In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 68: 0066 fighting a heavenly immortal

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Upon returning to the heaven-shattering Sect, Shisui said goodbye to the disciples of the sect and those he could be considered to be his friend. after which, he set off towards Golden Heaven Sect to get Lu so they could both head off towards the Heavenly Court.

He was some distance away from the heavenly court, and even with his speed which could be said to transcend space and time, it took Shisui a long time to arrive at the Golden Heaven Sect. he had to pass by many worlds, each world holding its powers that even Shisui had to be careful around.

upon arriving at the Golden Heaven, Shisui went on to enter the sect as a guest of Lu. Shisui was well known across the first heaven ever since the prince of the phoenix announced their relationship, people also knew that the prince had moved to protect Shisui, meaning that their connection was somewhat good.

Lu's life had done a complete 360 upon returning to the sect, those people who once made his life hell were now trying to suck up to him. all because of his connection with Shisui, for the first time, his elder brother tried to even speak to him. but none of this made him happy, it only made him disgusted at everyone.

"sigh, let's get going, I can't stand to stay here," Lu said softly, upon seeing Shisui. he didn't bother to try and make Shisui at home, he just wanted to get out of here as soon as he could.

the event the heavenly court was holding will be taking place within 100 years, and due to the long distance, it was best they get going ahead of time. this was taking into count that the lines to enter the events might be long as hell, they might spend months just standing in line.

Shisui also didn't want to stay, people like Lu's parents were people he wanted to stay away from. so, He and Lu and a few of Lu's servants set off upon Lu's ship before any elder could come to greet Sora.

Lu had a unique ship, it was of the heavenly immortal grade, this ship moved so fast that it could travel space-time. if not for the heavens, this ship space could travel through time itself, with this ship, their speed had reached a new height. they would reach the heavenly court within 50 years.

back within Golden Heaven Sect, a middle-aged man entered Lu's room, expecting to see Lu and Shisui, but he froze upon seeing that no one was there. it didn't take long for him to guess that Lu had left before he or any elder could enter to see Shisui.

if Shisui was as talented as they said, it was safe to say Lu might never return to the sect, and with how they had treated Lu in the past, the sect might just be facing danger. without a second thought, he reported this to the ancestors who quickly gave their orders to kill the two. they had to cover their tracks well so the prince of the phoenix clan could do anything.

with that, 5 experts peak Heavenly immortal set off, with the sect leader being the middle of the group. to say the least, they were many times faster than Lu ship, they would soon catch up to them at the rate things were going.

"your brother seems to be heading here along with 4 other people," Shisui said seeing the map which suddenly popped in front of him. Lu frowned for a moment before he slowly realized what they might be planning.

"What a loving family I have... but do they think I just left without a backup plan?" He said with a snort, Shisui's eyebrow raised slightly, confused about what Lu was talking about. Lu suddenly waved his hand, a disk appeared in his hands, he waited for some time before he saw the group appearing from afar.

the group didn't even bother to speak, they used a move from another sect and attacked the ship, a cold, frosty show Qi shot towards them, freezing space and time everywhere it passed. Lu quickly threw the disk toward the incoming sword qi, and once the two met, the disk suddenly sucked the sword Qi in, before it slowly floated toward the group.

"I got this from a formation, grand master, you see, I walk the path of formations," Lu said with a smile as he made a hand seal, the disk shook before formations flags shot out of the disk, forming the outline of a huge dragon, with the disk in the middle.

"I might need everyone's energy, come, support me," Lu said as his harem stepped forward to help him, Shisui watched as the dragon avatar let out a heaven-shaking roar before rushing towards the incoming group.

"to have such a treasure and keep it to yourself, you low-life piece of shit," Lubrothers said coldly as he cut forward, a sword qi shot forward, slamming heavenly upon the dragon. but the dragon opened her mouth, devouring the sword Qi. the form of the dragon was more real, sucking the group.

'the disk has a devouring formation upon it, energy base attack would be absorbed to strength the formations... this makes it so that even weakling capabilities of using this formation.' Shisui thought as he watched this, the dragon and the 5 elders fought, but they no longer used the Qi base ability as they saw they it was useless before this move.

"I will have them attack me with Qi base attacks, take that chance to have the dragon absorb it," Shisui said as he jumped off the ship, shocking Lu for a moment before he nodded.

Shisui shot forward as he slowly waved his hands in the air, before putting them together, and before everyone's shocked eyes, a huge buddha statue with countless arms appeared, floating behind him. Shisui had infused the power of the Doa he had comprehended into this, making his buddha Statue way stronger.

years ago, Shisui barely had a basic comprehension of the Dao, but within the past few years, he had managed to comprehend the Dao of illusion to level 6, and many other Dao such as the Dao fo the sword to level 5, and so on.

"such deep comprehension of the Dao of illusions," Lu's elder brother said with narrowed eyes, the buddha statue seemed an illusion, this was quite scary as this meant that Shisui could pretty much give that Buddha statue any ability. since it was an illusion created by him, Shisui had pretty much absolute control of the shape and form of the Buddha statue.

Shisui susanoo flashed, shooting toward Lu's elder brother, Lu older brother snorted as he punched the incoming palm. but to his shock, he suddenly turned to the side and blocked an incoming palm which sent him shooting far off.

Lu's brother quickly caught himself while looking at Shisui angrily, the first attack was real, but Shisui had turned into an illusion at the last moment. Shisui had also made it so that the attack was in fact coming from his side. to say the least, this level of control of illusion was shocking.

in fact, Shisui was only second to Itachi in this field of Illusions. Shisui was more skilled in creating powerful illusions that could control a person's mind, while Itachi was skilled in creating illusions so powerful that even reality is affected. they were both equally talented, it's just that one was more skilled in a different path of illusions than the other.

Lu's brother exploded in rage as he shot towards Shisui, with a half step true immortal, it was indeed his shame to struggle before a low early sun and moon tier experts. he shot toward Shisui, who calmly waved, but just as Shisui was saving,

a huge spear stabbed through his back from behind, Shisui's eyes widened as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. an elder who came with Lu's elder brother snorted coldly, but his eyes suddenly widened as he flew forward while coughing up blood.

Shisui's body slowly disappeared, and above everyone, he appeared with a slightly mocking smile, shocking everyone. Lu and the other elders' heart dropped while looking at Shisui, with such an ability it was almost impossible to kill Shisui. with Shisui's ability to cast such powerful illusions, it was going to be almost impossible to kill him.

'let my illusion affect the dragon' Shisui's voice sounded within Lu's mind, who quickly agreed, at that moment, Lu's elder brother turned into a heavenly Deer, giving off a powerful aura. at this moment, Lu's elder brother had a power level of 10,000 True Dao. the others also turned into their true form and attacked Shisui and the dragon avatar.

a huge beam shot towards Shisui, the beam hit Shisui head-on, but once everyone blinked, they realized they had hit the dragon avatar which was absorbing the beam, allowing the dragon avatar to grow stronger. at the same time, Shisui appeared where the dragon avatar stood and sent the buddha palms flying at them. but the elder senses were sharper, they shatter the buddha's arms, before trying to attack Shisui.

within the system, Itachi sat in a waiting room, awaiting someone to come meet him. soon, Neji, the clan head of the Hugya clan came to see him.

"I came to get the new Gentle fist," Itachi said calmly, cutting straight to the point. Neji froze slightly before forming. the gentle fist was their head technique, they had off use created a new gentle fist so that the gentle fist could be effective upon immortals.

"I understand your high status, but that alone does not mean you can come here to get our clan technique," Neji said seriously, Itachi took out a token that had an image of two hands holding the world. Neji froze upon seeing this token and quickly fell to his knees in respect

"with this token, my world is as good as the lords. years ago, the lord had taken the gentle fist and given it to me, along with a few others. I understand your worries, worry not. I will make sure the world never takes this martial from us." Itachi said calmly, Neji nodded slightly before he pulled out a scroll holding the technique

"you're a warring clan... although your clan has yet to step into the outside world, it's because the lord wishes for you all to be kept in a dark until the last moment. take this as a reward for your troubles." Itachi said calmly as he waved his hand, making countless spirit stones of the True immortal grade appear.

Neji's eyes widened slightly before his eyes brightened, he quickly paid his respect, before seeing Itachi off. Itachi flashed appearing within the assassin's brotherhood hideout, where he opened the scroll.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

the newly improved technique was called the Gentle Immortal Fist, this was martial art where one attacks the target. the attacks don't have any enough force to send one backward, instead, this palm sends energy into the body, causing damage that even immortals can't heal from in a short time.

this attack targets all eras, mind, body, and soul. normal defenses are pointless, as once you are within close range, it's hopeless. there was even a long version of this fist art, making it so even if you run away, you would not be safe.

itachi nodded slightly, before pulling out the Immortal Dragon Slayer art, the new and improved Dragon slayer art from the Fairy tail world. irene had fixed her past mistake, and now this art although turns one into a dragon, it could regain your human body with ease. of course, that was not all the changes, the technique was created to leave unhealable damage to members of the conquest race... it would be more effective on the outside world,

Itachi went through this art for some time, before he went into Shisui's mind before he went on to give it to the rest of the assassins. as assassins, they needed to know all of the sure kill ways and ways to counter them.

Back to Shisui, Shisui froze for a moment upon getting the new technique, with a smile, he looked at the incoming attacks, before he disappeared as if he was an illusion. everyone suddenly froze before they looked up, and saw Shisui, the countless arm on the buddha statue were covered with energy which took the form of a huge beast.

the arms all rained down, filled with the world with these palms. Lu's elder brother's deer horns glowered with power before a huge beam shot toward Shisui, but like always, Shisui had disappeared, replaced with the dragon which absorbed the attack. but just while at dragon was absorbing the attack, an elder in the form of a huge ape shot toward it with a hammer.

the timing was perfect, and just in time. They had of course noticed a slight cool down within SHisui casting off this illusion, the others attacked the spot where the dragon had disappeared from, expecting Shisui to appear there.

But to everyone's shock, the ape with the harmer had countless palms rained down upon it, it had tried to put up its defense, but it was pointless as the palms ignored such simple defenses. the ape coughed up a mouthful of blood, he weakly let go of the hammer as he fainted on the spot.

everyone froze not understanding how Shisui a person with a powerlevel of only 10 trillion managed to beat the elder who had a powerlevel of 500 True Dao, that gap ins strength was like a thousand times. even if Shisui caught the elder off guard, the elder defense should have been more than enough, at most, he would have been knocked to the side.

"his injures are not healing... what every part of art he is using making it harder for others to heal." Lu elder brother said with a serious look, as he watched a huge arm grab the elder. everyone was shocked, they were all countless times faster and stronger than Shisui. Shisui would not even be able to react before he is dead before them,

but thanks to the illusions, he could survive, but there was another problem with all of this. how was Shisui reacting to their speed? to them, Shisui should be frozen still, yet Shisui was here moving around and countering their attacks. almost as if he could see the future or something.

at this thought, the sect leader's face darkened as he realized how Shisui could keep up with them, he had to see the future and knew what they would do next. Shisui was simply moving ahead of time, adding the illusion, they were all confused and left in the dark about Shisui's next move. they were pretty much In Shisui domain, and the dragon avatar has grown to a level where it was of some danger to them.

one of them had fallen and had been captured by Shisui, now everyone else had to be on guard, unease about what Shisui's next move would be. they looked at each other for a moment before they all rushed toward Shisui,

"Eight Trigrams  Palms 1 billion palms," Shisui said in a soft voice as a trigram appeared with him as the center before the countless arms of the buddha statue rained down. fist it was 2 arms, which they easily countered, forcing Shisui to disappear once again and reappear behind them, at the same time, the dragon moved to attack them, in time for Shisui cool down to be over

then there were 4 arms, which they counter easily, before launching an attack at Shisui once more, causing Shisui to turn everything into an illusion, while the dragon appeared. this went on countless times until Shisui reached 65 thousand palms, it was at which point the group had to take these attacks slightly seriously

one should know, these attacks were all done within the same amount of time, 2 palms, and 65 thousand palms, the time to launch each attack remained the same, meaning these 65 thousand palms were moving at a scary speed. something, someone on the Shisui level shouldn't be able to do.

by a million palms, they were being hit by some of the attacks, but they managed to dodge a few, by 500 million palms, they were trying to fall back, back Shisui simply turned illusion into reality, entrapping them, as he appeared before where they were about to run off to.

and lastly, 1 billion palms, left them all badly injures, they were all coughing up blood, injuries they had slowly injured, and they could still fight. they all looked at Shisui with cold eyes, leaving Shisui helplessly. the ape elder was caught off guard, so Shisui took him out seemingly easy, but as for these them. they were on guard and wouldn't go down so easily.

"Another round of palms," Shisui said softly, as the buddha statue got ready to move, but at that moment, Shisui suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. Shisui's eyes widened, before noticing the lizard-like elder was smiling.

"you can turn anything into an illusion, but my poison which had fused with you is above your level." He said with a cold laugh before he rushed towards Shisui, Shisui panicked while looking at the incoming poisonous attack, he couldn't turn anything about him into an illusion with this poison.

the elder smiled as his claw stabbed through Shisui's head, but at that time, countless arms were shot down with the gentle fist, was completely caught off guard, but he was still up to put up his best defense, even so, he suffered huge injures, almost knocking him out.

He slowly looked up at Shisui who had slowly appeared above everyone with a smile,

"I'm immune to poison," Shisui said as he felt the light improvement to his strength, the conquer race bloodline gave some immunity to poisons, of course, if the poison acted quickly it could kill them, but if he had a slow effect, it would instead act to strengthen them,

"so, this was your plan? I saw through it the moment you began releasing that poison all over the place," Shisui said calmly, making the sect leader and everyone's faces darken, they quickly moved to save the lizard elder, but it was all ready to take as Shisui captured him. sending him within MT Xumi with the other elder.

"that's 2 down, so," Shisui said as clones of himself all with the buddha avatar appeared as far as the eye could see, their eyes widened, as each of the buddha avatars began using the gentle fist, sitting towards them. the sheer number of its left them all helpless, and as the attack speed and the number of attacks increased, they were quickly forced to try and flee

but where could they flee? their most powerful type of attack, Qi attacks were useless as the Dragon Avatar would absorb them. not daring to strengthen it, they had stopped using Qi base attacks, but this was pretty much crippling them.

"snort," suddenly a cold snort sounded, destroying all of the clones, Shisui coughed up blood as he flew backward. he quickly caught himself, before looking into the void, where an old man had appeared. the old man floated upon the sword, while coldly looking at him from many words away.

"This is no matter for you to step into." a soft voice sounded within the old man's ears, and the old man's eyes shrank as she felt death was closer in. sweat covered his forward, as he dared not move even by an inch.

"w-who there?" He asked in a soft voice, but nothing answered him. Shisui sneered slightly seeing this before he moved to fight the remaining 3 elders. he waved his hand as a phoenix feather appeared in his hands, with a wave, the feather flew into the dragon's mouth, the dragon suddenly exploded with unmatched power, and with a wave of its tail, it shot towards the group of 3.

Lu's elder brother and the others struggled hard, but under the control of Lu, they suffered a huge amount of injuries, with Lu's elder brother suffering the most. barely breathing. Shisui moved, capturing the ground, before throwing another look at the old man who was watching all this, not daring to move even by an inch.

"let's go," Shisui said calmly as he returned to the ship, but just as he stepped onto the Ship, Lu and the others fell to the ground. unlike him, they didn't have infinite energy, so they pushed themselves to power the avatar.

Shisui calmly gave them his energy, allowing them to quickly recover. meanwhile, he took back the disk which was floating within space, before controlling the ship to fly off toward the heavenly court.

meanwhile, the old man felt the danger slowly disappearing. he stood there frozen for some time while looking at the ship. he was of course Lu's father, and early true immortal, yet at that moment, he felt like he was the weakest thing across the immortal realm. He could only watch helplessly as his son was taken into a half-dead state.

back within the system, Itachi who was watching the battle slowly pulled back his aura. he was the one who made the move to stop the elder, as for Shisui being caught. it was not so easy for someone even on the level of the Heavenly emeporr to divine about him. so, Shisui was safe for some time, if the heavenly emperor get someone stronger than him to divine this, Itachi did all of this from within the system, he had simply sent out a hint of killing intent using the teleportation effect of the system.

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