In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 31: 0030 The inheritance

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after the woman with long blonde hair woke up, slowly another woman within in a few minutes to her. the old man in the sky kept his eyes closed until a total of 1 billion people have awaken, once he opened his eyes, everyone else instantly disappeared as he kicked them out of the trial ground.

"you are all the best of the best, the first trial was simple. knowing you are asleep and waking up, now to the next trial, I would have to tell you what to do this time, you need to be aware you are sleeping and take over your dream. the first 100 million people to do this will remain, the others will be kicked out." Dream Walker said calmly, before everyone nodded slightly with serious looks, before they all fell to the ground, asleep.

Sora slowly opened his eyes to find himself walking with chains around his hands, he had no shirt or pants, and the chain was connected to many other people. after looking around, he quickly realized he was currently a slave.

"what you looking at?" a middle-aged man said seeing Sora looking at him, his wrap shot forward as it landed heavenly on Sora's back, causing a red mark to instantly appear. Sora let out a pained cry before his eyes turned cold. but he quickly claimed himself, before closing his eyes.

this was only a dream, although everything was extremely real, Sora felt it was not real. following through with that feeling, he didn't try and wake up but instead take control. the middle-aged man seeing Sora closing his eyes sneered in disdain, but he suddenly froze as he felt the world-shaking slightly.

the middle-aged man along with everyone else slowly began to train, taking on the appearance of a woman, who Sora knew well.

"Tom what are you doing?" a caring voice suddenly sounded, causing Sora's heart to suddenly start racing. Sora's eyes slowly opened, but in the end, they closed as Sora tried to take control of this world once. the world began shaking with even greater force, causing the woman to panic

"Tom, stop. you have no right to be upset with me, I saved you, without me, you would be nothing. a nobody working at McDonald's your whole life. tell me, with everything I did for you, is it really so bad if I slept with a few guys here and there? I was scared and confused, we were about to get married, yet you disappeared without a world. which do you think is worse, me standing there waiting for you in front of a crowd, waiting for the love of my life, who would never show up? do you know how humiliating that is?" She said softly, but as she got to the end, everyone who looked just like her began speaking at the same time, while their voice turned demonic

'This is a dream, just my dream world resentencing my control.' Sora thought as he shot his eyes harder,

"why didn't you do anything, did you love me that little? you were my best friend, we spent a good amount of our happy lives together, yet you left it all behind and never looked back. you know I loved you, yet why... why did not say anything. not a letter, a message, or anything. do you know the amount of stress I went through?" all the females suddenly disappeared, revealing just one, he hugged Sora. Sora bit his lips slightly.

this was just a dream, he went through thoughts similar to this long ago, wondering how worried she might have been for him and other stuff. they were all coming back to him but through his voice. he, of course, regretted the way he just left, he thought he could have done it differently, love just doesn't disappear like that.

this woman changed his world, and literally showed him the whole world, she was his world, but the thought of the only thing he ever loved with all his heart, shattering his heart scared him. he also knew that the foundation of their relationship was broken,

Sora knew she had nothing to gain from him, they could have been thousands of other better people out there, but the fact she fell for him, and was willing to put in the time for him. he knew what they had was real.

but once he caught her cheating, he began wondering if that was true or if she just found someone new in her life. maybe she was into poor people or something, he didn't know, and couldn't bring himself to find out. So he left, he rather leaves thinking that she got careless and made a mistake than find out that all along, she never truly loved him. at least then, he could think that someone out there truly cared for him, and never tried to use him.

"... thats the past, we should both move on," Sora said softly, he now had a whole fucking empire, with a bunch of experts, beauties, and so on by his side who truly cared for him. slowly opening his eyes, he looked at the woman hugging him,

"you cheated, that unforgivable. no matter the reason, this god has more important thing now, I rather I have never met you." Sora said softly as he pushed her to the side, causing her to slowly disappear. the world shook as the world changed, showing at a wedding, where a woman was crying while waiting for him.

once everyone noticed him, their eyes brighten, but Sora just turned and left, without care. with every step, the world shook, until it shattered like glass. Sora waved his hands, and a world was created, standing within a grass field, Sora looked around for some time, before having a tree growing out of nowhere.

He sat down, and he closed his eyes, trying to calm down his racing heart. he couldn't help but wonder what happened to her after he left, he had given her most of his wealth before leaving, in a way that was like Sora giving back to her everything she gave him. Now that he thought of it, she could have easily tracked him down, yet she never did. it's not like he tried to die or anything,

"Love is a thing which all experts have to be careful around." a wise voice suddenly sounded next to Sora, Sora turned to see and saw Dream Walker walking up to the tree, before sitting down next to him.

"what do you want?" Sora asked coldly, not showing a hint of respect, from the moment he saw this old man, he never did pay respect like others might have, but the old man never cared.

"you would most likely pass this trial and take my true inheritance, you are more talented than myself. after all, you're one of the few people to have that primordial deity physique," he said with a smile, making Sora's eyebrow raise as he went on guard

"so, do you know of the other guy with this physique? are you two close?" He asked with a smile, to which Sora shrugged

"I have a similar relationship with him as I have with you. I don't trust both of you, I have no reason to believe you are truly dead, I have no reason to believe you are not after my physique or trying to manipulate me into doing something." Sora said calmly, the old man nodded slightly at Sora's world before thinking for a moment

"well, i'm dead. Ling Han, the other person with the same physique as you is the one who killed me. He is a person I would warn you not to make an enemy of, unlike other old monsters who are too arrogant to understand a thing, he is a monster who is willing to accept his mistake and work to improve. humble, and respectful to those who do good by him, but he could easily become the king of hell the moment someone enrages him." the old man said as he slowly stood up,

"I will give you a tip about this world, a secret only powerful beings would know. all concepts are alive, comprehending laws and Dao, you're simply drawing power upon these powerful beings, it's only when you create your own Dao, and similarly, become a concept that you could stand on equal footing with them." He said softly as he went on to stand in front of Sora

"laws are just fragments of the Dao, the Dao is just fragments of these higher beings. I was lucky enough to stumble upon the ruler of dreams when I was but a mortal. he saw my talent, and give me the opportunity to turn all my dreams into reality. yet I was not worthy of becoming his disciple... but, maybe you can. all those who dream, they are simply entering his kingdom. a world where I was lucky enough to enter 3 times." The old man said with a smile, making Sora frown.

"do you accept my true inheritance? I tell you, the lower realm and immortal realm are less than dust compared to the stuff I have seen. I have seen people with the power to create worlds with infinite layers of a world with but a wave, a snake that was endless in size. people transcending the view ideal of infinity, and so many other things." the old man said with a longly look as he looked at the sky

"then I will accept your inheritance," Sora said calmly after some thoughts, the old man smiled slightly, before he shattered, turning into dust of energy which entered Sora, giving him a white amount of knowledge about dreams,

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"you need no longer take my inheritance, I simply wanted to see if you had the primordial deity physique. I always dreamed to become the ruler of dreams disciple, but i'm sure someone like you would become his disc..." the old man said before his voice slowly disappeared. he didn't even have a chance to finish his world,

Sora blinked a few times before he found himself laying on a bed, slowly standing up, Sora rubbed his head. he looked around and found himself within the system. getting out, the system quickly told him everything that happened,

Sora had fallen asleep, and his dream was linked to a seemly infinite number of people, the system couldn't follow him to that world. the system quickly drew Sora into the system, but it kept him in a space in between the system and the cultivation world.

if Sora died, it was alright, he would be reborn. once he died, the system would have quickly drawn him into the system. even if Sora died, he would be reformed within the system, although if this happened, Sora would have no memories and slowly have recovered them.

"to think there was something as dream Qi out there," Sora said softly as he felt the system, appearing back in the house he was in, before calling over all of his slaves. he was out for only a few seconds, so nothing happened when he was asleep.

the first thing he did was of course send the slaves into the system, after the new races were adding the system, Sora took their bloodline, adding to his own, and also updated the conquest race bloodline. he of course also gave them his bloodline,

after which, he summoned the two elf twins to the throne room. there was a reason these two caught his eyes, these two twins had a unique physique and bloodline,

"you two are unique, you have the elf empire bloodline and the Natural Emperor Physique, tell me of your past," Sora said calmly while looking down at the two elves, they looked to be around 14 or so years old. but since they were elves, they were over a hundred years old.

"Lord, we are from the elven galaxy, we are the children of the elf emperor, but when our father enraged a powerful demon within the demon realm, our galaxy was almost destroyed in battle. we managed to run away, but we had to hide our identity, but in the end, we were captured by humans." the female dark elf said respectfully with a lowered head,

"We were the most talented elf of our time, and we were sure to become immortals within a few thousands of years. I thank the lord for saving us." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly as he stood up from his throne and walked over to the two, before having the two stand up.

"what's your name?" Sora asked with a smile,

"I'm Ryu GreenWood, my little brother is Arch Greenwood, please forgive him. ever since our mother passed, he doesn't talk much." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly as he rubbed Arch's head slightly.

"bringing someone back from the dead is not that hard, cultivate hard, and one day you will have the power to kill and breath life to someone with but a thought," Sora said with a smile, Arch's ears twitched as he looked at Sora in shock,

"Shocked? well, I guess it is shocking. well, how about we leave and go find information about your father, I'm sure he would have been seeking you guys." Sora said with a smile, the two nodded slightly, they of course wanted to reunite with their father. they were worried sick about Sora.

Holding Sora's hands, they left the system and went on to go look for information, while walking through the azure dragon palace, the two kids at first were unease around Sora, but seeing how nice Sora was to them, even bought them some new clothing, as they had on their slave clothing, they quickly began seeing Sora in a new light.

"you like that arrow?" Sora asked seeing Ryu looking at a  golden arrow within a weapon shop, Ryu lowered her head in embarrassment. elves were skilled with arrows, they are said to have a natural talent for the path of the bow,

"That arrow seems to be able to follow a target, up to 30 million light years, and even avoid all other targets along the way," Sora said with a nod of his head,

"i-i almost reached the stage where my arrows never miss," Ryu said quickly, her father always scored her for trying to take the easy path, and get an arrow that had that tracking ability with it, she didn't want to look bad in front of Sora, so she quickly spoke up

"Really? that's impressive, for your age, you might master the law of the archery within a few thousands of years, but that number is dropped greatly since you have my bloodline... you can bow it, but it will be your little trump card." Sora said with a smile, Ryu's eyes brightened slightly before she went on to go buy the arrow.

"you want something?" Sora asked as he looked at Arch, Arch shyly spoke, a normal person would have trouble hearing what he said, but Sora had a sharp hearing.

"the teleporting arrow? that hex arrow, sure, go ahead." Sora said with a node, the teleporting arrow was an arrow that teleported to a target, making it almost impossible to dodge, this arrow would seemly appear cm away from a target, making it also hard to dodge.

the two went on to buy the arrows while Sora just watched the two, they were children, a part of his kingdom. in a way, they were his children, Sora didn't mind spoiling his children,

meanwhile, within the immortal realm. a woman sat behind bars with closed eyes, she was fast asleep, but she slowly opened her eyes as someone entered to see her. a young man entered, and looked at her with a helpless look.

"sis, you can't still be angry with me for something that happened in a test world?" he said helplessly, but the woman only looked at him with pure hatred. the young man sat down in front of her as he looked at his elder sister,

"sis, you will soon become the head of the biggest merchant guild within the immortal realm, you foolish fell in love with a mortal, and were going to marry him. father sent you to that test world to study their ways of managing a business, but you started getting distracted with stuff like anime, and other useless stuff. and worst of all, your good-for-nothing lover was slowly doing better than you." He said angrily as he looked at her, but seeing his word having no effect, he took a deep breath before standing up and turning to leave.

"you only acted because you want me to marry the son of heaven, that would never happen." She said coldly, the elder brother stopped in his footsteps, before turning around with a sharp light flashing across his eyes.

"then I shall go capture him, I will torture his soul until you come to reason. I'm the future protector, you the future manager, if we can't... no if, you can't tell want I'm doing is for the good of merchant guild, I will have to force you into understanding." he coldly before disappearing, making the woman face darken

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