In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 27: 0026 Primordial deity physique

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{the primordial god of fire... Amaterasu. the host has absorbed all of Amaterasu's Primordial energy, significantly improving host talent towards the path of the fire to the peak, note that these primordial were born from chaos, but don't have chaos energy but instead primordial energy.} the system went on to list all of the primordial within Boruto, they all were absorbed by Sora, who went on to further improve his physique, talent, and.

there were many gods, and many of them were powerful and had many unique abilities, but they died just like that, and their very existence turned into energy to improve Sora.

{sensing host talent has reached chaos grade... host has gained the Primordial deity physique, a powerful physique which can only be gained by those few people who have gained chaos grade talent.

Abilities: endless growth- this physique allows one to have almost unlimited growth. bottleneck would never hinder you. you can comprehend most things instantly, and so on.

Mind space- With this physique, you could link with everyone who also has this physique. you can enter a unique space where only those of this physique could enter, note that one can't see each other appearance unless one wants to.

Unmatched beauty: with your talent, your body would go through many chances. those loved by the heavens are not ugly, those meant for greatness are not ugly.

Primordial energy: with this physique, one could absorb primordial energy to improve their cultivation even if they haven't become a deity. you can absorb primordial energy from the void, but it would be harder to use it in battle. you might even injure yourself,

creations: primordial energy holds a hint of creations within, this would allow one to easily create techniques and abilities. of course, the stronger they are, the longer such techniques would take unlike under special conditions.} as the system spoke, Sora's mind shook before he found himself in a strange world

there was a purple color fog all over the place, the sky was also purple. Sora couldn't even see his appearance, just his shadow. Sora looked around in confusion before he suddenly saw another shadow appear.

"Someone else got the primordial deity physique? and you're quite young... wait, how did a small brat like you who isn't even in the gold rank get this physique?" the shadow said while eyeing Sora in amazement,

"Haha, it seems like you stumbled upon a good opportunity. I had to slaughter primordial, absorb all their blood, and reincarnated with this physique. you just got it, to think there was an easier way... I could have avoided so much trouble," he said helplessly

"strange, you don't sound arrogant or annoying like someone with your level of talent should be," Sora said calmly, the shadow froze for a moment before laughing

"in my past life, I started from nothing and had to crawl my way to the top, just to be trayed and knocked back down to the bottom. once you fell as much as I did, you find being arrogant and such is... so for fools." He said softly,

"so, brat. how would you like to take me as your master? with me, not even the heaven emperor would dare to breathe too loud near you." He said with a smile,

"that sound like arrogance," Sora said calmly, but the shadow only laughed at his words.

"It's not arrogance if it's the truth, I beat that brat black and blue in the past, he always runs the second he years I'm within 3 worlds of him." the shadow said pridefully, but he almost fell over at Sora next words

"who's the heaven emperor?" Sora asked, the shadow froze as he closely looked at Sora as if looking at a fool. but after a moment, he grew depressed. just how easily did Sora get this physique? to not even know of the heavenly emperor, he slaughtered thousands of primordials,  absorbing them all, while suffering countless injuries. He had to refine both body and mind while defeating against their attacks.

He went through an unknown amount of pain, yet even with all that, he died before he could get this physique. he luckily found that he was born with the physique, making him cry n joy the moment he was reborn. yet this brat... he seemed to have naturally been born with this physique... no, he just got it, how could a normal bump as get this physique without knowing about the world?

He thought he was the most talented, he thought he was unmatched, but now he was having second thoughts. Sora delivered a huge blow to his pride, humbling him. there seems to always be someone more talented, even at his level. of course he believed his talent was no less compared to Sora. at most they were equal.

"he is the ruler of the heavenly palace, the strongest force under the heavens, he oversees the lower realms and all other realms within the immortal realms. he is amongst the strongest people within the immortal realm, ranked 1st." He said calmly,

"so you're a hidden expert?" Sora asked calmly, to which the shadow nodded slightly, before sighing helplessly as he thought of something.

"so, hurry up and take me as your master," he said quickly, but Sora shook his head, making the shadow speechless.

"I don't want to be rude, but I don't trust you. for all I know, you want to refine me and get an even higher level of talent. also, there can't be such a friendly cultivator. in a world like this, i'm more on guard against seemly reasonable people. plus, if I do become your disciple, I would be making karma between you and myself, making it easy for you to track me down. I don't like gambling my life like that." Sora said calmly,

"you have good points, well. You're a bright kid. a hidden snake is more dangerous than one in plain sight... I like you, once I find you, I will make you my disciple. you changed fate, you're the second human other than me to do something like gaining this physique." He said with a laugh as he disappeared, Sora was quiet for some time before he left that strange space, and went on to see how the battle was going.

they of course won, but at a have price, Sora's army of a billion dropped to only a few million, those that died were of course turned into undead, which got back up to fight, Wang Ling also had turned the enemy side into undead, and with Zeldris and Escanor there to help out, they were able to slowly turn things around and won.

of course, the main reason they won was because of Wang LIng. Zeldris and Escanor were strong, but even they couldn't fight such powerful avatars on their win. Wang Ling's sudden appearance and the enemy side seeing their fallen allies raising up as undead stunned them, although they came ready for anything, fighting their allies who no longer cared about the injures they took led to a few avatars being taken down, which quickly raised to fight on Sora side.

in the end, the Naruto world fell back, allowing them to conquer the base on the moon, and slowly plan to conquer the whole star system. but the enemy was currently regrouping, as they couldn't allow them to regroup.

"Well, it seems like we won. so, what do you two think of your chances of turning things around?" Sora asked with a smile as he looked at Boruto and Naruto who were angrily looking at him. Boruto was on his death bed, meanwhile, Sarada holding him while glaring at him. if only looks could kill, Sora would have died.

Since Boruto lost the primordial, he was going to die. but he had a powerful physique which allowed him to remain alive for some time. but thence to the poison, that time was dropped by a lot, he only had a few hours at most.

Sora smiled slightly seeing they were not going to speak, it's not like he expected them to speak. the reason he was seen as curious was that Boruto said 'they will stop him'. Sora didn't want to get cocky, he was going up against 51 timelines, plus the one he was currently in, So, he needed as much information as he could get.

Boruto could have easily won that battle, Sora honestly only won because he managed to steal Sarada's power, allowing him to somewhat keep up with Boruto.

"Just what do you want?" Sarada said angrily, Sora shrugged, but just as he was about to speak, Wang Ling entered through the portal with all the undead, who was from the conquest race. Sarada froze seeing Sora's people have been turned into undead, disgust instantly filled her heart while looking at Sora. what kind of leader does this to his own people

"you asked what do I have to gain from sending my people to their death. you see, in my eyes, death is just an illusion. but I have to give to you, it's hard to kill my people, they are physically immortal after all." Sora said with a smile as he grabbed his left arm, and with a pull, Sora ripped off his arm, stunning everyone.

"lord!" Wang Ling said in horror, since when did his master enjoy inflicting pain upon himself? Sora ignored him, and he quickly grew a new arm. looking at the arm in his hands, Sora threw it toward the undead. the arm suddenly exploded, as it turned into a blood mist that covered the undead.

"you see, my people throw their lives away as they have faith in me. they know I will never abandon them." Sora said as the undead exploded, before reforming once more. but they were undead, but they were alive once more. everyone was linked to Sora, so long as this link was there, Sora could bring them back to life through his blood.

Sora's face grew pale slightly after doing this, and his powerlevel dropped. doing this caused him to weaken. people say that time heals everything, but there are some things that even time can't affect, for one, this. if Sora never tries to recover his strength, he would remain the same, and never region his former strength, of course with herbs, and healing techniques, he could recover.

"you ask what I plan to do? you shall become my concubine." Sora said calmly, Sarada's eyes eyed widened hearing, but before she could do anything, Sora declared her his concubine. Sarada suddenly felt the connections to the world of Naruto, and her village shattered, her destiny Qi flew out of her body, as it flew into an empire phoenix statue which had suddenly appeared in the sky, and absorbed all of her Qi.

Sora will spread out, entering Sarada's mind, dominating her mind. at the same time, Boruto exploded into a blood mist, as Sora absorbed him, gaining all of his unique abilities, memories, and even improving his cultivation to half-step level 7 silver rank.

"I will leave you in charge of managing the Naruto world," Sora said calmly, Sarada nodded slightly as she slowly stood up. She was now only loyal to her empire, and her husband Sora thought for a moment before he called for a meeting,

"as I have said, there is a total of 52 times lines within this world, but with eh improvement this world has gone through. that limit has more than doubled, allowing this world to be able to hold up to 10,000 timelines. what we faced was only a part of the 52 timelines. not even 1% of the number. Boruto and Sarada were actually their strongest, placed there to create a powerful wall and weaken us as much as possible, but they never expected I would capture the two." Sora said as he made an image appear, showing a black-haired teen with 1 whisker on each check.

"This kid is from a timeline where Boruto and Sarada got a child, he is more talented than both, and is blessed by the heavens. the heavens are putting their hope on this kid, to not only defeat us but also improve this world. currently, the world is growing by the second, in a year it should become a high-grade world. we have to stop it before then, seal the heaven and earth around a battlefield. do not allow anyone who dies to return to the heavens." Sora said seriously,

"Currently the heavens are weak, which is why it didn't move to save those two. the more we kill, but don't return to the heavens, the weaker this world shall become. it used up its power to speed time up so people could grow stronger, let's not give it time to recover." Sora said with a smile, everyone nodded as they ended the meeting,

they didn't need to worry about the death of those linked to Sora, as they would not return to the heavens, but instead return to Sora. as if they originated from Sora, and were returning to their origin.

with the meeting done, Sora had everyone go on to try and awaken their sharingan and stuff within Purgatory. he had to make his army as overpowered as possible, so everyone had to awaken and use their bloodlines to the fullest, of course just because they had the conquest bloodline didn't mean they were all-powerful. not everyone is created equally.

Sora could fight more than 2 realms above his cultivation, meanwhile, everyone is strange to fight just 1 realm. that was simply because they have yet to fully awaken the full potential of their bloodline. So, Sora had the elites take turns training within Purgatory, while the rest remained on guard in the outside world for attraction,

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

after which, Sora turned his attention to itachi and Shisui. Itachi has been within the assassin creed world and has been learning under the elite assassins. they were already skilled assassins of their own, but those within the assassin creed world had unique abilities and some equipment which were useful for assassins.

Itachi and Shisui of course learned everything, before moving on to conquer the world, with them being so powerful, it was easy for them, allowing them to conquer that world within hours, with that world conquered they didn't have time to report to Sora as he was busy, so they went on to start building an assassin Organizations within the system. and even had the many assassins from the assassin creed world join,

within this assassin organization hide out, itachi and Shisui stood on a stage while overlooking 100 members of the organization. they all had clocks that masked them, allowing people to barely see their faces,

"We work in shadow to serve the light... the light being our lords. we of the assassin bother hood, have the most important job above all others. from gathering information, spying, and protecting the empire from the shadows. we are shadows, darkness,.. we are ASSASSINS" Shisuis said but at the last part, everyone said at the same time.

"you are all elites assassins," Sora said with a smile, everyone froze as no one noticed Sora was standing at a corner listening in. but they all quickly fell to their knees as they paid their respect, Sora nodded slightly before he held his palm out, and gave them all his bloodlines, after which he left and went on to go through the many abilities he got from Boruto.

the first ability allowed Sora to absorb all kinds of energy techniques, and use techniques but enrage them almost endlessly, making them also powerful. this ability also allowed him to turn targets into pills that he could eat, absorbing them and gaining their powers.

another ability he had was called Mugen. an ability which allowed Sora to stack things, for example, Sora could punch forward, but make that punch have the force of more than one of his punches. Boruto used this ability against Sora, allowing him to have the ability to shatter his overwhelming defense. but this ability of course had a weakness, being that it made one feel as if they punched out that many times. So, one could have his punch have the power of an infinite punch, but in the end, they would die as they would feel as if they punched out that many times.

another ability was called cancel, an ability which allowed Boruto to cancel out all sharingan or rinnegan abilities. this of course also canceled out his own ability. Boruto had used this ability against Sora, making Sora unable to shrank.

these were the only abilities that caught Sora's attention, the others although powerful, were not as powerful, or had unique conditions which were a pain in the ass to follow. Sora went on to make sure everything was alright before returning to the cultivation world, but just as he was about to leave, his maids and butlers entered the throne room.

"My lord, Sir Zeldris asked us to come with you to the outside world to take care of all your needs." Silver said respectfully, Silver was in charge of the maids. as for the head of the butlers, it was currently Red.

Sora thought about her words carefully, before nodding slightly. although carrying around beautiful maids might cause trouble, with his current power, there were few people within this world Sora feared. it's not like he ever feared them in the first place

So, 5 maids and 3 butlers followed Sora out of the system, arriving before his avatar which turned into energy and entered Sora's body. and their journey continued as they headed towards the azure dragon galaxy.

within the system, everyone began training hard within Purgatory, and in no time they all quickly awaken the rinnegan. but like Sora, none of them awaken new abilities, and simply got a boost of talent. of course, Sora also had the maids and butlers enter to train as well

now, all the members of the 7 deadly sins had the talent to be capable of fighting those more than 1 realm above their own. currently, around level 6 diamond rank, they could fight those at level 7 void shattering realm at least, and at level 9 void shattering realm at most

those within the 10 commandments could also fight those a realm above them, but they were sadly slightly weaker. with cultivation around level 5 diamond rank, they could fight those at level  5 void shattering rank at least, and level 7 void-shattering realm at the beast

as for the maids and butlers, they were also slightly weaker, with cultivation at easily diamond rank, they could fight those at level 1 void shattering realm, and at most at level 5 void shattering realm. but Silver had currently entered a deep slumber, upon going through her diamond rank tribulations, she had suddenly fallen asleep, something which confused Sora, but nothing was wrong with her, so he simply had her sleep within the system.

all of this only took a few minutes, they were all not as talented as Sora. So, it took them years in Purgatory. 1 year within Purgatory was only 1 minute outside, so they took at least 10 years within training,

with their improvement, Zeldris lead a counter-attack to the Naruto world. with Wang Ling, they quickly weakened the enemy side, while increasing their side. although Zeldris didn't want to see Wang Ling growing too powerful, for their empire he could put aside all things, and work together

the other members of the 7 deadly sins and 10 commandments also join, and launched a harsh counter to the Naruto world, quickly pushing back the Naruto world's focuses, while making sure they don't return back to the heavens.

of course, those of the Naruto world didn't just watch, after a few days of this, trillions of people suddenly appeared, and launched a harsh counter. such a huge amount of people forced Sora's side backward, forcing Sora to appear.

sitting upon his war horse, Sora looked at the army of avatars rushing forward. such numbers were something not to be looked down upon, leading this army, Boruto who was from another timeline rushed forward, with two soldiers in both hands

with a cry, Sora rushed forward, leading the charge while the soldiers behind him followed. the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins all joined this battle. Sora's spear is shown with a bloody aura, which wanted to dominate all things within this world.

the spear exploded with power, raising his spear, Sora threw the spear with everything he had, and that spear flew forward, transforming into a huge dragon that could swallow stars, using the ability Mugen, that spear at 10 times its normal power. Sora's arm which he used to throw that power fell powerless, as he felt as if he used thrown that spear past his limits,

the dragon let out a heaven-shaking roar and rushed towards Boruto. Boruto wanted to shrink the spear, but just as he was about to, he froze as he touched his chest slightly. looking up, he saw Sora holding his heart. his eyes widened, not understanding what just happened.

but with a crush, Sora destroyed the heart. but even without his heart, Boruto could live for some time, he quickly moved to shrank the spear, but once again he felt something was off. he found he couldn't use his rinnegan ability which he had taken from Ishiki,

his eyes shrank as he realized what happened, he was tracked. if Sora had outright canceled his rinnegan ability, then he had another way to deal with this attack, but Sora instead distracted him, leading to a point he could no longer act to stop the spear.

His eyes shrank as the dragon neared him, and a heart beast later, the dragon flew straight through him, leaving a blood mist. the avatars behind Boruto quickly followed, but with all of them working together, the dragon was only able to kill a few people,

"Monspeet," Sora called out, Monspeet nodded before he used one of his unique abilities, suddenly Sora switched places with one of the dead bodies far away. this was Monspeet's unique ability, Trick Star. Trick Star allows Monspeet to switch two objects with each other

Monspeet of course could not be able to normally use this ability outside the seven deadly sins world, but he had been working hard to comprehend the space-time within this world, to the level he could use this ability once more.

Sora appeared in the middle of dead bodies, and instantly began to absorb all the blood around him. and with a war cry, he attacked the nearest avatars, his spear appear in his hands once more, as he stabbed forward,

the avatar was pierced though, causing everyone within to cough up blood. Sora's armor instantly sucked up that blood, and the other avatars moved to kill Sora, but at this time a huge bight sun appear, looking over, everyone's eyes sided as they saw Meal and Escanor, who was holding one finger into the sky, forming one huge sun,

this sun was nothing to look down upon, just because it was small than even a planet, being about the size of a large moon. it was more powerful than a billion suns put together. with a wave, the sun shot forward, slamming into an avatar, the avatars were sent slamming into each other before the sun exploded, but even so, this was not enough to kill the avatars, but it was enough to badly injure everyone who was around the avatar the avatars had power levels around a quadrillion, that attack only had a powerlevel nearing a quadrillion.

with the sun attack, everyone else attacks shot forward, blood-filled space, but those of the conquest race absorb it all, getting stronger with each death around them. the battle began, and countless people died, be it on Sora's side, or the enemy's side, everyone billions of people died, but in the end, the battle came to stop after 7 months as both sides fell backward.

Sora's side fell backward as only a few hundred of million soldiers remained, meanwhile, the other side still had billions. meanwhile, the other side fell back as Sora's side was just growing stronger, at the start only Sora had a powerlevel over a quadrillion, but with so many people dying, not every member within the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins had a powerlevel rivaling their formations,

that's not adding their avatars which were also growing stronger, allowing them to also match them. adding the fact that they were almost immortal, leading to them having to aim for their souls. but even after they died, they only came back to life and fought them. the same thing for those on their side, they all came back to life and fought them, and the fact they had infinite energy, they had no choice but to fall back, as they were running low on energy.

"... my lord, I ask you don't bring back those who have fallen," Zeldris said as he fell to his knee seeing Sora looking at the undead members of the conquest race with a frown.

Zeldris didn't wish for Sora to do this because Sora would be greatly weakened by doing so, unlike before, Sora had Boruto's energy to absorb in order to restore his power. now, over a billion soldiers have died, if Sora brought them all back, he would be greatly weakened, something they could have at a moment of war

"sigh, I know,.. we need more manpower. have someone go and conquer lower worlds, I want an army of trillions of people... Merlins, how is the cloning going?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at Merlin, he didn't like seeing his soldiers dying, but if Merlin's expert went well then he could have billions of white Zetsu

"I have moved my research into  Purgatory, I have fallen into some trouble with the research, making Setsu with a power over a trillion is quite hard. but I would be able to do this with a few more years within Purgatory, maybe a hundred years or so years... but the amount of blood I would need for this is a lot," Merlin said softly, Sora sighed softly before thinking of what he should do, suddenly he remembered something.

waving his hand a golden cup appeared in his hands, this cup was called the cup of infinity, any liquid placed within this cup would increase forever, so long as this cup has the energy to absorb. Sora placed his blood within the cup and watched as the cup began absorbing Qi, and slowly the amount within the cup, slowly increased, but it was not noticeable, one would need a few years to see any notable improvement.

"put this within a formation, have there be a bunch of storage rings for the cup to absorb... I will change the laws within this world, those who die will be reborn through the blood within the cup, in a way, you would be reborn stronger than ever. meanwhile, I will not grow weaker, and the system would not grow weaker. plus your old bodies would be absorbed by the system." Sora said with a smile, everyone eyes widened slightly before they kneed they thank him.

Sora just nodded slightly, before he went on to try and change the laws of this world, but he found that he couldn't change it.

{host has lost his power as a god with the system being open, which included the ability to rewrite the laws of this world. please conquer the current worlds or destroy the portals in order to region host power.} the system said making Sora's eyebrow twitch slightly as he forgot this small detail. annoyed slightly, Sora went on to go inform everyone, causing their will to win to reach a new level.

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