In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 34: 0033 gold rank

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after seeing all the anime abilities Sora had, Hannah wanted to quickly cultivate the dreaming emperor cultivation art. but hers was incomplete compared to Sora's,  the two began cultivating together, and the dreaming emperor cultivation art was split into a few stages.

When cultivated to the copper rank, a person cultivating the dreams would become pretty much a reality. within their dreams, they could do many things, such as comprehend Dao, train, and so many more compared to the outside world.

as everyone knows, a dream passed quickly, so within a dream, time could pass extremely quickly. within your dreams. you are all powerful within your dreams you could do almost anything. dream of an overpowered item that could help improve your compressions ability, and boom it would be there. of course, the more complex an item is, the more of a burden would be on your dreams

at the Iron rank, a person would be able to travel through dreams and enter another person's dreams. one should know, that death within a dream world equals death within the outside world. So, if Sora entered someone's dreams, and could overpower their mind, he could kill them. but this, of course, was dangerous, taking over the dreams of another is extremely hard. after all, you entering the domain of an all-powerful being. so you had to weaken them and turn their dreams into a nightmare, before killing them.

at the silver rank, a person would gain dream Qi. the powerful energy that could bring dreams into reality. of course, there were limitations, only stuff equal to one's powerlevel. pushing yourselves, you could go above your own limitations. of course, in the beginning, it would be simple stuff like sand, but over time, it would be more complex and more useful to one's strength and cultivation.

at the gold rank, a person can cultivate a body within a dream world. this body would have the ability to appear in the outside world and affect the outside world. this dream body could be trillions of times stronger than the mine body, and it would not matter much. one could also pull someone else dream body into the real world, causing them to be forever trapped and unable to return to their real body. also, as one is a dream, you can't really affect or touch a dream, you need special power and the ability to even sense it,

at the diamond rank. a person thought could affect the world around them. a thought to reshape reality, bring one thought into reality. if one were to fall asleep and have a nightmare, then one's nightmare will cause chaos in the real world. at this stage, a person has to have high control over their mind. because if not, then a careless thought would bring trouble to this world.

In the void-shattering realm, a person would gain the dreaming emperor physique, which would allow them to fuse their body within a dream. with his, one's power would go through a huge training, and they would be both real and dream, allowing them to ignore most attacks. with this fusion, a person can freely enter and leave a dream world, and even pull stuff out, of course, the more complex something is, the harder it would be to pull into reality. to you, a dream and reality would be almost similar, allowing you to pretty much cultivate within a dream and reality, to gain the most benefits

currently, Hannah had reached the iron stage, which is why should enter Sora's dream. as her cultivation art is not complex, she was only limited to only the gold rank. so planned to throw her body away, and simply get a new one.

as for the inheritance Sora got from Dream walker, it's something that would come within each stage of the cultivation of art. currently, he had cultivated this art to the copper rank, meaning he could cultivate it within this world, at a faster rate than the outside world. of course only the mind, and not the body.

with reaching this stage, he gained dream world crystals, one of dream walker true inheritances, with this crystal, Sora's dream would slowly become a world of its own. Sora of course used this, but it was slowly forming the world. currently, the world size was only palm size.

of course, Sora could dream up a huge world, but he had to focus to keep that world there, if he forgot about an area within his world, then it would disappear until he remembers it. it was also a part of the cultivation of art to allow one subconscious to be able to maintain the whole dream world,

of course, Sora was always truly pushing himself, trying to make a world with its own lifeforms and much stuff, as the crystals slowly made his world dream world larger, it also strengthens Sora's mind and soul. currently, Sora could recreate earth within his dream world, of course, there were places within earth he had never been to, so he got creative, but he also had to make things run smoothly

with billions of lifeforms, he had to pay full attention to many small details and many other stuff, all of which was a huge burden on Sora's mind and soul. sleep should be a time of rest, yet with this cultivation art, a person should instead rest while they are awake.

So, Sora went on to give Hannah the Dream emperor cultivation art, up to the void-shattering realm, she couldn't just throw away her body, so it's best she fused the two and came to the lower realm. The two then became cultivating together, of course, Hannah didn't lock sora within his dream world, he could leave and return as he wished.

meanwhile, Hannah found she could remain within the dream world, for as long as she want. this was because even without Sora, Sora's dream world has become its own place. a place that couldn't simply be reached by space and time. so she could remain as long as she want. of course, the dream world was something that even she couldn't destroy, something created by dream world crystals was something which she was powerlevel before.

"what's this?" Di Yalan asked while going through the treasure within the castle within Sora's world, Sora barely tried to organize the treasure, he grew so fast that they became useless. something which annoyed Di Yalan as Sora didn't face any hardship in life.

"that's the book of curses... I forgot I had that." Sora said softly, the book of curses was the item he got from this world, but the system has transformed it, turning it into a unique treasure of the space. Sora never got around to using it, it's not like he ever needed it

"This is a powerful book of curses... it should be enough to turn things around within the Naruto world, you don't want that would grow too powerful, so you should use it." She said as she waved the book, sending the book flying into Sora's hands.

Sora sighed before he flipped through the book, Sora seemed to flip forever until he flipped through the end of this book. looking at the book, he closed his eyes for some time as he thought of Soruto, the black demonic book suddenly released a demonic fog, before Soruto appeared on a page

Sora's energy suddenly rushed into the book like a wave, and within the Naruto world, Soruto had fixed everything that happened to his world, he had fused with this world and was making this world stronger. creating many powerful forces, and speeding time up. he could now easily speed time up, doing as he wished. time and space were under his absolute control, he stood above such concepts

but at the moment, he frowned slightly, he felt pain within his chest. a pain which was slowly growing, he quickly tried to suppress this feeling, while he tried to search for where it was coming from. but he couldn't track down this book, and only see an image of a demonic-looking book.

the curse was not too powerful, so he was not too bothered by it, but he soon found that the curse was getting stronger. the chest pain was getting stronger and stronger, and he was getting uneasy.

a few hours later, Soruto's face had darkened, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth. new more hours and he began coughing up blood, the curse only kept getting stronger and stronger, and his face paled as he got weaker and suffered more injuries. he slowly aged as his endless lifespan dropped to only a few hundred of trillion years. after a day, Soruto flew all over the Naruto world, seeking whatever was causing this, but he never found it, and soon fainted and was unable to fly anymore

back to Sora, Sora let out a deep breath as he felt his lifespan had dropped by a few years, looking at the map which showed Soruto floating there, almost lifeless. Sora flashed as he appeared before Soruto, while, he had avatars who appeared to collect all the blood Soruto had dropped and sent it into the system.

"h-how, I sealed you and the portal away," he said weakly, Sora smiled at his worlds, Soruto was careful, and had sealed away not only the portal, but his main body in a different space far above space and time. a place where only he could reach, but in the end, he never expect Sora had the system, Sora stabbed him through the chest and absorbed him.

Sora exploded with great power, at this moment, Sora had absorbed this world into himself, there in a way, he had sent it into the system. Sora was stunned at how easy it was to conquer that world, but seeing that the Naruto world was slowly disappearing, entering his system, he disappeared as he appeared within the system.

"system, explain what happened," Sora said as he appeared within the system, before his main body, and with a thought, the avatar turned into energy and fused back with his main body, allowing their cultivation to break through into the gold rank.

Sora donations shattered, before forming into a multi-colored core, there were grades to cores, and it could be seen by the colors. the higher the core, the higher the talent and stronger one was.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

a copper grade core or false core was half the strength as the normal gold rank expert, usually those with this copper grade core force themselves to break through or failed to form a core.

an Iron grade core was for those average experts, they are basic but also powerful.

a silver grade core was for those with some talent, they were twice as strong as those with an Iron grade core. a person with this core could fight 2 experts with an Iron core and fight to a standstill, and could even win.

a gold grade core is formed by a super genius, they were considered elites as they were 5 times stronger than an Iron grade core. Sora in the past had stumbled upon many people with this type of core,

a purple diamond grade core is for the elite among elites, they are considered super elites as they were 10 times stronger than those with an iron grade core. Sora had never seen anyone with such a core.

a ruby red grade core was for those supreme elites, those with this grade are 20 times stronger than iron grade cores. to say the least, Sora had only heard of people with such a Core, one being the number one genius within the azure dragon palace

lastly, the perfections grade core. which seemed to be what Sora had, it made Sora 100 times stronger than iron-grade cores, greatly boosting his strength. one should know that Sora had absorbed many void-shattering realm experts, and countless people within the Naruto world, yet like that he could only reach level 1 gold rank.

{the book of curses is a powerful book that can curse anything that is linked with the host, space and time are not that huge of a hinder to its power, so long as there is a link, and you have an image and name, along with energy, then you could curse anything. since the host was within the system, you were 100 times stronger, the curse although effect by the world, once the host passed his limit, the lifespan was used, causing the curse to get countless times stronger, leading to his slow death.} the system said as Sora looked at the book in amazement

{note, the host can curse for a few hours straight without suffering any drawbacks to the host, any longer, the host would lose his life, and suffer damage. with enough time, the host can kill someone more than 100 thousand times stronger than himself,} the system said, making Sora amazed while looking at the treasure.

"by the way, system. What's the grade of my core?" Sora asked calmly, as he stretched his body, he was sealed away for a few hundred years within the Naruto world, although within this world only a few days passed, it was a pain in the ass for him

{it's above perfections, chaos grade core. perfections grade cores are only 50 times stronger than iron grade cores.} the system said as Sora nodded slightly,  before ordering his man to go conquer the naruto world. just because the Naruto world was absorbed into his world, doesn't mean it was conquered.

so, within the next few days, Sora is forced to conquer every inch of the Naruto world, leading to Sora conquering his first high-grade world.

{congrulaiton the host on improving a mid-grade world to a high grade before conquering... the host has been rewarded with the blood fusion technique, unique art with the task of fusing the many bloodlines gained through the god of conquest art.} the system said as Sora sighed softly as he fell backward on his throne. thinking for some time, he realized he had many things to had to do,

One, he had to rewrite his world, to make sure every one of the conquest races today would be reborn. of course, those who died within the system would die for good, unless they had special statues.

two, he just stepped into the gold rank and gained more techniques from the god of conquest cultivation art. stuff which he needed to go through and train,

three, he had to create a new law which says that his laws had to enter a new world, before others, that way he could quickly conquer creations. not simply the law of creation or Dao of creation, but the very concept of creation, allowing him to create absolutely anything from nothing. did you lose your way? just create a path to victory. anything that could be created was at your fingertip.

forth, Sora had to spend some time comprehending Dao, seeking those with Daughter of heaven Qi, and many other stuff within the azure dragon palace. He also had built a merchant guild, as he needed a good way to bring income to his world as well,

many things had to be done, but the best thing out of all of this was that his system had gotten stronger. countless lower realms were growing at a rapped speed, each lower realm having a higher finite amount of dimensions within. although the lower realms didn't have an infinite dimension, it was infinitely close. each dimension was infinite, making Sora's world huge

currently, there were over 100 thousand lower realms, and more seemed to slowly be born. as for the higher realm within the system, it was endless. many times larger than all the lower realms put together, meaning that somehow the higher realm was greater than infinite.

Sora was, of course, happy, looking across the world, everywhere one could see treasures were being born. and with Sora's current power of a god returned to him, he could do many things, so, he got to work. he first created an avatar, one which returned to the demon realm, another to move to return to his studies within the azure dragon palace, and another to cultivate the dream art.

after which, Sora moved to start changing the laws within the system. this took time and a lot of work, taking 3 days. after which, he turned his attention to the new techniques he had gotten.

the first technique, from the fist of conquest, the fist of war. it used to improve Sora's powerlevel by 10 times, but now, it boosts Sora's powerlevel by 100 times. of course, such a huge boost to his power was a huge burden on him, meaning he had to temper himself, even more,

the fist of conquest, now Sora didn't have to be within his domain to use the power of his people but now used it to draw upon the power of those of his soldiers near him. while in battle, he can draw upon 10% of those he marked, making his power reach a new height.

next, is the step of conquest. this technique had 5 levels, and Sora only could use the first grades, which allowed him to do stuff like allowing Sora to do things like vibrant to allow things to pass through him, move so fast you create after images clone, and some speed base techniques. it was like having the speed force,

At level 2 of the step of conquest, one could move to do things like reaching an ever-increasing speed, of course, such speed could lead to his death if Sora is at no care level. Sora could now move so fast he could pass travel through dimensions, of course, such actions would require him to get a head start and build up some speed, he would also need to lock onto the dimensions.

but the best thing was a perfect balance, between body and mind. his body and mind speed were linked, if one is faster, Sora could use this technique to make the slower one catch up. so, Sora could move as fast as his mind could move. adding this with the throne of conquest, Sora was the fastest thing within the lower realm.

Lastly, conquest Qi. of fusion of all types of energy, making this Qi even stronger than chaos Qi, of course, Sora had to fuse all types of energy to reach that level, but for now, with this he better fused all energy, making him even stronger than before.

there was also the Susanoo, as he gained ultimate Susanoo, a susanoo which allowed his susanoo to perfectly fit his body. with this susanoo, all that power from the Susanoo is compressed to a new level, making it countless times stronger. to say the least, Sora's powerlevel had reached a new level,

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