In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 61: 0059 heart demons

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"you should really get a job," Sora said lazily while looking at Shiro who was simply laying on a chair with a half-dead look. there were little things for a housewife like her to do, she was bored to death. thanks to her unique aura, many villages had a hard time getting near her, so she was alone within the village.

"This goddess is too beautiful for such things. I rather die of boredom." She said disdainfully, Sora shook his head slightly while looking at her. in the past, she worked at a small shop, but that shop didn't last long because of how lazy she was.

"sigh, you're so lazy, spoiled, and bratty," Sora said with a shake of his head, he just came from work and wanted to relax, Shiro suddenly jumped like how a cat jumped when someone steps on its tail.

"What did you call me?" She asked, not believing what Sora called her. Sora froze slightly while looking at her. He smiled slightly, he just had deja vu, if he remembered correctly he had the same talk with Hannan


"I'm back from work," Tom said softly as he loosen his suit upon entering the house, but he was greeted by Hannah who had bought a huge dance pad, she was dancing while singing along to a song while in her pajama.

"That if I can't be close to you, I'll settle for the ghost of you." She sang while her legs moved quickly, she suddenly turned as she pointed at Sora.

"I miss you more than life, And if you can't be next to mm. Your memory is ecstasy." Tom said lazily as he went to get a nice bath, but Hannah was not happy with his energy.

"I need to feel your spirit," Hannah yelled as she returned to the TV while still dancing, Sora didn't bother to entertain her. he didn't know how someone could have such energy after coming from work... Tom suddenly froze as he went to get a good look at Hannah

"you skipped work again?" Tom said with widened eyes, Hannah froze slightly at his words before quickly shaking her head.

"I was going to work, but came down with a cold, so I came back home. I heard music could help someone recover." She said quickly

"in other words, you were going to work, but come down with a sickness of boredom? and seeing as I have already left, you had nothing to worry about but enjoy this new toy you bought?" Sora asked with narrowed eyes,

"yes... I mean no, how dare you think I would be so lazy. I was here crying about how I missed out on work today." Hannah said angrily

"in another world, upon feeling bored, you pulled out your phone for some porn, leading to some lazy ice cream on the couch while watching tv, leading to some tears as you finished, Akame ga Kill!, and realized how they died," Tom said as his eyes narrowed,

"as if... at least I'm not gay." She said with a snort, Tom's face instantly darkened at her words, just because porn didn't interest him didn't mean he was day

"I'm not gay... and you nothing more than a spoiled lazy brat," Tom said with a snort, Hannah's face darkened. she was not spoiled, just free, she was not lazy she just hate doing stuff, she was not a brat she just loved living her youth.

the two looked at each for a few seconds, before Tom suddenly turned and ran. Hannah seemed to turn into a wild beast as she ran after him.

"Why are you running? how manly." She yelled as she slowly caught up to Tom. Tom ran as fast as he could, but before Hannah who seemed to have superhuman speed, he couldn't get far.

"like hell, I will fight a freak like you," Tom yelled back, he knew he was not her match, they Wrestled many times, and each time Tom was bullied.

"Haha, today, I shall make you eat your words. I will feed them back to you with a sponge." She laughed evilly, chills ran down Tom's back, and he began cursing at this mansions. why the hell was it so damn long

Tom suddenly took a took and hid in a corner a moment later, Hannah ran past him, but her eyes shrank as she saw Sora jumping towards her. a moment later, Hannah cried as Tom had her leg in a lock, it twitched, causing her great pain.

"Damn you..." Hannah said through gritted teeth, she and Tom Wrestled a lot, usually, she was the winner, while Tom was the one who was tapping out. rarely did Tom one up her, usually, Tom had to use tricks. even so, this made Tom a skilled fighter.

"Haha, call me uncle," Tom said mockingly, making Hannah's face red in rage, but she could break out,

"kiss my ass, I will never tap." She said softly but it sounded as if she might cry, Tom ruled her eyes as he tightened the lock.

"As if I will fall for your crying act, say it," Tom said with a smile, Hannah bit her lips. but after some time, she said it. deep down she promised to pay back his humiliation 10 times... no, a billion times over,

"Haha, that's 10 wins," Tom said pridefully, he had seen Hannah knock out a man who was hitting on her. for a woman who looked so weak, she held a scary power within her. the fact he could win 10 times was something he took great pride in.

"yet you ignore the hundreds of L you eat," Hannah said with an annoyed snort as she walked off, and grabbed some boxing gloves.

"Come, let's go hit the ring. I want to see if you can still talk shit with my fist up your ass." Hannah said as she threw the boxing gloves at Tom. But Tom acted as if he heard nothing, he looked at his watch before a look of shock appeared, and he acted as if he was late for something before he left

flashback ended,

"Firstly, I'm not spoiled. I'm loved. I'm not lazy, I'm just unwilling to work or use energy, I'm not a brat, I'm just youthful." She said as she pointed at Sora, Sora just smiled slightly at her words. he seemed to have a thing for females like this.

"you going to take the test right? it will start within a few hours, get ready so you can join the sect." Sora said with a smile, Shiro froze slightly before she remembered today was the day. she sighed softly before they went to the center of the village while heading there they saw it was crowded, they went on to slowly wait in line and soon Shiro went on to test her talent

"6 stars talent?" an old man who was testing everyone's talent almost jumped in horror upon seeing Shiro's talent. within Sora's world, the talent system was different compared to that of the cultivation world, it was through stars, for every 3 stars meant that one had the talent to skip up to 2 realms above their cultivation within the gold rank

the old man looked at Shiro as if looking at the treasure, after some time he let out a cough to calm himself. He quickly rushed everyone else who was taking the test, after everyone went up, he asked Shiro to get everything in order so they could quickly leave.

"why didn't you go up?" Shiro asked with a frown as she walked home with Sora, Sora sighed softly as he shook his head.

"I walk a different path, I can't cultivate. you on the other hand have your own path. plus, I know you have something to fight for, so spread your wings. don't let me hold you back." Sora said with a smile, Shiro bit her lips slightly.

"you can't?" Shiro was shocked for a moment before realizing the strangeness of Sora, from time to time he seemed to give off the aura of a powerful expert. thinking of this, She understood something. Sora might have been a powerful expert of the past who suffered some injuries.

She slowly held Sora's hand as they returned home, she had already packed her stuff and simply returned to get them.

"I will come by every time I have the chance." She said as she hugged Sora deeply before giving him a deep and long kiss before she left. as she left to begin her path to become immortal, Sora sighed softly as he returned to his journey. he was not bothered much by her leaving.

some drew him to this village, so he was looking forward to watching things play out. Shiro was one such thing, but there was more stuff to befall the village. Shiro had a bright future ahead of her, she was also smart and knew how to lay low. so, she would be safe. plus, this was Sora's world, everything went his way, and the system wouldn't let her suffer... much.

the next day, Sora packed up his stuff and moved up to a nearby mountain, where he went on to use the metal sword to cut down trees. since he couldn't sense Qi, he thought the sword in his hand was a normal sword, with a swing, the trees were cut down, and he went on to start building a house on top of the mountain.

and so time went on, after building the house, Sora went on to do many sword swings, but even when he reached a point when he could do a billion perfect sword swings in a role, he found he couldn't master the way of the sword.

Sora held a sword in hand while standing before a tree, he closed his eyes as he calmed his heart and mind. time and space around him seemed to freeze, and the animals and countless beasts within countless miles didn't dare to breathe as horror filled their eyes.

Sora suddenly let out a cry before he swung towards a tree. Sora slowly put the sword away before opening his eyes and closely looking at the tree. but he frowned as he saw that the tree didn't even have a stretch, Sora frowned deeply not understanding what was happening.

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In the past, he could cut down a tree with a simple swing. at that time, he didn't even need to think or try hard, it came naturally. with a deep frown, Sora turned around and walked away, but while he turned away from the tree, the tree turned to dust as it disappeared from existence. the tree disappeared as if it never existed, be it from the river of time, to now. that Tree never existed.

this was the power of Dao, but even so, Sora had yet to master the way of the sword. Sora went on to think deeply about what he could be doing wrong. that last swing was his best sword swing, it was everything he had, yet it couldn't even stretch a tree.

'system, I need your help here. what I'm missing and doing wrong?' Sora asked with a deep frown, the system went quiet for some time before it answered.

{the host has cultivated everything almost perfectly, the host should know that your talent is many times more talented than those with the Chaos primordial physique, but there is something you have always ignored. you never cultivated your heart, if you could, your path will be countless times much faster.} the system said making Sora go through his mind as he went through his memory

after some time, he found a way to cultivate his mind. he needed to find inner peace and enter Tranquil State. he could do something like this when he master ultra instinct as it needed one to clear their mind,

Sora sat down and crossed his legs before he began taking a deep breath before he let it out, he kept doing this none stop. Ultra Instinct only cleared the mind, allowing the body to act and move without thinking. Sora wanted to take this and change it slightly, making Sora's mind clear and allowing them to think with perfect clarity even when under extreme emotional or physical distress.

He sat there for a few minutes before he ran into a heart demon which blocked him from reaching this point. Sora found himself within a ben room while looking at his heart demon. the demon was of an extremely beautiful woman, who brought out his lust. this demon was Sora's lust,

"you want to get rid of me or do me?" She said softly as she removed her clothing, Sora swallowed his saliva as he looked at her. she slowly walked towards him with a gentle smile. Sora punched forward to defeat her. but She grew stronger the more lustful he become, Sora put up a good fight, but in the end, he was slowly overwhelmed by his demon. Sora tried to resist everything he had, but he couldn't win. even if he was at his peak within this place and wasn't suppressed by the system, Sora was still losing.

As Sora was being swallowed up, he found himself standing before the throne room. he looked around in confusion before he saw the man who looked just like him looking at him. he seemed to speed through everything they did the last time he was here before he got to the last thing this man said.

"all other paths are just paths awaiting to be conquered by us," he said as the whole world was swallowed by flames, turning into ash. Sora froze standing there for some time until realization hit him.

He suddenly woke up and found himself still being swallowed, with a cold smile, he didn't reject his lust, he instead began to act on it. the heart demon appeared sensing Sora no longer rejecting her, she was confused for a moment before she was caught off guard as Sora took her into his arm with a kiss. although stunned, she happily kissed back, this will greatly increase the speed she would overwhelm and swallow him.

and so, the two went at it, and Sora was able to fully enjoy himself. meanwhile, the heart demon also got to enjoy herself. under Sora's hard things, she was slowly being conquered with each truth, and when Sora came inside her, her mind only got weaker allowing Sora to have a much easier time conquering her.

after hours of fun, Sora overcame his heart demon of lust by fucking her until it submitted to him, this was the way of the God of conquest. all this shall be conquered before him. With lust conquered, Sora could now control his lust. he had complete control over his own lust,

With that done, Sora went on to have the heart demon of lust send him to find all of his other heart demons.

"Everyone has many types of heart demons, some weaker than others, while others are stronger than others. the most common ones are the 7 deadly sins, these heart demons are the most common and pretty much every lifeform has them. but going past them are metal demons, the trauma of the past, these demons are born when a major event scared you," She said softly as she hugged into Sora's arm,

"Currently you have only 10 heart demons including myself. the weakest is Envy, you're too prideful to envy anyone, so he should be the next one you conquer. to say the least, pride is the strongest, the more you cultivate the stronger he got. he had the biggest impact on you, while I had the second most." She said softly, Sora thought for a moment before asking a question

"what about my rage," Sora asked calmly, his rage was what worried him. he seemed to have never felt rage before, he remembered the effect when he felt lust for the first time. would he go crazy and destroy everything around him once he feels anger for the first time?

"Him? he is like me, he is sealed. but his seal is weakening. you have many stored away rage, from your past life and now. they are only growing stronger by the passing minute... he is more dangerous than pride." She said with a hint of fear, Sora sighed in annoyance. just who put these seals on him?

"don't know, I was extremely weak when you came into existence, I'm not that powerful within babies. I was easily sealed away, I was also a baby, it's not like I know anything you don't know." She said with a shake of her head, she could of course hear Sora's thoughts. she was born from Sora, she was the embodiment of Sora's lust, of course, there were limitations to this, if Sora blocked them off, they would hear nothing

"... one question, how would I have beaten you if you were a male?" Sora said softly, but Lust ruled her eyes at his words.

"I'm your lust, I embody your deepest desire. if I was a man, then you would be gay. there I do the trusting or you," She said with a smile, Sora's face darkened slightly at her words. soon, they arrived before arriving before a room filled with mirrors. as they entered, Sora felt his feelings of envy slowly growing. he suddenly found himself envying stuff he had once seen, such as other systems, leaving him frowning slightly.

soon, he arrived at the end of the mirror world where he found a man sitting down in depression. upon Sora entering, the demon just sighed helplessly.

"why? I'm I not good enough?" he asked softly, Sora had never felt envy towards others within this life, this left him weak and on the edge of death. this only went on to make the heart demon of envy all other heart demons,

"of course you're good, it's just that the stuff around me isn't enough to have me envy them. submit, and I promise one day in the future, I will envy much stuff." Sora said with a smile as he walked up to his heart demon, his heart demon's eyes brightened slightly at this. the aura of domination spread out, easily dominating this heart demon.

Sora went on to move to the next heart demon, the heart demon, the next weakest heart demon was Sloth, which was weak as Sora rarely slack off. She was of curse weak, after her, Sora went on to deal with the next weakest, Gluttony,

Gluttony was not just simply eating too much. It represents overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste, something Sora rarely does. Sora was rarely Guuttoness, but he was when it came to unique abilities and bloodlines.

"Haha, come let me eat you." a huge monster with a mouth for a stomach yelled as it rushed towards Sora.

Sora punched forward but his power was sucked by the heart demon, allowing it to grow stronger, Sora's eyebrow raised as he saw the heart demon suddenly transform into countless flies, each rushing towards him, watching to such his blood.

"troublesome," Sora said softly, he thought for some time before he cleared his mind. the flies suddenly began losing their powers, scaring them as they watched Sora walking toward him.

"I'm greedy, but my pride is even higher. I refuse to lose to a bunch of flies." Sora said disdainfully, clearing his mind. Sora was willing to give up all his power, but gluttony found itself weakened by the sudden mindset. it quickly turned to fly away, but it was quickly conquered by Sora.

next was Greed, the 3rd strongest. but like gluttony, Sora defeated it in the same way. with all of his sins under complete control, Sora had to suppress his pride. and to do this, he had to do something which would greatly harm his pride, something his pride wouldn't let him do. for a win, Sora was willing to be shameless.

Taking a deep breath, Sora began looking at himself up and down, before he disdainfully looked at himself.

"such an arrogant fool," Sora said disdainfully while looking at the mirror of his reflections, never had he seen someone so weak yet run around acting like he was a god. He was not even immortal, yet acted like a big shot. his disdain only grew as this fool relied upon a system for his major growth, without that system he would have died countless times over. truly, trash... just shameless.

"you dare." suddenly roar sounded throughout Sora's heart, a godly being shot out of the domine of pride, as its aura spread out all over the world, leading to everything wanting to submit before it. but as Sora kept disdaining himself, it grew weaker and weaker.

"snort, to leave your own domain knowing it's a trap. your pride has blinded you, what a fool. foolish people like yourself don't last long." Sora said with a sneer as he rushed forward to match pride, pride eyes were bloodshot.

"What? with how you look at me with such a look... are you by chance gay?" Sora asked with a shocked look, pride took another blow, and his powerlevel dropped. his roar of rage increased, be it Sora or this heart demon, being card gay was something that made them annoyed. Hannah once thought Sora was gay as he had no interest in sex and much other stuff. to say the least, that was a blow to Sora's manhood.

"no need to be ashamed, being gay is ok. I came from the year 2025, and being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. enjoy who are you, don't be ashamed of it." Sora said with a kind smile as if he was sure the person in front of him was gay.

"go to hell, you dare mock this lord." Pride exploded with a huge amount of power before he slapped Sora. but Sora's pride took many blows, he was too weak. Sora dodged the blow, and punched him, Pride blinked. one can attack anywhere, but the face. just as he wanted to explode in rage suddenly countess's fist rained down upon his face.

it didn't take long until he was dominated by Sora, like that Sora dominated his own pride, with a smile, he turned his attention towards his next heart demon. pride was the strongest heart demon he had, with him on his side, Sora easily went on to deal with the other heart demon

the heart demon of fear, and the heart demon of trauma. Sora didn't really have that much trauma, his parents were one of such trauma, and the moment he thought Hannah cheated was trauma. but even while alone, Sora could handle such a trauma.

meanwhile, the heart demon of fear was weak. what did Sora have to fear, it feed off Sora's fear, yet Sora rarely had anything to fear. even those powerful expert sages were not enough to make Sora fearful.

the last demon heart... was the heart demon of hate/rage. all of his hatred and rage were sealed always, Sora stood before the sealed away domine which was going weaker by the second. Sora took a deep breath for some time before he slowly remove the seal.

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