In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 87: 0085 silblings

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time went by, Sora absorbed a lot of Half-Step Sages from the Pangu world. within a few days, he had broken through to the peak of the Diamond rank. he only needed a huge source of power to break through into the void-shattering realm.

Since the calamity would take hundreds of years, Sora had no choice but to turn his attention to the other world. but finding a Hyperverse was hard. immortal emperors at mid or late Immortal emperors, could all be considered low Hyperverse.

Early Sages also are considered low Hyperversal, but Mid and above Sages were Mid Hyperversal, Sora needed a Mid Hyperversal for a breakthrough, and the 7 deadly sins madly bought portals until they got a Hyperveral grade world.

Sora didn't have to do anything, he simply enjoyed his free time, while his world grew by every second. an infinite number of low-grade portals were in use every few seconds, Sora and his people rain into many story eaters within this time. Sora avatar captured them all before they could enter the system

anyone could enter a portal, so Sora avatars no longer disappear when they go through portals, instead, they remain within the world while watching everything out. only make a move when it's needed. Sora also speeds time up within his world, making it a thousand times faster. he step this as the normal time flow within the system, and he sat back and watched things flow like this

{conquered 1 trillion low-grade worlds, congratulation host for completing a hidden quest. the low-grade portals have evolved. they could now be set to a set world, allowing the host to conquer every world of a similar type.} the system said as Sora who was in bed with Irene at the moment froze.

"is something wrong," Irene who was resting her head upon Sora's chest asked softly, Sora thought for a moment before he had her get dressed and come with her.  as a dragon, she was one of the only few females who could fight Sora to a standstill. it has been some time since Sora had his fun, not having to stop and move on to another woman.

Irene and Sora went before the portal world. the Portal world was a world Sora had cleared of all lifeform, moving them to another place. within this world, it's where everyone within the system would go to and buy portals and use them. Sora did this after the story eater entered this world.

Sora appeared on a planet which was empty and went on to summon the menu. Sora tapped the low-grade portal, and as soon as he tapped it he saw that a new opinion popped up, with this new opinion, Sora could buy more than 1 portal, up to an endless amount.

Sora bought an infinite number of portals, he had more than enough. one should know there were levels to infinity. this could be seen in the powers, such as people capable of destroying an infinite world, and even going above this by destroying many layers of infinite worlds.

Sora had many levels of infinite gold-rank spirit stones and so on, and so on. the only thing which would catch his attention is an emperor-grade spirit stone, and above. Sora waved his hand, creating an endless space in which these portals all appeared.

"pick a world. any world." Sora said making Irene think for some time before she picked her world, Fairy tail. Sora nodded slightly before he tried and set one of the portals to fairy tail, and to his shock this portal locked into the fairy tail world. this confused him slightly, as the fairy tail world he had conquered had a powerlevel of quadrillion, what power would this world have?

Sora and Irene stepped into this world after Sora's avatar, and once they did, he found themselves on a small planet. with a powerlevel of 500,000. looking around, Sora saw that this world was the same as the fairy tail world's main storyline, but there were huge differences.

one, there were not an endless amount of parrell worlds, and the gods were much weaker. other than that, everything was pretty much the same. the story moved the same, the past was the same, and the future would go on in the same way. Sora confused Sora's theory that there was indeed an infinite number of the same story.

"Does this mean I could grow stronger by not even trying?" Irene said with a stunned look, if she fused with endless numbers of herself in every low-grade world, mid-grade world, and the high-grade world, her strength would greatly improve.

"This is good," Sora said with a smile as he turned to return to his portal with Irene following behind him. Sora ordered that world to be swallowed, and the world was swallowed and quickly used with the Fairy tail world of this world. all versions of Irene fused with Irene, and the same thing went with everyone else.

"The improvement is not even noticeable," Sora said with a shake of his head, Irene didn't say anything and looked at Sora with a hopeful look. if these infinite portals were left to her, then not only her but every person within the fairy tail world would greatly be benefited to some degree.

"your monthly allowance is enough to buy these portals... so pay up," Sora said calmly, Irene ported slightly. but she still paid up and took the low-grade portals, and took them portals way to begin the mass conquest of the fairy tail world.

Sora bought another low-grade portal, and after some thought, he set the portal to the world to warrior system. he didn't say anything or what type of would, this was Levi System's name, this was what it was called. he wanted to see if there were other Levi out there or other Warrior systems.

the portal came to life, and after his avatar entered, Sora also entered and went on to look around this world.

{new world has been found... A warrior system within the One Piece world. peak powerlevel of 900,000.} the system said causing Sora's eyebrow to raise slightly. he looked around, and his eye instantly found the MC of this world. he looked closely, trying to see if the soul was the same as Levi's.

"... it's Levi?" Sora said in shock, although the MC of this story had a different name and was even within a different story world. he was indeed Levi, everything from personality to actions, and way of talking was the same.

but this brought upon a new question, was everyone with the Warrior system Levi? that was most likely not the case, there were an endless amount of stories other than there. too much to simply say every MC who had a similar system was the same person but in different stories.

Sora called Levi and had him deal with himself, meanwhile, he went on to think for some time before buying another portal. he thought for some time, thinking of what female fanfiction might be called.

after some thought, he got many ideas. Reborn as Natsu's twin sister, reborn as Erza's Twin Sister, reborn as Natsu's elder Sister... Sora suddenly froze as he realized all he thought about was the Fairy tail world, but shouldn't that type of story have every low-grade story of itself conquered by Irene?

{thats is the correct host, every fairy tail world that followed the main storyline with a few changes here and there that are low-grade worlds has been conquered. not that you asked for the fairy tail world without anything else, so you shall only find fairy tail world.} the system said to which Sora nodded slightly.

Sora thought for some time before he bought went on to buy an infinite number of portals once more. this time, he should start adding some females with each to the system. it would also be for the best if he makes them his concubine, that way he could greatly increase the state of the system.

Levi had a huge and seemly endless amount of destiny Qi, far above what the destiny for his world should be. this only means that those MCs from the fanfiction world have destiny far above their story, they were just destiny Qi awaiting his conquest.

"reborn as Natsu Sister," Sora said as an endless amount of portals came to life, Sora avatars entered that world and went on to personally conquer this world, Sora paid attention to each of the endless avatars and was stunned at the many types.

there were many with powerful cheats, many with cheats like the MC having a devil fruit within the fairy tail world, or them having a unique system. with this one go, Sora found an endless amount of cheat MC, something which made him happy. but something happened to many avatars, which instantly caught his attention

"I don't remember seeing someone so handsome." a pink-haired woman said softly with a huge blush as she looked at Sora, her eyes were filled with great desire which only increased to an uncontrollable level. she suddenly began transforming, stunning Sora who saw a woman who seemed to be the walking desire of all thing under the heavens appeared before Sora.

"it has been some time brother." She said with an enchanting some as she disappeared, appearing behind Sora, and giving him a huge bear huge. Sora's body froze, having this weird feeling that a part of his knew this woman.

"Conquest, you seem to have truly died and been reborn a new. what a shame, that means you don't remember your own elder sister." She said in a soft and enchanting voice, making Sora's desire slowly go out of control. his desire to conquer the world slowly began changing, wanting to conquer this woman before him. the woman seemed to slowly become his world, his everything.

{warning... host seems to have stumbled upon his siblings. the host shouldn't trust any of them as, before a family where everyone is all-knowing and unwilling, the ideal of love is twisted." the system said as the woman hugging Sora suddenly let out a pained scream as she was shocked by lightning which appeared on Sora.

Sora also screamed in pain, before he broke free from the woman. Sora breathed heavily while looking at her. Desire had a stunned look before she pouted,

"I see... you almost truly died, but being reborn your still conquest. but that power has taken the form of a system. so many people desire it, yet so little would ever touch..." She said with a smile, but suddenly the portal came to life, grabbing hold of her. her face paled as she tried to run

"Even at death door, you had your guard against me?" She said with darken look, her connection to her main body was cut when she hugged him. She panicked, if she entered the system she would be entering the Sora domain. every sibling had their domain. only conquest was the one who had to go out and personally conquer to form his domain.

"conquest, I only came here to help you." She yelled as he grabbed onto space as if it was a solid object, but she was being pulled into the portal, causing the space she was holding onto to rip like paper.

"foolish elder sister, your biggest mistake was to think you can control I, conquest" a booming dominating voice sounded. Desire's face darkened as she entered the system. she was instantly chained up, and a godly being slowly appeared before her.

"Impossible, how was I not born within you when this desire came to life." She said with a deep frown as she looked at him.

"my desire is something that even the likes you can't comprehend. at least that's what I remember, the old man is no more. but the plans I had to deal with your sister are there, although I don't know here." He said softly, Desire froze for a moment before she laughed.

"what can you do to me? I'm Desire. I'm your elder sister, we have a closer bond than everyone else. we both desire everything, so tell me? what desire is there that I can't comprehend?" She said with a shake of her head.

"true omnipotence," Conquest said softly as his hand stabbed into her chest, ignoring her stunned look.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"I have many things planned out before my death, but as I died, I remember the steps I left behind for the new me. the first thing was to capture your avatar, once that's done, I will use the power your avatar has to... do something. I can't remember." Conquest said with a deep frown as he pulled out Desire's power

Desire shrank as she looked at the ball in Sora's palm, thoughts ran through her head as ideas of what Sora could be planning popped up in her head.

"oh, that's right, I conquer it. like a desire, I shall slowly conquer you bit by bite, before absorbing your power. sadly, this would kill you for good. but you have nothing to worry about sister, you would become one with me. Conquest and Desire would become complete." Conquest said with a mocking smile. Desire's face paled but after some thought, she shook her head. Conquest smiled as he began conquering her power.

"that's not possible. the last time you and brother destruction fought, you tried to conquer him but to no use. you can't." She said softly,

"Sister, did you forget? I and you have the closest bond. as you always said, our desires are the same. only I have the power to care through with it, and you have the mind. we are two sides of the same coin if you think about it. you birthed me... well you and mother pretty much birthed me, your great desire for strength, in the end, lead to the very meaning of conquest taking form. only for it to go ahead and absorb you." Conquest said with a smile, making Desire shake slightly.

"w-what are you doing?" Conquest said with a deep from seeing her start shaking, the power which was in the palm of his hand suddenly disappeared, flying into a pale skin man who was covered with sand which was spinning around him, before it slowly disappearing.

"brother... you summoned him?" Conquest said with a deep frown as he looked at the newcomer, and back at Desire who also had a stunned look. it was clear she didn't summon him

"dream... you have balls entering my domain without being invented." Conquest said with narrowed eyes. Dream calmly looked at him, and back at desire before he destroyed the power in his palm.

"you two have been fighting for the longest. scheming against one another, when would you two realize that your screams for one another will never fall through?" He asked softly, Conquest frowned not understanding her words.

"she is toying with you, this is the plan you came up with long ago, but in the end, you found you couldn't manage the overwhelming power. leaving you no choice but to try and kill her, but that failed." Dream said making Conquest remember some of his memories, before realizing that Desire was shaking because she was holding in her laugh.

"Desire, if I see any hint of you scheming against conquest until he is grown, Dreams will remove the concept of desires from it." Dream said calmly, making Desire's face darkened slightly. this would be as good as killing her.

"and conquest... the next time you want to speak big, make sure you have the power to back it up. what is conquest without a dream? you all are birthed from me, keep that in mind." Dream said as he walked up to Conquest. the two looked each other in the eyes for some time, none willing to back down.

"..." Conquest in the end said nothing as he stepped down. out of his many siblings, he was among the weakest, without Desire he was nothing. without Deam Desire was nothing. his elder brother destroyed all things, his enemy. the guy made the story eaters to keep him in check.

His sister's death was the end of all things, she was what brought the end to every story. across the endless stories. everything, in the end, would disappear with only her, putting the end to absolutely everything, and closing the door behind.

his mother, the mother of all things was what brought everything into existence. without her, there would no longer be anything new. she went by many names, birth, beginning, start, and many related names. without her, none of the siblings would have been born. without her, nothing in this world would have come into existence.

there were a total of 10 siblings, Conquest was the youngest among the many. he was only born recently thanks to Desire. Time didn't really matter to beings like them, they were born at their strongest, and they would only grow stronger the more they appeared all over the endless amount of stories.

Dream held his palm out, destroying Desire. as he was about to leave, he froze for some time as he thought about something.

"How did you die?" Dream asked as he turned to look at Conquest who was just watching him about to leave. Conquest shook his head, not knowing the answer to that question

"you almost disappeared for good, the fact you were reborn like this shows how near death you were. this system you have turned into, if destroyed you would disappear. it would be best you fuse with Sora and not hold things out." Dream said calmly before he opened his palm. sand appeared out of nowhere spinning around him before he disappeared like he was never there.

Conquest stood there for some time before a confused look appeared on his face. he rubbed his chin for some time,

'as expected of a brother, trying to keep the peacefulness before using siblings. now, my new self should quickly hurry up before we fuse. if only I could remember my true plan, but it was lost during my death.' Conquest thought as he look at his palm, revealing a hint of power he stole Desire. he slowly disappeared, aiming to fully refine this energy.

Back to Sora,

Sora slowly woke up and found himself in his bedroom. he rubbed his head, he had this powerful headache that left him confused. what just happened? all he remembered was him opening portals to low-grade worlds to the fanfiction-type worlds, before he suddenly fainted.

{Host's past self has awakened. note that the host shouldn't worry about such things as you're too weak. but to ease your heart, note that you ran into some of your siblings.} the system said making Sora frown, what did the system mean by siblings?

"what a pain," Sora said as he summoned a screen and tried to replay everything that had happened. there he saw everything that happened, even the meeting between conquest, desire, and dream. but he could not see the full image, the quality seemed to be low, and they were all shadows to him.

"I see... nothing," Sora said almost killing the skin in front of him. how could the system have such low-quality images? Sora snorted before going to go see the many new females mc he brought into this world.

"w-where am I?" many pink-haired females looked around in confusion within the throne room, most of them look similar. they all had the same brother, that being Natsu. those of the same person had already fused, and shockingly even the cheats fused together.

"Silence," Red said calmly, his voice sounded like an explosion to everyone eyes, making them freeze slightly. they went quiet, as they stood there looking at Red.

"I'm Red, the lord's butler. as you all could guess, you're Natsu twin sisters. as you may have noticed, you have memories of another you who has been reborn into fairy tail with a different cheat, the same cheat," Red said calmly, stunning everyone at this information

"My lord has been seeking females with cheat, you will all be blessed with great power before becoming his wife. worry not, the lord would not force you all to do something you don't wish to do." Red said calmly, making everyone instantly grow pleased at this thought. they were forcefully summoned here and now had to marry someone without say?

"I can understand everyone's displeasure. but as you all my sense, you all hold unimaginable power at this moment. that's because my master had fused those who were the same person but in different stories. an infinite amount of you put together is the power you call feel running through your body." Red said as many who had realized this nodded slightly, they indeed have overwhelming power. they had more than enough power to destroy their world countless times over.

"Well, you are all-powerful. but you have the chance to have more power, my master is a conqueror. with the goal to conquer every world. be it anime, or fanfiction, they are things he was born to conquer." Red said calmly, Red spoke for some time, getting everyone up to date, leaving them all quiet for some time,

Red just stood by the throne, awaiting for Sora to awaken and arrive. soon, Sora did arrive and went on to sit on the throne. He smiled slightly as he looked at the huge amount of destiny Qi that was awaiting him to take. Meanwhile, the female was eyeing the masked man in front of them. unease slightly.

"I believe Red has caught you all up to date. I need not your bodies, but simply destiny Qi. but there will be benefits that come with being my concubine. is there any question any of you have?" Sora asked calmly, no one spoke for some time before a woman stepped forward.

She was the most beautiful of them all. she had long pink hair, she looked like a female version of Natsu. She was reborn within the Fairy tail world with a husband system, those she made her husband she could duel cultivate with, allowing both sides with. with this, she became the strongest, having people like acnologia becoming nothing more than a boy toys to her.

"sorry, but I can't settle. be it my cheat or myself, no man is worthy." She said calmly, the others who had similar systems also agreed,

"sigh," Sora sighed deeply as he removed his mask, all the females instantly covered their faces, unable to handle such the golden eyes of light. slowly they got used to the light, and slowly looked up at and saw perfection. their heart was dominated, at first sight, they were unable to control themselves.

"what were you saying?" Sora asked calmly, the females blushed slightly, they dugged hard for words but came back with nothing. Sora didn't say anything more, but just as he was about to give them his bloodline, many of the females snapped out of their stunned state.

these females were those who were already married and were happier with their life. they had a harem of their own or something similar. Sora didn't force them, although there was a huge amount of them, half of infinite was still infinite.

"then go, you husbands shall not fuse with others, but instead have their karma cut," Sora said calmly, they nodded gratefully before Sora gave everyone his bloodline, and set them away. his future wives were to remain within the castle, while their world had to be fused. but there were many people who couldn't just fuse with their other selves, as they had their own life and females

Sora saw how annoying it would be to look after an infinite number of lives. he simply searched for someone to become the goddess of marriage, the goddess of fusion, the goddess of happiness, and so on. this way, when worlds are fusing, they would make sure no problems would raise.

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