In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 62: 0060 Rage

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Sora's heart shook as the heart demon was unleashed, Sora tumbled backward from the shock wave. he wanted to stand his ground, but he fell to his knees almost about to go bad from the new emotions he was suddenly feeling.

Sora's hair suddenly began floating up, his dark long black hair suddenly began taking on a blonde-like glow. the glow appeared and disappeared by the second, like a flashing light. veins filled Sora's forehead as memories started replaying within his head, memories of his step-parents.

His hatred towards them suddenly reached a new level, an endless range for them grew from his heart. for so long, they had made his life a living hell, yet he was unable to feel any hatred or anger towards them. all that anger he should have felt towards them was fully felt at this moment.

Memories of Hannah's so-called betrail. The rage he should have felt at that time suddenly watched over him. but the hatred he felt was something a mortal could never feel, it was also an endless rage. Sora's hair floated up, his blonde blow began being swallowed up by a greenish color,

Memories of the relations that his perfect life being destroyed by Hannah's family filled him, and endless rage filled with, making the glow coming from Sora blinding. other small events in his past which he could have felt some level of hate or rage filled him, Sora's rage was enough to swallow a whole multiverse... no, it was enough to swallow a low complex multiverse.

Sora's heart demons all felt horror as they looked at the state Sora was in. This new feeling was so overwhelming Sora might just lose himself. Sora didn't know how to act upon feeling these emotions, instead, he suddenly began giving off a mad laugh.

Sora's real body began transforming, taking on the form of a demon. rage Qi filled the whole mountain... no, it filled the whole realm, causing all lifeforms to fall into chaos. but before they would also go berserker from these emotions, the heavens moved. sealing Sora away and suppressing the evil energy. if Sora was not the god of this world, he would have died. these the heavens were connected to the system, they moved to suppress and seal him away.

{warning, Warning, The seal was been unleashed. the host will soon lose himself, this level of rage is something even immortals can't feel.} the system said as slow footsteps came from the Wrath domain, slowly Sora looked over and saw Tom walking out. his rage had taken on the form of his past life.

currently, Tom had bloodshot energy, he was covered from head to towards with a powerful rage Qi, it all wrapped around Sora, making it so that Sora's rage only increase. Sora gritted his teeth for some time, but he was losing his mind. his hatred was too much for one person to handle, Sora suddenly exploded with great power, and fur grew on Sora's body, as it took on a unique color. a tail grew out of Sora's back, also the same color as his fur

{congrulation on transforming into a conquest Super Saiyan. a powerful form of the conquest race, it's reasonable to understand that there might be more forms similar to the normal transformations. this form boosts one strength by 250,000,000 times, but it drains a huge amount of energy and puts a huge burden on one's body. note that there are 4 grades to this form, once mastered this form would increase by 4 times. not this form is a fusion from all of the host bloodlines from the dragon ball world. the saiyan bloodline, frost demon bloodline, Namekian, } the system said, the power from this form was scary, Super Saiyan God only had a multiplier of only 1 million, in other words, this form had a higher power up than that.


Suddenly a powerful golden light exploded from behind SOra, Pride was the first to rush forward, while the other heart demons shot forward. all types of QI flew out, pushing back the rage Qi enough for them to pull Sora out,

"he is too powerful, you birthed him, start dealing with your past hatred or else we would all disappear." Lust said seriously as Sora looked at Sora who was being overwhelmed by his other demon hearts, enough to snap him back into reason.

Sora shakingly stood up, before looking at his body. He was stunned for a moment before realizing that his hair had turned light black. it was still black, it was only lighter, and was not gray. Sora took a deep breath, he almost went drunk on this newfound power.

"Why do you resist, why did we do wrong for so many years? for years we went to sleep hungry, sometimes not even knowing if we would wake up the next day. we eat out of the trash and struggled for any kind of money just so they can steal it away from us. I hate them, they deserve the suffer the worst fate possible." Tom said softly as he walked towards them.

"sigh, if that's rage, I want nothing to do with it. but you seem to grow stronger the anger you get, so I will want to conquer you." Sora said softly as he walked forward towards Tom, Tom's eyes turned sharp as the rage Qi around him stop flowing all over the place wildly before fusing into his body.

Tom's body transformed into that of a demon before he shot toward Sora, but time suddenly seemed to freeze as Sora smiled slightly.

"I watched enough anime to know how to deal with hatred. Hatred only births more hatred, I forgive them," Sora said making the demon which was inches away freeze as its power suddenly began dropping. The demon turned back into Tom, and Tom seeing what was happening only got angry.

"if that's so then killing me. you're such a hypocrite," Tom yelled angrily as he grabbed into Sora's shirt, but Sora with the same kind gentle smile held his shoulder as he looked deeply into Tom's eyes,

"You a part of me, hatred or not. if I want to defeat all hatred, how can I if I can't defeat you?" Sora said as if he was some kind of anime MC. Tom froze not knowing what to say, but out of nowhere, he was suddenly dominated by Sora, moments before he was fully dominated, he realized it was all an act. His hateful looked at Sora before he was completely dominated by him.

Sora took a deep breath as he left the calm state of mind, what he did was simple. He cleared his mind, before entering the mindset of an anime main character. you see, Anime was useful. He thought of this plan before he broke the seal, like hell he could do something like this without a plan.

Sora slowly let out a breath as he opened his eyes, all that was something that took place within his heart. Sora looked at the seal which was slowly disappearing, allowing him to move.

now that his heart was under his control, he had complete control over his heart demons. his rage, lust, sloth, greed, trauma, fear, and so on would always be under his control.

in another world, if Sora wished, he could unleash unimaginable rage, allowing him to gain the benefit from so much rage without the drawback of losing his mind. in other words, his heart demons can go as strong as they want, but they would always be under Sora's control

what would this mean? for a technique that requires a deep hatred, Sora could feel said hatred while still having a clear mind. his feelings would never affect his state of mind but instead be used as a power source, which he could draw upon to greatly increase his power level many times over.

Sora smiled slightly before he went on to cultivate his heart once more. but he found he was hungry, entering his house, he grabbed some food. there was a device similar to a refrigerator that Sora had bought. technology could be found all over the system, it just took on many forms and shapes.

after eating his full, Sora went on to cultivate his mind. to gain inner peace, he needed to gain a full understanding of himself, slowly time went by, and soon Sora entered a special state of mind.

'who am I? what is my purpose? why do I cultivate? why do I exist.' Sora thought as his mind entered a special state of enlightenment, months went back once more, as Sora relieved everything he had been through his whole life. he slowly began to understand himself.

He was conquest, his purpose was conquest, he cultivated to conquer, and he existed to conquer. he was the embodiment of conquering, although he wasn't truly the embodiment of said conquer, he would soon transform his being and turn into said being.

Sora let out a deep breath, with his state of mind, Sora's mental state had reached a new height, but Sora felt there was a higher level. Sora didn't even notice that days went by with him sitting still. a normal human couldn't survive so long without food or water, yet Sora sat there for 50 days straight until he finally opened his eyes.

letting out a deep breath, Sora's eyes were emotionless. his mental boundaries and limitations are completely erased allowing their mind to reach a new level, with a simple look, Sora saw everything detail within his field of view,

His eyesight has become countless times better, with him pretty much mastering his state of mind, it equaled great power over his body. one should know that a person's mind has great power over the body. without a body, there would be no host for the mind, without the mind the body would just be a lifeless shell.

With Sora new found masterly of his mind, his senses were mastered to the peak. this meant even if he was still a mortal, he could now age closer. he could better control the energy his body used, meaning he could go days without food.

Sora could now notice those small details others could normally ignore. the mind had a huge effect on a person's senses, it canceled out much stuff. for example, a person nose, everyone's nose was always within their field of sight, but the mind always ignores it. It's when you think of it, that you start noticing the one nose.

but now, Sora's mind canceled out nothing. everything he hears, everything he could feel, everything he could see, smell, and so on. they were all taken it, they didn't overwhelm Sora but instead seemed normal. Sora easily processes all the information, taking it all in, and quickly understanding them.

all of this information was processed within 0.00001 seconds, with this mental state, Sora first went to eat before he held onto the sword and began swinging it once more. each swing was everything he had, he didn't hold back on a sword wing, allowing him to better understand his mistake.

after doing 100 sword swings, Sora stopped and went on to slowly split his mind. a person could have more than one personality, Sora wanted to do this but with a sword personality. after a few hours, Sora split his mind into 2, creating a sword mind that only had a heart for the way of the sword.

Sora smiled slightly before he went on to split his mind many more times, each for every Dao there was he could comprehend. every split mind was small, all of them combined would be equal to Sora's main mind. they all made a domain within Sora's heart, where they began comprehending each Dao, allowing Sora to turn his attention to living a normal life while he awaited this split mind to comprehend everything for him. of course, thanks to his mind he was linked to them all, so nothing bad could happen.

He went on to return to the village, it had been some time since he had been there, 3 months in total. while Sora entered the village, many people were shocked to see he was still alive. after all, they haven't seen him for so many days. although the best on that mountain was not too powerful, they were still powerful for the normal person to handle

"you really became a monk." a middle-aged man said with a smile seeing Sora walk up to his stall, this middle-aged man was one of the richest people in the village, he had the biggest business within the village, selling all kinds of goods. such as food, technology from the big pictures, and some other stuff.

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"I came down to buy some stuff, you have any seeds and stuff?" Sora asked with a smile, the middle-aged nodded slightly, he tapped the screen in front of him before he tapped the word seeds.

"What type of seeds do you want?" He asked, Sora thought for a moment before listing the common seeds he wanted. the middle-aged man tapped the image of each seeds Sora asked for, and they all appeared with a flash next to him.

after which, Sora said his goodbye before returning to the mountain, where he began setting up a garden near a river. he had all the information on gardening within his mind. after the garden was made, Sora entered the wooden house, where he took out the fishing road and went fishing. he lived near a river, but it didn't have many fishes, so he went on to find a bitter fishing spot.

but while walking, he soon ran into a tiger. the tiger was not that huge, only a teen. the tiger looked at Sora as if it saw its next meal. Sora slowly stepped backward while looking straight at the tiger, if he turned his back on the tiger it would be bad news.

The tiger's eyes narrowed, seeing how calm Sora was, and how he looked straight at him, it caused it to go on guard and not attack right away. if this meal was not so easy to capture, it would leave and find a better way to get an easy kill.

but as it took a step forward towards Sora, its eyes shrank as Sora held the fishing road like a sword. its hair stood up straight and horror-filled its eyes. it knew if Sora stabbed forward at this moment, it would die,

meanwhile, Sora who was putting up an act of having some level of power was caught off guard by the action of the tiger. He didn't expect the tiger to have the same plan as him, to put up an act of power to weaken the other will. luckily, this tiger was a scary cat or else Sora would have been a goner.

but Sora frowned the next moment, how was a tiger here in these parts? sure he was living on a mountain, but it only had some weak animals. no beast, a tiger was too powerful for these parts, the fact it had appeared was bad for the village.

The tiger slowly lowered its head, showing it submitted. Sora was caught off guard for some time, and after some hesitation accepted the tiger's surrender. there were many paths he needed to comprehend, and many of them his split minds couldn't do on their own, one of them was beast taming.

the way of beast taming, is to tam all things under the heavens. Sora was planning on having some pets to tam, but why start off low when he could jump to the big guns, a fucking tiger? as a god of conquest, he shouldn't always use the fist of conquest to conquer the hearts of others, if he could master the path of beast taming, then his fist of conquest would grow in power.

within the immortal realm, Shisui stood before 2 huge stone gates. countless other sect disciples from the heaven-shattering sect stood with him, as they all got ready to enter. around them, many experts from other sects also stood, also getting ready to enter.

"Fang Tian, are you showing you want to enter the holy ground?" The sect leader asked worry while looking at Shisui, he was the most talented disciple to enter the sect. Shisui was also a good sect disciple, he was not arrogant but instead was humble. he would even go out of his way to help sect disciples which were being bullied, within the sort few years Shisui was within the sect, Shsiui has already gained the heart of many sect disciples and elders

such a righteous sect disciple would bring the sect to a brighter future, of course, if Shisui had some sect which he could steal, Shisui would have been dead years ago, yet Shisui had no secrets about him. everything about Shisui could clearly be seen, Shisui was simply lucky upon that near-death allowed him to awaken some unknown power within him.

many people tried to look into Shisui's past life, but they found that something was strange with Shisui's past life. they tried hard to see, but it was like something was blocking them from seeing everything. the images were all unstable, leading to them believing Shsiui was the reincarnation of some powerful experts of the past. it was clear it was not a perfect reincarnation as he didn't have his memories,

"the holy ground is something which could greatly benefit the sect, the sect had greatly helped me in my path of cultivation. before I leave to join the heavenly court, it's only right I repay you all." Shisui said with a smile, and the sect leader nodded slightly with a smile. But he sighed softly as he thought of Hen Xing. she had disappeared from the sect a few years back along with Long Wang, those two had fallen into the demonic path out of fear for Shisui's revenge.

"Well, be careful. there is a strange barrier within there, blocking out everyone's sight, so many will try and kill you." He said seriously, Shisui nodded as he looked at every other disciple from other sects which were looking at him from time to time.

this holy ground only allowed those under 100 thousand years to enter and must be under the sun and moon tier, once anyone enter, many nearby sects took interest in this holy ground as even a true immortal couldn't enter, those who entered usually came out many times stronger, which became a holy ground to everything here, but there was a limit to how many people could enter

the holy ground limited the number of experts each force could enter, which allowed everyone around to have an equal chance to enter the holy ground. after some time, the huge gates were opened, allowing everyone to enter.

as they rushed forward, they found themselves within another pocket space. Shisui entered through the gate and was instantly blinded by the bright light. after a moment, he region sight and found himself standing in a forest,

He tried to fly up into the sky but found himself unable to do so, with a jump, Shisui shot up, jumping from tree branch to tree branch until he reached the tallest tree, allowing him to overlook this world. after which, he called upon the system map. Sora had allowed him to be able to use the system map, Shisui rarely used it until searching for treasures.

Shisui quickly saw everything around him, he saw many gold marks on the map, most of them leading towards rare and powerful treasures. with a smile, he headed toward the rarest of said treasure near him,

With a flash, Shisui jumped from tree top to tree top, heading towards the heart of the forest. but as he neared the forest, he found that he was running in circles, some weird force made him lose his sense of direction, leading to him running around in circles.

with a frown, Shisui began thinking about how to deal with this forest, he looked at the system map many times, trying to find anything about it. Some time went by, and he went on to walk around many times before he found out the tricks of the forest.

each tree twitched space around them, adding how all trees were close together, it caused space to be unstable, leading to left, right, up, down, back, and forward to be chaotic. seeing this, Shisui began taking his time, with each step he stopped to sense the space around him before taking another step. and so, months like this went by until he arrived in the center of the forest where he saw a garden...

back within the system, Orochimaru madly laughed while standing before a tub that held a clone of Zetsu. there were many tubs around him, making him laugh happily. this Zetsu clone was unique as it was a Bio-Mechanical.

When Orochimaru betrayed Merlin, he had his own plan. one of such was to make a perfect being, Zetsu which could come back to left each time, immune to the way it was killed. and before him, he had finally created it. a perfect mix between life and Machine, it came together to create a perfect lifeform.

Orochimaru opened his mouth, and a snake suddenly flew out of his mouth, as entered the rub, entering the Zetsu clone's mouth. after some time, the Zetsu clone began transforming, turning into Orochimaru,

with that, Orochimaru became a perfect lifeform. with each death, he would always come back to life, unimmune to the say he died.

Within Merlin's research lab, Merlin couldn't help but laugh seeing the orb in her palm. by her size, a handsome man and a blonde-haired man with a hat also smiled while looking at the orb.

this orb was their new creation, the orb of Desire. this orb had the power to rewrite reality on a scary level, and bring a person's desires to life. Do you desire strength? this orb will give you not only strength but also a high talent to reach a higher level.

Do you desire to live? then so long as this orb exists, you shall live.  you can be killed as many times and so on, your soul, body, and mind can all be destroyed and erased, but so long as the orb exists, you will live.

this gives one the immortal of grade 8, but it could even touch upon the grade 9 level of immortality. meaning, if you desire to live strong enough then the orb will make it so that so long as the concept of this orb exists, then you will live. even if the orb is stolen, you would still exist, but you would be reborn none stop,

"with this... our founding will reach a new height. the tournament is around the corner, it sucks we only had enough to make only one." Merlin said with a smile, the two behind her were Aizen and Urahara, two of the best minds within the world of bleach.

within another lab which was new to this world, Dr. Gero stood before an android that looked like Cell. he laughed madly as he felt the overwhelming power coming off the android,

"This is good, this android was formed from the data of the lord's best elites, and even himself. I'm sure this would become his best fighter. within this upcoming tournament, this android will surely allow me to take first place, and replace the others." he said with a smile,

within another underground room, a blonde-haired man sat upon a throne while looking at his underlings

"haha, a Philosopher's Stone." He said happily while looking at the ruby red stone in his hand, this blonde-haired man was none other than father from the Fullmetal Alchemist. after destroying countless lower realms, he had managed to gather all of their souls, to form this stone.

"with his... I can create anything while ignoring the Dao, although it shall enrage the heavens, I can use this stone to fight the heavens," He said before he eats the stone, his power suddenly exploded as it reached a new height. with eh tournament being in 99 years, everyone had to do everything to get one of the positions.

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