In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 76: 0074 Desolate Era

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"by time." Sora who sat before a river with closed eyes said softly as he opened his eyes, he had finally comprehended every Dao. his only mission was to comprehend every Dao, not master them all. so if he only comprehend them all to the first level, it was enough to allow him to finish this mission,

[host has completed this mission, congratulations host on doing such a feat. the host has been rewarded with new functions in the system. the divination function has been added to the system, and at the host of the host's lifespan, the host has the power to see anything he has karma with. note that nothing is immortal, because not to end up using up your lifespan.] the system said as Sora felt his power returning to him, but this time it was much stronger than before.

Sora let out a deep breath before he looked up at the sky, his eyes saw through space and time and saw a heaven-shaking battle was that was taking battle within his world.

Kong Shi, Shiro, Saiko, a woman with pink hair with 2 laser guns, a black-haired man with a sword in his hands, a man with a scar across his mouth, and a man who looked almost like a woman.

this group fought against members within the 7 commandments, and by the looks of things, they would defeat the 7 commandments. King shot toward the woman with pink hair, and with a snap of his finger, his spear transformed into a huge glowing spear that shot toward her.

the woman shot her two guns, the two guns used her comprehension of Dao as ammo, this led to the laser shooting forward having unmatched power. These were her personal created guns, instead of using outside forces, she dreamed to create a gun that could use her power as ammo, leading to the firepower being countless times higher than most techniques.

the lasers and spear clashed, but the lasers covered the spear. King Snapped his finger, making the spear turn into countless small blades which shot toward the pink-haired woman. the pink haired woman shot backward while her guns began charging up power,

"Heavenly Dragon Killing Dual Shot." She yelled as she shot the gun, his shot was not only infused with her Dao but also infused with the dragon slayer technique. the laser turned into huge dragons, which shot through the countless blades.

King's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a wave, the countless blades turned into a huge tree, Sunflower, Celestial Spear, and a huge 4 arms warrior puppet. the tree roots flashed, grabbing onto the dragons and absorbing their power.

the sunflower shot a huge beam toward her, shooting her. her two guns had overheated, she quickly waved her hands, and a sniper rifle appeared in her hands. She quickly charged up an attack, and at the last second, she shot a small skin beam that shot through the incoming beam.

sweat covered her forehead, if she was a heartbeat late, she would have died. but at that moment, the celestial spear appeared before her,

meanwhile, Shiro fought against Ludociel, one of the 4 arc angels. his teeth were greeted at the moment as he was being pushed back and suppressed by Shiro. He of course knew who Shiro was, and the fact she dared betray the lord enraged him to no end.

Ludociel had an ability known as flash, this ability had greatly improved to a level where she could move as fast as teleportations. yet, Shiro was shattering space-time, and with her mastery of Ultra Instinct, she was not only able to counter his unmatched movement speed. She pushed ultra instinct not only to its peak but past its max, this allowed her to keep up with the speed of combat.

Ludociel's speed of combat was of course not as fast as teleportations, that was for her travel speed, this allowed her to not be so passive.

Kong Shi faced off against Merlin. Kong Shi's power was unmatched, he shot toward Merlin but Merlin was not so simple to deal with. Merlin teleported all over the place while shooting lasers at Kong Shi, it was clear Merlin was not taking the battle seriously and was simply buying time

Saiko, on the other hand, flashed Escanor, with her power to create a black mist that devours things, she and Escanor were evenly matched, Escanor created a sun that burned through her darkness, and her power of darkness tried to devour his son, while Escanor sun countered this. both side couldn't get the upper hand on each other.

the man with the sword in his hands faced off against Sariel. Sariel was one of the 4 arch angels. the two seemed to be evenly matched Sariel was on the defensive end. the man with the sword wasn't going all out, yet was already pushing him back with each sword swing.

"I came into this sword to create a sword path never seen before." the man with the sword said as he jumped backward, Sariel's eyes suddenly shrank before he quickly put up a windshield in front of him to block the incoming attack. a sword suddenly appeared before him, bypassing the shield, and appeared inches away from his face,

the man who looked almost like a female went against Diana, Diana had created countless earth giants which were fighting on her behalf. yet before man, countless flowers appeared taking the form of a flower dragon that swallowed the earth giant, leaving them badly damaged,

Diana's eyes shrank as the dragon's next target was her, she waved her hands, and a powerful earth wall appeared in front of her. but to her shock, the dragon turned into a huge flood, which swallowed her.

lastly, Tramiel went up against the man with the scar. the man with the scar  Tramiel was the last of the 4 archangels. the man with the scar laughed, and he flashed, appearing before Tramiel who had 3 heads, Tramiel barely dodged the attack, but Tramiel managed to cut one of the 3 cheeks leading to Tramiel blood flying all over the place.

the man with the scar laughed as he reached doubt, taking the drop of blood and licking it slightly, at that time, Tramiel had created an ocean above him, which slammed into him. Tramiel's eyes widened as he coughed up blood, he felt like he was attacked with his own attack.

"haha, with the power of my lord. I'm unkillable." the man with the scar laughed, seeing Tramiel's pale face. Tramiel moved to kill, but the man stabbed himself. Tramiel coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the man with the scar kept stabbing himself, each attack, of course, is extremely hard to heal from.

with the last stab, he aimed toward his last heart. each stab destroyed one of the 7 hearts, with this last stab, Tramiel might end up dying. the man with the scar stabbed straight through his heart, but Tramiel didn't feel anything this time.

at the same time, everyone who was near the death door found that their attacks had stopped. everyone froze, as they stood there, they all knew some powerful being had stepped in. they all looked down, and saw Sora sitting at the lake and looking at them.

all members of the 7 deadly sins of course knew who Sora was, they flashed quickly arriving before Sora and kneeling. Shiro and the others were caught off guard by this, but they watched as Sora stood up, his skin began falling off, as if he was shedding his mortal body.

a body being appeared before all of them, and the whole mortal realm was covered in a godly light, making all lifeforms bow. Shiro and the others flashed quickly kneeling before Sora. Sora didn't need to tell them who he was, their being instantly told them he was their god.

"I see that in the past 100 years you have all grown strong, but I started as a mortal and trained 7 people to match you all. as the 7 deadly sins, you should be the strongest, and carry out my will," Sora said in disappointment, only in less than a hundred years, he created 7 people who could match them. sure some of them would have died, but if the battle have went on, many members of the 7 deadly sins would have died.

the member of the 7 deadly sins all lowered their heads in shame, but as one of them was going to speak. Sora cut them off, as he looked at the sky.

"let's go, the tournament will be heard within 100 years... I have some things I have to announce." Sora said as he disappeared, as he disappeared, everyone remaining kneeling for some time before Merlin slowly disappeared. it was clear she didn't bring her main body here. before anyone, she knew Sora was behind it all.

within the throne room, Sora sat on his throne, looking at Silver, Red, Itachi, Di Yana, and Zeldris. they all reported things that happened in the past 95 years, making Sora node from time to time, not bothered much by how many people died.

"All of this for the upcoming tournament, well. spread the news, all my wives will not be taking place. it would be a waste for them to get that position, instead, I will be giving them new titles as goddesses." Sora said calmly, his world had a might which made all 5 of them have a hard time going against his order. it was like it was natural to follow Sora's orders, going against it would seem odd.

"Also, the portals would be shot off until the tournament is over," Sora said the 5 nodded slightly, Sora thought for some time and found he had nothing else to tell them.

"Itachi, let's go. give me a rundown of everything that happened." Sora said calmly as he turned and walked off, Itachi nodded slightly and followed behind Itachi, quickly appearing within the assassin bother hood hideout, where he saw the son of heaven locked away.

"Well, I didn't expect to see this piece of trash here," Sora said with a disdainful smile, the son of heaven angrily looked at Sora. but his anger disappeared and it was replaced with a mocking look.

"Haha, that Bitch Kang Hanna missed out on a good opportunity. haha, I was going to have felt pleasure like none other before I threw her to the side. her being with a gay guy like..." the son of heaven who was speaking found himself unable to continue as he was picked up by the hair.

"Are you truly o enrage me? you have yet to feel the wrath of a god." Sora said as his energy entered the son of heaven's body, absorbing his physique and cultivations. the son of heaven's face paled before he hatefully looked at Sora,

"Well, what is a fate worse than death for a prideful guy like yourself?" Sora said as he forcefully made the son of heaven immortal before he threw him to the side.

"have him become a slave, starting from morning to noon, he would be worked to the bone, at night he would be helping all the males release themselves. he shall only have a max of 3 hours of rest a day." Sora said as he coldly looked at the son of heaven,

"form this moment on, your body and mind shall never adapt to the fate I gave you," Sora ordered, and with that, the son of heaven's body and mind was locked to the state it was now. his body shall never grow stronger, his mind shall never come to adapt to the long nights or the hard work. adding the fight that he now had the mind of a mortal, yet was going to go through this for all of the time, this was a fate worse than death.

Itachi created a clone that went on to get to work, meanwhile, Sora went on to go through everything Shisui went through. to Shisui more than 95,000 years have passed, and he was still currently healing within the heavenly court. although he was now up and walking, he was far from 100%.

"That's good work, and went everyone's strength... indeed, this is good," Sora said with a smile as he went through much other stuff, from Merlin, Towa, and the father. he was happy with how things were going. as for Towa, she had stopped attacking the lower realm when she saw Sora was there

"Also, there is something I would like to do. these transformations are getting out of hand." Sora said as he pointed at the sky, and using his power of god, he ordered his bloodline.

"from now on, everything a person transformations, their power from their transformation would be absorbed into their base form. they would no longer transform upon getting the requirement, but instead, their power would increase and remain. they would instead have the power to create transformation to suppress their power similar to the frost demon race." Sora ordered calmly, everyone's bloodline suddenly began changing, and everyone's power increased as they gained the power they would have had if they were to have transformed,

this change didn't have many major draws back like having their power drained, instead, it made them feel more relaxed. they tried transforming but found they could no longer transform, instead, their transformation seemed to have fused with their base form.

"t-this?" Itachi was at a loss for words at what just happened, Sora simply made an order, and boom this happened. what level of power was this?

"This the path I have chosen to walk. a path of absolute authority and power. anything I want shall happen, if I want to cut then I shall cut. if I want to hit my target, then I shall not miss it. if I want it, I shall get it." Sora said calmly, stunning Itachi as he never thought of such a thing.

"Well, we shall go open a high-grade portal while all other portals are closed. I will face the high-grade portal all by myself." Sora said calmly as he left, Itachi nodded slightly as he watched Sora leave.

Sora arrived in his throne room and bought a high-grade portal, but before he entered he looked at his statue's window.

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 605/ 100 quadrillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Level: 30

World Size: half step Hyperverse

worlds conquered: 1 high-grade world, 8,023 mid-grade worlds, finite low-grade world


Body Cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 1 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at low-early Heavenly dao}


Energy Cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 1 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at low-early Heavenly dao}


Soul Cultivations: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 1 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at low-early Heavenly dao}

Mind Cultivations: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 1 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at low-early Heavenly dao}


Dreamworld cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 1 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at low-early Heavenly dao}


Supreme Godly Marks: 7,5 (plus 7.5 Heaven Dao to one power level.


You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Dao: [The Dao Of Conquest level 5


PowerLevel: 18.75 Heavenly Dao {Strength at low-early Heavenly dao}

max power level: 1.18 million heavenly Dao (power level at low late Heavenly Immortal realm this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War, and Dao comprehends,

Susanoo and armor had fused to from the Conquest Susanoo armor: powerlevel 5.9 trillion half-step Heavenly Immortal


Current transformations:[ultra instinct] - powerlevel of 5.9 million True Dao


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest], [Observation Haki], [Armament Haki], [Conqueror's Haki], [Dragon God Devil Slayer Magic],

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler], [The Goddess], [God Of Conquest Eye], [Susanoo], [Limit Breaker].....}

looking at his statues, Sora went on to reshape his body, giving himself new abilities, and removing any weakness he could see within himself. this meant, improving parts of his bloodline, improving his recovery ability and speed, and increasing his lifespan to a whole new level. well, after Dao all of this, how powerlevel increased once more. he was the absolute control of his body. at the same time, he took some techniques and updated the current technique he had

Seeing the changes to his body, Sora stepped through the portal, like always, he shot through reality barriers none stop. but unlike other times, he was not as dizzy, instead, he was able to look at each world he passed. there were worlds he has never seen before, and worlds that looked like worlds he knew but with slight differences. soon he arrived at the end of the portal and found himself in the void.

it was a true void, with no space, time, or anything. completely empties. Sora calmly looked around, before he heard the system go off

{new world has been found... Desolate Era. a powerful cultivation world with a peak powerlevel of 10 emperors Dao. note that the road to the peak of this world was cut off by the MC, so currently peak powerlevel is only 5 trillion True Dao.} the system said as Sora looked at 8 worlds around him.

each world was known as Chaosverse, each being a mid-grade Complex Multiverse. Sora stood there for some time, and his senses spread out, capturing the attention of every powerful being within this world. Soon, their clones flew out and 8 clones that stood at the peak of this would all look at Sora.

the strongest among them was a man with a sword on his back, he was the MC and had a powerlevel of 5 trillion. among the others had a power level of 1 trillion to 3 trillion.

"Who are you." Ji Ning asked as he had a bad feeling about all of this, out of a blue a known powerful being just arrived. it didn't take a smart guy to know trouble was on its way.

"Ji Ning, you're the main character of this world and as the strongest, I wish to speak to you," Sora said calmly, everyone looked at Ji Ning, not understanding how Sora knew of him. Ji Ning was also shocked, not understanding how Sora knew of him but still, Ji Ning stepped forward, and went on to speak with Sora.

"you are from earth, so this could easily be explained. I'm too from earth, but from earth not of this world... let's do this so I can't help you understand this." Sora said as he held out his palm, creating light that took the form of an orb that held 8 worlds

"This is your world, it has its own stuff and earth. matter how hard you try and leave this orb, you will never leave it. even if you leave it, you would only do this." Sora said as the orb shrank, showing an even bigger circle that covered the orb.

"you would only be explaining your story, you will never leave to travel and see others' stories. you are forever trapped within your story, meanwhile, I can leave a story and go to another one, conquering them. there are countless stories, some infinitely larger than yours, and others so small that they are easily ignored." Sora said calmly, stunning Ji Ning, the others who were hearing this were also shocked, they never expected to be something like this out there.

"Well, now that you know all of this. will you submit peacefully and avoid pointless killing?" Sora asked with a smile, Ji Ning's eyes narrowed slightly as he gave off a powerful sword aura that made Sora feel as if he was being cut into pieces.

"leave this world." Ji Ning said seriously, their world had been peaceful for who knew how long. he destroyed the road to the peak to create this piece, and now this guy in front of him wanted to bring chaos and war into his world. he was of course not willing to enter the outside world where chaos and unrest awaited.

"This is so stupid. I know everything about you and your world, on my earth, your journey was a novel. I know how hard you worked to bring back your parents from the gravel and your love, and how hard it took you to reach this level of power. Your novel was one of the few light novels I have read, so i'm being peaceful. don't go to war against someone who knows everything about you, and you know nothing." Sora said calmly, Ji Ning froze slightly at Sora's words. he felt slightly unconfinable hearing his words.

"... sigh, well. I will attack soon, clean your snakes. I tried being nice." Sora said lazily as he turned to walk towards the system, but at that moment, an old man flashed a stabbed spear toward Sora's back. Sora stopped for a moment and turned to look at the incoming spear,

Sora exploded with his power, his hair went white as he went ultra instinct. causing Ji Ning to stumble backward in shock, Sora moved, and with skills that went passed the peak, he punched forward, slamming his fist hard into the old man with the spear.

the old man shot backward without his world, if he slammed into his world, he would surely destroy it. everyone's heart skipped at Sora's worthiness. Ji Ning quickly waved his sword,  destroying the old man before he could hit his world. after all, he was just an avatar

"well, is that you guys saying start the war right away?" Sora asked with killing intent, everyone looked at each other for some time, before they got ready for battle, Sora seeing this sneered.

"you low lives, when this lord offers you a chance to climb out of the bottom of the well, you dare attack me? you know not what's good for you." Sora said as he stepped forward, this was Sora's powerlevel after the changes he made to himself.

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 605/ 100 quadrillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Level: 30

World Size: half step Hyperverse

worlds conquered: 1 high-grade world, 8,023 mid-grade worlds, finite low-grade world


Body Cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 100 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at mid-early Heavenly dao}


Energy Cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 100 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at mid-early Heavenly dao}


Soul Cultivations: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 100 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at mid-early Heavenly dao}

Mind Cultivations: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 100 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at mid-early Heavenly dao}


Dreamworld cultivation: level 1 Diamond rank (+ 100 Heavenly Dao to one PL. Combat level at mid-early Heavenly dao}


Supreme Godly Marks: 750 (plus 750 Heaven Dao to one power level.


Dao: [The Dao Of Conquest level 5


PowerLevel: 1,875 Heavenly Dao {Strength at low-early Heavenly dao}

max power level: 2.87 million heavenly Dao (power level at low late Heavenly Immortal realm this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War, and Dao comprehends,

Susanoo and armor had fused to from the Conquest Susanoo armor: powerlevel 14.35 trillion half-step Heavenly Immortal


Current transformations:[Conquest God Mod],  powerlevel of 14 trillion True Dao. power at half step Immortal emperor

(conquest mood is a fusion of ultra instinct, Ultra Ego, and many other transformations from the system.


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest], [Observation Haki], [Armament Haki], [Conqueror's Haki], [Dragon God Devil Slayer Magic],

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler], [The Goddess], [God Of Conquest Eye], [Susanoo] [Limit Breaker]...

but one should remember he was within a high-grade world, so he could only use 90% of his powerlevel, and adding the fact he had no Dao, he only had a powerlevel of 900 billion. with ultra instinct, Sora could fight those up to 3 times his level of power. adding his limit break, Sora can push himself past his limit. not only for himself but also for his technique.

the limit was 100,000%`, this meant that Sora could increase his power on not just himself but also his technique by 1,000 times. what did this mean? it means that Sora could push his body past its limit and show a powerlevel 1,000 times higher.

Sora could push ultra instinct past the items limit, allowing his combat skills to reach a level where he could fight those 5 times stronger than himself. at the same time, he could push the powerup from the conquest god mode by 1,000 times, allowing him at this moment to show a powerlevel of 900 trillion true Dao, and fight 4.5 quadrillions true Dao.

going all out, he could fight some at half-step true immortal. this is not adding skills like Snath which allows him to steal others' powers, and the conquest Susanoo. there were also Haki, and powerup techniques like Kaio-ken, The Warring Fist, and so on. to say the least, Sora was a monster, a walking cheat code.

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