In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 13: 0012 human school

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walking through a busy street, Sora looked around in amazement. so many copper rank experts filled the street. even those considered commoners were cultivators. the buildings all around him were also made out of high-quality items which would make considered treasures to those weak cultivators in the lower regions.

of course, as Sora walked through these streets, everyone's mind shattered as they all kneeled to Sora. like a god, a clear road of people bow laid before him while he calmly walked through without needing to do anything,

Sora soon noticed someone who was at the Iron rank, and called him over. the man instantly ran over happily, how could he not be happy when his god called for him? it was his job, and pleasure to worship Sora. it didn't matter if he just start now

"tell me about the world around here, the powerhouse, the sects, and so on," Sora said calmly, the man nodded respectfully as he followed Sora from behind while he gave a rough rundown of the upper region.

unlike the lower regions, there were more conflicts among races within the upper regions. there were 4 main races that were in conflict, Humans, Beast Man, Sea Race, and the spirits. the spirits were plants, rocks, and so on, that had evolved, becoming human-like.

these 4 races have been in conflict for many years, and there is also a great conflict among humans, there were of course many sub-races just like on earth. Earth there were whites, Blacks, and many others. but there, skin color was nothing anyone consider a difference among races unless you wanted to do Sub Sub Races.

the most popular sub-humans were the strong-arm humans. these humans are born 10 times stronger than a normal human, their arms held overwhelming power allowing them to rip a full-grown human in half at the age of 5 with ease.

there were hundreds of other sub-races, each all extremely powerful. the main race among humans is the normal human race, the one anyone could find on earth. this was because of one thing, they were balanced. they were extremely smart, yet although weak they made up for it by using their brains to create cultivation arts by studying beasts or other races.

at the end of the day, comprehension talent beast cultivation talent. cultivation could be considered the muscles, and comprehension could be considered the brains. comprehend laws and you could defeat even those with a higher cultivation realm.

There were 5 great powers within the human race, known as the 5 great sects. these sects were filled with countless gold rank experts, but even above them were the strongest over all orientations known as the human school. this was where all the most talented humans goes, sub-races there didn't matter as they were all treated equally, their only goal was to make sure that the human race remain strong, no matter what race will take the crown as the main race, they simply act to strength the humans.

upon learning all of this, Sora headed off toward this human school. Sora didn't want to sound arrogant, but he was powerful within the upper regions. he was a powerhouse.

Sora of course had no idea where the human school was, so he aimed toward the heart of this world.

'This world is huge,' Sora thought as he realized how huge this world was, he have flew more than 30,000 miles, yet he have yet to leave the country. this was scary, but thinking about it, then it kinda made sense. with the powerhouses walking around this world, if this was earth and someone foolishly attack the planet, it would be destroyed. not everyone had good control of their power,

plus, the upper region had a higher connection to the law, so the earth here would be stronger. one could also say the planet is cultivating, and growing bigger. a weak and small planet has a higher chance of not only being destroyed by an outside force but even the lifeform on the planet. so it would of course have a smaller amount of Qi to limit the life forms on that planet

meanwhile, a bigger planet would have more Qi. allowing the life forms to grow, and explained, so the fact this planet was this big could be explained like this, but one couldn't say for sure.

"boy." while Sora was flying, a deep voice suddenly came from a mountain countless miles away. Sora instantly froze as he looked towards the mountain, there he saw an old man covered in a blanket of Qi. Sora frowned as he tried to sense this person's fate, but he was hiding it from him.

"you have broken the chains of fate... who are you." He asked in a ghost say as he disappeared and suddenly appeared on another mountain. Sora calmly followed him, as he went on guard

"who wishes to know?" Sora asked calmly, the old man disappeared once more as he appeared on another mountain like a ghost.

"I'm the Sage of fate of the Immortal Sword Sect. I have comprehended the Dao of Fate to the 5th level, your existence is troublesome. so, before I can make a move. I want to know about you." He said softly, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly.

there were a few things wrong with what he just said, one was his strength. at level 4 of law, it gives a plus 100,000 to one powerlevel. at level 5, it gives a plus 10 million to one powerlevel, with the system scan he knew he had a powerlevel of 15 million.

adding the powerlevel of the Dao, items, cultivation, and much other stuff, he would at least have a powerlevel of 30 million, such a powerlevel was something no normal huge sect could have,

the second thing wrong with what he said was his sect. it was not one of the 5 sects, such a powerful expert would not belong to an unknown sect. and to make things even more unbelievable, he comprehends the law of fate. not all laws were the same, just because they gave the same level of power didn't mean they were equal. the law of time can reverse or speed up all things, leading to stuff like the law of fire burning out, or returning to a state before it was born

the law of fate was a rare one, those who could comprehend it would be looked upon highly by the sect because they can not only see their own fate but others, avoiding danger and walking towards a path of victory.

"... I will tell you what I do know of you. about a week ago, you died. if I'm not wrong, you were reincarnated through his dead body. since he was a cripple, and you in shock for a short amount of time show gold rank strength. I know you are something I can't even dream of, you give off the aura of a higher being, does that have to do with your past?" He asked calmly, Sora's eyebrow raised as he looked at the old man, only smiling slightly as his eyes flashed with strange strings

"I was born with the eyes of fate, I can see a person's fate. as fate and karma are rated, I also gained a high talent for the law of karma. through the one known as rare, I followed his karma and used a unique technique to see the past through his eyes. although I could not see into your space, I know that it's something fused with you before your reincarnation." He said calmly, Sora frowned deeply

"This seems like a shock to you, are your memories of your past life unclear? if they were, you would have known that the more karma, the more weakness you give your enemies... but I wish not to be your enemy, I know I would lose. not adding the fact your huge amount of life force, which I can guess you are immortal, I could seal you, but you can just run away into your space." He said with a smile,

"the sword immortal sect... I never heard of it." Sora said calmly, the old man nodded slightly before a depressed look appeared on his face.

"thousands of years ago, the sword immortal sect, the human school, and the Star exing sect were known as the human race's most powerful forces. but 5 thousand years ago, the now known as the beast king lead a war against the humans and spirit race. the beast king was too powerful, leading to many diamond rank expert's death. in the end, we killed the beast king but not its soul, meanwhile the spirit race and human race suffered huge damage. the diamond rank entered a deep sleep to recover, while others passed away." he said with a helpless sigh

"so... what do you want with me?" Sora asked calmly, the old man sighed even deeper at his words.

"... I want to use you to restore my sect back to its peak." He said with a smile, Sora thought for a moment before nodding. just its peak was nothing, he would just have Red or someone else deals with this,

"Good, what are your thoughts on destroying the human school? it's one of the main reasons our sect is almost gone from the history books." He said seriously, Sora just shrugged at his world. a small sect like that was nothing for Sora... just give him another week.

the old man smiled seeing this, Sora truly scared him. such a talented person was not normal, he wondered who Sora was in his past life, but whatever he was, he had no interest in bothering such a powerful expert. he couldn't even see his fate. a dumb ass might have tried to search Sora's soul, but he knew clearly that Sora could enter his space at any time, or even have some powerful expert within his world looking out for him.

He on to throw Sora a badge of the Immortal Sword Sect. there were many disciples of the sect spread out all over the world, so with this Sora would be able to sense them. the old man also gave Sora s ship for fast travel, along with 10 gold spirit stones.

"those 10 golden spirit stones are all I will give but I believe they are enough for you to begin your journey within the upper region... the human school is over there, you can summon me with the badge whenever you wish." He said with a smile as he disappeared like he was a ghost, Sora calmly looked towards where he pointed, before looking at the ship he stood on.

it was a flying ship, this ship looked like any pirate ship, but it could fly. it could even match the speed of those at the peak of the gold rank, but of course, Sora couldn't power this ship to move at such a shocking speed just rate.

'This deal... I simply have them reach their peak? I can do it better while they are under my rule.' Sora thought as he controlled the ship to shoot off, in seconds, Sora flew past many counties, and many mountains, bodies of water and so many others until he control the ship to stop when he saw a floating island.

the island looked majestic, with a beautiful white castle standing on the mountain on the island. there was a whole city, forest, and even water that flew down into the body of water below the island. Sora had the ship disappear before he could get too close, after which he flew forward.

"stop right there." a middle-aged man in bright silver armor appeared before Sora, frowning when he saw the angel wings behind Sora. Sora calmly stopped as he harden the air under him, as he landed on the air the wings behind him disappeared.

"was that a technique?" He asked with a deep frown, Sora's wings were too realistic, but he could clearly see that Sora was human,

"Nope, it's thanks to a bloodline I have gained. anyways, I heard that the Human school takes in the best of the best of human talent?" Sora asked with a smile, the middle-aged man smiled pridefully hearing Sora's world.

"of course, you think you're worthy of entering?" He asked with a hint of a disdainful smile, but to his shock, Sora just nodded

"I'm the most talented being to ever come into existence, who do I have to beat up to enter?" Sora asked calmly, the guard went quiet, too stunned at what he just answered before he suddenly burst out laughing. a level 1 iron rank expert wanted who was almost 20 says he was capable of joining the human school, how laughable

"so is it you I beat up?" Sora asked calmly, the guard slowly stopped laughing and seeing that Sora was not playing around frowned. as a small ant dared to play with him? with a snort, he made a hand seal, suddenly a thin barrier appeared, which opened up, allowing him to send a palm attack at Sora.

Sora calmly watched the palm attack flying towards him, holding a powerlevel of 5,000, it indeed could kill any normal level 1 iron rank expert. but Sora blew out slightly, and it went sent flying back towards th guard with twice the force, shocking the guard who quickly blocked the attack, before looking at Sora in shock.

"as you noticed, I'm not a normal level 1 iron rank expert," Sora said calmly as he placed his hands behind his back, the middle-aged man's face darken. he a level 3 silver rank expert was being looked down upon by the brat in front of him.

He suddenly slapped forward with full intent to kill, with the full power attack he no longer looked down upon Sora, gather all the laws he comprehend, he slapped forward. but as he did, Sora ignored him as he noticed someone was watching this. the system map couldn't see through barriers, but since the guard had opened it, it allowed Sora to map within the barrier, so he could now see if someone was looking in.


a palm holding a powerlevel of 10,000 landed heavily upon Sora's chest, Sora only seemed to notice it after a few seconds of looking at himself.

"you noticed I itch I was having, but you didn't put in enough force to scratch it," Sora said calmly, the guard's body shook at his words. his attack was not even strong enough to stretch an itch, this was a level of disdain he even heard off.

"Well... since you attacked, should I attack next or can I say I met the requirement to join?" Sora asked calmly, the middle-aged man forced a smile and quickly smiled. like hell, he could want to fight Sora after what he just saw,

"Sir, you have been mistaken. I was just testing to see if you met the requirement to join the school," he said with a smile,

"Really? I thought the school was filled with powerhouses, but if the requirement is this low... sigh, I'm the best. I only accept the best, lead the way then." Sora said with a shake of his head, the middle-aged man nodded quickly while deep he was sweating bullets. he was not a fool, someone as talented as Sora would be looked highly upon by the school, yet he was the first person to blindly make him his enemy. if Sora seek revenge, he would make his life a living hell easily.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"f-follow me." He said softly, he had to find a way to get on Sora's good books quickly, but that would not be an easy thing to do. Sora calmly walked on air as he walked through the barrier and headed up to the mountain, but as soon as he passed through the barrier someone suddenly appeared before Sora. he had long blonde hair, he was not that good hand and had a scar across his neck, clearly, he almost died once

"you have nerves to force a guard to let you join the sect." He said with a cocky arrogant smile as he looked at Sora, but his smile disappeared as Sora didn't even look at him and continued walking until he bumped into him.

"... my bad, I can't always be looking to see if trash is in the way. it seems your parents never taught you that good dogs don't block the road, and in your case trash doesn't belong on the road. I believe there is something called a trash yard where you are thrown." Sora said with absolute disdain while looking at this guy.

"w-what? you dare compare me to trash," he yelled angrily as he looked Sora straight in the eyes, he had noticed Sora's talent, good looks, and overwhelming arrogance... Sora was the man he always wanted to be, he was of course filled with jealousy. he was going to pin an unforgivable crime on Sora, and have him be thrown into a cell. that way, he could be upon the sect, and Sora would be nothing... then Sora would have to look at him the same way.

"I didn't compare you to trash, you are trash... no, you're the whole trash yard," Sora said calmly, the blonde-haired man explored with rage. but just as he was about to attack, Sora place one finger in front of him.

"so, what would be the crime of killing this fool?" Sora asked as he looked at the sky, everyone followed his gaze and landed on the cloud which looked as normal as a cloud could be. slowly, the clouds broke apart as an old man revealed himself, and looked at Sora in shock.

"boy, you have sharp senses." the old man said in amazement, Sora smiled slightly at his words, his senses might be the strongest thing he had. if not looking at his abilities,

"I have sharp ears when your heart races but that split second I heard it. but I couldn't pinpoint your location as I was outside the barrier. a moment ago, you laughed, that was all I needed." Sora said with a smile, the old man was amazed for a few seconds before he laughed while nodding his head.

Sora's ears were of course sharp, how many beasts and sea life didn't have extremely sharp ears, allowing them to pick up on sounds normal humans would have a hard time picking up? adding Qi, Sora could of course find the elder who was not all serious about hiding himself. the elder of course also hid from the system map, the system is not an all-knowing thing.

"Are you from the all-hearing human race?" The old man asked, the hearing human race was a sub-race of the human race that forced on have an extremely sharp hearing, to the point they could hear the twitch of a muscle, and move perfectly to counter you. their hearing allows them to perfectly map out everything around them, they pretty much had echolocation which could spread over a whole county.

"naw, I sound just tell me stuff I might find important, it knows its place," Sora said with a shrug, Sora had dominated sound, once those sound waves hit him, even the weakest of sound waves would become strong enough for him to hear. Sora was a god, everything bends to his rule, and sound was just one of the stuff.

the old man was confused for a moment, before noticing how the air around Sora treated Sora. Sora's air was filtered, so no impurities neared him, the air which hit him was refreshing, never too cold or too hot, it even blew his hair up from time to time to make Sora look closer, the light on the other a hand seemed to glow around Sora from time to time, and would never be too hot to burn Sora.

Sora was helplessly against this, what could he do when the aura he gave off caused stuff like the world around him to treat him like this? as for why the weak guard wasn't affected, it was because of two reasons, the armor he had on perfect his mind. the sect of course didn't want people to go into the minds of their guards and use it as a chance to enter the sect.

"is that a physique?" He asked in confusion as he looked at Sora in shock, Sora aura made those around him was to submit to him. just why was this?

"yeah, I guess you can call it the domination physique," Sora said with a shrug, the old man nodded slightly as he rubbed his chin, he looked at the blonde-haired man, and smiled slightly. the blonde-haired man forced a smile as he quickly bowed to the old man, before rushing off.

"come with me, boy what is your powerful?" The old man asked softly as he flew off, Sora followed after the old man while stepping on the air.

"75,000," Sora said lazily, the old man instantly stopped as he looked back at Sora in shock, Sora was only at level 1 iron rank, but had such a high powerlevel, which made him equal to a half-step gold rank expert. that was scary, he instantly stopped as he looked seriously, at Sora up and down.

his eyes instantly turned sharp as he reached out to grab Sora's neck, Sora had to have a secret on his body, he would be a fool to let other elders within the sect get to this secret. he was a level 3 gold rank expert, this could be the thing he needed to boost his cultivation.

But as he neared Sora, Sora explored with power above half-step gold rank, and with everything he had, he stabbed the old man in his neck, killing him. the old man's eyes shrank as he looked at Sora in shock.

"Oh, you met max powerlevel? I have two power levels, my bad." Sora said with a smile as the old man was quickly sucked dry. Sora would have not been able to kill him so easily, but he foolishly let his guard down before Sora, allowing Sora to kill him. Sora was on guard and ready to fight,

Sora broke through to level 2 Iron rank, with a smile, he called out his status window.

{Name: Sora

titles: none

Age: 30/150 trillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [Royal family of the Grand Gale Kingdom Bloodline], [Beast King Bloodline], [Seven deadly sins humans bloodline], [Gaint Clan], [Fariy Clan], [The demon Clan], [The Goddess Clan]

World Name: none

World Level: 17

Land Size: 400 Square Miles

worlds conquered: none

Body Cultivation: 2 Iron rank (+10,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 4 Silver rank}


Energy Cultivation: 2 Iron rank (+10,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 4 Silver rank}


Soul Cultivations: 2 Iron rank (+10,000 to one LVL. Combat level at LVL 4 Silver rank}


God Marks: 400 (plus 40,000 to one powerlevel.


Law: Fire LVL 2 (+100), Earth LVL 2 (+100), Wind LVL 2 (+100), Lightning LVL 2 (+100), Water LVL 2 (+100),


PowerLevel: 100,500 {Strength at Half Step Gold rank

max powerlevel: 500,500 (powerlevel at Half Step level 4 Gold rank this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War.

with armor and spear formed, + an extra 1,000,000 to PL at which point, Max PL is 1,500,500 PL power at level 5 gold rank.

Times with 10 with Sunshine at its peak (one mode)}


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.]

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory]

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler].

Sora smacked his teeth, it was truly hard to skip levels once you enter the gold rank. Sora sighed softly as he turned around, as he sensed many spiritual senses spread over to see what was happening.

Sora closed his eyes and sensed the one he could easily take out and even improve his strength, after he found his target, he flashed forward shattering all the walls in his path, straight towards the gold rank expert.

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