In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 40: 0039 Fanfiction

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{New Quest- protect this world from the evasion of the other world.

descriptions- this world has been targeted by an unknown force that wishes to destroy it, stop them from doing so,

Hints- even if you alone can't face this oncoming danger, it's best you build a powerful force. travel the parrell worlds, fathering elites from all over the world to stand alongside you. time is running out, no time for fun

Reward- (System Upgrade), (Magic Fusion), (Primordial Dragon God Bloodline), (world travel)

"a quest? and to think it would be something so huge, an evasion from another world? a parallel world?" A young red-haired man said in confusion, but he shrugged as he got ready to leave the cave he was within. it has been 10 years since he found that he had reincarnated into the Fairy Tail world, it has been a bumpy road, as he was at first reborn without his memoirs of this world.

it was when he lost his little sister and was knocked out, leading to him awakening the system that he got his memories back. his sister was Erza, one of the MCs of this world, she was taken away by a bunch of dark mages who wanted to build a tower that would allow them to bring the dead back to life.

He was not worried for her safety, she was strong. he believed, just like in the anime, she would get away, meanwhile, he spent the past few years training. he had a system, it was called the warrior's system, a system that was all based around building an army, the perfect and most powerful army. he would have all the abilities of those within this army, he would be linked to them, and they would be perfectly loyal to him

currently, he had an army from different races but he was currently limited to only 100 soldiers under him, any more and he could reach his limits. the system also gave him a special space where he can store these soldiers, and they could rest and quickly recover from all injuries.

far away. a young woman with long blonde hair slowly stepped out of a portal, while looking at the people setting up a camp around the portal. everyone kneeled before her, in deep respect, this woman had a high status within Omnipotence Empire, she was the daughter of one of the 10 commandments, Zeldris.

She was called Zelda. she was quite talented, but this was her first time taking charge of an army of her own, Zeldris gave her this world as a test. if she couldn't conquer this world then it just meant that she was not ready.

"lady Zelda, we have set up a heaven block formation. and a time and space barrier" an old man said respectfully, Zelda nodded slightly, the heaven-blocking formation was a formation Merlin and the other scientists have discovered, it allowed them to block off the all-knowing, and all-seeing eyes of a world.

"how about the information we got about this world?" She asked softly, the old man passed papers to her, which she calmly went through. those within the assassinations guild have moved to get information within this world, they had found out many things and many powerful forces.

there were infinite numbers of parrell worlds within this world, but each world was not infinite in size. above these worlds was where the gods stood, looking down upon the mortal. but from what the assassins could find, thouands of years ago, there was a war between humans and gods, leading to many gods' defeats, currently, only a few gods remained, only the most powerful of the gods.

there were also powerful demons that ruled hell, and some neutral forces minding their own business. She looked through everything before the old man gave her a map laying out this world, she frown as she noticed a few things which could be troublesome.

one of being the Rift in Space and Time. The Rift in Space and Time is the passageway intervals in-between space and time; the past as well as the future, where actual existences and beings throughout time and space can be found, reside, live, and communicate. with his thing, it meant that those from the future could time travel. but of course, this could be easily blocked. time travel was not all that impressive.

"let's start off by capturing the lord's soon-to-be wives. go to each planet and capture the top beauties, we will then set up a formation to have them fuse with their infinite self. this should make them have a powerlevel at least at a trillion." She said softly, the old man nodded respectfully before Zelda frowned as she looked at the soldiers around her.

She only had grade 0 soldiers, these soldiers were also new, in an army formation, they only had a strength of around 1 quadrillion. and with this world's peak powerlevel at 100 quadrillions, she was already expecting to suffer huge problems in this war. she was only at level 1 void shattering realm, and had a powerlevel at 90 quadrillions, but if she was outnumbered she would have to order a retreat.

"unleash the Zetsu army, we are going to use them to try and absorb this world's energy without allowing this world to see a hint of our true strength. only send the basic Zetsu army, the ones without our royal bloodline or anything that could strengthen this world." She said as the old man nodded and left to follow through with her order.

She didn't have any elites under her command, it was just her, the old man, and the grade 0 soldiers. she wants to prove to her father that she is was ready to devote herself to their lord, if she could conquer this world, then she would have the chance of meeting Sora. and might get a high position.

Sora was considered like a god to people like her, she grew up hearing stories, teachings, and many others. to her and other people who were born within the system, they grew up with the teaching that Sora was the way. the only true way to ever-lasting peace.

after the Zetsu army was gathered, Zelda had them be equipped with an item to allow them to see the son of heaven Qi and the daughter of heaven Qi. those people within this world who had such a powerful Qi would be captured. this Zutsu army would act as if it was going on a slaughter when its true job was to capture these people.

"those damn scientists put the prices for these Zutsu armies so high, even these basic ones cost a lot... I just hope another organization pops up to challenge them, forcing them to lower their prices." Zelda said softly while looking at the scroll which held 100 thousand sealed-away Zetsu soldiers,

shaking her head helplessly, she threw the scroll into the sky, and with a hand seal, the scroll exploded with smoke. suddenly, thouands of white Zetsu flew into the sky, as they went attacking villages

Zelda didn't care if she slaughtered every living being within this parrell world, after all, there were infinite numbers of parrell world. one parrell world losing all living beings was not going to affect those worlds, infinity -1 is still infinity

the Zetsu army had a powerlevel of around 250, they were not all that powerful, but compared to a world like this where the energy in the air had dropped to such a level, the lifeforms had power levels as low as 1, and at most 500. Zelda had the money to buy strong Zetsu, which she of course did, but why show your hands at the beginning of a war against weakness?

Zelda with her information found out that the infinity of wars was once one, but a war against the gods broke out many years ago, shattering the world into what it was today. meanwhile, the gods had suffered greatly, as the humans had come up with things like god slayer magic,

so, a law forbidding the use of mortals experimenting with life and death was passed. out of fear they would bring back that person who had led the humans in a war against the gods. but even so, many humans over time have been cursed for doing such things. they were cursed with the curse known as the Contradictory Curse,

The curse immortalizes the victim and causes them to uncontrollably exude a black miasma that instantaneously kills all life it touches. The only way to stop this is for the victim to forget the value of life,

this had stopped many from trying to bring back that powerful warrior, after all, once they lose that value of life, they would rarely care about such things. and if they do still try and bring that warrior back to life, the curse would strengthen, causing all life around them to die before it has a chance.

The Zetsu warriors appeared within a village and went around, slaughtering everyone and absorbing their blood, which in return was traveled back to the system, where Merlin's research hall was, the Zutsu slaughtered everyone, be they male or female, be they old or young, none within that village were left alive.

Zelda calmly followed the Zetsu from afar, the Zetsu army got stronger and stronger each time they absorb those they killed, they were like a mindless beasts as they rushed forward, not caring for their own life. but they were all quite smart, as this whole time, they were on a hunt for those with a high destiny Qi.

Soon, the Zetsu army caught the attention of the powers of this war, leading to them having to quickly gather to face them.  the next target was called Magnolia Town, it was home to the strongest guild, which was a perfect target to get those with a high destiny Qi.

"rest for the night, we would attack first thing in the morning." She said calmly, the white Zetsu obeyed her orders and all went and rested, Zelda knew many powerful people were moving to stop them, and they were all heading here. so the best thing, for now, was to let them come here, the more people she would have to choose from, the better.

"Levi, they have stopped outside the town, they seem to be resting for the night." a soldier rushed in, reporting to a red hired man sitting within the fairy tail guild, the red hired man nodded slightly. Levi was an elite within the Magic Council, known for his skills in training, and leading an army, that's not even adding his own skills which ranked him amongst the strongest people within this world.

"Erza, leave. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing." Levi said as he looked at the woman known as Erza, it was his twin sister. he had traveled across many parrell worlds and gained the teaching of many gods, all for this day. but he had a bad feeling, as he left like even with all that, they might lose

Erza is a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She has a slender, voluptuous figure that was described as amazing. among the fairy tail guild, she was not only one of the most beautiful females but also among the strong.

"I'm not going to run away while everyone else fights," Erza said seriously, he sighed softly at her words, he knew his words were pointless.

"I will go and see if I can speak to their commander," Levi said calmly before he left, he used wind magic and flew into the sky, rushing towards where the guild was at. in no time, he appeared in the sky, and he instantly frowned when he saw the Zetsu army. they were too powerful,

Looking ahead, he saw a beautiful blonde-haired woman who had appeared in front of him. this woman gave off no hint of power and was like a normal person before his eyes. but this made him more on guard,

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"What a high-density Qi..." Zelda said with narrowed eyes, she had never seen anyone with such a huge density Qi like this, he was like an endless sea of Density Qi.

"Who are you?" Levi asked with a deep frown,  Zelda didn't answer, as she stabbed forward. Levi quickly moved, blocking her attack. Zelda's eyebrow raised slightly, she never expected a normal human to be able to block her attack, her eyes turned sharp, and without a second would, she moved all out to capture Levi.

Levi quickly dodged her grab, but he was kicked in the stomach and was sent flying into the side of a mountain, but he disappeared, appearing right behind Zelda, a sword appeared in his hands as he swung forward. but yellow ribs suddenly appeared around Zelda, blocking the blow, and making Levi's hands go numb.

a huge yellow Susanoo appeared, holding a sword in his hands, he swung towards Levi, sending him shooting to the ground. Levi coughed up some blood, but he quickly shot into the sky while looking at the Susnaoo which seemed large enough to hold up the heavens.

"... Susanoo?" Levi said in shock, making Zelda's eyebrow raise, how did this world know of this Suanoo, without a second thought, she rushed towards him. Levi suddenly transformed into a huge golden dragon, he let out a roar that shook the heavens, and the whole world seemed to be about to explode before he rushed towards her.

two huge giants fought within the sky, causing a shock wave to spread out across the world, those within Magnolia felt this shocking battle, they could even see the battle, causing them to shake in fear, Levi soldiers all got into formations before they rushed out to help him. but as they neared, the battle between Levi and Zelda came to an end

"... let's go," Zelda said coldly as she had the Zetsu army fall back, she was not expecting to run into a powerful expert as soon as she arrived here. so, falling back was the best option for now, so they all returned to the camp, while she quieted if she should report this to her father or not.

if she could capture Levi all on her own, Sora would surely be happy with her actions. so, after thinking for some time, to get the most credit, she avoided telling this to her father. she didn't believe a low life from a mid-grade world could stand against someone like her.

meanwhile, within the world of One Piece, a man stood on clouds, as he felt the power of all the devil fruits he had eaten. He was reborn within this world with the ability to eat an unlimited number of devil fruits, normally one could only eat one devil fruit, once a devil fruit is eaten they would gain a special power and lose the ability to swim. meanwhile, he could eat them all, and even found a water-water devil fruit that allowed him to swim.

he suddenly frowned in confusion as he felt a portal had appeared in this world, looking not too far away, he saw a portal had opened. He saw Sora's avatar appear, falling to the ground falling sick before he disappeared, moment later, soldiers appeared as they looked around, before they began making camp.

back into the system, Sora lay in his bed with Ai De laying on top of him, it was a wild night, filled with pleasure. they had moved their fun from the bath to the bedroom, but as Sora came back to his senses, he noticed a bunch of notifications from the system

{warning, portals have opened to a similar-looking world that has reincarnations from earth. as the host conquers more worlds, the chances of running into worlds known as Fanfiction worlds have increased. note that Fanfiction worlds are worlds of their own, they exist within their own reality. if a Fanfiction world has something to do with world travel, then those worlds that they travel to are within the same reality, these realities are created by others. note that you can't take those abilities known as a cheat.} the system said as Sora's eyebrow raised seeing this information,

Sora quickly looked at the Fanfiction worlds and saw it was only 3 worlds. the Fary tail world, and the One piece world. but their names have changed, fairy tail world has changed and was now called In the Fairy tail world with a warrior system, the One Piece world was called the In the One Piece World with the ability to eat all devil fruits,

the last world was the world of High School DXD. but it was renamed Chunibyo's Fanfic, he remembered reading this novel back on earth, stunning him slightly, but this novel was dumbed if he remembered correctly, Sora smiled slightly, this system was so powerful, allowing him to conquer even made-up worlds.

"you're awake?" Ai De said weakly, she was too tired to stand. she was currently half asleep. Sora nodded slightly, he kissed her before he put her to bed. as he left, he looked at the other warning the system gave him when his lust was unsealed.

{warning, due to the lust being sealed for far too long, lust would hit the host like a wave. for some time, the host would be extremely lustful. the host shouldn't have died as a virgin, due to the host's actions, the reason the seal was placed on you has done the complete opposite, please think before acting.}

Sora sneered slightly reading this, he was a god, like something like lust would ever blind him. but as he walked through the hallway, he saw a beautiful maid bow slightly as he walked by, Sora smiled slightly at her, causing the maid to blush slightly as she lowered her head even more. Sora rarely walked around without a mask, Sora had forgotten to put it on. Sora had unmatched beautiful,

"what's your name?" Sora asked with a smile, but he snapped out of the state he was within, he had lost himself to lust, Sora frowned slightly, his lust might lead to some trouble down the road. His lust was like a flood blocked by a wall, once that wall was removed, it would lead to huge trouble.

by the time this lust thing might disappear, it might even become Sora's habit, walking around lustfully seeking beauty and stuff.

"This lowly one is Samui, I'm from the shinobi world lord conquer." She said softly, Sora snapped out of his thoughts at her words. he quickly remembered where he has seen her before, she was from the Naruto world, but he was confused at why she chose to be a maid

"oh yes, you're from kunoichi from Kumogakure? why would you want to be a maid?" Sora asked with a smile, Samui was stunned seeing Sora knew of her.

"... to catch Lord's attentions, I wanted to climb up the ranks and one day show my skills to you. there would be less resistance this way from other parties." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly, the competition to get a high ranking was high. if there were no laws forbidding killing, then many people would have been assassinated long ago.

Sora didn't have time for lust and calmly left, he had work to do. but as he was walking past a room, he saw ice which was covering a door. looking at this door, he frowned slightly, before entering the room. He looked at Silver who was still asleep.

her hair had turned completely white, as he walked over to her. he studied her condition and saw that she was doing perfectly fine. it was like time didn't affect her,

"Just what is up with her," Sora said in confusion, the longer she stayed like this, the more he wanted to see what going to be like. but he suddenly noticed something he had never noticed before, opening the god's eye, he saw an extremely thin energy entering her body. following where this energy was coming from, it was coming from a portal within the cultivation world,

"primordial Qi? I see." Sora said as he held his palm out, he had the primordial deity physique, so he could channel primordial energy, leaving the system, he absorbed a huge amount of primordial energy from the void, and sent it towards her. Silver absorbed it all, the cold air she gave off got stronger and stronger, and the whole castle slowly began freezing over, forcing Sora to send her to an ice world where she could freeze stuff all she wanted.

but even so, the ice world was also frozen. one could see the ice being covered in a layer of ice, something a person would be hard to comprehend was happening. ice being frozen, the whole size world was covered in a layer of ice, before it shattered like glass.

Silver floated within the void as primordial energy entered her body, her cultivation quickly began improving, and in no time she reached half step void shattering realm. tribulations clouds appeared, raining down on her, but they couldn't even leave a mark on her. soon, she slowly opened her eyes, the scar which once covered her face had disappeared,

She had completely transformed, turning into an ice beauty, her snow-white hair flew in the wind. her cold icy white eyes slowly looked around, before she slowly breathed out, releasing a chilling air that froze the void.

She slowly turned to look at Sora who was calmly looking at her with hands behind his back, she looked at him for some time, before she slowly bowed, paying her respect.

"What happened to you?" Sora asked softly, Silver thought for some time before answering the best she could,

"I'm not of the Frost human race, allow me to truly intrude myself, I have the Origin Human bloodline, the empress of the human race. my father sealed away my memories but it has been unsealed... our human race which was once the main character in this world has faced some trouble as other races wanted to take over, I was badly injured during the war of fate of races as I was almost assassinated. my father saved me and threw me to a lower realm... the waste one he could find at the moment... I was found by slave traders before your mother found me and took me in" She said respectfully, but Sora simply shook his head.

"just now, I was awaking my bloodline which my father had sealed. it was a powerful seal that needed primordial energy. it seems like, within the system, there is little primordial energy, so I was struggling to absorb it from the outside world. thank you." She said softly, Sora rubbed his chin slightly,

"was this battle taking place within the immortal realm?" Sora asked, to which she nodded, Sora sighed in relief, if this was something above even the immortal realm, it would have been a real pain in the ask.

"Well, go ahead and catch up to everything that had happened," Sora said calmly as he turned and left, he never noticed how beautiful Silver was. he couldn't help but picture himself in bed with her, but he quickly snapped himself out of such thoughts and went on to return to work.

the more Sora suppressed this lust, the more and more it would explode out when the time, it's best for Sora to let it lose. but him suppressing it, it's like building a wall once more, but this time this wall was much weaker and could break down at any moment.

Sora sat upon his throne and watched the battle between Zelda and Levi. He was caught off guard that Zeldris had a daughter, but then again he didn't pay much attention to the system, he was truly busy. last night was the first time he truly relaxed, letting himself go.

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