In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 77: 0075 2 new high grade world

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Sora waved at them all to come at him, Ji Ning took the charge and shot forward. with that everyone else shot forward, among the 7 was an enchanting beauty. with a look, she could enchant the heart of countless worlds. she tried to use her power on Sora, but Sora was not affected, instead her ability was making Sora feel repelled towards her.

an arrow shot through the arrow, arriving before Sora at a speed that went against logic. everyone attack also shot forward, and at once Sora made one move dodging all of these seemly unblockable attacks. he stepped forward, and with a hard step appeared before them and went on to land heavy blows on everyone. one punch, it went against common sense.

normally, when one punches forward, that punch would hit the target in front before the effect on the punch happen. Instead, Sora punched forward, and even tho he missed, all 7 of them felt the impact of the punch.

"b-but you clearly didn't hit us. no space Dao was used." Ji Ning said in shock while looking at Sora, they tried recovering and found that their injuries were too much to recover from. one punch took them all out, this was scary.

"Do you really believe dodging my attack is enough to evade my attack? when I want my attack to hit, it shall hit. if I want to hit 7 people all at once with one punch, I shall hit 7 people all at once with one punch." Sora said as he put his hands behind his back and calmly looked at them all.

"Just who are you." the man with the bow asked softly while looking at Sora, to say the least, Sora's strength stunned them all.

"who I'm I? I Am that I Am, conquest." Sora said calmly before removing his mask, revealing looks that made all their hearts skip a beat. Sora's powerful will caused the void to shake, and become unstable. making them all look at Sora in shock, Sora calmly looked down upon them all, before turning to return to the portal.

"to avoid pointless kill, I hope you all understand you lost. I don't want to rule over a lifeless world. I will be back in a few hours, if none of you have submitted, I will start a slaughter. and the type of death I bring is one that you can't come back from. a true death, an end of the story." Sora said calmly, everyone looked at each other. they didn't know what they should do, submit or fight?

"... let's submit." the woman said in a soft voice, everyone looked at her not believing what she said, but she stood up while looking at them all.

"We can't win, I have a family to protect." She said as she returned to her world, Ji Ning was quiet, he could feel a few people throwing looks at him. if Ji Ning didn't destroy the path to the peak, would they have to suffer like this? but now, it was too late, all they could seemly do was submit.

but a few people Dao's heart wouldn't allow this, but like the woman said. there are things they had that made them want to live. for so many years they had lived a peaceful life. they had countless children now, each they cared deeply for. they had a lot of think deeply about,

Sora on the other head was thinking about the Dao within that world. it was similar to the Dao he had comprehended but different in many ways. it was hard to put his finger on it. with some thought, Sora decided to comprehend the Dao of that world and try and comprehend them

the reason Sora didn't aim to conquer that world was in fear of pushing them to a point they would destroy their Dao.  plus, he wanted to show he was not too unreasonable, this way they would easily submit.

time passed and soon Sora saw from the shadow, Ji Ning who was covered in the darkness slowly entering. unlike him, Ji Ning was using his Dao. Ji Ning had reached a point of comprehension where he could use his Dao outside of his world. but it was clear his Dao was weaker than the Dao Sora comprehended.

"..." Ji Ning who was planning on spying on this world froze seeing Sora calmly looking on at him from on top of his throne. he didn't expect the portal to lead to the throne room, it should have been far away in a place where Sora was safe or something.

Ji Ning frowned as he felt his power being suppressed, he could only use a limited 10% of his power. to make things worse, he felt Sora was many times stronger than when he was in their world, this made his heart skip a beat.

"you want to explore my world? go ahead, go and see just how small your world is compared to mine." Sora said calmly, if this would make them submit much easier then he didn't mind. Ji Ning went quiet for some time, but this was just an avatar, he followed through on Sora's offer and went on to explore this world.

he was amazed by not only the quality and quantity of the Qi within this world, but he could instantly tell that this world was much bigger than his world. he felt many powerful beings within the shadows, all perfecting Sora from the shadow. he was of course not scared of any of them as he could one-shot them all. but they all had strength in the true god realm, this was scary

just as he left the throne room, he was easily seen through by a maid. Ji Ning's eyes shrank as he felt Kaguya's overwhelming power, she had a powerlevel of 10 million True Dao going all out, but she was just a maid.

Ji Ning could show a powerlevel of 500 billion within this world, it was small, and he could easily take her out. but she was only a maid,

Kaguya who was about to move stopped when she heard Sora's voice stopping her. she froze for a moment before a disdainful look flashed across her eyes. to everyone within the system, all lifeforms outside the system were considered lesser lifeforms.

"Sir, I shall be your personal guide to avoid any trouble," Kaguya said softly with a slight bow, Ji Ning who was hiding was embarrassed slightly, he came out of the darkness and with a nod followed Kaguya out.

as they were about to leave, Ji Ning froze as he felt someone's eyes lock onto his back. at that moment, he felt like prey being looked upon by some beast. slowly turning around, he saw Merlin who was floating a few inches above the ground looking at him with a smile. but that smile sent chills down his spine.

"This is a guest," Kaguya said seeing the look in Merlin's eyes, at this moment Merlinw wanted nothing more but to cut Ji Ning up. he was the first cultivate from another world she ran into, she wanted to closely study him.

"I didn't expect husband had found a cultivation world out there," Merlin said softly as she left towards the throne room. she wanted to cut Ji Ning up, he was a human who reached such a high level, maybe he was the strongest human she had stumbled upon so far.

Ji Ning relaxed slightly seeing Merlin leave, Merlin had a power nearing the immortal emperor, and it brought great unease to him. Merlin seemed to be stronger than Sora, which also shocked him.

"that's Merlin, one of the 7 deadly sins, and lord's concubine. I'm also a concubine but she holds a higher position than most concubines." Kaguya explained calmly as they left the castle, Ji Ning was in deep thought about everything. he had heard of Merlin before, but he thought that Merlin was a boy. but upon stepping out of the throne room, his senses which were blocked by the walls of the castle explained, covering many worlds.

"t-this." His legs almost went weak at the powers within this world. this world was filled with many mountain and river-tier experts who could fight many levels above their own. not to mention the planet they were on was the world's core; everyone on the planet could rival heavenly immortals, and some could rival true immortals. only the elites like Hope, Seth, Levi, Itachi, and others could fight immortal emperors.

"as you see, your world is nothing compared to here, even the citizens here are more talented than your world elites. so when we look down upon you, were are giving you more face than low lives like yourself should ever dream off. just looking at you is your blessing." Kaguya said calmly, making Ji Ning greatly displeased, but what could he say? he was indeed less talented than the citizens here.

"What is the cultivation level of this world?" He asked softly, this was a question that was bothering me, Sora seemed to have lower cultivation than everyone, but he couldn't be sure unless they told him. Kaguya sighed softly before she slowly explained while entering the city.

Ji Ning's soul almost left his body hearing Sora who was at the Diamon rank could fight those 5 realms above his cultivation. meanwhile the others almost less talented could skip 4 realms above their cultivation. a whole race filled with freaks like this shocked him.

and to make things scarier, most of them were suppressed a breakthrough to the sun and moon because of an event that would soon be held. Ji Ning grew depressed at this, just how would his world face off against this?

his depression grew when they walked through the city, everything within the city was too much. computer fast enough to match their thinking speed, laser guns capable of killing heavenly immortals, and so many other rare and unique stuff.

"it would be wise to submit. putting up a pointless fight will bring nothing but suffering upon your world, and many would want nothing more than to see your world put up a meanless fight, this way your world would be under someone's control, leading to them suppressing your growth while taking many of your resources. although you would be protected for some time, you might as well be forever stuck on the same level." Kaguya said softly, making Ji Ning grow a frown

"There are many worlds that have been conquered unless someone within your world catches the eye of lord husband and becomes his wife, there is a high likely hood that if you fight, your world would be suppressed by the bigger world," Kaguya said making Ji Ning frown grow. he didn't expect Sora to be some lustful being,

"Lord husbands have countless wives, he needs many wives to collect their destiny Qi. once they become his concubine, their destiny Qi would be drawn up, and be used to strengthen this world, and improve everyone's talent and fate." She said stunning Ji Ning slightly, after some time, he lost intreast in looking around.

he turned and returned to the throne room, and his heartbeat skipped seeing Merlin in the throne room.

"our world would submit." Ji Ning said softly, Sora looked at him deeply before nodding,

"a wise man knows when to admit when something out there is better than himself. then return, your world would be swallowed into this world soon." Sora said calmly, Ji Ning nodded slightly before entering the portal. Merlin frowned, she was hoping this guy had strong willpower, unwill to bow even before the heavens, now she would have to use underhanded ways to get her hands on those lifeforms.

"Merlin, the system has been chaotic for some time my people are suffering, to say the least, those who have been acting up will be facing their punishment. I wish not to create a chaotic world, know well not to act as if you're above the law." Sora said calmly, making Merlin freeze slightly.

"your actions reflect heavily upon me, so know well not to clash dirty upon my name," Sora said calmly, Merlin fell to her knee, as she nodded. Sora looked at her for some time before having her leave. there would be chaos from time to time, but in the past 100 years, things were out of hand.

although he was pleased with some stuff, many things left him displeased. but he didn't make his move as he didn't know what he should do.. for one, the philosopher's stone made him smile, he didn't expect something like that to reach such a point of power

but the fact so many of his people were used made him displeased. Sora needed to take some time to go through everything and try and create rules and laws. but this is something that could take years to do.

meanwhile, Ji Ning went on to create an illusion and showed everyone within his world everything he had seen. as everyone saw this, their heart was shaken. their will for battle seemed to shatter just like that,

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

and with that, their world was swallowed not too soon later. the powerful experts within their world were in the cultivation stage known as Lord of Chaos. Sora had them all appear before him and went on to have them all submit. getting them to submit was tricky as they were all powerful experts, they will not simply submit.

but their unwill heart had weakened, upon seeing how low compared to the likes of Sora, they would soon submit under the effect of the system. all lifeform within the system would submit, the system was Sora and Sora was the system

the stronger Sora's will was, the greater this effect was. and to make things better, it was better than Sora doing it personally as the System left no traces behind. So, Sora gave them his bloodline before summoning all of the beauties with high-density Qi from that world.

there were not many that caught Sora's eye, but the few that did was the only two female Lords of Chaos, Chaos Lord Yu Liang, and Chaos Lord Tai Yang. other than them, that world version of Nuwa who created the human race within that world, Cloudjade and Su Youji who were Ji Ning retainers.

with so many of them chosen, they didn't have to worry much about being suppressed, they could cultivate. Sora left the management of that world to Ji Ning, once they left and went to their world and cultivate Sora looked at the new notification to the system

{a new cultivation path has been absorbed by the system... the system has begone to fuse both paths so no problems can grow. note that this fusion would lead to the host growing a new cultivation path within the system. not many chances would happen as this path is weaker than the path host is walking, but as new paths appear, more chances would happen.} the system said before Sora created an avatar which went on to comprehend the Dao of Ji Ning world

, to say the least, Ji Ning's world would have been the strongest if Sora allowed them to tap into the full power of his bloodline. but he had their bloodline be suppressed or, else Ji Ning would be there having the power to fight sages.

as he got up, he waved his hands and bought a new high-grade portal, and calmly entered. he appeared on a floating island in the middle of the void, overlooking countless complex multiverses. as he looked at them all, he quickly realized where he was.

looking over, he saw a man sitting under a tree slowly waking up to look at him. they both looked at each other for some time, the young man had confusion clear in his eyes, not understanding who Sora was.

{new world found, The Strongest System. the peak powerlevel of this cultivation world is 100,000 Emperor Dao. warning, the MC of this world is the creator of this world. note that the MC can affect his own story to a limited degree, not that this could mean he could be stronger} the system said as Sora smiled slightly

"Who are you." Ling Fan asked calmly, he was the creator of everything within this world, and the fact that something he didn't create appeared stunned him. with his moment, 2 females soon appeared, stunned heating Ling Fan's words.

"I Am what I Am, a conquer. your world is quite interesting. but it's small, what do you think of seeing the bigger world, beings similar like yourself and infinitely stronger." Sora said with a smile, Ling Fan was worthy of him taking him seriously, with his overpowered System, Sora had to be careful around this guy.

"what do you mean?" Ling Fan asked as his interest was picked, his life was boring as well within this place, he was a selfish guy, living like this for who knew how long at first was peaceful, but it got boring quickly.

Sora snapped his finger as a book appeared in his hands, which he threw to Ling Fan. Ling Fan caught the book and began reading, his eyebrow instantly raise,d this was his whole story, he saw his story being written by Xin Feng, the author of his story, this was the story up to the end, nothing was off... but how did Sora know this?

"every story is a telling a story about a world, this world is your story. no matter what you do, you can leave it. but I can conquer these worlds. Ling Fan, become my follower and have the chance to gain unmatched power." Sora said with a smile, Ling Fan looked at the book in his hands, and his eyebrow raised slightly seeing the end at the end of the book had disappeared.

new pages appeared, along with a new volume. everything that happened was being written, and soon things that were happening were quickly appearing. looking out, Ling Fan saw his author writing this, he thought for a moment not understanding where this was going

"... Haha." Ling Fan suddenly began laughing, it had been too long since he felt the way he currently felt, life has been too boring.

"Yours Truly never bends the knee." Ling Fan said as he punched forward, his overwhelming power destroyed everything within this world. all the worlds he had created and his two lovers were destroyed and returned to him.

Sora exploded with power as he entered the God of Conquest mood, and without thinking for a moment, he pushed himself, and this form passed 100%. Ling Fan and his punch clashed, causing the void to shake, all of the creation shook, and Sora was sent flying backward,

"you're the first thing to ever handle a punch from Yours Truly. Twisting Heaven and Earth" Ling Fin said as he suddenly appeared behind Sora, chills ran down Sora's back as he felt his little bother being in danger. his balls and dragon were in danger at this moment

"All might Push." Sora used this ability to pass its limit, and create a huge force that sent Ling Fin shooting backward. Sweat covered for forehead, which was too close, at the moment he only had a powerlevel of only 1.4 Emperor Dao after pushing himself so far. he had to use many techniques to catch up to Ling Fan.

"... where have I seen that." Ling Fan frowned slightly, he knew he heard that skill somewhere,e but he couldn't put a finger on it.

"Kaio-ken times... 100," Sora said throwing gritted teeth as his body was heavily a hard time keeping up with this power. this was the new and improved Kaio-ken from the world of dragon ball, it had a limit of 1,000 times. but the burden on one's body was great

Sora's body instantly adapted to this body as Sora wanted it to. be it his body, mind, or soul. they have become Sora's bitch, if Sora wanted it. then they shall quickly follow through, Sora pushed his body once more and quickly used Kai-ken times 1,000, and his body quickly adapted to this. allowing Sora's powerlevel to reach 1,400 emperors Dao. using limit break, he caused the limitation of Kai-ken to disappear and used Kai-ken times 15,000

"Well, your story is being written, so there must be more to show right?," Sora said with a smile, Ling Fin's eyes narrowed eyed slightly, he now had to take Sora seriously. Ling Fan entered his 3 head 6 arm form and rushed toward Sora,

Sora flashed as he clashed with Ling Fan, the two tried many blows none stop, and it was clear Ling Fan was stronger, may stronger than Sora who was to rely on pure skill to keep up. Ling Fan had a power level of 100,000 emperor Dao, and Sora had a powerlevel of 21,000 emperor doa, but thanks to his skill in battle, he could fight with someone 5 times stronger than him.

Ling Fan was within that 5 times range, but Ling Fan was of course skillful so the battle was not so easy. they fought for who knew how long within the timeless void until Ling Han's abilities began evolving.

the more Ling Fan uses his ability, it causes them to level up. once they reach level 20 they would evolve and become stronger. many skills useless didn't even have a level 20, but his system allowed them to go past their peak, and evolve into new and powerful skills. this was Ling Han's powerful cheat system

"Haha, good, good." Sora laughed seeing Ling Han's powerlevel reaching 500,000 Emperor Dao, Sora suddenly took a deep breath before he yelled.

"Kai-ken times 100,000" Sora yelled as his powerlevel shot up to 140,000. with this move, he shot forward and began another clash with Ling Fan. the two fought and unlike last time, Ling Fan was being pushed back. their battle went on for some time before Ling Fan's skills evolved a few more times, and Sora simply used Kai-ken to match him. this went on until Ling Fan's powerlevel reached 1 million, which was his absolute peak limit.

"This is your limit without a breakthrough, you have endless talent... but in the end so do, in fact, my talent is above less talent," Sora said calmly as he looked at Ling Fan who was too injured to move, Ling Fan smiled slightly as he looked at Sora.

"yours truly impress... but you made one huge mistake." Ling Fan said a pen and answer appeared in his hands.

"This is my story, if I can't beat you, I simply need to create a cultivation realm above the one I'm at to defeat you. within this world, I'm god." Ling Fan laughed as he tried to right, but found he couldn't write a thing, he froze for some time before looking at Sora.

"This is indeed your story, you need to have a huge effect on your story. if the story went on, then indeed you could defeat me. but if you were to look over there, Xin Feng has been writing the story this whole time, he can't control what he is writing, ever since I arrived, the story has been writing itself." Sora said stunning Ling Fan, who looked and saw one world was not destroyed during their battle, Sora had secretly protected it while drawing all of his attention

"What I'm saying is simple, I'm not of this world. you can write whatever you want, but it shall be within reason. and the last time I looked at your story, you made it clear what the peak was." Sora said with a mocking smile Ling Fan's eyes narrowed for some time before he wrote while flying backward.

'all of the sudden, a world of which Ling Fan could never....' Ling Fan wanted to write, adding higher dimensions to this world, a world far more powerful, this way he could ascend and grow stronger. but his hand grew heavier and heaven, and soon he dropped the pen, unable to write anymore

"That was a good plan, but again, your story came to an end. and you're nowhere near strong enough to do such a thing. the only way you could is through a slow and steady build-up, but that would take countless years to do such a thing. and each line would only get heavier and heavier two right, in the end, you might not even complete such a thing." Sora said calmly as he waved his hand, he sent power into the pen, and Xin Feng who was writing was instantly paralyzed unable to write

"and lastly, the story you try to write would never world. a god like myself is not affected by the story, no author can handle my might." Sora said as Xin Feng slowly disappeared while he tried to gain control of the story.

"... so, do you submit? your system is something I want on my side." Sora said calmly, Ling Fan looked at Sora for some time, before realizing hit him

"Dragon Ball. that's where I heard that kill, you conquered some world anime or something?" Ling Fan asked to which Sora nodded calmly.

"There are many other novels, some written by Xen Fing out there I will conquer soon. you're not the only story out there waiting for me, break through your story and come. the number of stories out there is boundless, filled with an infinite number of possible stories of all size and power." Sora said calmly, Ling Fan slowly stood up while looking deeply at Sora,

"fine. but I don't believe i'm any less talented than you. I will not bend a new, but yours truly will follow you." Ling Fan said as he stood up, Sora smiled slightly at his words before shrugging. the lower he remains within the system the easier it would be to make him submit.

Ling Fan entered the system and Sora went on to swallow this world, that void was the world of the strongest system. it was still a mid-grade Complex Multiverse. but it was bigger than the Desolate Era

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