In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 75: 0073 captured

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with Shisui taking first place, he went on to get his rewards. the heavenly emperor personally took him as his personal disciple, seeing how talented Shisui was and how he had to good relationship with the son of heaven, he took Shisui in. secondly, Shisui's talent was too high, and the heavenly emperor had no choice but to personally raise this talent.

after getting all of the other rewards, Shisui entered the cultivation holy ground. he was not the only one to enter, as the son of heaven, and Ying Yun managed to enter. but they could try within there for a less amount of time compared to Shisui.

"well, go get your own opportunities. I'm going to look for the spring of heavenly Dao." the son of heaven said calmly, the spring of heavenly Dao was a spring which one could bath in, and increase their comprehension of the Dao. he was going to find it as it was the only thing that mattered to him.

SHisui nodded slightly and watched him fly off, the time within the holy ground was 1,000 times faster than the outside world. although Shisui could only remain here for 100 times, to him 100,000 would pass.

with the son of heaven leaving, he and Ying Yun were left alone. they both looked at each other before Shisui spoke.

'you're talented, but as you might expect. I held back, I can barely hold a kindle to him. joining us would be the best thing, plus he didn't kill any primordials of your kind. he is special.' Shisui's voice entered his head, stunning him. he guessed Shisui was holding back, but hearing it and guessing it was too different things. and if even at this point he couldn't compare to Sora who was in the mortal realm... that thought made sweat run down her back

'what do you mean he didn't kill my primordial?' Her voice entered Shisui's head,

'There are things out there even you haven't seen. my master is meant for things you never could imagine, in the likes of pangu would never imagine.' Shisui said as he walked off, Pangu was the strongest of all primordials, he was said to be the first of all lifeforms, and after a hard-fought battle, he was dying and used his own body to form this world.

every lifeform that's not primordial was in a way birthed by pangu, pangu was a being who could look down upon Sages. his stories were well known all over the 3 realms, after all, he was like the god of this world.

the queen of the primordial was powerful in her past life, in her past life she was not the first queen of the primordial. there be thousand that came before her, each that died or had disappeared. starting from the moment Pangu was around, Pangu was the first larder, but the other Primordials feared his might so they all worked together and fought him. this ended with the birth of the Pangu world.

after Pangu's death, the primordial had two laws. there were from that point onwards, a king and queen among the primordial. of course, they were not married, only the most capable of each primordial was chosen. after each era, primordial faced many and many tribulations, killing them off, and a new one being born. with each death, the next generation wasn't as last.

"Are you friends or allied?" He asked seriously as he looked at Shisui who was walking off, Shisui turned around to look at her.

'as long as my master has his eyes upon you, it's one of my jobs to protect you. once you follow the lord, you would quickly raise to power. you might be millions of times stronger than you are now. above me. talents of my level are considered trash. you have yet to see the true might of my lord, we have countless people more talented than Ling Han, yourself, and so on. and most of them have no special physique.' Shisui said as he turned and walked away, leaving her shocked at what she heard, but deep down she hoped badly that what Shisui just said was a lie.

but even if she hopped, she had seen and divined things within the mortal realm. she knew how powerful Sora's army was, and how easily Sora handled those elites' talents without much work, she felt conflicted at heart.

she had to paths, join Sora and see what the big deal was. or fight, but if she fought she didn't have much hope to win. joint he heavenly court? the heavenly court was having trouble against a seal created by a gold-rank expert. now Sora was a diamond rank expert,

to make this more annoying, Shisui was a spy here. it was clear the fate of the heavenly court was in great danger. She could join the heavenly court, but she was not foolish enough to join the heavenly court. the heavenly court had connections to the Dao ancestor, that bastard was enemies with the primordials.

the Dao ancestors tried to slaughter primordials to gain the primordial deity physique, the Dao ancestor and she were living enemies. but what if the Dao ancestor and Sora clashed? this was a much more likely thing, she could scheme from the shadows and let both side fights.

but unlike others, she knew that Sora's space was nothing that dream walkers could have left behind. that item or whatever it was was something that even a sage would struggle to enter. she knew that Sora's power had to do with this space,

She could try and fight for it, but in the end, she knew that if the Dao ancestor won, the Dao ancestor could take everything for herself. to make things worse, other sages might move to take this as well.

the worst thing that could happen is Sora rasing from this, and finding her. since Sora didn't slaughter her primordials, her displeasure towards him lessens. but it didn't mean she easily would throw herself into Sora's hands.

at this point, the best choice was to look on from the shadow. collect more information before making her choice. currently, she was more inclined to join Sora, Sora only wanted her destiny Qi, although this would bind him to his empire, it was a gamble she could take.

from the information she knew of Sora, Sora was both talented and somewhat arrogant. but he treated his people seemly well. Sora had a god complex which she wanted no part in, but Sora's talent was something that she couldn't picture at the moment. if SHisui worlds could be trusted, then Sora's side didn't seem so bad.

clearly, Sora was not only talented but also smart. he drew the attention of everyone while he place a spy among them. and if Shisui's talent was nothing within Sora's eyes, it made her stunned, to say the least. she was of course strong and didn't go all out so as to not be caught, but still, Shisui's talent was something even she was amazed by

in the end, she chose to watch. when she sees Sora making a move, it's when she would make her choice, as for Shisui, she would watch him from the shadows. she would disappear from this place soon, she couldn't stay near the heavenly emperor for too long.

to Shisui, Shisui walked aimlessly through the holy ground. his eyes were wide while looking at the map, so many gold marks filled this place. it was clear the opportunities here were seemly endless. with a step, he created countless clones which went over to take each opportunity.

everything he stumbled upon he sent into space, this greatly improved the system as most of this stuff was in the true immortal realm, or near the emperor's immortal realm. soon, Shisui saw the spring of heavenly Dao, where he went on to rest within. the son of heaven had left thousands of years ago, leaving him alone within this heavenly Dao

he of course sent this water into the system, a small amount of which system went on to create an era with this spring within the system. well, with the remaining thouands of years, Shisui comprehended the Dao, and many of his other abilities, which helped him quickly master them,

as Shisui lay in the spring with closed eyes, he waved his hands as the mist slowly appeared, this mist entered his body, putting him in a state of enlightenment. this was the mist of enlightenment he got as a reward, he had of course sent some of it into the system so this mist could form. this was a treasure that could greatly improve the lifeforms within the system

meanwhile, Sora looked at a paper report of things that had happened in the past year. he calmly ate an apple. if one closely looked at his finger, there was a golden ring. this ring was none other than the throne of conquest, which transformed into a ring.

it took some time for him to realize he could simply have his throne to help speed up his thinking speed. something which made him blush in shame at how long it took him to think of something like this.

Sora had a calm smile seeing what had happened in these past years, he had overwhelmed the demon race, countering them in every way, and forcing them back none stop. with Sora's farm, he even improved the many experts, allowing them to greatly grow stronger to match the stronger demons which were coming.

at this moment, the law of conquest was a step away from reaching level 12. this Law was indeed powerful. even as a mortal, he could now order himself to become powerful, and quickly get a powerlevel nearing 1 quintillion.

Sora looked at the chessboard for some time, he didn't need the paper report as the chessboard told him everything that he needed to know. but it was best to see things in a report, as it made others feel like what they were doing is useful

the chessboard had many layers to it, those who looked at this chessboard would think this chessboard is endless, covering the whole world. Sora thought for some time while looking at the chessboard, before looking off the chessboard to see if any new chess pieces have arrived yet. but he saw nothing.

"Well, I should start searching for the queen," Sora said softly, Shiro who was at the side pouted slightly, how was she not the queen? Sora rolled his eyes slightly. she was the bishop, the fact she was her own piece and not a pawn was something worth wild.

just as Sora was about to speak, Kong Shi who was working in the garden suddenly let out a cry, he fell to the ground and began crying blood. he cried. Shiro wanted to go help him, but Sora stopped him

"but he is in pain." She said in a panic, but Sora shook his head. Kong Shi was regaining his talent and cultivation. after 6 years of his body being reshaped, he was about to awaken better than ever,

but Shiro had a kind heart, she couldn't bring herself to watch Kong Shi like this, but soon Kong Shi began losing his voice. he soon fainted and just laid there, unable to move. at this time, Saiko who was down the mountain arrived and was shocked to see the right Kong Shi was in.

"take him into his room," Sora said calmly, Saiko nodded slightly as she picked him up. Kong Shi and her had become friends, they were around the same age after all. Kong Shi was Saiko's ever friend, she quickly took him into a wooden house that she helped Kong Shi build, meanwhile, Sora turned his attention back to the chess board.

"things are getting interesting. this realm will soon face the wrath of someone extremely powerful. would it survive?" Sora said softly as he grabbed a pawn, and moved it forward. Shiro's heart skipped hearing Sora's words, she was not expecting things were out of hand.

meanwhile, within the demon realm, Towa tapped her finger on a throne while looking at the demons below her. to say the least, she was not happy with how things have been going the past few years. she had realized there was a powerful expert on the other side, so she tried sending powerful void-shattering realm demons to stop them, but she didn't expect the truth of the other side would suddenly grow.

"the full attention is on this planet. I cared not what had to be done, but I want to know what secrets they are hiding. Grand Demon, you will look after this world. I warn you not to get so cocky that you fail, I will not allow any foolish mistakes." Towa said coldly, this realm now caught her attention, and she tried to divine what was happening but got nothing. she could only divine that many talents would raise here.

a six-arm demon kneeled slightly as he nodded seriously, Towa nodded slightly, before disappearing. the grand demon was a mountain and river-tier demon, her putting someone of his strength here could be considered overkill. but she didn't want to have anything get out of hand.

with that, the grand demon took charge of the demon realm. but it personally left and went to go see get information personally. but while it was looking around, it saw Shiro who was flying back toward the sect. its eyes turned sharp as it measured her talent. and seeing that she was a 10-star talent, the demon shot forward to kill

"sending your rook out? to take my bishop, I can't have this," Sora said as he moved a pawn over to help the bishop. far away, Shiro was sent flying back by the 6-arm demon. she coughed up blood as she slammed into the ground, she opened her wings and shot to fight the demon with her sword.

at the same time, far away the old man who had been searching for Kong Shi for the past year noticed this battle. in shock, he explored transforming into a Conquest Super Saiyan, he had reached the gold rank within the past year, and this greatly allowed him to have overwhelming power.

the old man shot forward and helped Shiro fight the demon, the demon was shocked not expecting a gold rank gold man could be so powerful. but even so, he looked down upon the two of them working together. he overwhelmed them and fought the two. but to his shock, the two were somehow working perfectly together as if they had fought all their life together.

but upon closer look, he realized it was all thanks to Shiro who had Ultra Instinct. this allowed her to make the perfect move alongside the old man, giving the illusion that they have been fighting together for years.

the demon roared in raga, he was a 5-star talent, almost capable of fighting those at the heavenly immortal realm. of course, his power was suppressed here, allowing the two in front of him to match him. but the demon fell backward, he didn't expect the first 2 he ran into would be this power. he quickly left, returning to the demon realm.

"And now, we have someone who can help the others go conquest super saiyan..." Sora said softly, soon, Shiro returned to the mountain with the old man. the old man was a kind old cultivator, he wanted to help Kong Shi as he felt slightly guilty for his father's death.

he was scared to step in and help the village that day, but by the time he got the courage to do so, it was too late. and so many people died, he hated himself for this for the past year, so he searched for Kong Shi, wanting to make it up to the kid's father by making sure Kong Shi's life was good. he knew Kong Shi was alive, but he didn't know just where he was.

He was grateful to Sora and was moved to see such powerful experts. and to say the least, Sora was not going to let go of this pawn. the good thing about pawns was that they could turn into other pieces, queens, rooks, and so on. plus, Sora could always have new pawns, they were something to be cultivated closely.

so, time went by. and soon, Kong Shi slowly awakened, he woke up and found himself in his room, but he found new information within his mind. the grand Primordial of conquest cultivation art, created by the blind primordial with the foundations of the god of conquest cultivation art. This was a kind of sub-cultivation art that was formed for primordials at heart.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

this shooked for some time, upon checking his body, he was shocked to find his talent had returned better than ever. he should have a talent of 12 or even 13 stars now, he almost cried, he had hoped something like this might happen, but it finally happened.

with a deep breath, he bowed towards where Sora was at believing this was Sora doing. after which, he began cultivating. to say the least, this mountain was better than any cultivation holy ground, filled with a huge dense immortal Qi.

So, time went by. years quickly passed in the blink of an eye. with every year that passes, a hundred years quickly passed within the immortal realm. back within the immortal realm, Shisui finally left the holy ground and greeted the heavenly emperor who was looking at him in shock.

although hard to tell, he could tell that Shisui had collected many good things within the holy ground within this time. for one, Shisui's bloodline had greatly improved within this time, if he were to fight the son of heaven, Shisui could last days before his defeat.

"master," Shisui said as he clapped his hands and bent his body to show his respect, the heavenly emperor had a huge smile while looking at Shisui. Shisui was talented, only second to himself back in his prime. but the only difference was that Shisui was not so arrogant and gave off a likable aura.

he wanted to train Shisui to become a heavenly emperor, as for the son of heaven, he was meant for something greater.

"come, as your master I should start teaching you a few things." He said with a smile, Shisui nodded slightly as he followed behind him, and they went on to give Shisui tips in cultivation while answering Shisui questions he had in his cultivation. and Shisui had a lot of questions, plus he was asking questions from within the system.

"... what is the peak of talent?" Shisui asked as he got ready to leave, the heavenly emperor who was sitting before Shisui froze at this question. he was not expecting something like this, the heavenly emperor went quiet for some time before thinking of Sora. thinking this, he gave Shisui a stage look

"I'm asking because of the person within the lower realm. I heard that he was the most talented person to ever appear. he is my goal. I wish to one day defeat him, and maybe take the title as number one. but I know that's almost impossible." Shisui said with an awkward smile seeing he was seen through so easily.

"Well, he is a monster. sigh, disciple, I will be honest with you. maybe only a sage could deal with him. he has the inheritance of dream walker, a half-step sage. but he was well known to be able to face others of higher levels even within such a high state. he has the power to enter dreams and seems to have his own space left behind by dream walker. with all of this, only a sage could capture him... or you if you're strong enough." The heavenly emperor suddenly realized something.

with Shisui's powerful illusions, he could turn illusions into reality. he could counter Sora's dream abilities. if Sora turned into a dream, Shsiui could forcefully turn him back into [physical form, if Sora try to turn all injuries into a dream, Shisui could counter that dream with an illusion, forcing Sora to remain injured.

His eyes brightened as he looked at Shisui who had a confused look while looking at him. the heavenly Emperor laughed, all he needed to do was train Shisui. as Shisui grew, he would create more and more technique, and soon Shisui he would help Shisui create a powerful formation that would create a powerful illusion to trap the mortal realm.

just thinking about it made him happy, Shisui was talented. his talent within the path of illusion was just unmatched, so it was best to start cultivating him. also, with the calamity around the counter, he didn't want to see his personal disciple suffer. so for the next few years, it was best to put Shisui through hell to help him grow stronger.

of course, the heavenly emperor could create a powerful illusion by himself, but this compared to Shisui's creation would be completely different. the skill and power of the formations Shisui could create were completely different.

"well, go see my son. he had been restless for the past few years." the heavenly emperor said with a smile, Shisui nodded slightly and left to go see the son of heaven. as Shisui left, the heavenly emperor got up and went to ask his man if they had found Ying Yun, killer.

Ying Yun had disappeared not too long ago, and his body was found dead floating in the void. everything on his was taken away and every drop of his energy was stolen. a demonic cultivator had attacked him, something which enraged the heavenly emperor was this talent in the path of space-time was a huge addition to the heavenly court.

just imagine when Ying Yun reaches the immortal emperor, she would step through Sora's seal, bring him down there to the mortal realm, allowing him to capture Sora. but now he was died, enraging him.

but as he got reports, the heavenly emperor got news of the demon realm's past actions. hearing this, he knew that the demon realm was beginning its moves. he knew the demon realm have been waiting for the event to be held, but he never found the queen of immortals, since he didn't find her, they were now moving.

He quickly ordered the heavenly court to be on high alert. for the next thousands of years, the heavenly realm would go through much suffering. the calamity was going to come sooner than he entered, maybe it would be here in 100 thousand years.

at the same time, within the phoenix clan. Eivor said on the clan leader's seat. he was looking at the past movement of the demon race, before looking at the ancestors within the phoenix clan which has been dominated.

"Well, the demon race is on the move, ignore them. but if they attack, then we would join the heavenly court. for now, I will go and meet with the dragon clan prince. time for the dragon court, and phoenix clan to come into unique allies." Eivor said with a smile, in these past hundreds of years Eivor managed to get everyone under his control.

now it was time for him to spread his wins to other clans, he was powerful enough to fight an immortal emperor. but going against a whole clan would be foolish, and he didn't want any sage to catch onto his actions.

"it has been a while since I felt my blood boiling like this," Eivor said with a slight blood-lusted look, he was a Viking from the world of assassin creed. he was a master assassin, but also a killed fighter in all forms of fighting. from dual wielding, to hand to hand combat.

he could be considered to be the strongest assassin in assassin's creed, he was not only considered the god of kings, but he was also Odin within the game. Eivor sent news to the dragon prince, asking the prince to come to meet him to work out a duel that could greatly benefit the both of them in becoming number one.

as for the elders of the clan, he ordered them to swallow all other clans, he gave them an item that held a hint of his power, allowing the item to dominate others. with this, Sora's land within the immortal realm began growing.

but many immortal emperors and even some sages were uneasy. the calamity was coming sooner than everyone expected. at the same time, they all felt this uneasy feeling. the heaven and earth also felt as if it was fearful as well, making everyone worry about what was happening.

so, thousands of years went by. Eivor took over the dragon clan and turned the phoenix clan into the phoenix court. he had taken over a huge amount of beasts, allowing him to quickly be tied as the beast emperor. with his current position, he had enough power to face even the likes of the demon court.

meanwhile, itachi made his move. the destroyer appeared and went on to cases chaos within the immortal realm, under the land which belonged to the heavenly court. this forced the heavenly court to send experts to stop the destroyer, but the first few people who went died or returned badly injured.

when the son of heaven and Shisui heard that the destroyer had a combat style that was unmatched and could see through all of their mistakes, they both wanted to go face it. after all, the destroyer's strength was only in the true immortal realm.

"I must face this puppet." the son of heaven said seriously seeing Shisui's eyes brighten, SHisui frowned looking at the son of heaven,

"brother heaven, I would have stepped aside for anything... but this. I must fight this puppet, these past years I have only fought you, I need to see what they think perfection is." Shisui said seriously, the heaven emperor who was sitting on his throne was helpless while looking at the two

"how about you two race there, the first one there gets faces the puppet," he said calmly, the two froze slightly before they looked at each other. with a step, Shisui and the son of heaven disappeared, and the two flew at top speed until the son of heaven realized something was off.

his eyes exploded with bright eyes before he awakened from the illusion, he angrily shot after SHisui who was countless worlds away.

"you're so shameless." the son of heaven said angrily as he pulled out a net, the net seemed to cover the sword, passing through space-time, and instantly swallowing Shisui. Sora found that his power was suppressed, giving the son of heaven the chance to pass him.

Shisui took a few seconds to break out, but these seconds were the time the son of heaven needed to arrive before the destroyer and began the battle.

the battle between the son of heaven created shock waves that only those at late true immortal could deal hope to withstand. Shisui stood from afar, watching this battle where the two seemed to be easily matched.

the son of heaven held a golden sword as he swung towards the destroyer, yet the destroyer moved, perfectly countering the son of heaven's move with a punch to the stomach. the son of heaven shot back towards Shisui, who quickly caught him. but the two were sent rebooting back.

the son of heaven coughed up a mouthful of blood, his body feeling weak at the moment, he was horrified at what just happened. that last move was too scary, a simple punch but there was so much put into that punch. for one, his every last movement was perfectly scanned by the robot, allowing the robot to know what he would do before he even thinks of it. his whole thinking process was perfectly understood by the destroyer,

to make things worse, it changed to become counter to his way of fight, and thinking. the son of heaven slowly got up, he realized he might not be this puppet match without Shisui's help.

"It's too powerful for you to handle alone, Let's work together," Shisui said seeing the destroyer walking towards them. its golden body blew, forming metal blades within each arm before it shot toward them. the son of heaven was too prideful to admit he needed his help, he just snorted and rushed towards the destroyer alongside Shisui.

the two clashed with the destroyer, but to another horror, to match a 2 v 1, the destroyer grew 2 new heads and 4 new arms. they fought hard, but the longer they fought, the more insight they got. the destroyer was helping them see through their flaws, allowing them to improve.

the son of heaven was suddenly stabbed through the stomach by the destroyer, while Shisui's head was cut cleanly off. the two eyes were wide before all of this turned into an illusion. they appeared behind the destroyer with an attack. but they were quickly horrified as the destroyer didn't just adapt to Shisui's last move, it even copied and improved

'damn it, it's weaker than both of us, but its skills and control are at their absolute peak.' the son of heaven thought while he thought of ways around this thing, but out of nowhere, the destroyer let out a mad laugh before it grabbed the son of heaven head.

Shisui quickly tried to turn things into an illusion, but the destroyer counter his move, leading to Shisui suffering a backlash. at that moment, the heavenly emperor who was watched was about to make his move, but the destroyer disappeared, leaving behind its voice.

"This is phase one of my move old man, you made your move against me. Do you think because I'm in the mortal realm I can't do shit? foolish," Sora's voice sounded, making the heavenly emperor's heart drop, to say the least, this was the last voice he expected to hear within the immortal realm.

"bring my son back to me," he yelled angrily, but he got no replies. with a burning rage that caused heaven and earth to shake. heaven and earth also gave off a sad feeling, making everyone feel its pain. it was like a mother who just lost her beloved child

he waved his hands, taking Shisui with him before he disappeared. Shisui was near death door, he quickly had to help him recover. this was his personal disciple, and in these past thouands of years, Shisui ad warmed himself up not only into his heart but the hearts of the many gods within the court.

Shisui could be considered the half-disciple of many gods, the sword god, the fire god, and many others. he had pushed himself, training with all of them, allowing everyone to see that he was not only talented but hard working.

he quickly arrived at the heavenly court where he went on to help Sora heal, at the main time, within the system. the son of heaven was angrily looking at itachi who was watching the screen of everything that played out.

"the lord has great plans for you. so until his return, you will be locked up... I should have captured that other guy with you. he might be troublesome in the future," Itachi said calmly, the son of heaven was enraged, but he was nothing but a mortal. he realized he was tricked into coming out, but at least they couldn't get to Shisui in time. he could now only put his hope into Shisui, hoping he would raise in power and follow through with his father's plans. with this hope, he closed his eyes, waiting for all torture that might come his way...

Itachi's eyes shaped when he saw the look of hope, he was an assassin and knew the best form of torture isn't physical, but metal. he would not personally do anything, if Sora wanted to do it, he would lay the foundation for Sora.

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