In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 100: 0097 Sage Dao

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"what's this meeting about?" Sora asked calmly as he entered a meeting room where a few of his wives at. it was just the wives with the most power in his world. among them were, Hannah the goddess of this world, Towa the goddess of space-time, Irene the dragon goddess, Tian Tang the goddess of beauty, and the heavens, Merlin the goddess of knowledge, and Tsunade the goddess of health.

"We have been thinking and came to a conclusion that could benefit everyone... about your time that is. you see, you can simply make avatars to spend time with everyone. that way your main body could have all the time itself." Hannah said with a kind and gentle smile, Sora's eyes narrowed slightly, so this was her payback on that park?

"wouldn't I just be given myself a green hat," Sora said calmly, making everyone's eyebrow raised slightly. there was a difference between clones and avatars, a clone was a copy. an avatar on the other hand was like a cut-off finger that recovered, growing a full body. it's linked to the main body, but it's still its own being. at any time, it shall return to the main body,

everyone instantly realized things were not as simple as they seemed, clearly Hannah was planning something. but now they were curious as to why Sora doesn't just make an avatar. this would indeed give him all the free time he wants without having to bother about anything.

"What? a green hat? I'm sure everyone here can explain why thats not possible... we're just feeling like you don't pay much attention to use. when we give birth, will things remain like this? everything is about the Dao. we're worried." Hannah said with a smile, Irene frowned slightly at this. she didn't want her child to grow up without a father in her life. although she was sure Sora would be there from time to time, she was sure it might be every few months or something.

"I need my full attention to the Dao, distracting thoughts could lead to trouble," Sora said calmly, making everyone's eyebrows raise slightly. with the link in mind, sure this would be trouble. but Sora could cut that off whenever he wants, and have the avatar do as it wants. allowing him to put all his attention on one thing, and not be distracted by the avatar. Sora didn't even care to come up with a good lie,

"is something wrong? what are you hiding from us," Hannah asked with incent eyes, making Sora's eyes narrow slightly. the true reason Sora didn't just make an avatar was that he needed his space, his energy is used up quickly around them. it's not that they are doing anything wrong, Sora just likes keeping to himself. staying around others and having 'fun' all the time gets tiring over time.

Hannah knew this, she knew Sora best. but Sora dared have her have a wet dream? if she didn't force him to cough something, then her name would not be Hannah,

"I have my reasons, sigh... you're all not strong enough to understand," Sora said with a shake of his head,

"how could that be? as one we might be weak, but if all of our sisters come together, what can stand against us?" Hannah asked with a smile, making everyone node seriously.

'this scheming woman, but against someone who knows the future, she could never be prepared to face me.' Sora thought as red instantly entered the throne room with a panicked look,

"lord, Katakto is on a rampage." Red said, making Sora frown as he stood up. he put an end to the meeting and disappeared, quickly arriving in the stables, where a baby horse was shooting flames from its mouth. those looking after the baby horse were sent flying as it rammed into them, even those with strength in the true god realm couldn't stand a chance against this horse's rage

"Kataktos," Sora said with a smile, Katakto instantly stopped upon sensing Sora arriving. it happily ran forward, jumping into Sora's hands. those looking after Katakto had pale faces, a baby horse nearly killed them. they were the best horse trainers Sora could find, they were good at their job which is why Katakto didn't kill them.

"Did I do good?" Katakto asked in a sweet voice, Sora had told it to go crazy. enough reason for Sora to leave everything behind to see his beloved horse.

"you went overboard, you almost killed them," Sora said with a helpless sigh before he ordered the trains to recover. They all recovered like nothing happened, stunning them. but they quickly thanked Sora. Sora rewarded them with some pills and spirit stones before he played with the horse before leaving.

"you were quick to run," Hannah said with crossed arms, Sora shrugged slightly. she could try all she wants, but she would never get the drop on him.

"littles call a truth. cough up a treasure, and I will not go with my next plan." Hannah said with narrowed eyes. Sora got her good with that last prank and he had little to no way to get him back, Hannah was forbidden from entering the treasury, so was willing to overlook all this for her child.

"what can you do?" Sora asked with a mocking smile, but Hannah didn't say anything as she looked at him with a look that says, try me. Sora looked at her for some time, before shaking his head

"what do you want?" Sora asked calmly, Hannah was a schemer, if this prank war going on, it would be distracting to his Dao of conquest.

"Good, let's get the treasury, I remember a treasure that was created. before Azmuth stepped down, his best creation yet." She said with a smile, Sora's eyebrow raised not knowing what she was talking about. but they still left for the royal treasury. the huge doors to the treasury moved, shaking the world.

Sora and Hannah entered and saw a world of gold on the other side. as they entered, the world shook as the doors slammed shut. as Sora entered, he saw a throne on top of a world of treasures, which Gilgamesh was sitting with closed eyes. Slowly, Gilgamesh slowly opened her eyes and calmly looked at the newcomers. she slowly got off the throne, and went to pay her respect, with her status she was not any weaker than Hannah,

"what brings husband and goddess to my domain," Gilgamesh asked with a smile, Sora didn't say anything and looked at Hannah.

"I'm looking for the perfect transformation orb," Hannah said with a smile, making Gilgamesh's eyebrow raise. the perfect transformation orb as it says, allowed one to transform to become almost perfect.

"I what my son to be perfect, with that orb he can walk the path of transformation to a level thats unmatched," Hannah said with a smile, making Sora think for a moment. Azmuth created this orb to improve the Omnitrix, but after he created his best creations Azmuth stored it away and stepped down.

this perfect transformation orb was an orb made to reach the absolute peak of what transformation should allow a person to do. if Hannah's child could absorb this, then in the future he could gain the power to turn into anything and everything without limit. the child would be like ben 10 within a cultivation world, so long as his knowledge and understanding of what he is turning into, then he could turn into a said thing.

Sora couldn't help but sigh at this thought, if Azmuth didn't put down the tools, just what else could he have made? such a genius that only grows smarter with age, it was a huge loss. hopefully, his child would be even better than him.

"This orb?" Gilgamesh said softly as an orb appeared in her palm, this was the orb Azmuth created. as the goddess of treasure, everything he had was better than those outside. when Azmuth created the perfect orb, this orb was born within here, being considered the original to what Azmuth created. Azmuth only created a copy, what Gilgamesh had was stronger and better.

"Can I have it?" Hannah asked with pleading eyes, Sora frowned for some time while looking at the orb, before he nodded in the end. although Sora didn't want to admit it, the child he had with Hannah was the one he couldn't wait to see the most out of the others. so, he would spoil it slightly.

Hannah jumped in joy as she took the orb, making Gilgamesh slightly displeased, she didn't like people taking her stuff. but this was in the end not hers and belonged to Sora. so, she could say nothing about who Sora wanted to give it to.

"where is the Omnitrix?" Sora asked calmly, Gilgamesh waved her hand a watch without any buttons appeared in her hands. Sora took the watch and thought about it for some time,

"I want this to be made on a mass scale, give me a rundown of the watch," Sora said calmly while studying it.

"it's Azmuth best creation yet. the ability to scan others' cultivation stages, it's able to allow one to transform into any cultivation stage. with rhe slight drawback of being absolutely normal within said cultivation stage. there is also the drawback of time needed to scan, the higher the cultivation the longer the time. the watch is capable of doing upgrades to itself, which could increase the scan speed, and others. it already has a list of aliens, but not all the aliens can reach high cultivation, some of them are limited by genes. the higher the cultivation, the more power the watch uses up, limiting the time one could remain transformed." Gilgamesh said softly, to which Sora nodded for some time,

"well, is their treasures here I should know off?" Sora asked calmly, although Sora could become all-knowing within his world if he wanted, he didn't. he had seen what all-knowing people do without knowing it, Sora didn't want to be that person with a greater plan, who has everything planned out. instead, he gets any knowledge he wants whenever he wants, he simply had to want to know, but he choices to ask.

"well... there are many treasures, what type are you looking for?" Gilgamesh asked calmly, Sora thought of what type of treasure he wanted.

"show me the most overpowered stuff," Sora said calmly, Gilgamesh waved her hands as countless crystals, orbs, swords, spears, and much other stuff appeared above her head. all of them were the best she had.

"This is the crystal of every living, created by Orochimaru, it how he is unkillable... this here is the world-devouring orb, its capable of being used with anything allowing sad things to have the power to absorb stuff, gaining the power of all it absorbs and so on..." Gilgamesh lazily went over everything, before Sora picked the World devouring Crystal.

"double," Sora ordered it, and it suddenly began to double until there were 4. Gilgamesh was not shocked at seeing this. as the goddess of treasures, she too can have the number of treasures increase, but unlike Sora, she grew weaker by doing so. Sora on the other hand conquered everything, the very concept of what that crystal was was conquered and ordered double in about, this was the Dao of conquest. of course, Sora would have grown tired from doing this, but he truly had an endless amount of energy. if he didn't want to be tried, then he saw remain at 100%

Sora summoned his Conquest armor, spear, shield, and crown. with 4hat, he had each of them absorb crystals, before throwing the last crystal to Gilgamesh. with this, Sora's equipment could now devour other equipment and become stronger with new abilities and stuff.

"well, thats everything I need," Sora said as he left, Gilgamesh saw them off before sighing in relief, as the goddess of treasure. they take great pride in protecting her stuff.  Sora taking just 3 things was for the best, she returned to her throne, looking at the world of gold. she was among the very few people who could match Anos Voldigoad, and might even win.

time went by, Sora went on to enter close door cultivation as he planned to have his Dao transcend and before a Sage Dao.

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 2,630/ 1e40

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Size: low Outerverse level 3

worlds conquered: 9 million high-grade worlds, finite mid-grade worlds, finite low-grade world


You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Body Cultivation:  High peak heavenly Immortal (+ 17.5 trillion Sage Dao to one PL. Combat level at Late Sage realm}


Energy Cultivation: High peak heavenly Immortal (+ 17.5 trillion Sage Dao to one PL. Combat level at Late Sage realm}


Soul Cultivations: High peak heavenly Immortal (+ 17.5 trillion Sage Dao to one PL. Combat level at Late Sage realm}


Mind Cultivations: High peak heavenly Immortal (+ 17.5 trillion Sage Dao to one PL. Combat level at Late Sage realm}


Dreamworld cultivation: High peak heavenly Immortal (+ 17.5 trillion Sage Dao to one PL. Combat level at Late Sage realm}


World Godly Marks: 131.25 billion (plus 131.25 trillion Sage Dao to one power level.


Dao: [The Dao Of Conquest level 12+ 1 billion Sage Dao


PowerLevel: 328 trillion Sage Dao {Strength at Late Sage realm}

max power level: 428 Billion God Dao (power level at early True God.) note that this is because of your Dao, your limitations and transformation have all been fused into your base form. note that you can be stronger by simply ordering yourself. the limitations to this depend on your Dao, pushing it could damage your Dao

the Conquest armor Set: 4.28e21 Great Sage Dao (428 sextillions)

(note, you have many skills which have seemly no limits to them. with your creation of almighty steal (the improved Snath and divine dividing), you can steal anything. you can steal a person's power without there being any limits to how much you can steal you have no limits.

Heavenly Boost would boost your powerlevel by 50% of your original powerlevel every second, note that the second that pass is a second to your space-time. if you have a powerlevel of 1, your powerlevel would increase by .5 every second without limit. you are able to affect this ability with your Dao.

adding your other skills, its safe to say you're absolute peak power level of infinite}


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye] + anything he could think off

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest], [Observation Haki], [Armament Haki], [Conqueror's Haki], [Dragon God Devil Slayer Magic], + anything he could think off

Unique Ability: [Supme conquest System] [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [The Ruler], [The Goddess], [God Of Conquest Eye],+ plus anything he could think off

Sora was all power and could really do anything he could think about, Sora thought for some time before he ordered himself to become all-seeing. His sight instantly fused with his future, past, and current self.

'my future is black, meaning that a major point in my future.' Sora said as he softly, that darkness was him when he was about to have his Dao transcend, of course, Sora knew he wasn't going to fail. there were two reasons he believed this, the first reason was his Dao was now 100% complete, and destiny had said his death was when he lost something he holds dear.

he, of course, didn't believe he changed the future without knowing, what destiny says is an omniverse scale, which meant that it was almost possible for anything or anything to do something he says shall happen. since he was far from death, what did he have to worry about?

Sora's past, future, and current self were all connected. it was almost impossible to truly shock Sora, Sora didn't simply see one branch of his space-time, but an infinite future of what he could do, and the aftermath of everything. Sora realized that future was his weakness, it's best he sees all danger coming before it arrives. with this, he was close to being all-knowing without actually being all-knowing

many things were black, and all major choices that he could make and their outcome was dark, which left Sora slightly helpless at this. but the longest possible he could see was a trillion of years into his future, and that was a future where he avoided making any choices

"let's evolve and transcend our limitations," Sora said as he floated up, crossing his legs, and slowly began having his Dao transcend. slowly, an image of a seed began taking form within Sora. this was the Dao seed, the first step to transcend the Dao is to have this send bloom into a Dao flower.

slowly, the seed opened up, and a beautiful flower slowly grew out, reaching toward the sky. the flower gave off a powerful aura of conquest, anyone who looked at it would be conquered on the spot. lightning shook as tribulation could gather above Sora.

Tian Tang who was watching superhero movies suddenly jumped up in a rage, someone dared to become a sage? and to make things worse, this Sage gave her chills, chills like nothing she ever felt before. but she froze seeing it was Sora, she bit her lips for some time.

"what Dao is this? it goes against everything," She said with a deep frown, she thought for some time before she sat down. she was no longer within the Pangu world, she couldn't be as she was back there. here talents will be born. and it was best that they were overpowered.

lightning hit Sora none stop, but all the lightning was absorbed by the floor, which seemed to need all the energy in the world to grow stronger, in a blink of an eye, the floor grew, showing a beautiful rainbow color pedals to the world, the center of the pedal was a beautiful golden, and its body was a chaos white in color.

Sora slowly opened his eyes, and as soon as he did, he realized a powerful aura of conquest that everyone within his world instantly felt. making all lifeforms freeze in their steps, before falling to their knees, paying respect to Sora castle.

Sora slowly opened his eyes, and landed on the ground, while looking at his palm, the power of conquest ran through his veins, making him feel as if he was all power. Sora stepped forward, and arrived before his throne, amazed by how much power his Sage Dao currently had.

there were 3 stages to a Sage Dao, the breakthrough within the Sage realm was all required on the Dao, if the Dao you created hasn't reached a high enough level, you can forget trying to break through too Early, Late, or peak Sage Dao.

there were 5 types of Dao people usually create. the first being copper-grade talent, the trash of all Dao, these Dao are equal to the normal power levels within the cultivation States,

for example, a Stage 1 copper-grade Dao shall have a powerlevel equal to the easily Sage realm, a stage 2 copper-grade Dao shall have a powerlevel equal to the late Sage realm, and a stage 3 copper-grade Dao shall have a powerlevel equal to the peak Sage realm.

a type 2 Dao was called silver is much stronger, being 100 times stronger than copper grade talent, a type 3 Dao was called Gold type Dao is 100 times stronger than a type 2 Dao, a type 4 Dao was called a diamond dao, and was 100 times stronger than a type 3.

a type 5 dao, a ruby grade Dao which is the highest and only a rare fure only ever managed to create such a powerful Dao was 100 times stronger than a type 4.

but there have been people who say that there was an even higher type of Dao, a Dao which was much stronger than a type 5 Dao.

one could see how hard it is for a person to skip levels within the Sage realm, even the highest type 5 Dao would only have a powerlevel 10 trillion times type 1 Dao, only enough to skip a stage. now, what was so special about Sora Dao?

it was far above the likes of a type 5 Dao, Sora Dao had a powerlevel of 1 Great Dao. meaning his Dao alone could match a Great Sage. this was just scary, Sora Dao at the moment was only at Stage 1, and had 3 more Stages. but it already could match a Great Sage.

Sora ordered himself to become all-powerful, and instantly, his cultivation shot up. the world energy dropped slightly, but Sora's creation reached a space balance with his Dao, allowing him to be much stronger than when the two are not balanced.

Sora sat back, Sora didn't even notice that he spent most of his time on his Dao. he just had it transcend, and he was already trying to see if he could reach Stage two. but such a matter will take even Sora at least thouands of years.

Sora was a conquest, be it him or his siblings, they are all drawn toward who they all are. Sora is drawn to conquer, but to do that, he needed to power. in his eyes, this dao was the most beautiful thing, something he would die for. it was not only his hard work but his past life's hard work. two lifeforms came together to create such a Dao, it would be a sin if he could easily ignore such a beautiful thing.

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