In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 30: 0029 Dream walker

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Sora went on to enter the palace since his master was a grand elder within the palace, he was given special treatment. that was even more so thanks to the fact he had such high talent, Sora had someone show him around the palace. the palace was as huge as a star system, within there was its own star system within, a small planet, and other stuff.

Sora saw many things, from stores that had unique items and much other stuff that others could be considered treasures. Sora didn't visit many stores, but when he passed by a store selling slaves the system suddenly stopped him. frowning slightly, Sora entered the store and began looking around.

"welcome guest, what type of slave are you looking for? we have all types of slaves, humans, elves, dwarfs, and even rare slaves like demons." a woman with some makeup said with a gentle smile as she walked up to Sora. it was like going to the store to buy food, slaves were just this common within this world

"how many slaves do you have?" Sora asked calmly, catching her off guard, but she guessed Sora must have a high amount of money.

"We have a total of 500,000 within this shop," She said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly as he had her show him around, so he could find the right type of slave. So, they went to the back where the slaves were kept. to keep the slaves in top conditions, they were not given poor treatment, instead, they had a moon-size era where the slave was kept, allowing them to move around, and do all type of stuff.

the slaves were split into races, as they didn't allow the races to mix. they all had chains around their neck, and these chains kept them from doing stuff like harming themselves, or others, Sora walked through these moon size eras, while closely looking at the slaves.

soon, Sora saw a pair of twins, one male, and another female. they had long blonde hair, pointy ears, and bright colorful eyes. the female was a dark elf, while the male was normal. Sora looked around for a moment, before sighing, there were many races here that he didn't have within the system.

"I will take 15 of every race, for the elves.." Sora went on to point out those he wanted, making the woman smile happily, before he order those slaves Sora pointed out. soon, Sora looked at the 105 slaves in front of him, and all of them ended up costing over 50,000 diamond rank spirit stones, which Sora calmly paid before leaving with the slave.

Sora had bought mostly children, after all, children were the future of nations. kill a nation's children and it's like destroying its future. Sora badly needed children for his kingdom, meaning it was best he went around buying or taking in children to raise. of course, there were children within the system, but not that many compared to overall adults. with the powerful bloodline everyone had, it was rare to have children

the slaves quietly walked behind Sora, and the person showing Sora around, while Sora walked around, he suddenly heard something falling to the ground behind him. turning around, Sora saw that a young man had knocked one of the demons he had bought to the ground,

"you damn demon slave, you dare to run into me." a young man said angrily, as he raised his leg to kick the demon. the demon was a little boy, about 9 years old, the kid's mother rushed over to protect her child as she begged for the young man to forgive him.

"since when did ants start touching stuff that's mine?" Sora asked calmly, causing the young man who was about to kick the woman to the side to freeze and look over with narrowed eyes. eyeing Sora up and down, and seeing the token showing he was an outer sect disciple, he was instantly enraged

"you peace of trash called me what?" He yelled before he rushed forward, he was an inner palace disciple, he was a whole level above Sora, who didn't have even a star showing he was about to reach the iron rank. he could just kill Sora right now, and no one would care.

"kneel," Sora said coldly, Sora's voice sounded like thunder in everyone's ears, the young man felt it most out of everyone, as he lost control of his body and was forced to kneel before Sora. Sora calmly walked over, stepping on his head, and pressing it to the hard ground, causing the young man to cry in pain.

"aren't you the luckiest piece of shit, to have the chance to be stepped upon by me," Sora said coldly, as he rubbed his head, causing a bold spot to quickly appear on the young man's head, everyone watched on in shock and slight horror. they have never seen anyone disrespect someone to such a level.

"kid, calm over," Sora said calmly as he looked at the kid who was knocked to the ground, the kid slowly stood up and walked over to Sora in fear.

"you need to use the match room right?" Sora asked, to which the kid nodded slightly, he almost wet himself when this inner disciple was about to kick him. Sora smiled slightly before pointing down at the young man.

"than the bathroom is right here, go ahead," Sora said calmly, everyone eyes widened hearing this, the young man under Sora's foot quickly tried to get away, but he only found himself facing up, with his mouth opening uncontrollably.

the kid hesitated slightly, but seeing Sora nodding at him, he slowly pulled down his pants, aimed at the mouth, and fired. Sora didn't need to tell him where to aim, the young man almost hit his mother, how could he not hate him?

everyone watched as the demon black pee fell into the young man's mount, splashing all over his face. demons pee had a strong smell that was hard to remove, so it was safe to say the young man's breath would be smelling like pee for the next few days.

"anyone else wants to touch wants mine?" Sora asked as he looked at everyone else, everyone quickly stepped backward. the young man on the other hand had tears running down his eyes, his parent was killed by demons, and he hated demons to the core as they took the thing he loved most. yet, today a human has defended a demon and even humiliated him like this. at the moment... he hated Sora to the core.

"you got off lucky, next time I would sell you off to a bunch of horny beasts," Sora said calmly, before kicking the young man away. Once Sora bought these slaves, they became his slaves. He didn't give a fuck who you are, but touch his stuff and he would not play nice

"let's go," Sora said calmly as he turned to walk off, and everyone quickly followed. the slaves saw Sora in a new light, most of them were children, and seeing Sora stand up for them made them look up to him.

Sora soon walked around the palace shopping district, Sora got bored and was about to go buy a place to stay. but a gambling house quickly caught his attention. with his ability to control fate, he of course was as lucky as he wanted.

walking over, and upon looking around he quickly understood how the gambling house worked, it was quite simple. there were stones one could buy, these stones of course gave off a unique aura making them not normal. there was a chance the rock one took held a treasure of the past, or was just some normal rock.

over time, a treasure could be covered up with a layer of rock. many rocks here were in the shape of rings, necklaces, and much other stuff. some gave off dragon Qi, and much other stuff, Sora opened the system map and saw that this place was a gold mine. it was completely gold, Sora smiled slightly before controlling his fate, but something fate was too powerful for him to control making his eyes brighten as he look towards a stack of rocks

walking over, he took out a small palm size looking rock. it was an ugly rock, nothing which was really eye-catching. Sora let go of the rock, and his mind took hold of the rock, making it float at his side, while he went and collected all the worth wild rock

everyone within the gambling house soon noticed his actions, their eyes quickly widened as Sora had a huge track of rocks. at least 10, and still increasing by the second.

"Does he think just because he grabs all kinds of rocks he would be lucky? this is an art, luck is only a small part of this." an old man said with a sneer, everyone also joined in as he mocked. but Sora ignored them all, as Sora walked over to the front of the gambling house, he went on to buy all of the rocks before buying a house where he could stand, after which, he entered the system and watched it scene these stuff.

{new item has entered the system... Phoenix Heart Orb. powerful orb which was created using the hearts of countless Pheonix, with this Pheonix heart orb one can fuse with it, causing their healing speed to match the likes of phoenixes. but the more one is damaged, the more energy this orb would be used. level of regeneration this orb gives... half step grade 8.} the system said

there were grades to the type regenerations within this world, from grade 0 being that of a normal human to grade 9.

Low Grade 1- Merely an accelerated healing ability for normal wounds, allowing the character to heal wounds that would normally take days, weeks, or even months much more quickly, sometimes even in just seconds.

at the peak of grade 1- The ability to heal wounds that would normally leave large scars, such as severe burns or deep injuries.

Low Grade 2- The ability to regenerate severed fingers, toes, or ears, minor organ damage, and even potentially reattach lost limbs.

At the peak of grade 2- The ability to regenerate lost limbs, limited brain damage, and even severe organ damage or destruction, including traditionally fatal wounds and disembowelment or horizontal bisection.

low Grade 3- The ability to regenerate from decapitation or severe brain damage.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

At The Peak of Grade 3- The ability to regenerate from being blown/cut to pieces, brain included, or from a small piece of the user's body, such as a finger, or the heart.

Grade 4-  The ability to regenerate from having no solid parts of the body remaining. This can range from a puddle or drop of blood to even a single cell.

At The Peak of Grade 4- the ability to regenerate from having all biology completely incinerated. This includes being reduced to ash, dust, smoke, vapor, or plasma.

Grade 6- The ability to regenerate from a few scattered or lone molecules, atoms, or sub-atomic particles.

Grade 7- The ability to regenerate from the complete physical destruction of the user's body, instead restoring it from their disembodied consciousness, whether that be their soul, mind, some other nonphysical aspect of themself, esoteric or metaphysical energy, or something else.

Grade 8- The ability to regenerate from the complete erasure of body, mind, and soul.

Grade 9- The ability to regenerate after the erasure of body, mind, and soul, along with at least one even more fundamental aspect of a character's existence, such as their place in the narrative, their entire history, or the underlying information or concept(s)  needed for them to exist

everyone who steps into the gold rank lives so long as their soul is not destroyed, this gives them the chance to find a new body, and take over it while the heaven and earth slowly absorb them. so in a way, everyone at the gold rank and above has a grade 7 level of regeneration,

meanwhile, the orb Sora got allowed him to recover from everything, if his soul is destroyed, he would simply heal from that. if his body and soul are destroyed at the same time, he will simply heal from that, phoenixes were just that overpowered. they heal from anything through rebirth through the flames, but usually, that means they were reborn new, with their memories gone. but those with pure bloodline don't have this flaw

{a new item has entered the system, the ring of infinity. a powerful ring capable of holding worlds, this ring can hold infinity within.} the system said

{a new item has entered the system, the necklace of hope. this necklace allows one to turn their hope into power, the stronger the willpower is, the stronger they could become. this necklace also helps a person's temper, by placing them through illusions that force their minds to become stronger and stronger.} the system said

{a new item has entered the system, Ring of Dreams... unknown. this ring is a too high level for the current system to absorb, but it seems to have a close fate with the host as if it wants the host to use it.} the system said as Sora noticed the rick was in between worlds, in between Sora's world and cultivation world, it seems the system didn't want this ring to enter the system

{new items have entered the system...} the system went on to list everything that has entered the system before Sora went on to grab the phoenix heart orb. looking at the red orb, Sora slowly began absorbing the blood from the orb.

{gained a new bloodline... the immortal phoenix bloodline, a powerful bloodline of the immortal phoenix, which is a phoenix which is almost immune to death, although it could be killed, it can't die. death is the end, while killing is simply taking the life away from someone.... updating the conquest race bloodline.} the system said Sora went on to have the system absorb the ring of infinity.

{... the system has absorbed the ring of infinity. all worlds within the system would now become the size of a universe... different planes of existence would be formed within the system. a type of immortal realm, or higher dimensions.} the system said as Sora felt the energy in the air suddenly increased by countless times. with the growth of the current system, now even those with the conquest race bloodline could become mountain and river tier experts.

Sora looked at the necklace of hope, looking losing at the necklace, he had the system absorb it, improving the system to a new level, before looking at the price the system needed him to buy it. he needed 50 river tier spirit stones, which was a cost that made Sora's eyebrow twitch slightly

Shaking his head, Sora checked the system for some time. the first planet Sora had within this world was now within the higher realm, but all other worlds were within the lower realm. the worlds Sora conquered had turned into lower realms and were growing extremely slow, which caught SOra off guard before he realized what was going on.

time within the higher realm was faster compared to the lower realm, to Sora's eyes only a few seconds passed, but down below, time seemed to have stopped. so from now on, those who trained within the higher realm would have higher growth than those within a lower realm. it was not just because the energy was higher, but because the recourses within this higher realm were even higher.

Sora went to have his elites, friends, and families move to the higher realm, the higher realm moved 1,000 thousand times faster than the lower realm. so it was best that those he saw highly upon the move to the higher realm, as for the others, Sora had to make sure that his races were all spread out. so not everyone could be moved, only those elites and some lucky citizens were moved

after which, Sora moved and went on to go grab the ring of dreams, while he left the system. while looking at the ring, the ring suddenly flew onto his finger, Sora eye suddenly grew heavy as he fell to the ground,

Sora slowly found himself waking up in an open grass field, as he stood up, Sora saw many other people also slowly awakening up, as they too also looked around in confusion. there were trillions... no maybe an even higher amount of people higher. just when one of them was about to ask, they all looked at the system as an illusionary being slowly appeared.

"I'm dream walker, I have spread my inheritances all over the lower realm, those who found this realm it means you were fated to get my inheritance. but there can only be one person to take it." the old man who had appeared said softly as he looked at everyone

"dream walker?" a young man asked in shock and confusion, he of course was not the only one to have this question, but unlike most people, he knew information about the immortal realm. after all, his kingdom had a powerful force within the immortal realm,

"Now, let's begin with the trial," he said as everyone disappeared, finding themselves within a different world... a world of their past. Sora found himself driving a car heading home from a busy day at work, seeing this, he froze for a moment before hitting the brakes.

stunned, he got out of the car before looking around in confusion. he called out the system, but nothing happened, he felt for his cultivation but he felt like a normal person. he was stunned for a moment before understanding what was happening, looking at the mansion in front of him, he frown slightly before closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.

'This is a dream, so I simply need to wake up.' Sora thought as he slowly opened his eyes, the world around him slowly shook, but after some time it disappeared as Sora slowly got up, waking up from the dream.

"so fast?" the old man said in shock and amazement while looking at Sora, he ever expected someone to wake up so quickly. one should know those dreams were so real it could cause even those with the brightest of minds not to notice a thing off. everything was so real, that even reality would seem fake.

"Your name is dream walker, I suddenly find myself in my past. it's clear it has something to do with dreams." Sora asked with a shrug, making the old man speechless.

"... or you were too cowardly to face your past, leading to you jobing on the slight chance that this was a dream. so, you passed the trails o easily because you were afraid." the old man said with a smile, making Sora's eyes narrow. the old man's smile grew even more as he looked deep into Sora's eyes as if seeing through his past

"What a rough past, but running away from everything would get you nowhere, Transmigrated to this world from such a low-grade world... oh I see, I remember a little expert in the past to see if one could make a world without any Qi, it seems it worked, you were one of those life forms from that world." the old man said with a smile, making Sora frown slightly. would this old man find out about the system? but he seemed to have noticed nothing.

"that little lover of yours is not normal, you shouldn't have left without saying anything. what a shame." He said with a pitty look while shaking his head, something which confused Sora slightly, but the old man closed his eyes, ignoring him.

Sora soon had nothing to do but sit down and wait for the others to wake up, after a few days, the second person woke up. a young woman with long blonde hair, she had a heroic air about her, making everyone who see her was to follow her. she was a born leader, with looks which could be said to be at the limit of what a mortal could have.

as she stood up, she sensed someone looking at her, looking over she saw Sora calmly looking at him, before looking away. she was stunned slightly seeing she was not first, she knew of the inheritance and had been training for years to get the inheritance, yet she was second. this made her see Sora as a rival, but she was not going to lose out on this inheritance,

Who was the dream walker? he was a half-step sage realm expert, a powerful expert who was well known for his ability to turn dreams into reality. he was so powerful that it was said he had to watch his thoughts because, with every thought he had, reality around him would be changed and transformed.

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