In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 41: 0040 captured

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"Empress, we have gathered all those with a high amount of destiny Qi in over 500 parrell worlds... all but this one." An assassin said softly as he came out of the light, stunning Zelda as she didn't see him. the assassin within the system is as skilled at stealth, as they can find in both darkness and light.

"where are they?" Zelda asked calmly, the assassin calmly lead her to where those who were captured were held. Zelda saw many people, both males and men, and young with the youngest being 8 years old.

"Starting with capable people to be the lord next concubine. the most capable is Irene Belserion, she is powerful and knowledgeable, and she would be of huge help to the lord. plus she was once a queen of a kingdom, so the destiny qi she has a much larger than others." the assassin said as he walked over to a beautiful woman who was knocked out, she had long red hair and looked similar to Erza.

"her daughter Erza also has a huge amount of destiny Qi, she also has powerful willpower. she too would make a capable knight at lord's side." The assassin said as he looked at the Erza who too was out cold.

there were many females who were captured, and each was a well-known person within the anime, but there were some who didn't show up in the anime. but those with the most destiny Qi were Ultear, Mavis, Mirajane, Wendy, Aquarius, Cana, Dimaria, Brandish, Hisui, Jenny, and hundreds of many others.

as for the males, Zeref, Acnologia, God Serena, and many other powerful beings, they were all talents within this world that have popped up within the anime or had an impact on the Fairy tail world.

altogether, both male and female, there were over 100 people who were out cold in front of her, and all had a huge density Qi. as for why even the males were captured, it was smile. if the males married someone within the kingdom, then their density would be absorbed by the phoenix empire statue. kings didn't marry off thier daughters for no reason, but since Sora didn't have daughters and such, those maids and other people who have their density Qi already fused with the world would have to do.

"... good, now, let's fuse them with their infinite parrell world self," She said with a smile, with how strong some of these people were, once they fuse they might even have a powerlevel nearing a quadrillion, once they cultivate and gain the conquest bloodline, they would rank highly within Sora empire.

all of them were brought over to a huge formation, as they were laid down on the formations, Zelda began using the formations, all infinite numbers of parrell worlds were affected all at once, and their parrell self all froze as they felt a huge shocking force.

"... Erza what's wrong?" Levi asked as he saw Erza being covered with a soft yellow glow, to his shock, most of the females within the fairy tail guild were covered with a yellow glow, and the males were also covered with the same glow, as they slowly began disappearing. even those within this army began disappearing, he tried his best to try and stop this, but to his horror, he could do nothing as they all disappeared.

Levi had a connection to his soldiers, and instantly realized where they had disappeared to. with cold eyes, he rushed out, and like a rocket, he rushed towards where the camp was set. he instantly transformed into a huge dragon as he saw Zelda coming out a greet him.

"it seems like you had someone you cared for among them. but I can't allow you to infer until the fusion is complete. someone like you would be looked highly upon by our lord, I will give you a chance to submit willingly" She said as she stood within her susanoo with crossed arms,

"go to hell," Levi yelled as he clawed towards her, Zelda quickly blocked before punching forward, and like that the two began fighting once more. but this time, they were going all out, Zelda raised her hands at the sky as she used Hellblaze, creating a huge purple back sun.

"don't die, bring you back to life after using this will be a pain." She said with a disdainful smile, and with a swing, she through the sundown. the whole parrell world shook, making Levi's eyes shrank. if this flame hit the ground, this parrell world would have been destroyed, even the parrell would world would be shaken by this attack.

opening his mouth, Levi suddenly opened his dragon mouth, and devoured the black sun, stunning Zelda, as she sensed Levi growing stronger after eating that flame.

"Now I'm all fired up." Levi roared as he exploded with conquest Qi, making Zelda's eyes shrank as Levi disappeared, her susanoo shattered as she was sent shooting into the side of a mountain, Levi ignored her and rushed towards the camp, Zelda seeing these eyes shrank.

with gritted teeth, she exploded with power as she rushed out and tried to block Levi. this was a test, and if she failed on the first day of being in this world, it would be the biggest humiliation, how would she have the face to show herself, or pridefully stand before her father in the future? just what huge sin would she have committed if this world turned into a high-grade world? with Levi destiny Qi, who was clearly meant for greatness, he would grow to an unmatched level soon.

what would Sora think if he found out he kept this knowledge to herself? what if he thought she betrayed him and was working alongside her father to rebel? her heart dropped at this thought, her actions could cause a huge chain reaction.

Levi's eyes turned cold seeing her rushing towards him, turning towards him, he took a deep breath before launching out a huge golden flame towards her. Zelda was going to try and absorb the energy, but she froze as he saw a person suddenly appear in front of her, calmly absorbing the flame.

Levi froze as he saw his flame being absorbed, he frowned deeply as he saw a masked man floating in front of Zelda. he felt danger while looking at this person, and instantly knew he was of no match, but he had no time to face her his sister and man were in danger, but just as he was about to move, the masked man held his palm out, dreams turned into reality as time within the camp suddenly stopped, causing the Levi to freeze in confusion.

"reincarnations or transmigration?" Sora asked calmly, Levi was stunned for some time before realizing what Sora meant. everything made sense, like how Zelda could use the susanoo, and techniques from the world of seven deadly sins.

"reincarnations... you?" He asked seriously, Sora nodded slightly before calmly answering, its not like he had anything to fear here,

"Transmigrations... but mine is special, I'm a conquering, I conquer worlds meaning this reality of yours is one of the many worlds, this world is not the true Fairy tail, but one that is special with you as the center. there is... 1 other world to this world... seems to be a unique world." Sora said calmly as he looked into this world, calmly seeing the other worlds hidden within.

"You see, I like you. you have a warrior system, before I came I saw your past and saw that you are amazing at building an army. so, I wanted to offer you a high position... the chance to become my top general." Sora said with a smile, but Levi snorted coldly at his world.

"I have 3 reasons I will turn your offer down, one. I have no reason to trust you, you step foot in my world and start a slaughter without carrying if they are children or now, your actions disgust me to the core.

2, I blow to no one, I'm a free slow. be it you, or come down, I will not be chained up and forced to follow you,

and 3... you dare harm what mine, you're..." as Levi was speaking, he was forced to stop as he felt something grab his head, the next movement, he slammed heavenly into the ground, causing a huge impact which almost destroyed the planet.

"let's get a thing out of the picture. you are no longer the MC or whatever of this story, thier is no power of friendship, and there is no sudden power up when you're about to die or whatever. I'm in a cultivation world, you're here. you have no idea just how huge our gap is, last offer... submit." Sora said calmly as he stood over him,

Levi's eyes were filled with horror, he didn't sense how Sora even moved, with a little bit more force, his head would have been ripped off his head. Sora might be something he couldn't comprehend, making him scared to the core... but who in his position would willingly submit?

In your current life, you're nothing, poor and struggling every day. you are reborn within an anime world, with a cheat that allowed you to quickly become overpowered. you're sitting at the peak of the world, of course, you would have some pride. a reincarnator can't bow his head so easily... it was s spoken rule.

Levi had suffered many drawbacks in his life, and many times he had become an underdog who turned everything around, he had power through many times he had neared death, and every time he had found a way to overcome it.

with a roar, Levi shot up as he attacked Sora. but his claws were caught by Sora, and Sora will power entered his mind. Sora's eyebrow raised feeling how powerful this guy will power was, he had truly faced many things which had tempered his mind, and the fact he was also reborn allowed his mind to be even stronger. his system also acted as a defense which strengthen his mind.

{note, if the host dominates him, then his system would disappear. the host should lock him up, after the host cultivations reach a high enough level, the host would be able to absorb even cheats} the system said causing Sora to stop as he looked at Levi whose face was paled feeling what was happening to his mind.

"Today is your lucky day..." Sora said as he threw Levi into the system, with Levi leaving this world, it would be smooth for this world to conquer this world.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"I have brought up shame to the Empire, please punish me," Zelda said as she bowed before Sora, Sora smiled slightly while looking at her. of course was not bothered much by the actions of a child trying to prove herself to her father,

"you're quite talented, I hope to see more of you in the future," Sora said with a smile as he disappeared into the system, Zelda's eyes brightened at Sora's words, she didn't expect to see her god today, and for him to look so highly upon her.

slowly standing up, flames burned in her eyes as she looked at this world. her god looked so highly upon her that he personally came to help her, she must repay this by not simply conquering this world, but going on to conquer a hundred mid-grade worlds, then when she meets him once more, he would see her value.

Meanwhile, Within the system, Sora threw Levi into a cell and ignored him. he had some guards watch him before he went on with his day. of course the well was special, as it didn't simply suppress one power, it sucked away their energy, leaving them a mortal. So, Levi could only stay there while angrily yelling at Sora to let him go.

'system, what is a cheat or golden finger? are you not a golden finger?' Sora asked as he opened the system, to look at the other worlds, the system went quiet for some time at Sora's words before it answered

{system is not a golden finger or cheat... system is host, and the host is a system, host shaped system into the conquest system. an original form is unknown.} the system said,

{from the information the system got by scanning Levi's cheat... there are powerful systems out there that hand out cheats to people who die, there are novels the host had read which touched upon this, but this system could make its appearance as an old god, or something to grant wishes or something to others. host, this world is an Omni verse, every possible story exists out there, awaiting the lord to conquer it all.} the system said as Sora sat down while in deep thought about all of this.

an Omniverse is absolutely all universes. every universe that has, never, and will be with unlimited scale, that's the scale Sora will soon conquer,

'if an Omniverse exists... it's best to guess that anything and everything exist right... or will soon exist, right? so, is it safe to think that there is a system out there that allows one to travel across the Omniverse?' Sora asked as he sat on his throne

{thats right host... but as the host knows, there are differences to infinity, so its best to guess that there is another infinity above even the likes of this.} the system said making, Sora's eye widen slightly, such a huge world was out there, and he was less than a drop of sand compared to it all.

he was infinitely small, but he couldn't help but wonder what type of world the cultivation world was, turning back to the world he was currently at war with. there were many worlds that had powerful bloodlines he wanted and techniques.

amongst the being, he wanted to absorb the one known as God in the supernatural. So, to make sure things went well, Zeldris had Sarada personally handle the conquest of this world, God created that world, and if Sora could absorb him, his primordial deity physique would reach a new height. of course, God could only be useful so long as Sora's strength didn't completely overshadow him,

within the world of Supernatural, Sarada stood against the Primordial Entities within this world, God, Darkness, The Shadow, and Death. this world has already turned into a high-grade world, and she only had 10% of her strength, but she didn't stand alone.

"annoying pest, why don't you all just up and submit." a woman with long red hair said with a cold sneer as she looked at the 4 while standing by Sarada's side. She was the daughter of the dragon king, a powerful dragon that sided with Sarada shinobi world.

"..." God looked at 3 with a serious look, although this world suppressed their power down to barely 70 mountains and rivers, this was still a lot. meanwhile, the part of 4 has not been given much time to grow, only enough to stand their own for now, but they would lose after a few more rounds.

Sarada and Dragon appeared out of nowhere, killing everything and attacking to capture the 4 of them. only these 4 were what Sora truly cared about, everything else didn't matter.

"let's use 4 all fuse," God said in a soft voice, the 4 froze slightly, before they all fuse. Sarada moved to quickly stop them, but God moved his hand, using the world power to block her long enough for them to complete their fusion.

Sarada's face darkened as she was sent stumbling backward, the dragon and her both looked at the white-haired old man. he was neither male nor female nor did he give off an evil or pure aura, like a god, looked down upon all concepts within the universe. he was no longer called God, but yhwach the all mightly

".... is powerlevel is 300 Moutain and river..." Sarada said softly as she straightened her glasses, things just got worse out of the blue. but this only got worse as their power was rasing alongside the universe.

"Ember turn into a dragon, let's open the gate of death together while I cover you with my Susanoo." She said as she suddenly stubbed her thumb into her cheat. the Ember also did the same as she transformed into a huge red dragon. but her scales broke apart as her blood which seemed to have turned into lava showed, the same thing happened to Sarada as her body was being cocked from the inside out.

Her skin broke part, revealing her blood which had also turned into Lava. they were in a great amount of pain, but they cultivated their mind, allowing them to withstand this pain for some time. flash, Sarada appeared on Ember's forehead as she used the Susanoo.

an Ultimate Susanoo covered the two before they rushed towards Yhwach, at first they were surpassing him, but as time went on, Yhwach got stronger and stronger. soon he was doing the surpassing, as he forced them backward none stop, as his strength increased, he soon began doing some damage to the Susanoo and seemed to be slowly breakthrough.

"two hearts," Sarada yelled as she stabbed her thumb into her second heart, the dragon did the same, and with a shock wave, their power doubled, but the speed at which their body burned more than dumbed. feeling the pain, they moved to quickly end this battle,

Yhwach let out a battle cry and he began using his power, Sarada and Ember felt that their power was being sucked by a force and entering Yhwach, further making him more powerful. gritting thier teeth. Yhwach was a god, any ability he thought of he could do. of course, said ability was limited to his strength, but still, he could do almost anything.

Sarada gritted her teeth, they at first could resist this, but Yhwach simply created the ability to go around their resistance. this made it extremely hard to fight Yhwach, with his ability to do anything he thought of, it was annoying. unless one's power overshadowed this guy, it was going to be hard.

without another choice, Sarada and Ember fell back into the portal, leaving Yhwach to coldly look at them through the portal, before he tried to destroy the portal. but to his shock, he found that even with his power, he couldn't destroy the portal.

Sora had just sat on his throne when he opened a screen to look at how they were going with their conquest. he was caught off guard by Yhwach's strength, he was a bit too powerful, and his strength was still growing.

"My lord," Just as Sora was about to go see Sarada, Silver appeared before the throne and bowed respectfully, as the head maid, she needed not to kneel before Sora.

"what is it?" Sora asked as he didn't want time to waste, the more time he wasted the stronger Yhwach was going to get.

"I heard from the other maids that you have taken in concubine to collect destiny Qi... this one wishes to offer mine as well. I also wish to offer my bloodline," Silver said softly as she looked at Sora in expectation,

"... then you shall become my concubine," Sora said as he put up a barrier around himself, Suddenly a huge ocean-like destiny qi rushed out of her body, causing Sora's world to shake as if it might explode. Silver had too much destiny Qi, if it was aimed to kill Sora, then Sora would have been a goner. she was pretty much the princess of the human race after all, so of course, the amount of destiny Qi she had was a lot.

due to the current like of the phoenix empire statue, it was unable to absorb so much of her fate all at once, so, Silver at to stand there while her destiny Qi was absorbed. Sora could stay and leave as he was busy with something else, the stronger Yhwach was, the higher the benefit he would get when he absorbs him, he might even breakthrough if he pays his cards right

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