In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 88: 0086 equipment

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"so, if there are worlds with almost every possibility, does that mean females have similar systems? I had many cheats which fuse, the husband system, slaughter system, dragon slayer system, ideal system, and so on. pretty much every possible cheat is something I have." Natsume said in shock while walking through the streets with Sora.

"that seems pretty much, but not every cheat. I have not seen an Omnisystem or an all-powerful type of system." Sora said with a smile, Natsume was stunned for some time. she was the strongest out of all the females with cheat, she was also the most power-hungry and was even the one who stepped forward to speak to Sora.

"... so, are there mid-grade worlds and a high-grade world which have me but with an even stronger system?" She asked softly, nodding slightly. seeing him nod, a light flashed across her eyes. to say the least, she wanted to hunt herself down, and fuse with them.

"Well, what about you? are there other you? is it safe to say that there is a conquest system out there as well?" She said softly, Sora went quiet for some time before he shook his head.

"There is only one me, but it's safe to say there might be other versions of the conquest system out there," Sora said calmly, She nodded slightly in agreement. this was something that made sense, rubbing her chain slightly for some time, before she realized many things.

"your world would be chaotic. if everyone has the same cheat and the same powers and abilities... things could be troublesome. It's safe to say that there might be meta system, systems that allow a person to steal another cheat or something similar." She said softly, as he looked at stores that were filled with so a lot of complex stuff she couldn't comprehend

"you have no reasons to handle people with cheat, if anything is possible then it should be reasonable to believe that out there, there is a group of people with cheats that goes around you stealing others' cheats. then there are the questions about cheats, there are some me who got 1 or more wishes, and others who had been reborn with abilities." She said softly as she fell into her own world, going over all possibilities, making Sora speechless.

This woman was a schemer, she was the first one out of the others to ask him out. clearly, she wanted to get to his heart, she had already thought of all of this the day she appeared in this world, she was not saying it out loud to show her capability. to say the least, Sora was impressed, some of this stuff he has yet to bother with.

"no need for the acting, out of everyone you were the only one to step up. a woman should have her own pride, and not so easy to submit to stuff. to be clever and have the willpower to chase your wishes." Sora said making Natsume smile slightly. they entered a toy store where Natsume got to see the toys of this world, but to her horror, there was an age limit of a thousand and above on the toys

"Well, I have one question about the husband system. how effective is it?" Sora asked calmly while looking at the weird toys. he really needed to spend time story the computers and other stuff of this world. Natsume froze for a moment, before looking weirdly at Sora. males were not so easy to join a male harem, upon becoming one of the future concubines, she had to throw her form husbands away.

she didn't expect Sora to have an interest in her. after all, a woman with more than one man is frowned upon. but for a male to have more than one woman is something that shows power. this was why she made her move, she had to stand out among the others. while the others waited for Sora to make the move she made her move. She was also the one with the best looks, so she gambled that Sora would not so easily make a move against her

"I like a woman who knows her stuff, although pure ones have their charm, a knowledge one overshadows one. as for the past... I could care less, as long as you know the deal." Sora said seeing the look in her eyes, Natsume smiled slightly at this.

"Well, my system has 3 parts. the husband tab is simple to explain. I need to set a husband. once a husband is set, then we would be connected. to a degree, I could feel their emotions and they could do the same for me. I could also speak with them over a long distance." Natsume said calmly, as they left the store. only Sora could comprehend how to use the toys, meanwhile, she was unable to touch them as she was too young.

"the second part is called dual cultivation. if I have sex with someone of stronger strength, I would grow stronger. if I have sex with someone weaker, they would grow stronger. if we are about equal strength then we would both improve at a steady strength. although I don't know the rate." She said softly,

"Lastly is a store. the better the person and the better the experience, I get a point ranging from 0 to 100. with the points, I can buy all types of abilities, skills, techniques, and items. since I cheated with many of the same types of cheat and new cheats, my main cheat has evolved. now, I have new items, and stuff to buy. I could also share my ability with my lover, and I can gain their skills and abilities if they let me. the knowledge is instantly installed into my mind, allowing me not to have to master it." She said with a smile, Sora looked at her deeply for some time.

"... wait, you didn't gain every cheat you fused with," Sora asked in confusion, he expected he just got a bunch of overpowered people with an endless amount of cheat.

"w-what? with what I said thats what it sounded like? I meant that with an endless amount of possibilities then there will have to be an endless amount of people with the same type of cheat within this world sooner or later. if not, then it would not be an endless amount. this has the husband system, but it's countless times stronger," She said with a shake of her head making Sora nod in slight disappointment.

"but... you want to help me explore my new system?" She asked with a smile, Sora rolled his eyes for a moment, but how could he say no? they disappeared, and went on to have their fun. Natsume lord moans filled Sora's room, the system which was going off in her mind with points was completely ignored by her.

after a few hours, Sora let out a breath as he rested with Natsume in his arm. he didn't expect there to be another woman out there with enough energy to match his own. Natsume wanted to say something, but her eyes slowly closed. it was clear she pushed herself,

"Interesting, she already at the late Moutain and Siver," Sora said with slight surprise, her power had indeed exploded, reaching a new height. she became countless times stronger within a few hours, truly her cheat was overpowered. Sora went on to go and get dressed before he went to seat in the throne room.

"by the time you finish fooling around, it's time for the concubine title to be handed out," Merlin said softly as she looked at Sora with a frown. she had asked to see Sora, but Natsume took him out of his eyes. after recovering, she wanted to explore that pleasure once more.

"Haha, it seems your destiny qi had reached its peak. it seems to have taken much longer than normal until it reaches its peak." Sora said with a smile as he sat on his throne, this was all the females from the anime world, against the gods, and from the ideal system in a cultivation world.

"y-yes." Xia Qingyue said on the behalf of the female form against the god's world, she was one of the few females who were willing to submit. She unlike the others was not within that world but was living with her own family.

"We are ready," Gilgamesh said with crossed arms, speaking on the behalf of the anime females. as the goddess of treasures she was among the highest-ranking goddess within the system. only a few people within the system had a chance of ranking near her.

"we're ready." the dark skin elf said on the behalf of the ideal system in a cultivation world. she like many others has submitted to Sora.

Sora smiled slightly and went on to give everyone the title of concubine. a giant phoenix suddenly flew out of his chest. the phoenix let out a sky as it grew. the females all felt huge and strange energy suddenly flow out of their bodies.

a barrier appeared around Sora, blocking this huge amount of energy. cracks appeared all over the throne room, Merlin, Red, and Silver who stood at the side were amazed at this huge amount of energy, they too quickly put up their barriers, not daring to stand against a huge amount of energy.

everyone all over the phoenix felt chills at this energy, at this point, the phoenix dragon's strength didn't just reach the level of Sages, it went above it by countless times. even Great Sages would not dare to stand before such power.

"Haha, good, good." Sora laughed in joy seeing this, now his world would become a High Hyperverse, he was nearing having an Outerverse size world. what was an Outerverse?

firstly, what was a High Hyperverse? a high Hyperverse has a countably infinite number of qualitative sizes above a universal model. such worlds are huge, they had an infinite level higher than a universe.

above this was Outerverse, a number of dimensions greater than the set of natural numbers, meaning in simple terms that the number of dimensions is aleph-1 (uncountably infinite number.) this mid it far larger than a Hyperverse. and from what Sora was seeing, it seemed like this world he was in was likely a low Outerverse or maybe a mid-Outerverse

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Mid Outerverse, well it was even larger than a low Outerverse. if an Outerverse was is aleph-1, a mid was is aleph-3, aleph-4 and this could go on forever.

The phoenix shot down, entering Sora's body. Sora's wives all suddenly felt huge and powerful energy entering their bodies, allowing their bodies to go through a huge transformation. Sora's world also went through many transformations, everyone within the system also started getting stronger, and their fate grew for the better. within a few years, this world would become an Outerverse.

"Well, you may all go. the castle has an endless amount of rooms, go and find a room for yourself. Gilgamesh, you need to start doing your job. the same for you Emiya. Kurumi as the goddess of time, I will need to speak to you about something." Sora said as he stood up, and summoned a few people or had a few of them remain. it didn't take long for everyone to be in the throne room.

"Najimi Ajimu and Hanten Shiranui. you two are in charge of giving and creating powers for my people. make sure my people in the future are born with great powers." Sora said with a smile.

Najimi Ajimu had 12,858,051,967,633,865 skills, she had instantly become the goddess of skills/abilities. this meant, so long as there was a unique ability or skill within the system, she would exist, she would have it, and she would know all there is to know about that skill and things related to said skill.

Hanten Shiranui had the ability to create any skill he wishes, to say the least, he became the god of skill creations. he could create any ability and give to others. so long as a skill he created existed, he shall never die.

"Medaka Kurokami, with your power to master anything at 120% amazing. the fact you can do this by simply hearing someone give you a rough rundown of skills is even more impressive. for this, I shall make you become a teacher. a good teacher is a who masters and can easily simplify something. I believe this is best suited to you." Sora said calmly, Medaka Kurokami was the goddess of Learning,

"Iihiko Shishime, as the war god. you shall be under the horseman of war. although you are a god, that's only true within this world. in the end, you all become the horseman of war right hand." Sora said as he looked at Iihiko,

Iihiko had two overpowered abilities. the first ability allowed him to not be affected by anything he ignores. That which Iihiko does not recognize does not affect him. and the second ability was Irreversible Destruction. Any damage Iihiko deals to the world do not heal.

"Misogi Kumagawa, you shall be this world protector. with your ability to turn anything into fiction, or the ability to make anything as weak as you all. you would be a good first line of defense for my world." Sora said

"Anos, I will need your help with something. in fact. Gilgamesh, and Emiya. I need you all to follow me. does anyone have something they want to add?" Sora asked with a smile while looking at everyone,

"... I do. why can't there be a god of blacksmith and a goddess of a blacksmith?" Merlin asked softly, she had this question for some time. why couldn't there be more than one type of god within this world? they would be like on earth, how many regions have different types of gods for something? this would also work perfectly with how Sora had spread many regions of himself within this world.

of course, there couldn't be more than one god for everything. For example, two gods of wisdom would be pointless. getting the title of god gives one power over the said title, making them exist pretty much everywhere their name or title appears.

for example, Merlin was everywhere known within the system, if she wished she could know every possible piece of knowledge with a few limitations.

"well... because... good point," Sora said softly, although the goddess and gods could pick minor gods, they would be the same as Sora. Sora could split his world into many regions. Each where a number of set gods are in charge. this would have course weakened the gods, but it would make them have an untroubled feeling to grow stronger

he could also find an evil goddess, and have her be some king of supreme bad guys who every god and goddess would have to team up against, or else they would lose. of course not die, but their recourses would take a huge gap, and their world would suffer huge damage, making their power suffer.

or maybe each region had a minor or less type of god. for example, the God of fire would be drawing power from Di Yalan, the true God of Fire. something like this. this would allow everyone to have an easier time and not need to overwork themselves.

"Merlin, I want to divide my world, you work it out. divide it into... 10 parts." Sora said with a smile before he left with Anos, Gilgamesh, and Emiya. they all arrived in a hidden chamber, where Sora took out the Conquest Sword of totsuka, Conquest Susanoo, and many other items from his item set. each had fused with the Susanoo, making them real and energy-made weapons at the same time. so they could be improved

"Although I can pull stuff out of my mind and stuff, I want an item worthy to be held by a god who conquers. it should be linked to me, and so on... I should call over the father." Sora said as he quickly called that guy over. a heartbeat later, a blonde-haired man entered the chamber, and Sora went on to explain to everyone what he wanted. he wanted an all-powerful armor, a powerful spear, and so on.

"so, are you all up to the challenge?" Sora asked with a smile, the 4 looked at each other before they nodded. Gilgamesh being the goddess of treasures could of course birth powerful weapons. Emiya being the god of blacksmiths was of course the best blacksmith.

Anos is the God of chaos. he was among the strongest of the gods. his power was something not to be ignored. and The Father had the philosopher's stone. a powerful item that could create stuff from nothing, extremely useful.

"challenge accepted. but to make it as best as we could, your blood would be needed." Gilgamesh said as her eyes flashed. She was pretty much all-knowing about treasures and could tell the type of perfect item for a person.

Sora nodded slightly before he cut his finger and had 50 of his essence blood drip out. to say the least, this weakened Sora greatly. he would be weak for millions of years if he doesn't find something to help him recover. which he of course had just improved the Pheonix Dragon, he just needed to use it to recover. he would be up and walking within a few months...

back within the cultivation world, Di Yalan stood on top of a mountain surrounded by countless experts. they rushed at her, but they all hit with a powerful heat wave, their energy and blood were refined, and absorbed by DI Yalan, he sighed helplessly

Di Yalan didn't like the thought fo killing so many people, the only reason she was doing it was that all those she killed will be reborn as new within Sora's world. with them being reborn within Sora's world, she thought it was their biggest blessing.

at the same killing and absorbing everyone allowed her power to raise slowly. as the person faces the calamity, she would gain huge benefits once this was all over.

'where is he?' She thought with a deep frown, Ling Han was nowhere to be found. Yamamoto couldn't capture him, but she could. but he had seemly disappeared,

far away within Hell, Ling Han walked through the deepest part of hell, absorbing the endless wave of darkness. during the calamity, it's when this darkness reached its peak,

"Sora is indeed talented... I can't think of a way to rival such a freakish talent. only if I awaken it would have a chance to rival that old man's talent. but to go a step above that and face Sora... that's going to be hard." Ling Han said softly before he came to a stop before a bit.

'not even half step Sage has come from below there. let's see if I'm any different.' Ling Han thought as he jumped down into the pit.

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