In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 89: 0087 not really overpowered

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"you guys know how to hide, I guess with money you could really disappear." Di Yalan said as she appeared above a place. she was currently within the dimensions of the future past, within this dimension, both past and future existed as one. if one searched, they could find experts that were hearing trillions or even longer years ago.

"... it's her." Hannah's brother's face went pale seeing the newcomer, to say the least when the heavenly court was destroyed they ran. they were lucky as they were going to arrive at the heavenly court late, enough to see that there was a barrier and how they could barely make out the sight of the battle.

it wasn't hard for them to guess what happened, they instantly packed everything and went into hiding within this place. they went on to hide at the edge of the world, hoping that this world's huge size would protect them.

the Immortal emperor who was the protector of the family frowned deedly while looking at Di Yalan, but after some thought, he stepped forward.

"My family had foolishly offended you. the whole marriage thing was foolishly made by my son and grandson, we are willing to work and pay for our crime." She said as he claps his hands and bowed slightly, Di Yalan smiled slightly at this guy's words.

"the heavenly emperor and others are lonely, I'm sure they would want nothing more but to have their good friends come to see them. come, let's go say hi." Di Yalan said with a smile as a circle of fire appeared above, opening a portal to the system. with her current strength, and connection to the system, so no longer needs the portal ring from the system to open a portal.

the immortal emperor didn't think twice, he turned and tried to fly off. ignoring his grandchild and child. but his face suddenly went pale as he felt his body heat leaving his control, his body heat reached a leave of his where his face went completely red. everything around him began metal, but the heat suddenly took form, grabbing hold him and throwing him into the system.

"No, can't do this. I did nothing wrong," Hannah's father yelled in rage, but Di Yalan ignored them all. they all were throne into the system, the whole family before Di Yalan turned and flew off exploring this place.

Sora smiled slightly as he looked at the newcomers to the system, all of them instantly froze in horror seeing Sora. shouldn't he have died? yet here he was, alive and well. although he looked weak, he was recovering at a rate that made it clear that he would be at 100% within a few months.

"I hold deep anger towards you all, something which I have not been able to let out. but now, I can make you all suffer to ease my anger." Sora said with a smile, making them have an uneasy feelings while looking at Sora. although they couldn't see his face because of the mask, they felt like he had some evil smile.

"Well, let's go. come, I will personally show you here you will all be suffering." Sora said with as he stood up, the group lost their capability to control their body and followed after Sora. they left the throne room and masked the two guards who guarded his throne room. the two guards kneeled slightly while looking at the newcomers in confusion.

Once they left, the two looked at each other before they asked a maid who was passing by to summon Red. people shouldn't be able to teleport the throne room, this was a huge risk to their lord's safety, and shouldn't be ignored.

Sora on the other hand walked on through his castle, everyone behind their legs felt weak, be it the items used to create the castle or the number of powerhouses they walked past. it scared them shitless, the fact that even the maids had the power to fight an immortal emperor scared them.

"This is my world, a world I was more than willing to rule alongside the only woman I ever truly loved," Sora said softly, making their body shake not liking the way Sora said that.

"... lor... Son in Law, all of this is a miss understanding. Kang Hanna would not want this..." Hannah's father said softly, but as he spoke, he found it got harder and harder to speak.

"you're right father-in-law. she wouldn't want this, that's why she would never know what I'm about to do to you all," Sora said calmly as he arrived before the castle doors which opened for him, allowing them to step out and fly into the air

"I mean, I could understand. I'm not a ruler who is not able to put himself in other shoes if his marriage was already set with someone like the son of heaven. it would be bad to break it off, you have to think more than simply about your daughter. and if you could form such a connection with the son of heaven out of all people, then what would you have to worry about?" Sora said calmly, making their uneasy feeling grow and grow with each world.

"yet even if I could understand, I can't care. at the end of the day, you offended this God, so the wrath of this god shall rain down upon you trill you work yourself to the point you disappear from existence." Sora said as their faces dropped. the Immortal emperor who had been looking for a chance to run almost fainted upon sensing th citizen below them. they were too powerful, just the citizens made his leg go weak, what about the powerhouses?

the others after noticing the strange action of the immortal emperor were confused, but seeing him looking down, they looked at the citizen below. their souls almost left their bodies,

"don't go ahead and do know from looking at a small village, everyone in my world is countless times more talented than the so-called son of heaven. I have more than enough power to destroy every Sage, the only person within the Pangu world I remotely am on guard against is Ling Han. and that's only because from what I know, his destiny Qi is off the charts." Sora said as they appeared within a unique space where he entered, followed by the others.

"Well, look at your beloved friends," Sora said calmly as he landed on the ground, looking at the members of the heavenly court, whose hair had turned completely white. they looked have died, their body was shaking and making weird sounds with every movement. showing that they pushed their bodies too long. the pain they felt was this clear in their mind, their mind was still clear,

"you would be joining them, they took a 1 week to go completely white, but you all will only take 3 days at most," Sora said calmly, Hannah's family was frozen at the moment. the nightly heavenly emperor, the mighty Gods of the heavenly court, they were all in such a sad sorry state. the image was a huge impact on them all

but the Immortal emperor was the first to snap out of it, he quickly fell to his knee and began to Kowtow before Sora. if even beings like the heavenly emperor could be brought to such a sorry state in a week, they were indeed going to suffer a fate worse than death.

"please. we were wrong. please, allow us to work to fix our mistakes." He said as everyone fell to their knees, they almost began crying hearing the fear within the immortal emperor's voice. they didn't know, but the immortal emperor and a few others knew the state the people from the heavenly court were within.

Such a simple way of torture, yet so effective scared them. at first, it didn't seem like hell but having a mind and body which could not adapt was more horrifying than a person could think. they had no sleep, and haven't eaten in a long time, they were working on Zero energy. their body wanted to fall apart, their mind was on the edge of a breakdown, yet it remained clear and they were forced to work through such a state? that was horrifying.

"Alright, you can work it off," Sora said with a nod, so he gave them the same order he gave to those of the heavenly court and the others. with the one and simple change, Sora used a limit breaker on their sense of pain. they shall now feel pain past the limit, and 100,000% far above what a normal person should ever feel.

"Well, you may all work. if the work is to my liking, I will come set you free." Sora said with a smile, but as he turned to walk away, he noticed all members of the heavenly court were kneeling, they had no tears but it was clear they were crying.

"i-i was a fool. I regret it. I understand how foolish I was, please, forgive me." The heavenly emperor said as he hit his head on the ground none stop. these past thousands of years were hell for the heavenly emperor, all members of the heavenly court had turned their back on him. they had him do most of their work while they rested most of the time, and they had instantly realized how foolish they were upon the first few hours here.

he had seen his son, unlike him, he had rest and could eat. meanwhile, their suffering was worse, they couldn't sleep. it had been so long since they slept, their mind was suffering. if they were not immortal, they would have died on the first week here.

to say the least, everyone envied the son of heaven, he would buy his freedom soon, meanwhile, the heavenly emperor had to go and open his mouth, saying stuff like his only regret was not killing Sora. they had to aim their hatred at someone, it was of course this fool

"you all destroyed your only chance hope at freedom. be happy, I brought new friends who would remain with you forever." Sora said calmly as he stepped forward disappearing from this space. those from Hannah's family's faces went pale, the heavenly emperor hatefully turned his attention to Hannah's father. it was this fool's fault he even form a link of hatred with Sora.

Hannah's father was not going to take this, he instantly threw this blame on his son. it was this fool who destroyed their relationship. he shall suffer all their rage...

"you do know you don't have to be an assassin," Itachi said calmly as he looked at Mou Ren, Mou Ren was the woman who lost to Shisui at the tournament, as the deal to their match went. if she lost, her life was within Shisui's hands.

"Shisui is my husband, as his wife, it's my job to stand alongside him, support him." She said with crossed arms. she had submitted to Shisui long ago, in a way, she had betrayed the heavenly court long ago. but she managed to worm her way into Shisui's heart, although an assassin Sora allowed Shisui to marry her if she wanted,

"I want to be like Izumi. she is so strong, and the fact even your son can defeat me is annoying. so I want to grow stronger." Mou Ren said with slight annoyance, Itachi smiled slightly at her words he like many had married, and had a child. Itachi's child was his pride, almost a perfect copy of himself, but instead of walking the path of illusion, his child wanted to walk the path of the sword. which itachi didn't mind,

"Well, I can introduce you to the goddess of destruction. if you can learn to master your power of destruction, you could come up with some unique ways to assassinate others. but I believe the path of assassination isn't for you. you are free-spirited, you would limit your future if you do this." Itachi said calmly, Mou Ren pouted slightly, but in the end, she had no choice but to agree with Itachi

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"so, what's Shisui's plan? why can't he return to this world?" She asked in confusion while looking at the screen of Shisui cultivating.

"simply, the heavenly immortal emperor has told everything that happened to the Dao ancestor. Through him, we have found out more information about the Dao ancestor. with Di Yalan attacked, it gave Shisui a window to improve his bloodline slightly. with the improvement, his talent has reached a new height. it reached a point where he could match Di Yalan who is not going all out, this is of course great. if the Dao ancestor or something else tries and take him away as its disciple, he would be the inside man." Itachi said calmly stunning Mou Ren

"you planning as you go on?" She asked as he looked at Itachi in disbelief, she had fought this guy, and fighting him was like fighting a chess grandmaster, she thought he had everything planned out. but he was planning as things went?

"no, Shisui came up with this plan. he didn't expect the heavenly immortal emperor to show up, which made him wonder what others would put their hope into him. he could go super Saiyan, so that's something to look forward towards. I just need to set up a moment where he would be 'enrage' to unleash this hidden power." Itachi said as he changed the screen, showing an image of a female and male absorbing a huge amount of Despair Qi.

"the body Shisui took over has a huge hatred towards these two, the woman played with him and had his family slaughtered, such a hatred can't be ignored so easily. I will have them reach a level of power where they would kill the heavenly immortal emperor with his help from us. I'm sure that would put on a good show of a BS power-up. after which, all I have to do is seat back and watch as the powerhouse takes the bet." Itachi said calmly, making Mou Ren feel a slight chill while looking at Itachi. he was strong, why must he also be such a schemer?

within the great tomb of Nazarick, Ainz had in human form and was currently enjoying his free time with a virgin Succubus called Albedo. after his fun and seeing Albedo falling asleep, Ainz returned to his undead form. with a flash, clothing appeared on his body.

'it's really nice that I can enter a human and undead form as I wish. now I can enjoy the benefits of both sides... but this world is scary, I didn't expect Sora to think so deeply about my throw-away idea. but I must admit this new plan to conquer the will of the Pangu world is amazing.' Ainz thought while thinking about that meeting. he grew depressed, he didn't know why Sora had him become a wise man. everyone was so smart and scary, he was outclassed in every sense way.

He didn't know how long he could be lucky, when would his dumb plan not have someone to speak up as if his idea was deeper than they could have imagined?

'it seems like Sora thinking because I conquered my world, that I'm some all-powerful being who can see years ahead. what would he think when he realizes I'm not? I mean, I'm the god of undead, but what's to say there will not be a better undead out there?' Ainz said as he sighed in depression, but he quickly calmed down. for the safety of the great tomb of Nazarick, he had to raise it to become the strongest power in this world. this of course meant expanding and conquering other worlds.

If Ainz only knew that Sora picked him to be a wise man because of his luck, Ainz wasn't the smartest or near to being the smartest person by any means. but his words always lead those smart people to overthink, leading to an even better plan to be birthed, meanwhile, they would always expect that this was Ainz's plan along. Sora almost fell for it at first, but he had reminded himself that this guy was a scammer

"finally up," a blonde hair man said calmly, Ainz's glowing red eyes glowed seeing this person. with a sigh, Ainz sat opposite him and waited for him to say something. this blonde-haired man was Tanya, an isekai'd MC like himself, but he was isekai'd and found himself as a female. lucky for him, Sora turned him back into a male.

"Well, about the alliance, you're one of the few Isekai'd MC who had gained a god title. you're also one of the few who cares about conquering worlds. I wanted to be allies, but we found that we can't trust you." Tanya said with a smile, Ainz slowly narrowed his eyes upon hearing this.

"We need at least one more god, you care more about your world than everyone else world. something many of us can't handle. you are strong, but we have the Shield Hero, Shiro, Sora, and Mondaiji. that's just a few of the overpowered people on our side," Tanya said with crossed arms.

"We have people like Reinhard van Astrea, Regulus Corneas, Mori Jin, and many others who are more than happy to knock you down a level," Tanya said as Ainz fell into deep thought

"if a god is what you want, what can't you get the goddess of shadows to help?" Ainz asked calmly, the goddess of shadows was one of Sora's newly crowned Concubines Satella.

"she and many others have refused, the lord has forbidden them from taking action. the only one who could is you, as the god of undead the rules which bind them don't really bind you. anything that's undead is you, which is why we are forced to do this. Ainz, we know the type of person you are. we will not give you the chance to step overuse." Tanya said as she stood up, Ainz was quiet for some time before he laughed. a black aura covered his body as he too slowly stood up.

"then let's go to war, I didn't expect this to come soo soon. but I have already made countermeasure." Ainz said with a smile, which couldn't be seen as he had no muscles, Tanya was about to say something when the both of them suddenly froze.

a golden light suddenly showed from the sky, they both looked up and saw a scroll slowly come down and stop in front of them. the scroll slowly opened and Sora's aura filled the whole of the great tomb of Nazarick. Ainz and Tanya both fell to their knees and waited

"from this moment on, all gods shall leave the higher realm and move to the nearly birthed realm. the realm of the gods, gods are to no longer interfere with the matters beloved, they may only act through avatars. you are all allowed to bring your followers. more information shall be given to you all later." Sora's voice boomed in their ears, Ainz suddenly felt his body beginning to disappear, the world was rejecting him, trying to send him to the realm of the gods.

as soon as the scroll disappeared, Ainz had no time to waste and quickly got ready to move to the great tomb of Nazarick to the higher realm. Tanya and many other MCs sighed softly seeing him leave, as the god of the undead, fighting Ainz was going to be a hard battle. but in the end, Sora made a move.

back to Sora, Sora looked at the happening in the great tomb of Nazarick for some time before shaking his head. of course, such a huge battle about to break out was reported to him, it forced him to quickly move on with his plans.

"is there anything else I should know about?" Sora asked calmly, Merlin flipped through the book a few times before shaking her head. Sora was up to date about everything. Merlin slightly at this, they could finally have some fun.

"Lord, we have stumbled upon a High Grade Higher Verse. it has a power capable of matching a late Great Sage." a soldier said as he rushed into the throne room, falling to his knees with slight panic. Sora and Merlin froze at this news. they were not ready for such a huge world, not for a few more years.

"world Name?" Sora said seriously as he got up and followed behind this soldier who reading lead him to the portal.

"The world's name is called transcendent cultivation art. the MC seems to have an overpowered cultivation art, that allows him to match the 7 deadly sins. even while both are suppressed to similar cultivation stages, none could one-up one other. Sir Hope Said that he was most likely holding back, only the lord was his match within the same level." the soldier said softly, Sora was stunned upon hearing this. he thought for some time before he Called Ling Fan.

the guy should start showing what he was capable of doing, after all, he was much stronger than even Sora. the guy once he got his bloodline exploded with unmatched talent, he was now a freak and even the strongest people within the system would not be his match on the same level if they didn't have stuff like a limit breaker and Conquest mode. which Ling Han didn't have, of course, Ling Fan had higher cultivation,

Ling Fan was the person for the job, at full strength Sora was not his match. this was only because Ling Fan had a cultivation stage equal to the True Dao realm, so of course, he was extremely powerful. and Sora still on guard against him had no choice but to limit the power of his bloodline. but even still, with his overpowered System, his skills just kept evolving through battle. when his talent evolved,  it got much easier for his skills to evolve,

when Ling Fan got his hands on my abilities from the system, they had evolved to a state in which Sora of course had to get his hands on them. why should Ling Fan have such a godly technique? in the end, for his pride Sora, Sora Created limitless learning.

Medaka kurokami's ability allowed her to copy stuff by 120%, be it by seeing it, or by word of mouth even from a second party. like hell, Sora would let her keep such things to herself. Sora loved sharing the most, how could he watch someone being greedy?

anyways, after taking the ability and sharing it with her. Sora could now do the same, he of course couldn't copy cheats, but he fused Limit breaker with this ability to form Limitless Learning. now, Sora could learn pretty much anything and everything without limit.

what did this mean? well, it was simple. when a person is learning, it takes time for them to slowly near mastering what they are learning. but even then, they might never master the said subject to 100%. 100% is a number that was impossible to reach, there would always be that 0.001% or something. but Sora could now learn and reach 100%, and even go a step above that and learn up to 100,000,000%.

what did this mean? anything Sora learns will be a million times better, sadly better does not always mean stronger. sometimes most of the skills just lose all their drawbacks, meaning Sora could now break his limit without having to worry about ever suffering a drawback. if he fought the Dao ancestor now, his body would not suffer any damage from pushing it, hell, he would defeat the guy with greater ease

also, all of his skills had pretty much no flaws within them, just imagine the newly improved ultra instinct he could currently use. if before it made him fight those up to 5 times his powerlevel, now it's safe to say maybe even those 10 times or higher can be defeated by the current Sora.

Ling Fan was indeed talented, but anything his cheat could do, Sora could do a million times better... well not everything. Ling Fan could just sit there and take a beating, and grow stronger. Sora could do something similar, but he would have to recover to grow stronger.

although Sora seemed overpowered, he knew he was not really all that overpowered. he knew out there, someone should be able to learn something infinitely times better than everyone. at some points, numbers lose their meaning. Sora was still held down by numbers, they were still limiting his power. Therefore, he seemed overpowered, but he wasn't.

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