In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 74: 0072 first place

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the tournament went on, and Shisui closely studied everyone who went up, searching for weaknesses and other stuff. he got a better read on the son of conquest, getting to know better ways to get closer to him.

Shisui went up a few times, and each time he quickly won. his ranking quickly reached the top 5, before he went on to fight the queen of the primordial. the lower would end up in 3rd place, Shisui was slightly stunned by this, but it couldn't be helped.

standing up, he flashed onto the stage and went on to fight her, she was going by the name Ying Yun. facing off against him, the two closely looked at each other before Shisui suddenly sighed with a bitter smile. he was not sure if he was her match without going all out.

"how about you admit defeat, I will owe you one," Shisui said with a smile, Ying Yun snorted slightly, and as soon as the match began, she suddenly punched forward. but before she even punched, Shisui had already moved and dodged.

her attack transcended space and time, aiming at the past before she even threw the punch, Shisui had already dodged the punch as he reached him. even if the attack was aimed at the past, with the many fights, Shisui had gotten a good understanding of ultra instinct.

"Well, it can't be helped. let's dance." Shisui said as he exploded with power before he shot toward him, he saw the future and made sure with every move he made was perfect. as he punched shot toward him, Ying Yun disappeared appearing behind him and kicking toward him

but Shisui had already moved to grab his leg, but his hand went through her as if she was not there. Shisui was stunned for a moment, before he put his hands in front of him, blocking a huge hammer that almost slammed into his chest.

Shisui shot backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood, but Shisui slowly disappeared as if he never existed. Shisui appeared behind him with a kick aimed toward the back of his neck, but to Shisui's shock, his kick went through him as if he was not there.

Shisui flashed, as a hammer fell from the sky, destroying the ground SHisui once shoot at. the two jumped backward before they both closely looked at each other.

"sigh. you can't injure me, and I can't injure you. this is a tie." Shisui said softly, Ying Yun sneered slightly. He could fuse with the space around him, and within a range of a few trillion light years, he was everywhere and nowhere at once. and this was only because he had her cultivation suppressed.

Shisui couldn't hunt him, meanwhile, he only needed to catch the window before Shisui's illusion ended. Shisui's illusions couldn't last forever, she only needed to time her attacks perfectly. Shisui of course knew of this, but he was not worried, even by the slightest.

"stop the jokes, show me everything you have. a simple win is meaningless to me." Ying Yun said as he pointed the hammer at Shisui. slowly, powerful golden lightning covered the hammer, Shisui sighed for a moment before clapping his hands.

wood clones suddenly grew out of his body, flying up into the sky as they quickly made buddha statues covered in armor, which infused many techniques. the gentle fist, the power of destruction, and the power of space-time,

Shisui's main body didn't join the clones, he sat down close-legged on the stage, while he took deep breaths. Ying Yun watched as the palms began running down upon him, with a cold smile. with a swing, she slammed up, and her hammer slammed at the palms. with a huge explosion, it created a huge explosion of lightning which sent the palms flying upwards. the lightning traveled up the buddha statue,

but the palms didn't stop falling, with the power of time, her speed shot up and she moved at high speed, countering each palm with her hammer. thanks to the lightning hammer, each blow led to the buddha statue being paralyzed with each hit. at some point, the Buddha statue had a harder and harder time moving.

Ying Yun breathed heavily before he swung the hammer out, sending a blade of lightning that destroyed each of the clones. she turned to look at Sora's main body, and saw a buddha statue slowly appearing behind him.

Shisui took a deep breath as he looked at her with a smile, Ying Yun had a serious look while looking at this buddha statue. it was created using the power of destruction and illusions, along with the godly xumi art being the foundation.

the buddha statue suddenly moved, growing legs and began moving as if it was some living person. the buddha statue waved, and weapons with the power of destruction formed, each arm held countless swords. the buddha statue opened its mouth, and let out a demonic roar that was filled with the power of destruction.

"I have no control over it, good luck," Shisui said as he disappeared, making Ying Yun speechless as blood slowly dripped from her ears. he tightened her hand around the hammer before she let out a roar and shot toward the Buddha statue.

the two clashed, but to his horror, the buddha statue was its own living being. with its own technique, and had the pinnacle of combat. it swung down space, destroying a huge part of space-time, leading to it becoming a space-time cut off from the other world. Ying Yun's face darkened as this meant she couldn't fuse with space to the same level as before.

she quickly fused with space seeing a spear shooting towards her, but as she did the buddha's front two hands which were holding a drum began beating the drum. Ying Yun suddenly appeared, while coughing up blood. she was slammed heavily by a kick which he didn't see coming and was sent flying.

Ying Yun gritted her teeth, like hell he would accept a loss like this. he quickly caught himself, and with a roar, the hammer lightning grew in power, forming a lighting giant similar to the susanoo. when everyone saw this, their eyes almost stood up.

"Haha, I created this technique after seeing Sora using it against the 4 divine beasts." He laughed as the armor began compressing, quickly forming an armor that perfectly covered his body. Shisui was of course caught off guard by this, but it was hard to sense where he was hiding

Ying Yun shot forward quickly reaching the Buddha statue, the buddha statue roared and swung countless swords down at him. but they clashed, and its weaponed couldn't even touch him. at shocking speed, she flashed landing blows none stop upon the buddha statue

quickly, the buddha statue began cracking, unable to handle Ying Yun. meanwhile, Ying Yun was running low on energy and her armor was about to disappear. after a few blows, the buddha statue disappeared. once it was destroyed, he held on and quickly shattered space, forcing Shisui to appear.

but he almost coughed up blood seeing what Shisui was doing while she was fighting, Shisui was eating a meal while drinking some fine wine. everyone almost fell over seeing the stunned look in Shisui's eyes, as if not expecting she would win.

"Haha, well, you caught me," Shisui said with a smile as lightning slowly gathered around him, forming a lightning armor that was somewhat similar to Ying Yun's armor. Ying Yun slowly stepped forward, before she rushed toward Shisui. the two rushed towards each other, while Ying Yun aimed to finish this battle with one last blow.

but to her shock, she found that she ran off the stage. everyone froze at this before they saw the illusion which covered the stage disappearing, revealing Shisui who was lazily sitting on his chair, eating this while watching all of this play out.

"a double illusion?" She said in shock as she turned to look at SHisui, Shisui smiled slightly as he slowly stood up. Shisui shook his head as he planned.

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"3 layers, that whole battle against the buddha statue could be considered the first layer. the second layer was infinite, I made it so that infinite suddenly shrink. enough for even a mortal to move past infinite. lastly, the illusion you rush towards was only the illusion I wanted you to see, and once you rush toward it, you ran off the stage. I guess there are 4 layers as I used to hide." Shisui said calmly

"h-how skilled must you be too but up so many layers? and even have one see past one, to the next?" a few people within the coward said in shock, Shisui on the other hand didn't think this was impressive. Itachi could lay an infinite layer of illusions, meanwhile, his limit was only 10.

"Haha, well, good one." The son of heaven laughed, even he was fooled by the illusion. Ying Yun's face darkened slightly for some time before he snorted and walked off. in his eyes he only lost because he was tied. just as he moved to leave, he almost fell over, too tired. that lightning armor she used pushed her, she was barely in it for a heartbeat, yet she was too tired to do anything.

with that, Shisui turned towards the Son of heaven. it was their battle, the son of heaven wanted to give him time to rest, but Shisui shook his head, as he didn't need to rest. the son of heaven smiled slightly and slowly walked up the stage.

"Well, don't say you were tried when you lose." He said with a smile while looking at Shisui, Shisui laughed slightly at his words, before getting ready for a battle. everyone's eyes were forced on their battle, and with a wave of their hands battle started.

The son of heaven stepped forward, and with that simple step, a powerful force himself into Shisui sending him flying off the stage. everyone froze for a moment, but a shock wave suddenly spread from the son fo heaven.

the son of heaven flew backward as he blocked Shisui who had suddenly appeared, eh smiled slightly as he looked into Shisui's eyes, who were looking back at him with a smile. the two quickly began trading blows, but Shisui was someone too thick for someone who was monstrous as the son of heaven. every blow lead overwhelmed Shisui, but everything was rewritten into an illusion.

the son of heaven aimed for the window where the illusion was off, but to his disappointment, Shisui was quick, creating after images that he would attack thinking it was the real body. some time of the battle getting nowhere, the Son Of heaven was getting annoyed.

"Well, let's end this." the son of heaven said calmly, a fan suddenly appeared in his hands before he shot toward Shisui. Shisui who could see the future quickly realized the ability of this fan, this fan had the ability to make all illusions disappear. a perfect counter to him.

Shisui quickly made some space, before he clapped his hands. he took a deep breath before he suddenly went calm. the son of heaven who was about to follow him stopped and looked at him seriously.

Shisui's hair suddenly became white, and his pupils turned white before he just stood there, not making a single movement. the son of heaven watched him for some time, before he shot forward, and attacked. the son of heaven's fist shot forward, having the might of the heaven

but to everyone's shock, Shisui without any wasted movement reached out, tapping the son of heaven's fist's weak point. the son of heaven fist flew to the side, missing Shisui by a hairs breath. the son of heaven froze, time seemed to freeze as he looked deeply into Shisui's eyes, Shisui almost looked at him. he was completely calm, a calmness that even the son of heaven could feel.

the son of heaven flashed and dodged the kick which was about to land on his stomach. he stepped backward while looking seriously at Shisui before he suddenly began laughing. was this not what he wanted? with an explosion of power, a golden heavenly aura suddenly covered his body

with a step, the son of heaven flashed with overwhelming speed, arriving before Shisui, the two began fighting, trading many blows. but it was clear Shisui was losing, within this form the Son of heaven was stronger than Shisui. if Shisui didn't have this form, which was known as master ultra instinct, he would have lost already.

"Haha, good good." the son of heaven laughed, even if he was overwhelming Shisui, he had to be on guard completely. Shisui caught on to every flow he had, this forced the son of heaven force to improve and hide every flaw he had. Sora's movement was profound, be it timing, attacks, blocks, and counters. each movement was done so perfectly it left his eyes bright, he never expected there was such a high level of martial. but something happened that left him frozen in shock.

"the winner is Shisui." the person overlooking the match said seeing Shisui's sword placed against the son of heaven's neck. everyone was quiet, the son of heaven was quiet. no one could understand what just happened. one moment, the son of heaven was fighting hard with Shisui, and the net he was back in his base form, with a sword against the neck.

"I'm most killed with mind base illusions, I knew I might not be your match. so I hide this personally for you. as for that battle within the illusion, it's a stage I wish to reach soon. I believe with you, I could reach it." Shisui said with a smile, the son of heaven just stood there, he quickly looked around and realized everything that had happened.

when they first clashed, it was when he fell into Shisui illusion. when he looked into Shisui's eye, Shisui had already trapped him in an illusion. the battle was so realistic he found nothing off about the illusion, Shisui had indeed hidden his skills perfectly. a look was enough to trap him

He looked deeply into Shisui's eyes before he smiled slightly. of this was anyone, he would have exploded into a fit of rage, but within that illusion and seeing that level of martial arts, it only gave him another reason to look highly upon Shisui. as for his loss, he didn't think much about it, if he knew he was within an illusion, he, of course, could break out of it.

he didn't expect Shisui to be skilled within mind base illusion so he had let his guard down, and had put his trust in that fan. if he didn't have that fan, he would have needed his own power to fight, that way he would have seen something off.

He had watched many of the battles and believed that from the start he couldn't see through Shisui illusions, it was why he didn't try, plus everything seemed so real. how could he guess it was an illusion, and that fight had caught his full attention? it was even more so when he saw master ultra instinct.

"you got me good this time. but, I will not fall for a trick next time." He said with a laugh as he walked off, as for the reward, in his eyes Shisui's friendship was worth more than the friendship. after all, where can anyone find such likable, talented, and skilled guy?

with that, the tournament was near its end, and the only thing remaining was those who wanted to try their luck for a better rank. the son of heaven challenged Shisui 2 times, but Shisui managed to tie each battle, allowing him to keep 3rd place. after all, each challenge was only 1 hour. seeing as Shsiui simply played defense, and even trapped him within an illusion where he won, leading to him believing he beat Shisui, only for the 1 hour to come to an end,

the second time, the son of heaven was even more on guard. but to his speechlessness, Shisui just ran around the ring, creating illusions from time to time, dodging each attack, or creating countless after images that ran all over the place. the son of heaven was speechless, at least try and fight him, but he knew a fight would be meanless as Shisui had a high likely hood of losing. with a snort, he gave up

Ying Yun also tried her luck, but she gave up as Shisui did something similar. in the end, Shisui took first place, but everyone deep down believed the son of heaven was the first place.

"cheer up, someone from a humble background like myself gaining the first place is a dream come true... I will treat you to a treat. not wine, but something better than first place." Shisui said with a laugh as he wrapped his hand around his shoulder. the son of heaven was stunned hearing this before his intreast were caught.

quickly, the first-place prizes were handed out, and with Sora gaining first place he could now get a few things of his choice. for one, Shisui could get to become the personal disciple of anyone within the heavenly court, he could cultivate within the heavenly ground for 100 years, and there were rare pills, herbs, an orb of an infinite mind, and the mist of enlightenment.

these were all unique stuff that Shisui couldn't wait to get, they would greatly improve his cultivation, and help him near the peak or even help him become a heavenly immortal.

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