so fast that time freezes for them, anyone can use the spell if they understand it, and the energy requirement although high meant that anyone could use it.

"... what's wrong?" Sora asked calmly, this was one of those dark spots where a major outcome was going to happen, and Sora was curious to see what it was.

"...i-its just that nothing I do amazes you. you're just acting. those eyes, even at my birth..." She said in a soft voice, stunning Sora. Sylvie was also stunned seeing that look appear in Sora's eyes, this time it was not an act. Sora laughed slightly as he walked down the stairs to this throne, and pocked her up

"thats because I see everything. I have already reacted and shown my shock in the past, I didn't know you were bothered by this. you're trying to shock someone who already saw the shock coming... you're quite arrogant to try and surprise someone who is all-seeing." Sora said Sylvie was stunned for some time before she smiled. this to say the least made her at ease...

later that month, Esdeath gave birth to a daughter as well. making Sora question if he could only give birth to females or something. She was named Hikami, and her talent was no less to Sylvie.

Hikami ice was unique, capable of freezing anything. by anything, that meant anything. ideas, concepts, thoughts, memories, and so on. they could all be frozen. with this ability, she could even freeze a person's ability, living a person's ability unable o be used. hell, even ice could be frozen.

She was cold and emotionless, she disdained to talk unless it was needed. she too was given a maid, and began her training to fight for the throne. she was also ruthless, not thinking twice to kill even for her age.

a few days later, Daki gave birth to a son. which made Sora sigh slightly. being his only son, Sora felt that he could connect better with the son, and maybe have some father-and-son time. but his attempts to do this left Sylvie and Hikami displeased. what was with the special treatment?

Sora was speechless seeing this, so he simply had no choice but to also try and see if he could connect with these females. Daki's child was named Diablo, Sora spent a week with this king and found that they couldn't connect. the kid was too scheming, seeing everything as a chessboard, he has everything planned out before doing anything. forget for the enemy, but bad for father and son time.

the next to give birth was Krul Tepes, who gave birth to the prince of the vampires Dracula. Dracula was a quiet guy who kept to himself, but he was no less talented than the others. in fact, he was more dangerous as he stayed low-key, growing from the shadows. not many knew of his ability, only Sora and his mother, and a few others.

the 5th was Tiang Tian, but her birth was special.

within the waiting Sora and the 4 other children sat quietly, waiting to see their new siblings, Hikami and Dracula both got along quite well, so they both could be seen along with each other most of the time, just standing quietly and giving off a cold chilling aura.

Sylvie and Diablo seemed close, but they knew better than others that they were each other worst enemies. If Sora were to disappear, they were surely make sure the other was dead before he/she could grow up to cause each of them a pain in the ass. but as the saying goes, keep your friends close, but your enemy closer

Sora knew about this but didn't care, in his eyes they were kids' fathers for something he might never step down from. but just in case he steps down and just disappear and fully forces on growing stronger, he wanted to know which one of his child he wanted to live his world too. he didn't want to leave and returned to a world where he picked a dump ass to rule over, or a ruthless kid who went on to make his world hell.

also, he was lining toward the child he was having with Hannah. although he didn't want to pick favorites it couldn't be helped, it was something that could be helped. but to make sure he was giving everyone an equal chance, he would see what everyone had to offer.

suddenly Sora felt a strange aura that was coming from the room Tiang Tian was giving birth in. everything all over Sora's world, seemed to move, face towards the room, and bowed. the chairs, trees, air, light, cold, clouds, everything was currently bowing. this was not an aura of conquest that denied respect, but all things willing respected and submitted to whatever was within that room.

Slowly, Tiang Tian walked out with a tired look. in her hands, a child which gave off a golden glow was looking around with pure eyes. those pure eyes which aimed to bring pieces to the world, causing all of creation to willingly submit for the kid.

"..." Sora took the kid for some time before he waved his hand, a needle appeared in his hands which he pained to the kid's finger. he pieced in, but the needle suddenly broke, unwilling to damage him, Sora was stunned for a moment... this kid was so pure that he could cause the stuff he dominated to kill themselves, not willing to hurt the kid or stand against him.

'... this should be the second part of my Sage Dao, instead of force, sometimes one needs to be gentle.' Sora thought as he looked at the child, before thinking of a name

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