In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 35: 0034 succubus

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After everything, Sora had a few merchants within the system take up the job of managing a few shops in the outside world. He would give this job to Hannah, as she was th best person for this job, but until she could actually appear and do this, they would have to do it for now. Sora went on to buy many shops, the thing he lacked was spirit stones below the mountain river,

the shop would do two things, they buy and sell stuff. all with the task of bringing the most profit to the system. 60% of the gains went to Sora, who would have the system absorb those gains, this would give the system a stable income from the outside world.

Sora with all of this done, Sora went on to spend the next few years relaxing, forced on comprehending law and learning many other stuff. such as blacksmith, and alchemy, while learning things, but when he learned basic alchemy and blacksmith, the system gave him this notification.

{the host has comprehended the law of alchemy and blacksmith... congratulation host on completing a hidden quest, new functions have been added to the system. heaven and earth Cauldron. a powerful cauldron capable of forging and refining all things.

this cauldron is linked to the host's comprehension of alchemy and blacksmith, although linked it's countless times better than the host when forging and refining things. this cauldron can purify all things and could be used to help the host temper himself.} the system said

Sora of course was happy with this notification, but he didn't walk the path of blacksmith or alchemy, so it was still needed that he finds worthy talents who walked this path.

"My lord, should we not take over the sect? with lords might, your aura alone could dominate many experts here." Zeldris said while walking with Sora through the Azure dragon palace,

"I have been too forced on me learning stuff than bothering to dominate with such stuff, Di Yalan also says it best I slow down, those who rush miss many things that slow who is slow would notice," Sora said with a shrug, it had been months since Sora broke through to the gold rank. with his current strength... no, even before joining the palace, he could have easily taken over the palace

Di Yalan had become a great teacher, Sora also didn't mind slowing down as he was finding treasures all over the Azure dragon palace, and many new ones were entering the Azure Dragon palace.

as they walked, Sora saw a huge poster on a wall. walking over, it was a poster announcing that there was a huge auction being held, and within a few months, an auction was being held. this auction was going to have a dragon egg, of an extremely rare dragon and many other rare stuff.

"... let's go make sure I would have a V.I.P seat," Sora said calmly, Zeldris nodded slightly before following behind Sora. they left the azure dragon palace, entering a portal that took them to a faraway galaxy that was only slightly smaller than the azure dragon galaxy. this galaxy was known as the heavenly gate galaxy. upon arriving, they headed towards the huge planet. they arrived at where the auction house was going to be held, and Sora went on to ask to meet the managers.

Sora's talent was known by those with high status, so the manager knew of him. wanted to make good connections, he warmly welcomed Sora.

"I want to have a V.I.P statue, what are the conditions?" Sora asked with a smile as he crossed his legs while sitting opposite the manager. the manager was a huge fat man, he had a round face, and with his smile, his eyes disappeared. he had nice looking care, with beautiful clothing, clearly, he paid attention to his appearance, yet made no effort for his physical body.

"Young master, that's but an easy thing. you only need to spend at least 100 perfect diamond grade spirit stones to get the status of a V.I.P. there are also grades two our V.I.P, one star are that V.I.P in name, they have no benefits. 2 stars they would have a unique storage ring of our auctions, they would have a 10% discount for life. up to 100 void tier spirit stones.

3 stars V.I.P would have special treatment, whenever they enter. they would also have the support of our auction house. they also get a 20% discount for life, up to 100 void tier spirit stones

4 stars V.I.P would be given the highest attention, they are our welcome guests in every actions house. you ask, and so long as you have the money to pay, we could do our best to give. our actions house is spread all over the lower realms, so we are almost all-knowing. and we could get our hands on almost anything." He said with a smile, making Sora's eyebrow raise as he looked at Zeldris from the corner of his eye

Zeldris also looked at Sora, at that moment the both of them had the same thought. they had to take over this action house. Sora nodded giving Zeldris the go-ahead, Zeldris nodded slightly as his willpower suddenly spread out, swallowing the whole room. a powerful wing blew, causing Sora's red cap to blow wildly in the wind,

"... this one sees lord." the fat man said as he fell to his knees before Sora, form the shadows 10 experts who were protecting the fat man came out, kneeling to Sora. Sora calmly stood during the tea which was given to him before looking at the fat man kneeling

"Where is the headquarter of the heavenly gate auctions house?" Sora asked calmly, such powerful actions, of course, spent its headquarters hidden from the outside world, or else with its wealth, it would be attacked by many experts.

"it's spent with the icy hell dimensions, within the core of that dimensions is where our dimensions are held. our leader, a half-step level 10 expert remains there cultivating, but this lowly one knows not of his or her capabilities. this lowly one knows not of how to get there, for its safety, we use a special way of communications, and trading, that way the headquarters are never in danger." He said respectfully, Sora frowned hearing the icy hell dimensions.

the icy hell dimensions are a dimension of extreme cold Qi, to the point most void-shattering experts could freeze and die there. the lifeforms within that dimension were born from that extreme cold Qi, it's said that time flows slower there due to how cold it is. it slows down even time, almost freezing it. it's said that only those at level 7 and above the void-shattering realm could do such a thing.

"What treasure will be held of the actions," Sora asked calmly, the fat man smiled slightly as she spoke of everything, and even some rare and unique stuff. Sora nodded slightly, before standing up, he would not take the stuff, but instead, just buy them. he wanted to see the powerful experts who would be making their appearance to watch the actions,

many powerful experts would be coming, from the white tiger galaxy and many other powerful galaxies, they would want to show off their might, and Sora would want to see not worthy people he might overlook if he rushed things.

after gaining everything, Sora went on to walk around and find something to go while waiting for the auctions, as he left the auctions house. and returned back to the azure dragon palace.

within the dream world, Sora floated in the air as he neared a breakthrough to the Iron rank in the cultivation of the dream emperor cultivation art. as he opened his eyes to take a break, he noticed Hannah was also cultivating, Sora thought for some time before speaking.

"I have a question, what made an immortal like you take interest in a mortal like myself back then," Sora asked softly, Hannah frowned slightly hearing Sora's words, slowly opening her eyes, she thought of how to answer the question.

"Firstly, you're still a mortal... and when we first meant, I just knew you were not normal. I guess it was my business sense, I just felt like you were not of that world. a rare gem working at a place like McDonald... oh that reminds me. I was going to tell you something on our wedding day." Hannah said as she clapped her hands, Sora instantly lost control of the dream world, and everything changed, showing a start night.

"When I did my research on you, I found out that your mother wasn't really your mother. I didn't tell you as I first wanted to find out about your real parents. but I only saw this. I had someone look through time, and this was what they saw. but this took years to see, someone powerful didn't want us to see this.." Hannah said softly stunning Sora.

Sora looked around and noticed a hooded person running through the street with a child in hand, Sora instantly knew this was himself from his past life,

soon the hooded figure arrived before a house Sora knew well, she quickly pulled out a strange crystal which he or she fed to the child, before he  jumped into the sky, at extreme speed, he formed another child in his hands as he shattered his cultivation, drawing a bunch of attention to himself,

"I tried figuring out what that crystal was, it seems to be a kind of a surpassing. my senses never tell me, I knew you were special, once you tried, that surpassing effect disappeared. it should have been surpassing your talent or something, which came to life in this lifetime." She said calmly, Sora nodded slightly, but he had his own guesses.

it would have most likely been surpassing the system, meaning that even back on earth he might have gotten this system. but now this brings up questions, who the hell was his true parents? but the fact he was not a normal human-made sense,

even with how he grew up, he had pushed through life struggling his way through most things in life, avoiding needless stuff. meanwhile, another person in his shoes would have most likely become like his parents. the environment you grow around affects you, and those around you also have a huge impact on who you would be in your future.

for a person to turn out as Sora did, even without meeting someone like Hannah was rare. Sora was somewhat pure back in his past life, even with everything he was a hard worker. something which would be unimaginable in his past, although not impossible for normal humans, what were the chances?

Sora didn't drink, smoke, and so on. he didn't do any drugs, and was mostly healthy, although he eat a lot of McDonald's, that was all he could eat at the time. though out his whole life, the only time he ever felt at his lowest was when he thought he found Hannah cheating, other than that, he kept a positive view of life. no matter how much he had fallen, he always tried to do his best.

"so... what now?" Hannah asked with a smile, Sora shrugged slightly. it's not like knowing this was anything that huge at the moment. in the future, he could search for his true parents, but by the looks of things, his parents seemed to be in hot water. surprising his system or whatever should have been a way to protect him or something.

maybe this was why he transmigrated, he could currently be playing that the strings of some huge broad game. which brings up the question, if the system was him, and he was the system, where did the system get the cultivation art? where did the system get its techniques from? can the system be trusted now? this only made Sora's trust in the system drop.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"Well, I'm going to cultivate... the fact you could cultivate at such a fast speed within the lower realm is shocking." She said softly, Sora was in the lower realm and was cultivating the dream art cultivation art. although the lower realm flowed at a faster speed than the immortal realm, the immortal realm had a higher level of Qi density and quality.

if a mortal suddenly appeared in the immortal realm, they would get sick and die within seconds, void shattering realm experts also have to go through tribulation to allow them to adapt to the immortal realm, if not they would be unable to ascend to the immortal realm. although the immortal realm moved slower, the Qi there more than made up for it.

meanwhile, Sora within a short time was about to enter the iron rank within his cultivation art, that's not adding that most of this time was not spent cultivating, but training his mind to mention his dream world. so Sora could have been broken through to the Iron rank weeks ago. meaning they could have been in the same cultivation stage. this just showed how talented Sora was,

but to be fair, only a few hours passed within the immortal realm since she started cultivating. but even so, she had more and better energy. just because they were in the same dream, didn't mean their body was not absorbing energy from the outside world to help cultivate.

Sora on the other hand although was within the system, the qi within the system was not even 1/1,000 of the amount of Qi she had around her to absorb.

outside the dream world, Sora instantly asked the system where it got its cultivation art and other techniques, and about the surpassing crystal he saw

{... answer can't be found. the system has to knowledge of such information. and say, the system would have been awakened with the host around the time the host body is ready to cultivate, but the system was surpassed. but if it was never surpassed, then the system would have not awakened as a system but as something else. the system was shaped by the host. note the system was always based around the conquest of other worlds, the fact the host's favorite game had something to do with conquest is proof you were born to conquer.} the system said making Sora stunned slightly at this new information.

to think he shaped the system into a system, now he wanted to know what it would have been if he didn't hope for a system or something like that? he read many light novels about systems so most have played a huge role in this.

meanwhile, within the demon realm, Sora frowned as a huge looked at a huge demonic phoenix that was rushing toward him with killing intent. the phoenix was heading towards them, leading a huge army with a last a few million.

Sora's actions in the past few months have enraged the demon king and sent his elites to face them. this army heading towards him was an army of level 9 void-shattering realms, even the azure dragon palace would be destroyed before his army. hell, the top 100 galaxies would be destroyed.

as for why this army has not just entered the lower realm and just slaughtered its way through, they did but were forced back. The experts from the azure dragon galaxy and other focus can always ask for an immortal to descend and protect them. an army of an immortal was once summoned, and this army strengthen the barrier between the two realms, making it harder for demons above level 8 void-shattering realms to enter.

"here my world, today we would try to be at war with the demon realm. no more avoiding conflict, slaughter all those who dare to stand in my way." Sora yelled and the demons let out a huge battle cry before they rushed forward towards the demons.

the demonic phoenix roared in rage, and demonic phoenix flames shot from its mouth, swallowing his arm, but before everyone's shocked eyes, Sora had appeared and had absorbed the flames. Sora rushed forward and began a battle with the phoenix, and to no one shock, the phoenix was suppressed.

seeing it couldn't win, it wanted to quickly run but found that Sora's comprehensions of the law of space were so high, that it made it hard for it to run away. space seemed to have hardened around it, making it struggle pointlessly. it angrily looked at Sora, it of course had no fear of death, it was a phoenix, and the thing a phoenix feared less was death.

Sora didn't bother with the phoenix, before he stabbed it through its forehead, absorbing, and gaining its bloodline. Sora moved as he helped his army, slaughtering the millions of level 9 demons, and dominating a few million. after which, Sora's focus moved as they attacked one of the loyal clans of the demon king.

"who dares." a peak level 10 demon rushed out of a castle, as she coldly faced the incoming army, Sora, and waved his hand for his army fo stop, as he sized up the succubus who had appeared in front of him.

'such a high-density Qi... no less to Di Yalan and the others,' Sora thought with a raised eyebrow, he has never seen anyone with fate this high, so he was caught off guard. this woman had to have a high background

"Who are you?" Sora asked calmly, the succubus to say the less was enchanting, she had looks which although matched someone like Di Yalan, she could still stand on equal footing with her. her aura made those who looked at her submit, any man who saw her would be nothing more than a mindless man who could do anything she ask.

"I'm the daughter of the demon king, the leader of the succubus clan... I see, you're the demons which have been causing trouble." She said coldly, Sora smiled slightly. the daughter of demon king was one of the king's most talented daughters, born with peak ruby red grade talent, even immortals have taken a liking to her. It said she had an immortal as her teacher already,

Sora rushed forward without saying anything, the succubus was enraged, since when did a gold rank expert have the nerves to stand against her like this? she rushed forward to meet Sora, Sora gather his aura of domination into his fist, and punched forward. she was shocked feeling the power rushing towards her, without a second thought, she blocked,

but the fist of domination ignore most defense, her defense was proven pointless, and she was sent shooting down like a shooting star, shooting into her palace. she fell to the ground, but an expert quickly caught her. the members of the succubus clan were enraged, and they all raised to meet Sora and his army.

slowly the leader of the succubus clan slowly got to her feet, she looked at Sora for some time, before she exploded into a rage. she had underestimated Sora, otherwise she was have not been injured so easily. shooting up, she faced Sora once more. but this time she didn't get close, she was not a close combat fighter.

forming a seal with her hands, she said a chant. Sora suddenly found himself surrendered by many beauty, they were all half naked, with the important parts of their body almost showing, causing one to want to move slightly to see. they all hugged Sora's hands, while others slowly tried to undress him.

the leader of the succubus clan smiled coldly seeing Sora was trapped in her illusion so easily, he might be talented, but his mind and resistance to stuff like illusion art is something that takes time to develop. she was the worst counter for an uprising star like Sora.

but as she was about to move, She found herself trapped within an illusion. beautiful females hugged her at all sides, they were all naked and pressed p against her. the females touched her all over, making her unable to stand still.

looking up, she saw Sora had appeared within her illusions and was calmly looking at her. her eyes widened, Sora had reflected the illusions and made it even stronger, she swallowed her saliva, she didn't know how long she could last. her body was too sensitive, she never felt soemthing like this before.

"i-i surrender." She said softly, if she had an orgasm in the middle of battle, just how embarrassing would that be? plus, with Sora's actions, he had completed a requirement succubus used to find a partner. Sora didn't just break free of her illusions, he also reflected back at her and she was not able to break free

That illusion was called the world of sexual dreams, a person's deepest luster desires are brought to light. Sora breaking free showed his mind was not only strong but stronger than hers. he also had extreme control of himself. The succubus would marry those who could break free of their enchanting illusions and showed to be more capable than themselves. which Sora easily passed.

Sora shattered the illusions, allowing her to quickly suppress herself, before moving on to stop her army from attacking Sora's side. She was now Sora's wife, so she had to bring an end to the battle between him and her father.

"Husband, why do you want to fight father?" She asked softly, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly seeing the loving look in her eyes. he was caught off guard by the sudden change, a moment ago she hated him, but the next moment, she turned into a woman in love. he, of course, knew that Succubus cared for those who are capable, they would feel a strong attraction towards those with the capability to be thier husband.

"I want to take the demon realm for myself," Sora said calmly, stunning her, he wanted to know just how far this attraction would take her, would she even betray her own father? but he was soon caught off guard when she saw smiled slightly.

"Husband does have the capability, with how strong you are you might be able to last a few rounds with father. but that's that wise, father is the god of the demon realms, this whole demon realm is his domain," she said seriously, in her eyes Sora was countless times more talented than her father. she could tell Sora was holding back, give Sora few more years and her father even within the demon realm would not be his match.

"that I know, follow me," Sora said calmly as a portal opened next to him, he was slightly stunned that she was not against him going against his father, but thinking closely about it. succubus fell in love upon soemthing like this happening, love could lead anyone to do dumb things. but she seemed to have her common sense, she most likely have been planning on taking down her father for the throne, which would be why she was not so resistant

the leader of the succubus clan was clearly slightly hesitant to enter, but she in the end entered the portal behind Sora. as soon as she entered, her willpower shattered, and she was dominated, she didn't even notice this as it happened so fast. she only looked around in amazement, the energy within this world was dense and pure, she could sense many lifeforms and dimensions within this world.

with her being dominated, Sora could actually trust her. who in their right mind just trusts someone they just met? Sora went on to go and give her conquest race bloodline. he would not give her the title of a concubine just yet, as he wanted her destiny Qi to grow before giving her that title.

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