In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 26: 0025 concubine

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Sora and Di Yalan used the system to teleport to a few gold dots on the map until Sora found that almost all of the treasures were useless. well, they were not completely useless, they at most could help his cultivation speed improve by 1%. using this stuff, Sora would need about 10 or so thousands of years to break through.

Seeing this, Sora had someone else bother with collecting everything on the map, while he and Di Yalan traveled. with Sora's speed, he was already faster than the speed of light within the cultivation world, with the step of conquest, Sora left the galaxy within a few minutes. this speed he moved at caused even Di Yalan to be shocked, but Sora could go even faster, with the Susanoo, and him going all out, he could fly from one end of a galaxy to another within 1 minute.

but Sora didn't travel straight towards the strongest galaxies, he instead stopped and went on to travel over the yellow river galaxy. appearing before the center of the galaxy, that's where the yellow river palace floated within space. Sora looked at the palace, it was huge, taller than planets, and wider than moons. it had many planets orbiting it, all planets of course being high-grade planets, filled with many void-shattering realm experts.

"he is only at the level 4 void-shattering realm expert... I exported more, its weaker than the Naruto world," Sora said as he flashed, had used the step of conquest, phasing through the barrier which protects the whole palace, and arriving within the palace, Sora shot into the palace, and everyone who saw him was instantly dominated, he didn't even need to try, those who just looked at him where dominated on the spot.

Sora soon arrived at the top where he ran into the palace leader, who was trying with great difficulty to resist the aura that he gave off. Sora will power smaller down upon him even stronger than ever, causing the middle-aged man's face to pale as his willpower just shattered,

"what's your name?" Sora asked calmly as he sat down, the middle-aged man quickly kneed before speaking.

"My lord, this one is known as the yellow river overlord. I'm the overlord within the yellow river galaxy... as for my real name, it has been long forgotten in the river of time." He said respectfully, Sora nodded slightly as he had the middle-aged man give him some stuff,

Soon, a Map showing countless galaxies was given to him, this was a treasure, as maps showing some like a huge galaxy alone took years to make, it was even higher for countless galaxies unless one went out and personally mapped everything, no one would willingly hand out these tips of maps, the map in Sora hands showed only 10 nearby maps, but this alone was useful information for Sora,

the middle-aged man also told Sora much information, the yellow river galaxies were not even ranked in the top thousand of the strongest galaxies, it would not even be ranked within the top trillion, many galaxies out there had many powerful overlords ruling the galaxy, but this one only had a level 4 void shattering realm.

of course, there were some powerful experts within the palace,  but they were the ancestors, who were waiting to ascend to the immortal realm. they would at most be a level 5 void-shattering realm.

there were many powerful galaxies, but the top 4 galaxies within the lower realm were known as the Azure Dragon Galaxy, which was ranked number one. In the second place, it was the White Tiger Galaxy, in 3rd place was Vermillion Bird Galaxy, and in 4th place was the Black Tortoise Galaxy.

above that were known as the 12 constellations galaxy, and above them were more than gazillion other galaxies. no one knew how many galaxies were within this world, current this realm was at war with the demon realm, another world that was even larger than this realm,

this war has been going on for over 1 billion years now, and countless experts from both sides have died. as for their realm, it, of course, was not simply called the lower realm, it was called the martial saint realm, known as a mid-grade realm, as there was not truly an infinite number of dimensions within this realm,

after Sora gained all the formation he could get, he dominated the ancestors, before heading over to the teleportation formations. their teleportation was set up within every galaxy and powerful palaces, currently even with Sora's fast travel speed, it would take him years to arrive at the strongest galaxy, forcing him to take teleportation, which could drop that to only a month. He would have to take a thousand teleportation formations, which showed just how far away he was from the azure dragon galaxy.

So, Sora and Di Yalan set off. arriving at the next galaxy with the portal, Sora's aura of donation caused everyone around him to instantly be dominated, this was bad as he drew the attention of a powerful expert. Sora of course easily defeated them, but it caused Sora to frown upon this aura as it could cause some trouble, or even force him to stay away from public

"My lord, I can create a mask to seal away your domination," Di Yalan said with a smile seeing the frown Sora had, Sora nodded slightly, and watched as DI Yalan walked off to go buy a masked, she then sent her energy within. that normal mask slowly began transforming, as it gave off an aura of a treasure.

"This mask would now seal your aura away. your eyes also carry that same aura, so your eyes also have to be sealed, that's why I picked a mask without holes for the eyes...y-you're are also quite handsome, even immortals can't compare, so to avoid trouble, your looks should also be sealed. as should i." She said softly, but when she reached the last part, she avoided eye contact with Sora.

Sora took the masked, before placing it on. once the mask was one, Sora felt his aura of domination being suppressed. the aura was blocked completely, of course, if Sora wished to release it, he could. but now, everyone who looked at him would not be dominated,

"Thanks, Di Yalan... do you want a reward or something?" Sora asked as he looked at Di Yalan, Di Yalan hesitated for a moment hearing Sora's words,

"... i-i simply wish to remain at lords side." She said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he rubbed her head slightly. which made her blush.

"then how about I raise your statues within the empire? pick any potions you may wish, and it's yours." Sora said with a smile,

"t-than, can I be lords wife?" She asked softly, stunning Sora slightly. Sora looked at her deeply, before thinking for a moment. he had never bothered about relationships, in fact, he didn't want to get into such things. he didn't believe in things like love, that was only a fairy trail to him,

"I can give you the status of my head concubine. I don't plan on having a wife or queen." Sora said with a shake of his head, stunning Di Yalan. Di Yalan was disappointed, she wanted to ask why, but seeing the look in Sora's eye, she understood something happened which caused Sora to lose faith in love. She just nodded slightly, while questioning what happened deep down,

{... sensing the host has picked a Concubine... congratulation on completing a quest, what is an empire without a huge harem? the host has been rewarded with the Empire Phoenix Statue and 2 new functions to the system.

the Emperor Phoenix Statue absorbs the Daughter of Heaven Qi from all of the Host women, and the host can draw upon this energy to do anything. even writing reality to host wishes is not off the table. the statue is also capable of restoring its own energy over time but the time needed could take up to the end of time. so it's best to get more women to quickly refill it or restore it with many treasures. note that if this statue remains full, the better the fate of those in your empire.

the new function of the system, children of Heaven Qi detecter. this new function allows the host to sense those with the daughter/son of heaven Qi.

the new function to the system,... Godly talent development. the host can now like those with a high amount of son of heaven Qi, allowing you to absorb their energy to refine your own talent to new talent. note that there is no limit to the talent you could have} the system said as Sora froze slightly, suddenly Di Yalan felt her dense amount of daughter of heaven Qi suddenly entering Sora, it was like a mountain suddenly slammed into Sora, the amount she had was a lot.

{congrulaiton on the absorbed daughter of heaven Qi, note that currently the statue is at 100%, but this limitation of 100% would increase with every new woman host has... current power from empire phoenix statue.... unknown, currently is within the mountain and river tier or maybe the Sun and Moon tier. the system has yet to sense the power within these levels to say for sure.

with his amount of energy, the system would slowly improve by using 0.1% of energy, just enough to use the energy which the statue recovers every second. the system would also transfer some of this energy into the host to improve talent, physique, and cultivation..} the system said as Sora felt a powerful aura of energy slowly entering his body, he was stunned before looking at Di Yalan, who was looking at her body in confusion,

that energy Sora absorbed was pretty much her fate or luck. without it, she was pretty much a normal person from now on, making her have to depend on the empire from now on, but she didn't really mind, she was willing to die for her empire. plus, her fate would be even brighter while with the empire, so she lost nothing.

She looked at Sora after checking her body, she was not weakened at all, she only felt like she was missing something. Sora noticed the look in Di Yalan's eyes has changed, turning into that of loving eyes. She smiled slightly as he hugged Sora's arm, making Sora slightly awkward,

as they got ready to leave, Di Yalan bought a bright red mask, before they set off into the teleportation formation, and headed off towards the Azura Dragon galaxy. of course, they couldn't teleport whenever they wish, these teleportation formations needed time to recharge and activate, sometimes it could take days for this to happen, greatly increasing your time to travel. of course Sora saw many people with Daughter of Heaven Qi, so many people born for greatness, but they Qi was too weak, absorbing it would be like drop a drop of water into an ocean, the improvement would not be noticeable.

while Sora was spent traveling, within the Naruto world, after Sora retreated, everyone fell into silence, before they set their eyes on the portal leading to the system. they had two options, they could one, destroy the portal, or two enter and lead an attack to end things once and for all. Boruto wanted to enter and gather information on the energy, which would have worked perfectly for Sora's side, but everything dropped as they realized that the space-time within the portal was different from their world,

So, they planned to instead destroy the portal, but just when they were about to move, Zeldris and the other members of the 10 commandments revealed themselves, as they set up a camp around the portal, this camp would have to be their main base, so they quickly made a portal defense, buying time for the soldiers within Purgatory training,

within the system, everyone sat down for a meeting once more as they talked about the war and their next move, Sora was also there, His avatar was currently with Di Yalan, he of course had to be here for meetings like these.

"We should attack, the more time we give them, the longer they have to train and grow stronger." the Orginal demon said seriously,

"We have nothing to worry about, even if they can speed up time or whatever they are doing, they can never suppress their world strength, don't forget that our world is stronger than their own, our limit to our growth within the system is the mountain and river tier, for now, we should play defense, allowing our soldiers to grow strong," Zeldris said with a deep frown,

"That's foolish, the more time we give them, the more time this world has to grow. how do you know if this timeline we are in is not the one being slowed down? the more time we give them, the more time we give them to develop, we should act now," The Orginal demon said coldly as he looked at Zeldris,

"Enough with the fighting, have you no shame to fight before our lord?" Wang Ling asked with a deep frown while looking at the two, everyone went quiet as they looked at Sora who was simply looking at them. the two quickly apologized for their rudeness, before Wang Ling spoke once more.

"I believe you two have a solid point... so my lord, allow me to lead my army of undead, we are currently surrounded, and have no breathing room. but with my army of undead, I could force them, enemies, back, allowing us to reclaim most of the land we once had, at the same time, I could even weaken the army morale." Wang Ling said with a demonic smile,

with his army of undead, those he kills would quickly be brought back to life as undead. this would push back their energy, forcing them back none stop.

"... give me a report on our power," Sora said after some thought, Zeldris stood up, and with a bow, he gave his report.

"Currently, we have a total number of 50 billion grade 0 soldiers, all at the silver rank. currently, we are training them to gold rank, they are not weak, taking into count the conquest bloodline, they could fight those with a powerlevel of up to the peak of the gold rank.

we have 1 billion grade 1 soldiers, all at level 3 or half step level 4 gold rank. these soldiers are our false elites, so 10 thousand of them are able to fight those at mid-diamond rank, with our strongest formation, 100 thousand of them can come together, to form an avatar allowing them to fight those at level peak diamond rank, or even half step void shattering realm.

as for our personal armies... currently, altogether, there are over 100 million grade 2 soldiers. I know not of enemies' personal strength, but my army is 100 thousand demons strong, filled with elites I have personally trained. they are at mid-gold rank. they are strong enough to fight grade 2 soldiers with only half the number, weaker formation and come out on top." Zeldris said before everyone went on to report their army's strength, currently, Merlin had the weakest army as she didn't focus on training them, and left the last to someone else.

the person with eh most soldiers was Wang Ling, his undead only increased as he needed dead bodies, so, from the outside world, he had been collecting those from which the armies killed, it would have been more, but the others were suppressing him, making sure he didn't grow too powerful.

Zeldris had the strongest army, he indeed had the strongest forces and forced the most on training them, and rasing them. he also was the only one who forced the most on coming up with use formations, while others formed at other times, allowing him to come up with a formation that fitted the demon race and their conquest bloodline.

"I'm currently working on making a powerful Zetsu army. with our blood, they would be extremely powerful. within about a 1 within Purgatory, I would have about 50 billion of them." merlin said seeing the slight frown Sora had while hearing their reports, Sora's frown instantly disappeared hearing her words.

Zetsu was a being born from a god tree within the Naruto world, Kaguya was making them as her personal army, with Merlin taking over. she was capable of cloning the Zetsu, and even making them thousands of times stronger, they could also absorb person energy on contact, making them extremely troublesome,

"We are currently outnumbered by a lot," Sora said calmly, causing them all to go quiet. so what if they had over 50 billion soldiers, their enemy had an army across over 50 timelines, they had over a trillion people

"so, what should we do," Sora asked with a smile, Zeldris went quiet for some time before standing up.

"I believe we should rely on Wang Ling, but his power should come out of nowhere and shock them, I would lead an army of a billion grade 0 soldiers, slaughter my way through while Wang Ling follows from behind, turning all the dead bodies into undead," Zeldris said softly as he looked at Wang Ling slightly,

"then let's go through with your plan... but I wish to have more time to raise our side strength, hear the stronger galaxies have formation which could spend up time, I would forces on getting those," Sora said calmly

"my lord, that reminds me. we are currently running low on recourses to raise our armies strength, with how things are going, we might have to cut off on the numbers we have." Zeldris said stunning sora slightly, with the speed things grew in the system, almost everything should grow almost instantly,

spreading his senses out through rhe system, he quickly understood what was happening, so many people were growing stronger, and Sora has been growing powerful experts, taking from heaven and earth, and never giving back anything. soldiers or something needed to die and return to heaven and earth so the balance to remain.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

it's like someone eating from a guard none stop, not bothering to plant seeds for the future. the garden ends up dying, leading to there being no more food to eat. that was what Sora was doing, he was just taking, and forgetting about planting, the longer this goes, the weaker his world would become, leading to the growth of herbs and other stuff dropping.

"slaughter the animals, not beast man, but wild beast leave lonely 2 off each time," Sora said after some thought, there were trillions of animals within the system so their death would have a huge impact, allowing the system to recover and might even get stronger. but this would mean meat within the system would drop, forcing the others to have to buy from the outside world, or hunt from the outside world until the numbers restore themselves.

"Orignal demon, I will send you and your army off on a special task to the demon realm, capture as many demons are possible and bring them back to the system, and slaughter them. the stronger they are the better, hopefully, all of them are at the void-shattering realm." Sora said calmly, the original demon nodded slightly

"as for me, I will lead the charge, and slaughter as many people as I can. any questions?" Sora asked as he stood up, to which everyone shook their head. So, time quickly passed, and all of the beasts within the system were slaughtered, causing the world to recover quickly, and with eh original demon slaughtering many void-shattering realm experts, the world recovered to its peak and began to slowly get stronger once more.

Sora went on to have the Di Yalan, and the dragon king forbidden from using an unlimited amount of recourses, it was because of these two something like this happened, everyone else, was forced within Purgatory, and in no time, the grade 0 army was at level 1 gold rank, the grade 1 army was at level 4 gold rank, the level 2 armies were at least at level 5 gold rank, and the grade 4 armies were at level 2 diamond rank.

Sitting upon a blood-red horse, Sora led an army off the earth and towards the moon. they still had earth to themselves, Sora had marked this planet, and he was strong enough to push back all who attacked thanks to the fist of conquest. but the moon, on the other hand, it had a small camp, belonging to the enemy.

once they noticed Sora's movement, they quickly got ready for battle. many elites who had been quiet also popped up, they couldn't allow this power from an unknown world to stretch their hands out,

within outside space, Sora sat on his horse, behind him Zeldris and Escanor stood. behind them, an army of 1 billion grade 0 soldiers floated, it was like an endless wave capable of swallowing the whole earth.

Sarada and a few others also came to meet her, leading a powerful army of billions of people which completely outnumber Sora's side.

"such little improvement within a such long time, it seems like my guess was right, your world must have used up a lot of energy to speed up time," Sora said with a smile, Sarada didn't show any emotions, but deep down she cursed slightly.

Sora was spot on, the world had weakened itself to make them so powerful within a short time, it was a sure win, but Sora was able to get away even after they sealed the space they were in, something they never thought was possible, Sora didn't destroy the seal or anything, he just disappeared,

"This war would only spread countless deaths on both sides, war is never the answer. just what do you have to gain sending your people to their death" Sarada said with a deep frown,

"I have your world to gain, is that not something worth fighting for?" Sora asked with a smile, Sarada's face darkened with rage. how could a king like Sora be so uncaring about his own people's life and death?

'such a high amount of daughter of heaven Qi, system why is it that someone of another world has this Qi?' Sora asked in slight confusion while looking at Sarada. Sarada was quite the beauty. she had pale white skin and long red hair. she had a purple diamond on her forehead, she had a figure which could be considered perfect.

{daughter Of heaven Qi can be called many things, simply call it destiny Qi. even one has an amount of this energy from birth, so you could imagine within other worlds, people with a bright destiny have a huge amount of this energy. of course, it's not the same in each world. the energy could have the same effect but be slightly different, but the empire phoenix statue would still absorb it.} the system said as Sora nodded slightly.

"my people, I want this world. are you willing to gift this world to me?" Sora asked with a smile as he turned to look at his soldiers. suddenly, the soldiers all spoke at the same time, causing the world to shake from their voices.

"YES!" they all said at once, Sarada was stunned seeing how united they were, they were not even bothered by the words she said a moment ago. instead, they gave off a powerful aura for slaughter, which caused the space around them to seemly distort. but she relaxed slightly, they outnumber them, plus they were stronger, and they had nothing to worry about

"then, follow me," Sora said as he waved his hand, the spear of conquest appeared in his hands, before his horse rushed forward, followed by his armies. Sarada also rushed forward after giving her orders, with her army  numbers, they split off into over a thousand formations which formed a thousand avatars, meanwhile, Sora said only had a hundred

Sora held his spear tightly before he pulled it backward, his spear exploded with energy, causing Sarada's eyes to shrank slightly, but before she could do anything, Sora threw the spear forward with all his might. the spear punched forward, quickly transforming into a huge blood-red dragon which let out a roar that shook the heavens.

Sarada jumped forward to use herself as a shield, this way the spear would never reach her as she had her ability infinity, but to her shock, the spear turned, flying past her and towards the army behind her. the army which was already in their army formation moved to block. an avatar of a huge samurai and dragon clashed, causing the world to shake,

the avatar was able to block the attack, but everyone within the avatar had blood dripping from the corner of their mouths. those within formations were linked, and the damage was spread out to everyone, so if an attack was strong enough, everyone would be injured,

'only that strong? the avatar has a powerlevel of around 1 quadrillion. well, let's go all out.' Sora thought with narrowed eyes. the spear throw Sora used was called the Dragon Emperor, a technique Sora got from Di Yalan. it was a mountain tier technique. this technique gathers one energy, into a spear. once the energy was gathered to throw the spear, it would show power 10 times higher than one powerlevel. this was the power of techniques from the immortal realm,

this spear was of course an ultimate technique, the amount of energy required, and the amount of time needed to charge up this attack took a long time. but thanks to how talented Sora was, it took Sora only a few seconds. he had already mastered these techniques,

Sora quickly formed his Susanoo, a shocking susanoo that made everyone's eyes shrank at their pure size. with a spear in his hands, Sora trusted forward, the spear seemed to transform into a huge dragon and quickly stabbed through the avatar he had killed. they all died at the same time,

Sora didn't absorb their blood, but instead, picked up the avatar with his spear, and threw it to the back of his army, while the avatar slowly disappeared.

"Damn You," Sarada yelled angrily seeing this, she too activated her Susanoo, but unlike Sora Susanoo, hers perfectly covered her body. at a shocking speed, she disappeared, Sora's eye shrank at her speed. he quickly moved to block her attack,


a powerful shock wave was created, causing Sora Susanoo to be sent backward. Sarada, although small didn't mean she was any weaker. with a powerlevel of 10 quadrillions, she was stronger than Sora at the moment. Sora crossed his hands within Susanoo's forehead while looking down at Sarada who was rushing forward,

"I should make you my concubine," Sora said as he held his palm out, and used snath, Sarada powerful suddenly began dropping at a scary speed, while Sora powerful shot up. at a scary speed, She found she only had a powerlevel 1 of, her Susanoo disappeared,

Just as Boruto suddenly appeared to save her, Sarada disappeared before she could do anything. Boruto looked up and saw Sarada in Sora's hands. Sora smiled, but just as he was about to use snath on him, Boruto exploded with a scary aura. with a powerlevel reaching 130 quadrillions, Boruto drew upon the power of all the primordial he had sealed within his body.

"like father like son," Sora said softly, Boruto's father also drew upon the 9 trials fox when in battle, giving him a huge boost to his strength. Boruto was currently doing something but on a greater level,

"give her back," Boruto said with a chilling look, Sarada was not just his friend but the person he liked. on top of that, he promised Sasuke to protect her, just when the war against the Otsutsuki clan was over, the two planned to start dating, they knew each other since they were kids, and everyone has been rooting for them. but they were too busy for such things.

She was hokage, the leader of the village, meanwhile, he was her shadow, he worked within the shadow, making sure she never had to get her hands dirty. this was what Sasuke did when naruto was hokage, he had always looked up to Sasuke. it was only fitting he took up his role,

"That would be dumb, why would I do that when I could use her as a hostage?" Sora said with a smile as Sarada disappeared into the system, Boruto was enraged, but he was not a foolish brat and knew he couldn't carelessly act. Sora could run away at any moment, plus the fact Sora could steal other powers, he had to be on guard.

but just when Boruto was about to speak, the voice of the world spoke to him, making him grit his teeth, to the point blood linked from his gums. after a moment, he closed his eye as if coming to acceptance with what he had to do. before his body exploded, with golden chains which shot towards Sora Susanoo,

Sora sneered as he moved to dodge, but the chains were indeed fast, they quickly caught him, wrapping themselves around him. Sora's eyes shrank slightly as he found these chains were suppressing his connection to the system,

unlike when they sealed away space, they were affecting the space around him, but these chains were affecting them, sealing him. after a moment, Sora smiled, it was nice to know this ahead of time.

standing with his susanoo, he claimed held his hand out, Bourot who was rushing forward suddenly felt his powerlevel dropping, but lightning covered his body, protecting him from Sora's ability, Sora smacked his teeth slightly, before he just watched boruto shooting forward.

in no time, Boruto appears before him, stabbing his spear into the susanoo forward, easily breaking through it. as it was about to stab into Sora, Sora's spear of conquest appeared in his hands, and with a wave, Sora used full counter.

Boruto was caught off guard, he of course held back as he wanted to take Sora as a hostage, but how was he to expect that Sora had a technique like a full counter? Boruto was sent flying backward, followed by the chains weakening just enough for Sora to break free, but removing the susanoo, and flying out,

"Wow, you gave up the love of your life for your world... i'm moved," Sora said calmly, boruto coldly looked at Sora before his attention was suddenly drawn to the battlefield draw away, his eyes shrank as he saw the people from the Naruto world attacking their own people, looking closely, he noticed those avatars were being controlled by those who have died.

"This next move is known as truth-seeking Susanoo," Sora said with a smile as he actived the Susanoo once more, 7 black orbs appeared, before they wrapped around the Susanoo, forming a black Susnaoo, caring a huge spear.

"... you can create truth-seeking orbs?" Boruto said with a deep frown, truth-seeking orbs usually can't be created, and could only be gained upon gaining a new state of power, but once they were gone they were gone for good. Boruto of course could create them, but the fact Sora could catch him off guard.

Truth-Seeking Balls encompass the power of all five basic natures, so it had many abilities that one could get, from simply combing 2 or more natures. By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it is possible to produce a variety of effects. They are capable of instantly turning anything they touch to dust,  If imbued with a certain Yin–Yang Release, the orbs can nullify any ninjutsu they touch and thus become impervious to it, this includes negating the regenerative abilities. these truth-seeking orbs could be transformed into anything the user wishes, only the imagination was the limitations.

Boruto's eyes narrowed as killing intent filled his eyes, before he shot forward with a killing instant towards Sora. within a blink of an eye, Boruto appeared before the Susanoo's forehead, kicking it so hard that the truth-seeking orb shattered, but before he could shatter the susanoo, Sora suddenly disappeared, catching Boruto off guard

a moment later, Sora suddenly appeared, kicking Boruto on his chin, but this did little damage to Boruto. Boruto grabbed Sora's leg, but at the last moment, Sora disappeared once more shocking Boruto as he knew the ability Sora was using,

'Is he shrinking himself? this is his ability.' Boruto thought as looked at Sora who was the size of a cell, before he returned to normal, and made some space between the two. Boruto rushed forward once more, and Sora did the same, but Boruto was just too strong, Sora had a hard time reacting to his speed when so close together.

Boruto punched Sora, and Sora tried to shrink himself once again, but quickly found that he couldn't use that ability anymore. Boruto's fist was covered with a truth-seeking orb, and punched Sora, sending him flying, but Boruto switched space, making backward forward, and the other way around. So, although Sora was punched, he instead flew towards Boruto and continued to punch him, Sora's blood flew to everyone, covering Boruto's fist, and even his face. but Boruto was too enraged, and this was the only chance to give a beating to Sora

Sora suddenly moved as he grabbed Boruto's incoming fist, and with a twist, Sora twisted his whole body, along with Boruto's fist, and twisted Boruto's fist until a cracking sound was heard. Boruto gritted his teeth in pain, he got careless, leading to Sora finding an opening.

Boruto without care for his arm quickly kicked Sora a way before his arm slowly began to cover, but he suddenly frown as Sora ignored him and turned towards the army far away. Boruto was about to attack, but his head suddenly went light.

"my blood is poisonous, you absorbed it through your skin. I don't have any control over this, I wouldn't want to win like that." Sora said with a shake of his head as he looked at boruto who was struggling with his feet

"... D-damn you. t-they will stop you." Boruto said weakly, Sora waved his hands as charka chains flew out of his palm, sealing Boruto's body, just as the primordial within him were about to flee, but they too were poisoned and were in a weakened state. Sora threw them all into the system,

{sensing powerful beings creating through chaos energy...}

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