In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 90: 0088 Ling Tian

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Ling Fan stepped out of a portal, and with hands behind his back, he had the aura of a powerful expert all-knowing being.

"Sir, Ling Fan. the MC of this world is known as Ling Tian, with his powerful cultivation art, talent, and bloodline, only you might be his match." the man said softly, to which Ling Fan nodded he looked around in the camp. this was the first world in a long time where they needed to build a camp. they were at war, and the MC of this world didn't submit, he didn't believe he was any less talented than them.

"as we are at a huge disadvantage, we had to use the power of the people to hold this world off while we slowly conquer. Levi is taking the land, the lord wanted you to take charge, or else he would have the 4 horsemen take charge." The solider said making Ling Fan think for some time, he had no idea why Sora looked highly upon the 3 horsemen, but he didn't believe it would come to a point where they would need to take a move.

"Well, have the 7 come, yours truly will lead a powerful counterattack." Ling Fan said with a smile, the soldier nodded and rushed out to summon the 7 deadly sins. once they all arrived, Ling Fan had them tell him everything he knows.

"the space we are in was split apart, seeing as he couldn't kill us he tried to trap us here. this world powerlevel is at 1 million great Grade Dao. meaning Ling Fan has stretch capable of matching an early great Sage. making it one of the weaker Hyperverse grade worlds." Hope said calmly, Ling Fan looked at the map in front of him before thinking about his strength. above the Sage realm was the great Sage realm, those at the great Sage realm could be considered high Hyperversal

Ling Fan's powerlevel was also only at half-step great sage, he would need the conquest mode and other power-ups to gain the right to fight someone within the Great Sage realm. but with how Sora was on guard against him until others within the System catches up, he was not getting his hands on them anytime soon.

"Alright, why does Sora look highly upon the 4 horsemen? what makes them different from the Gods with similar titles?" Ling Fan asked in confusion

"because he gave them the power of calamity. everywhere they walk past leave chaos, if they stay long enough within this world, it would be destroyed even with them not doing anything. Sora would only have them move when he a full slaughter, to lash out huge damage to this world, weaken it before swallowing it." Seth said lazily

"I see... with the MC have the transcendent Primordial bloodline, along with the transcendent cultivation, and his overwhelming talent. he is someone worth taking into the system. the fact he took you all had on without the end of transcending into a dragon is also scary." Ling Fan said as he turned and walked off, he disappeared with one step confusing everyone who quickly followed after them.

at the edge of this sealed world, Ling Fan called out to see Ling Tian. Ling Tian soon appeared, Ling Tian looked like an otherworldly being, with long blonde hair, and red eyes, with looks which was a step even above the likes of Sora. he indeed was someone who made Ling Fan freeze for a second upon seeing him.

"the big guy up top sent me here when these guys couldn't do their job, so come. yours truly shall help you climb out of this pit." Ling Fan said with a smile, his aura exploded, causing the barrier to shake madly, seemingly unable to handle such a powerful aura.

" climb to be the most talented? meanwhile, I claim to be the most talented. so let's promise," Ling Fan said with a smile, Ling Tian looked at him for some time before he suppressed his aura, reaching a cultivation realm similar to the true God realm. He was unwilling to admit someone was more talented than himself. he was supreme within his world, and even in other worlds, it shall be like this.

with a flash, they disappeared entering the void where they began their battle. but as soon as their battle began, Ling Rian was stunned. Ling Fan's body cultivation was scary, it instantly suppressed him forcing him to quickly transform into a huge golden dragon.

The Gold Dragon gave off a powerful aura, Ling Fan's strength was instantly reduced by the dragon's aura, stunning him for some time. Ling Fan looked at this dragon in shock, even while suppressed, this dragon's power went from the peak of the Sage realm to the early Great Sage. with a powerlevel of 100 Great Dao, in deep, this thing was overpowered.

'he has the chance to escape the story?' Ling Fan thought seeing this, a talent suddenly appeared before his eyes. to quick for him to block, Ling Fan was slammed heavily and was sent flying while coughing up blood.

"Haha, good. yours truly haven't been injured in a long time. come. I, your father might look upon you with a hint of respect if you could trade a thousand blows with me." Ling fan laughed happily, seemingly a freak he liked pain.

the dragon's eyes narrowed seeing how quickly Ling Fan recovered, but his words enrage him. clearly, he was losing yet wanted to talk crap? with a thought, he appeared before Ling Fan. and in a blink of an eye, countless amount of blows landed on Ling Fan. ripping Ling Fan into countless pieces but he recovered each time.

'impossible, my power negates recovery... how is he recovering after my attacks.' Ling Tian thought in slight shock, as a hint of disgust flashed across his eyes. how did he have a huge smile on his face after suffering such damage?

their battle went on, Ling Fan used everything he had, but in the end, it seemed pointless. but soon, Ling Tian noticed something was off about Ling Fan. he was growing stronger the more injuries he suffered. at the end of the day, Ling Tian's powerlevel had reached 1.8 Moutain and river.

"I see.... this is some kind of cheat of yours? even the others couldn't be improved at such a rapid rate." Ling Tian said as softly,

"but yes and no." Ling Fan said with a smile, Ling Fan's strength improved so fast thanks to the Saiyan bloodline, and the strongest system he had. the more injuries he was taking, his body cultivation only improved. Ling Tian didn't notice as Ling Fan tried his best to hide this, but in the end, it was still discovered.

"Come, let's go at it 1 million more rounds. if you can make me scream then I will call you grandson." Ling Fan said mockingly, Ling Tian closely eyed LIng Fan, like hell he would fight this freak. with a wave of his tail, he returned to his peak cultivation.

"snort, talented my ass. can't even aim to test some limits?" Ling Fan said in disdain, Ling Tian was enraged, but his words were a huge blow to his Dao's heart. his world very was suffering, and to make things worse, he had no idea what their master was like.

With a wave of his tail, Ling Fan was slammed heavily and sent backward. a seal appeared on Ling Fan, swallowing him and sealing him away into an unknown realm. Hope and the others froze seeing this, they almost wanted to facepalm. Ling Fan was too arrogant, he expected Ling Tian to be like others, but he forgot Ling Tian was an MC. how could he be so foolish and fight knowing you would grow stronger? this was not Dragon ball.

"What a pain." an annoying voice sounded behind everyone, they all turned and saw Sora stepping out of the portal. everyone instantly fell to their knees in respect, Sora entered his world alongside the 3 other horsemen.

"Ling Tian, I hear you don't want to submit. perfectly understandable with MCs, who want to submit." Sora said calmly as he looked at Ling Tian, Ling Tian's mode had completely changed upon seeing the 4 newcomers.

"with my appearance within this world, it's impossible that this world would not be conquered, but that means many lifeforms will suffer. I wish not to conquer a lifeless world," Sora said with a smile, Ling Tian snorted as he shorted down towards Sora. In an instant, he attacked Sora with everything he had, he could tell Sora was injured, so this was the best moment to kill

a huge dragon claw slapped upon Sora, Sora had stopped anyone from making a move, and to their shock, Ling Tian's attack was reflected back at him, sending him flying backward while coughing up blood. Ling Tian froze, how was a physical attack sent back at him?

"It's called Supreme Counter. any and all abilities that aim to touch this god shall be reflected black to their attacker." Sora said with a smile, this was one of his hex abilities. a fusion of the All Might and Full Counter. any ability which Sora see shall become Sora Allie, they shall never affect him. and if by chance they somehow break through this, they shall be reflected black to the user.

"This god is supreme, be it Hex Ability or overall talent. if this god says he second, none shall say their first." Sora said as he walked forward, step by step, each step sounded like Mountains within Ling Tain's ears.

"this god shall begin to personally conquer this world tomorrow. once I begin, all lifeforms will suffer. you have until then to submit, now, begun" Sora ordered, a powerful force suddenly slapped into the dragon. Ling Tian struggled to resist, but he was forcefully teleported away.

"Zeref, in 24 hours spread the calamity of death. all lifeforms that die shall not return to this world but mine. kenpachi, in 24 hours, spread the calamity of war. all lifeform shall start in a blindless battle. and Larcade Dragneel, release the 3 needs onto this world. pleasure, sleep, and hunger." Sora said calmly, the 3 nodded slightly, with Kenpachi giving off a bloodthirsty aura.

"Hope, begin stepping up the Heaven weakening Formations," Sora said calmly, the heaven weakening formations were a formation that stopped energy from returning to heaven and earth. all energy that is used would be sucked through the portal, weakening this world over time, everyone would find themselves out of energy, and the heaven and earth of this world starting to reject them.

as for why this world was not rejecting them, Sora had created a skill that perfectly masks everyone. making the world think they were of this world, this is why for so long the worlds they entered didn't have a strong dislike towards them.

Sora waved his hand, writing a tent which he entered. the throne of conquest appeared within which he sat down. the ground shook, and this world's size began growing, more soldiers from the system entered all led by Levi because of his unique system.

"sigh, it's hard to connect to the knowledge of another world, it's a blur. form what I can make out, Ling Tian had set out to reach the highest cultivation. 4 beings within this world are even stronger than him. all known as Chaos Immortals. it's unknown what the cultivation realm above them is..." Merlin floated in the eye with closed legs, her fingers were pinched as she seek out the knowledge of this world.

"with everything, I just said... this world could be conquered within a month. but it's highly unlikely that Ling Tian would submit" Merlin said calmly, Sora nodded slightly. if he doesn't submit then he would simply kill the guy. simple as that.

"send information about our world to one of the cowardly people here, summon him here with some promises of benefits or something," Sora said calmly, Merlin was stunned slightly before she nodded. she closed her eyes, trying to trap into the formations of every weakling within this world to gain the personality of each of these Chaos immortals down.

it didn't take long for her to find the perfect person, next was to take control of someone's knowledge. control of someone close to the chaos immortal, which was of course harder as this was not the system and she was an avatar, but it was something she managed to do after a few hours. taking control of someone's knowledge is as good as controlling them.

time went by, and soon the 20-hour mark passed. Sora looked ahead and saw an old man breakthrough the seal, and arrive before their sealed-away space. he let out his aura, calling for the leader. Sora flashed and went to go meet him

"I will cut the point, i'm willing to help you under the conditions that you allow me to explore other worlds. if everything you said is true, then i'm willing to work together to help you conquer this world." the old man said seriously, this was world doom. if the world Sora came from had beings at Outerverse, they could blink their whole world away. plus the way Merlin took control of his personal disciple horrified him. for a person who had lived to see the start of this world, he feared most death, and even more so, he wanted to reach the realm above the Chaos immortal realm.

"Great, you're more than welcome Chaos Immortal Untouchable, someone of your power would be welcomed anywhere you go," Sora said with a smile, Choas Immortal Untouchable nodded slightly, he had found out a lot about this world. how this was nothing more but a story, how his fate would most likely turn out. he was an enemy of LIng Tian, and if was to continue, then he would most likely die once Sora become a Choas Immortal.

countless stories were given to him, and many did follow the same path Ling Tian's life had gone through. he was scared shitless, and to make things worse, he couldn't even kill Ling Tian. that guy was the MC, and his fate was set in stone. he killed Ling Tian's parents, but Ling Tian's father managed to use his power to help his son be reborn.

Ling Tian was reborn in his second life without his memories but was an unmatched talent on a talent called earth, in the end, he stumbled upon the inheritance of a half-step Choas God the inheritance of a being who died about to reach the peak of this world.

Sora had Chaos Immortal Untouchable release Ling Fan, after which they went on to go after which, Sora asked Chaos Immortal Untouchable to see if he could have some other Chaos immortals join them.

soon, Chaos Immortal Untouchable managed to get his close friend, Chaos Immortal Unreachable to betray this world. after all, the benefits were too great to be ignored, they could break free of their fate and enter a world that was countless times stronger than their own. reach new heights and the best part was that they would help this weakling and stab him in the back once they leave this world. they simply had to let Sora do all the world, they would find a way to get passed his hex and seal him away.

"... so, I see you not going to submit," Sora said calmly as he looked at Ling Tian who had come to see him, Ling Tian took a deep breath before nodding.

"you know many worlds die, many you might know. all of which might be avoided if you simply submit. in the end, your rage of their death would be pointed towards him when in truth you could have avoided it all by simply submitting." Sora said calmly,

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"you can try, but I will not allow something like that to happen." Ling Tian said calmly, Sora nodded slightly at his words.

"Well, let it be written how told you things would turn out... 24 hours is up," Sora said as Zeref, Kenpachi, and Larcade suddenly released their aura. their aura spread out like ripples, going past the seal and all over this world. as these ripples came into contact with a lifeform, they were instantly affected by many things.

most died on the spot, some went crazy and began attacking all things without scary for their safe, others felt unmatched pleasure that killed them, others fell into an endless sleep, and others become so hungry they eat their children, parents, wives, and themselves, or eat to the point of death.

those who were undying found that the concept of death had returned back into him, and those who couldn't die found that they could be killed as simply as a mortal. chaos broke out throughout this whole world,

"last chance, and know I don't like giving so many chances," Sora said with narrowed eyes, Ling Tian froze seeing the effect which their aura was happening, with a roar he turned into a dragon and shot towards the 3 to stop them.

a huge mirror suddenly appeared before the dragon, and out of nowhere, a reflection of himself within the mirror flew out to match Ling Tian. Ling Tian and the dragon clashed, but to his shock, the reflection of himself was able to withstand the attack, even if it seemed to almost shatter.

"i'm Seth, the Devil fruit king. my stretch has yet to adapt to your world, but this is something, right?" Seth asked with a smile as he appeared before Ling Tian with a body made out of lightning. Ling Tian tried to attack him, but his reflection moved, attacking as well.

in the end, the reflection shattered, but it managed to reflect this one attack. but this gave Seth the chance to attack.

"room," Seth said as a domain appeared, a sword appeared and he suddenly cut, forward, Ling Tain was cut in half with seemly no resistance, stunning him. but he was not injured. the cut parts wanted to put themselves back together, only for them to be teleported around the domain, keeping away from each other.

"damn, you strong," Seth said softly, it took a lot to simply cut the guy, and even more to teleport part of his body.

"what strange power is this?" Ling Tian roared in rage, not understanding what was happening, but he got no answers. Seth had every devil fruit power, to say the least, he was overpowered once he managed to adapt within a world.

"I mean, you guys can act now, it's not like i'm rushing you all," Seth yelled, with the fall of his words, a huge evil dragon flashed, slamming heavily into Ling Tian. shooting him up towards Levi who has used the FIst of conquest. with the power of all his soldiers, he punched down, sending Ling Tian slamming heavily upon the ground with broken scales.

"Even with all my soldiers... this all the damage?" Levi said in shock said seeing Ling Tian slowly stand up, he was the only one among the 3 who managed to do any real damage. everyone else only pushed him around, with Seth being nothing more than a pest to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's body was forcefully forced, causing Seth's domain to shatter.  Ling Tian roared in rage and shot toward them, but a set of footsteps caused him to stop.

"It's been a while since I could let loose," Itachi said softly, Ling Tian didn't know why, but Itachi gave him an aura that made him feel like he was facing an equal. Itachi had everyone stand back, and the two rushed toward each other and began their battle.

in the end, Ling Tian managed to capture Itachi, but Itachi suddenly exploded almost taking his dragon arm with him. Ling Tian's face twitched in pain, as he looked up to find Itachi, he found the sky at some point had turned Red, and he was on a cross

"Welcome to tsukuyomi." Itachi's soft voice sounded, followed by a sharp pain that made Ling Tian take a deep breath. he turned and saw Itachi had stabbed da sword into a point of his body, which brought out the most pain

"within this world, i'm god. I have complete control of space and time." Itachi said softly as another him appeared, stabbing Ling Tian. this time the pain was even worse, he felt like he was stabbed 4 times. looking up, his eyes shrank as he saw another cross. another him was on that cross, being stabbed by two Itachi's

but he was being stabbed by 2 Itachi, suddenly the number of crosses doubled, and 4 Itachi's appeared walking toward him.

"for the next 50 years, you will be tapped here," Itachi said softly, Ling Tian let out a dragon roar, trying to snap out of the illusion, as he was stabbed. but he found it pointless.

"you were trapped the moment you entered. this is my infinite illusions, turn into one. form the moment you appeared, you were in my illusion. that fight you had with Seth and the others was both real and fake. they were just covered to mask the fact, I was stacking many levels of infinite illusions upon you, all so they can fuse, to form the strongest Tsukuyomi." Itachi said softly, making Ling Tian's eyes shrink. as the numbers Cross kept increasing nonstop, bringing more and more pain upon him

"my master gave you a chance, but you were arrogant. you're one MC going up against more than a hundred, you didn't expect that you were the chosen one. even for an MC, there are limits, you ignored reason, and now you will die. and your world would suffer" Itachi said softly

"w-why are you doing this, I can tell you don't want to." Ling Tian said through gritted teeth, as Itachi was not stopping with the stabbing.

"you're right, I don't want to fight if it could be avoided. i'm a pacifist, but I know the use of power and war. if we shall your world, our strength would greatly improve. it would have been best that you submitted, during our first clash I made it clear how things were. but because you went against the odds in your story so many times, you expected the same. " itachi said with a shake of his head, making Ling Tian bite his lips.

"... is there any wishes you want me to carry out? I will do my best to see them true." Itachi said calmly, as he stopped for the first time.

"... m-my family. don't kill them." He said in a soft voice, to say the least, he now had deep regret, but it seemed that it might be too late.

"... it's never too late for a person to submit. you are talented, if you submit, the lord would not easily kill you. someone of your talent can't but simply ignored. it would be a waste to kill you, and even more so to destroy your Dao's heart. if you can submit, I promise to speak on your behalf. that's the best way to save your family." itachi said calmly, Ling Tian bit his lips so hard that he began bleeding.

"... i'm willing to submit, under the condition that you leave my world alone and stop the killing." Ling Tian said softly,

"that can't be done. master is the god of conquest, he was born to conquer. I don't believe your world would submit as you have. I also have to think about my world, to protect my family, and my home. if there is some person out here conquering stories, then it's safe to believe that others out there." Itachi said softly, Ling Tian went quiet for some time before he nodded

"what you say is true... i'm willing submit." He said in a quiet tone, Itachi looked deeply into his eyes before the illusion disappear. Ling Tian found that he was chained up, standing for Sora who was lazily looking at a cultivation art.

"oh? you submitted?" Sora said with a raised eyebrow, Ling Tian nodded weakly, and Itachi stepped forward and spoke about their small talk. Sora nodded slightly.

"since Itachi is speaking up for you, I could let you live. give Itachi information about your family, he would go get them. you will remain chained up until they arrive." Sora said with a smile, Ling Tian frowned slightly, but he found he was a mortal within these chains.

these chains were filled with the power of blinding and sealing. They sealed away his strength and were absorbing his energy, sending it to Sora, and helping him recover faster.

"Is this how you treat someone who submitted? I submitted, do you think I would go back on my world?" LIng Tian said angrily, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"I know, you're an MC. a man of your world, righteous when you come upon injustice and so on, and so on. there are an infinite number of people like you out there. but you're not loyal, I can hear your heart. until what I hear is its trust in me, it would unwise to let you go, our treat you as my own. although showing you I trust your word is the best choice for this, but let me ask you a question." Sora said calmly as he threw the cultivation art to the ground, stunning Ling Tian as it was the cultivation art he had.

"There is an infinite Ling Tian out there, each cultivating the same art, cultivation art, and so on and so on. some might be easier to have submitted, and some might be more talented. some might be hundreds if not millions of times better than you, I could absorb you right now, take your bloodline and everyone here would have it. I would be able to break through and reach a level of strength where I alone could conquer this world," Sora said as he crossed his legs, making  Ling Tian's face darken slightly

"give me a reason right now I should take my time, showing I trust the person I gave a chance to and so so on, but refused, absorbing you would have my people talent reach a new height, speeding up the conquest of this world by more than twice," Sora said calmly, Itachi looked at Ling Tian, hoping the guy would say nothing. there was no right answer to this question, in the bigger picture, he was nothing.

Ling Tian opened his mouth and closed it, but no words came out. what made him special if there indeed were an endless Ling Tian running around, following the same story with some better than him? why should Sora not just absorb him and help his people grow stronger?

"That's my point, the fact i'm not going to absorb you enough is a bit lost on my behalf. but i'm willing to gamble on you being the special one out of the others yous, I would run into in the future. count it as you being special that you were the first one I ran into now i'm going to make you become the Main Ling Tian, do you still have any ill will with the opportunity before you?" Sora asked, to which Ling Tian slowly shook his head with a lowered head. Sora snapped his finger, making the chains disappear.

"go get your family, Choas immortal Untouchable and Unreachable have betrayed this world to join me. they killed your parents from your first life if remember currently, I will give you the chance to get paid back. the best form of payback, and even bring back your parents." Sora said calmly, making Ling Tian freeze while looking at Sora in shock.

"Once this world is absorbed, bringing them back to life will only need a thought. as one of my people, I will not miss treat you. so do remember that." Sora said calmly, Ling Tian nodded before slowly bowing and disappearing.

"... what?" Sora asked seeing Itachi looking at him, Itachi shook his head slightly, he was just amazed at how Sora had someone submit even while being much weaker.

"Why did you help him? is it because he looks like your son as if he was blonde?" Sora asked with a smile, Itachi smiled slightly. Itachi's son did need to look like Ling Tian, his only defense was that Ling Tian had blonde hair and his eyes were the pupils of a dragon.

"your illusions capability has improved. how many levels of infinite can you reach?" Sora asked calmly, Itachi could stack an infinite number of illusions into reality, which was overpowered.

"10 levels of infinite can could be reached if given 10 minutes to get the illusion ready, I could fuse them all to form an illusion capable of trapping even those countless of times stronger. but it puts a huge burn on my eyes. to trap Ling Tian I had to use a limit breaker to its fullest on the number of illusions, power of the illusions and so many others. i'm blind at the moment" Itachi said respectfully, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, 10 minutes was a bit too long.

"i'm planning on passing down a perfect limit-breaking technique, it would all allow you all to act without suffering any drawback... Recover." Sora said calmly as Itachi's eyes regained their light, Itachi bowed gratefully before Sora sent him out.

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