In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 12: 0011 to the upper region

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"My lord, all 6 realms have been conquered... what do we do next?" Merlin asked respectfully as she kneed before Sora sitting upon the throne, comprehending the law. Sora sighed softly as he opened his eyes, he had no clue what was next after this

{sensing the host has taken all 6 realms within the world of the seven deadly sins under his rule... the next step is for the host to pull them into the system through the system. from within the system, the host should swallow these realms.} the system said as Sora turned his attention towards the low-grade portal

'why couldn't I do this in the first place?' Sora asked in confusion, the system could now answer some of his answers, but not everything. Some related to the system, The god of conquest cultivation art, and others.

{because of the power of belief, if the people within the seven deadly sins believed that you are the enemy, and you tried to swallow their world from the start. if they unite and they all believe in one thing. the world can not only swallow the system but greatly weaken it, leading to some levels being lost. it would not only put the system in danger but also the host.} the system said eyebrow raised at this,

'if the system is absorbed, isn't that like me be absorbed?' Sora asked with a  frown

{since the host and system are one, then yes. the world would become the new you. so it's best to be careful. although you would not fully disappear and have a call chance of breaking free, it's extremely small.} the system said as Sora nodded before heading towards the low-grade portal, he called all the members of the seven sins, along with Mael and those he ranked highly among his followers before he got to work

within the seven deadly sin world, the law grade portal which was in the middle of a camp suddenly grew in size, everyone within the camp panicked seeing this, but before they could do anything, the powerful sucking force suddenly began drawing not only them not the whole human realm into the system.

Everyone found himself within the system, as the ground below them took shape and form as that of the human realm they were just on. in seconds, everything was back to normal for them, all but the fact that new energy filled the world along with a unique law and that their abilities were not working.

within a space above the size realms, Meliodas who was cultivating was suddenly awakened as the world suddenly grew weaker. this has been happening every since Sora has been conquering the 6 realms, but it never brought this huge of a reationsion

"y-you must go, you are strong enough." the world said weakly, Meliodas nodded seriously before the world suddenly entered his body. Meliodas closed his eyes as he felt his power which had to reach a new shocking level, with a cultivation at the silver rank, Meliodas slowly opened his eyes revealing his eyes which looked like the universe.

He was now all-seeing, seeing everything within the 7 deadly sin world, he could also sense the hint of the human realm within Sora's world. With a step, appearing before those humans he knew well, He then moved, heading towards the goddess clan, and demon clan. Sora who was about to move on to the other realms noticed his actions and frowned as he noticed Meliodas was not normal.

The more Melidoas moved, the stronger and more used to his power, he also sensed when he knocked them out he was trying to break the control he has over them, but stopped as once the control was broken they would become fools. so he instead absorbed their energy to improve his cultivation

{warning, the one known as Meliodas has become one with the world. killing him will kill the world as well, he has also used Chaos... warning, that this world seems to be about to break the power limit of the powerlevel of 1 million... powerlevel has been met and broken. this world has become a mid-grade world, and its power is increasing.} the system said as Sora frowned as he tried his best to track Melioda's movement, but he was teleporting all over the place

{host should absorb more realms, the more realms you absorb, the weaker he would become.} the system said as Sora moved, and tried to absorb the demon realm. but as soon as he tried, Meliodas appeared to stop him. Meliodas also knew that if Sora absorbed more realms, the weaker he would become, so he had to stop him.

But Sora, also wanted him to appear. as Sora tried to absorb it, the demon realm countered and tried to absorb the system. Sora knowing that he was at a disadvantage left the system, Sora kneed Meliodas in the stomach, sending him flying to the ground. but Meliodas had transcended the limitations of mortal bodies, a hit to the stomach didn't do much damage to him as Sora expected.

"Where is  Elizabeth?" Meliodas asked coldly, but Sora ignored him as he looked at his body, he was being suppressed by the world,

{mid grade world suppresses those from another world by 50%, of course, if your power over shadow that world, you can ignore the suppression. Sora frowned slightly, as he looked seriously, at meliodas, Meliodas had a powerlevel of over a million, while he barely had a power level of 500 thousand

"troublesome... truly, trouble," Sora said with a deep frown, Meliodas, snorted as he rushed towards Sora. Sora ignored him while thinking of his next best move at this moment before he disappeared. he appeared in the system, Meliodas frowned as he looked into the system while he saw Sora sitting upon his throne, looking down upon him.

"you seem to be getting used to your power, and as things stand... I would lose if this little war between us continues. so I would retreat for now... I should return in about a week or so." Sora said with a calm smile, Meliodas eyes narrowed,

"so you're running away?" He asked with a sneer, but Sora just shook his head with a smile,

"i'm not running away, you can always come to get me through this portal after all. your little lover is on the other side." Sora said as the portal image changed, showing off everyone who was standing below the throne. Meliodas greeted his teeth as he saw his friends, and even his little brother and many others among them.

He was just about to rush forward, but Chaos who he fused with suddenly blocked his path. since they were fused, they can sense each other thoughts, Meliodas gritted his teeth before he calmed himself down.

"than... I will be waiting." He said coldly, Sora shrugged at his world before he waved his hands, removing Meliodas's image from the portal and making the portal return to its normal look. Red who was standing by his side looked at Sora in confusion,

"my lord, could you not have won even if you were suppressed at only 50%? with sunshine, your power can increase by 20 times, and with the snatch, you can steal a person's powerlevel by up to 3 times your own. altogether, you could have become 60 times stronger." Red said softly, Sora shook his head slightly

"I would be underestimating him too greatly. he just gained this power and is getting stronger just by doing a small task like going around knocking out those weak demons and members of the goddess clans. how strong would he become if he fought someone stronger than himself? Let's now add the fact he is the world, he can make it day or not as he wishes, so he could make me 20 times weaker with but a thought." Sora said calmly as he stood up from his throne

"I will be going to see my elder brother... as for you all, just cultivate, there are now 3 realms in this world. the human realm is now the biggest realm I have under my rule... put it to good use." Sora said calmly as he disappeared,

he appeared on top of the fog mountain, and with a jump,10 wings grew from his back before he shot off towards the royal capital. in a blink of an eye, he appeared before the royal capital, before he turned invisible before he hid his aura, and enter the castle. he had his way past the guards and quickly made his way to the throne room,

the doors to the throne room were shot close, so he couldn't get in. So, as if his bones had disappeared and went through the crack in between the door, he had the beast king bloodline, after all, all things a beast could do he could do, although he was lacking most ability of the beast king bloodline due to it being incomplete, he had the abilities of the beast he had absorbed.

Sora walked toward the throne which was currently empty and sat down upon it while looking around at the empty throne room. his eyebrow raised slightly, feeling his thinking and comprehension abilities had improved, he smiled slightly feeling this. he didn't expect this throne to have such a unique ability.

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He closed his eyes, as he comprehended the law while waiting for his elder brother to return, time went by and soon the throne door was opened. slowly opening his eye, Sora saw a man with a golden crown entering the throne room but froze the instant he saw someone sitting on his throne.

"... Sora?" He asked with a deep frown as those behind him moved to protect him, Sora's image has greatly changed within the past few days since he last saw him.

"it brings me great joy to know my elder brother still remembers me," Sora said with a smile as he stood up,

"w-what is little brother Sora doing here?" He asked softly, his senses of danger were off the charts, one should know that as the crown prince, his sense of danger was sharpened to the peak. Assassination attempts and many other attempts in his life lead to him gaining a kind of unique sense of when his life was in danger.

"Nothing much, I see your senses are sharp as ever. now, why do you think i'm here? because you sent me to the land of the undead, had man my killed, or for the crown?" Sora asked with a cold smile, the king frowned at his words

"What does younger brother mean, I sent you there because I knew you had no interest. I wanted you to live your life as you wished... I had no idea your man was killed." He said with a forced smile, Sora smiled slightly at his words

"sigh, I was never into these word games. the fact you think such words would work... are you calling me stupid? Abel, answer my question. which one of the 3 do you think I came here for," Sora asked with a smile, Abel looked around for a moment before sighing in relief.

the shadows within the throne room suddenly came to life as they all shot toward Sora, but as the shadows reach the range of Sora's domination, they were dominated and began flowing around Sora like loyal pets.

"elder sister, your teacher spoils you greatly to have reached level 8 silver rank at her age. your comprehension of the law of Shadows is also at level 5, shocking." Sora said softly as he looked within at a black-haired woman, she had a stunned look as she looked at the scene in front of her. this was the first time Sora ever saw a hint of emotion on her cold face.

Her name is Saya, she was born with a unique physique called Shadow King Physique, this physique allowed her to become one with shadows, control them, and even track through them. her talent was discovered by a powerful expert within the upper region who would take her away from time to time to train her. she was only 28 years old, and was already stronger than most people in the lower region.

"... i'm no match for him." She said emotionlessly as her stunned look disappeared, Abel's relieved look disappeared as he stepped backward, but he froze upon seeing Sora's eyes landing on him.

"ignoring me? the punishment is death." Sora said as he held his hand out, as Abel was about to be sucked into his palm, a middle-aged man appeared to protect Abel. this man looked extremely similar to Sora and Abel, but older.

"sigh, father don't you know the matters of the younger generations should be dealt with the younger generations," Sora asked with a smile, Sora's father frowned deeply as he eyed Sora and looked at Abel who realized seeing his appearance, before looking at Saya

"what do you want?" He asked in a deep voice, Sora shrugged as he sat down on the throne and crossed his legs as he looked down upon them, both literally and figuratively, something which made his father frown deepen.

"what do I want? I'm here to conquer. so, will you also stand against me?" Sora asked with a smile, his father's eyes narrowed slightly. the reason he dared not attack was that he felt danger from Sora,

"you never wanted the throne, why now." He asked coldly, Sora shrugged at his words.

"why now? I do what I wish, I want you and everyone to kneel, so you will kneel to me. ether you kneel, or you would die." Sora said calmly, his father's face instantly darkened at his words, and without a second thought he stepped forward, and a huge palm flew out towards Sora, but Sora pointed forward popping the palm like a bubble.

"I thought it would be fun to toy with you all... but I realize something. wheres the fun in a person playing with ants, one must be bored for such a thing to interest them. like how a child would play with ants, but a grown man would ignore them as they are too busy. and I a god... would have to lower myself, just to notice your existence." Sora said with eyes filled with disdain, everyone's eyes shrank as they were over some with horror, but before they could do anything, a Sora will power spread out, shattering their willpower and dominating them,

the whole city was filled with this willpower, one should know this royal city was huge. the royal city was about 5 times bigger than cities like new york City, of course, Sora will power covered this range, and dominated everyone, be it those ancestors in close door cultivation, and many powerful people within the city... they were all subdued, and became Sora's loyal slave.

Sora waved his hands as a portal appeared next to him, slowly Red walked out along with a few maids. Sora stood up from the throne as he looked at them

"I'm about to leave, do as you wish but this whole empire must be under my rule," Sora said calmly, Red and the maids nodded respectfully before Sora disappeared. Sora went on to subdue all the empires, the blazing sun empire, The Rain empire, and Heavenly Stone Empire,

as for the beast race, they only had one ruler, they were united unlike the humans, the beast king didn't have the beast king bloodline, but had a bloodline known as the Beast Ruler bloodline, a bloodline which once was the beast king bloodline but was diluted to a level like this. Sora didn't even bother to absorb his bloodline, and simply dominated the whole beast race royal family.

after conquering all of the land races, the sea races were next. the sea races were the strongest races, like the beast race they were all united under one ruler, and had many resources, like humans they can make other stuff to help in their cultivation which greatly boosts their strength.

Sora shot into the sea and shot towards the sea race royal capability. with his speed, he quickly found the royal capability after a few hours, spreading out his willpower and dominating everything within the capability, Sora went on to spread some time within the sea absorbing new bloodlines until he reached a total of 100 new bloodlines

{absorbed 100 new sea race bloodlines... these bloodlines have fused to form the Sea King Bloodline, the sea king bloodline is a powerful bloodline that of the sea king. the true ruler of the sea, all sea life blinds to the one with this bloodline... note that this bloodline is incomplete, absorb new bloodline to strength.} the system said as Sora floated out of the ocean and went on to look at all the land under his rule. after seeing everything was good, Sora flew off towards the upper region

the lower region was of no use to him, but instead would hold him back the longer he remains. as for the upper regions, it was filled with more powerful lifeforms, stuff which he could use to level up the system while at the same time help himself breakthrough.

'thats 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... that's 20,000 miles. the lower region alone is bigger than the earth, which has a Radius of 3,900 miles. interesting, and I didn't start from one end of the barrier to this one.' Sora thought as he stood before the barrier leading to the upper region. it was an invisible barrier, one would not be able to sense it but Sora could sense it,

Sora flew past the barrier, and as soon as he did, he was hit by the sudden change in gravity. but it was not gravity, just that the Qi in the air was too much that it affects gravity., this could cause others to suddenly fate from the sudden change, but Sora quickly adapted. with his powerlevel, how could something like this truly affect him? With that, Sora shot off and began searching for land

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