In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 98: 0095 the egg

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"damn, you have an overpowered harem," Hannah said as she walked up to Sora who was sitting before a table, looking over some papers. Sora calmly looked over and saw Hannah walking over with 5 other females. these 5 were other females with cheats.

"what about it?" Sora asked lazily, Hannah snorted slightly. this guy only cared for his work and could care less about spending time to get to know these females. as the soon-to-be goddess, it seems she would have to do this stuff.

"she has 1 million x reward, everything she does would be equal to her doing it a million times. just cultivating for a second is equal to her cultivating for 1.6 weeks. she crafts pills, she would get a million of them, or trade them in for higher-grade pills." She said as she pulled over a woman who had long blue hair, she was a beauty no less to Natsume, she had beautiful blue eyes which grew in Sora's eyes.

She was from a mid-grade world called reborn within the Naruto world with a 100X reward, her cheat evolves the more she used it. to say the least, Sora was stunned to hear such a cheat existed,

"she has the supreme Search system, she could search for anything under the heavens. she could get any information she wants. even within a world as big as yours, she could easily find her way." Hannah said as she pointed to a woman with an eye patch over one eye, she was also a beauty who bowed slightly seeing Sora look at her

"She has the Idle system, She has the player System, and knows about Natsume. you not using them to their fullest." Hannah said with crossed arms, making the females move and seeing her stand up for them, they indeed have been missed treated. where was the love for the past 500 billion years

"do what you want, I'm busy," Sora said with a shrug since she was so interested in the cheats that she could manage them. as for him spending time with his wife? if they need him they know where to find him, if they don't come then they could suffer in silence,

"you have enough wives to fill a mid-grade world countless times over, the least you could do is show some care. I know the marriage thing was all out of benefit, but still, thats cold." Hannah said with a shake of her head,

"what are you getting at?" Sora asked helplessly, Hannah pointed at herself with a prideful smile,

"then I shall cut to the point, this one should become the goddess of goddess, wealth, fun, party, money, and marriage." She said with a smile, but she only got a disdainful smile from Sora,

"you will become the goddess of marriage, health, trade, and goddesses. you're not touching my money, hell, you're forbidden from smelling it." Sora said calmly, Hannah was stunned for a moment.

"that was only one time." She said angrily, to which Sora shrugged. this woman lost all her money, a spoiled woman who can't even imagine the suffering of the poor shall go nowhere near his money. she didn't even know that people could make less than 100k a year back on earth,

"one time? you used up 3 billion within a year. 8 months to be in fact," Sora said while looking at her with a stage look.

"it was way m... I mean, it was one time." Hannah said quickly catching herself from making a mistake, Sora went speechless while looking at her. there was more? Natsume and the others threw weird looks towards Hannah, how do you spend over 3 billion within 8 months, with nothing to show for it?

"cough, hey, I had only 50 years on the earth at most. so I could only live to the fullest, in your eyes, it was a waste, in my eyes, I got to live everything out." She said righteously, Sora was speechless while looking at her.

"anyways, I'm going to go look at the other wives. so many are getting bullied, if I don't stand up for them then who would." She said with a rightist aura about her, before she walked off before Sora could say anything. before the 5 females could leave, Sora had the 5 females remain. they both had confused looks seeing this, but they still sat down and waited for Sora to speak

"Hannah seems stupid... but she... she has her reason for her actions, go over your cheats in deeper details," Sora said calmly as he put his papers away, and looked at the females.

"well, my cheat is simple. I ask for my system to search for something and it shall tell me the locations of anything near me. I can also ask it to find the path to victory and other stuff. anything that could be found can be tracked down. from planning, timing, and so on." The woman with an eye patch said with a smile, she was called Tora. she was from a low-grade world, she was a treasure hunter back on earth when she did and found herself back in the past of her world, and quickly became a billionaire with her cheat, finding so many stuff from the last time.

Sora went quiet for some time hearing what her cheat was, this cheat was a support-type cheat. if used smartly, then it shall become overpowered. Sora looked at the papers, before giving them to her, and had her find the best path o fix the problems

"well, removing the infinite benefits for those of the 7 deadly sins and others would actually be for the best. giving a few sets of people such benefits would only make them remain at their peak, while others are suppressed. instead, have them start working for it.... at least thats what the system says." She said softly as she gave the paper back to Sora. Sora was indeed looking over the resources of the system

with a billion years, he got t see the impact his actions were having. not that he was looking for the best way to fix his problem. Tora's system plan was the same route Sora was going down. Sora thought for a moment before looking at the blue-haired woman.

"my cheat is 1,000,000X reward. the benefits are get are 1,000,000,000 times betters. I do one push-up, and it's equal to doing a million. I make a pill, then the pills shall come out with an extra 1 million, but for crafting rewards, I could lower the numbers to increase the grades. at lower stages, every 10 times equal 1 grade, but it got higher and higher to the point I 1,000,000x instant enough... but I can make a million true god grade pills. I used this to greatly boost my strength among the others. my cheat can also evolve, in a few years it shall be 10 million." She said softly, she was called Emma. Sora looked at her for some time, before looking at the woman with the idle system.

"my system is simple. in my world, I used to clear dungeons, and I could get rewards after clearing a dungeon. my system rewards me every second with the rewards for clearing the dungeon. I also can idle cultivate, idle train skills, and so on." She said making Sora fall into deep thoughts about her cheating before looking at one with the player system

"Well, I'm a player. I break through by simply killing people. my skills improve by simply using them. all injuries can be healed like how in-game characters can heal, I can use the money to upgrade my equipment, and I can just mark a cultivation mark which would auto-cultivate by simply killing people." She said with a smile as she crossed her legs, she indeed could heal many injuries, she had a health bar that so long doesn't run out she would not die or like get weak from injuries.

in some games, She simply had to stab herself with a needle, and something like a missing arm would grow back. all types of injuries shall recover, and never slow her down. Sora thought for some time, in deep thought on how he could best use these 4 females.

"well, Emma, what do you think of working with Emiya? craft weapons, and also work for Dracula and his wife?" Sora asked calmly,

Emiya was the god of blacksmiths, and Dracula was his alchemist, Dracula was from Castlevania (Animated Series). He and his wife have taken it upon themselves to improve the alchemy of Sora's world, and even adding knowledge frown countless worlds

"I would make you the Goddess of the X rewards and have you be in charge of managing every newcomer to this world work under you, and even give you the power to take their cheats or big it to those worthy," Sora said calmly, making everyone who heard his words freeze

"y-you can take cheats?" Natsume asked in shock, to which Sora calmly nodded, upon breaking through to the Moutain and river tier. Sora's stealing capability which unmatched, all things under the heavens shall now be taken by Sora. even cheats could be taken.

"y-yes, I agree," Emma said quickly,  Sora trapped Emma slightly, and Emma suddenly felt like she lost her cheat before it was suddenly given back to her. but it was now 100x, no longer a 1,000,000x, but out of the blue, the cheat began leveling up, quickly reaching level 10. now the cheat shall give her 100,000,000,000x rewards, stunning her

"every person within the system who has the X rewards cheat shall be birth form you, the XP that they get would be split onto you. also, as the god, you shall live through each cheat. so your cheat shall be equal to the strongest cheat they have... and if you take every cheat back, yours shall improve." Sora said calmly as he looked over to Tora

"I want you to become the goddess of tracking. join the assassins, but instead of assassinating, I want you to get information, track stuff down, and report it back to me, or the assassins. all the tracking-type cheats should also be birthed from you... what do you think?" Sora asked calmly, to which Tora nodded without a second thought. Sora nodded slightly as tapped her forehead, instantly, Tora lost her gold finger,  but it was given back to her.

the cheat was returned at level 1, only capable of searching around her for a few meters, but it quickly leveled up, reaching the point where she could search all of Sora's world. Sora turned his attention to the others and made them all a goddess. after which, Sora sent them off while Natsume remained, looking at him with bright eyes.

"what is it?" Sora asked with a sigh.

"wouldn't the 100x reward work perfectly with my husband's system? just imagine, if you and I do it, it would be equal to going at it a hundred times." She said with a smile.

"I know, you think I don't have the x rewards?" Sora asked calmly, stunning Natsume, she didn't expect Sora to keep the cheat even after giving it back. her eyes brightened slightly, she wanted to taste the cheat, but Sora waved her off. he was busy seeing what the 5 new cheats were capable of. with the cheats, he quickly fished the paperwork, and with a stump, all the elites suddenly felt the changes to this world. they all lost the infinite benefits. instead, they got a yearly paycheck which was still shocking.

Sora calmly stood up and went on to ask Red to give him a list of all the cheats within his world, it didn't take long as he already had a list of all types of cheats. Sora looked at the cheats in his hands and saw that many of his elites had the move overpowered cheats.

Anos voldigoad seemed to be the only one without a cheat, no cheats seemed to be worthy of him, but others like Ling Fan cheats have greatly improved. Ling Fan had absorbed many versions of himself, the same was for MC with leveling systems, and many others

"Summon owner of the strongest system, Stand System, Leveling System, universe Store system, Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World, Supreme Necromancer System, talent system, God of God System, Dragon City System, In One Piece With The Power To Eat All Devil Fruits, Supreme Fusing Cheating..." Sora listed a huge amount of worlds that had powerful cheats, Red calmly remembered them all before walking off.

'although heaven can take and give the cheats as they wish, I could use them to recreate my system, I shall fuse every system to create the Supreme  God of conquest Conquest.' Sora thought as he watched people entering the throne one after another.

among the were Ainz who had the Supreme Necromancer system, Ling Fan with the strongest system, Seth with the Devil fruit-eating cheat, and a few others. Sora went on to take their cheats and give them back to them, while making them gods of said cheats, once they left. Sora went on to start using the Supreme Fusing System to start fusing them all, and slowly recreate his former cheat.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

So, Sora appeared within a space and began the fusion. within his mind, a huge giant Sora stood, holding all the cheats within the palm of his head. as he slowly fused them, he found something was stopping him. Sora frowned slightly before he spoke.

"Thee order you to fuse," Sora said in a booming voice, which sounded like that of a god. the cheats all stopped resisting for a moment before they slowly came together. Sora kept ordering, making the fusing happen faster and faster. soon, the cheats were about to fully fuse, Sora instantly moved and began to order the cheat to form into a new and powerful cheat.

slowly, the supreme Conquest System began taking shape. Sora did not want this cheat to be capable of being stolen by others, he ordered the cheat to become one with him, but as soon as it did, Sora was hit with a huge amount of pain. Sora gritted his teeth,

this pain was too much for him to bare, even with the conquest Dao, he couldn't order himself to endure. instead, he wanted this to stop, anything seemed to be better than this, hell, death was better than this. Sora's body shook, and his thinking was clouded with thoughts of death. at this moment, he realized how beautiful death was

'my willpower is weak...  damn it, how can I conquer the world if I can take a small amount of pain.' Sora said, stopping himself from ending this. this was a good chance to temper his willpower, such pain was far beyond what willpower could handle,

'i-i'm a conquer. I'm a god... I shall never break.' Sora said trying to motivate himself, but it was not of much hope. Sora's willpower was great, he had to keep a mask on to seal away it because of the damage it could cause. yet, here it was making Sora start to wish for death.

"... g-give me d..."Just when Sora was about to end it, the pain disappeared and a huge amount of pleasure overwhelmed Sora. Sora let out a soft moan, the whole space he was within was covered by his sweat, a whole ocean.

{fusing complete, good morning host. I'm the supreme Conquest system.} the system said a Sora just laid here enjoying the sweet feeling of feeling nothing. Sora sighed in relief. with so many systems fused, of course, the pain was unmatched.

Sora slowly stood up, before seeing what the system had to offer. it had everything the system once had, for example, anything Sora brings into this world shall be scanned and be used to improve what was already within his world, or had a unique space where said item would be filled

due to the many fusions, the Supreme Conquer System had an idle cultivation tab, an X reward tab, a Player tab, a dual cultivation tab, a world management tab, a talent tab, a Supreme Store tab, Supreme Map, tracking, divination tab, and many more.

Sora looked at the player tab, and the 3rd image of him appeared, at the sides, there were boxes with his equipment and his states. Sora looked at his equipment and saw that he could use many to upgrade them. but Sora noticed there was a blanked-out square that had the word zanpakuto blanked out.

Sora went on to look at his Dao and saw that it was 85% complete, meaning that 85% of his dao was correct, and the remaining 15% was a mistake. Sora had a frown seeing this for some time, he smiled slightly.

With this, he now had nothing to worry about. he can see what he is doing wrong was slowly making his Dao into a transcendent Dao. he needed to do many things, such as go over his Dao over and over, making it clearer and clearer.

Sora flashed, returning to his throne room. He instantly realized he was gone for a month, that should be enough for Hannah to get used to this place. he summoned her and with on to title her as a goddess. no huge event was held,

{a goddess has been chosen... congratulations on completing a hidden mission. The host has been rewarded with a Phoenix statue upgrade...} the system spoke, as the phoenix dragon within Sora's chest slowly began to transform. Destiny from all over Sora's world began entering it, forcing Sora to quickly have the phoenix statue fly out of his chest, or else he would die.

the phoenix statue floated in the air, as waves upon waves of destiny Qi entered its body, everyone watched as the phoenix. the once orange-like flames became golden with it being red at each end,

{the Phoenix statue is known considered the Phoenix of conquest. this phoenix holds the density Qi of all lifeforms within your world.} the system said making Sora wonder if this reward would have been given even without the system

{host, this reward would have been given even if you didn't create me.} the system said, to which Sora nodded slightly. Sora looked at the huge phoenix before he slowly opened his mouth,

"destiny, you should be able to see notice this right?" Sora said in a soft voice, confusing Merlin and the others who were standing behind him. slowly, the phoenix statue slowly turned to look at Sora, as if it heard Sora's words. its eyes slowly turned black, as if it was being taken over by some unknown being. slowly, the phoenix flew before Sora, stopping right in front of him.

"I didn't expect you of all people to actually bother to speak with me," Sora said with a smile, the phoenix's dark eyes closely looked at him not saying anything, as if waiting for Sora to speak. but Sora didn't say anything, and simply looked at him.

"We all but puppets, I simply see the strings. you have nothing to offer me for me to go against the strings which hold me." the phoenix said in a deep, sagely voice. Merlin and the others were shocked seeing, they couldn't understand what was this

"I know, i'm just so happy to see my beloved brother... since you have come here, did you bring your beloved brother a welcoming gift," Sora said with a smile, the phoenix snorted slightly, its wings spread out, looking deeply into Sora.

"your Ragnarok shall is not far when what you hold closest to you disappear, then it would be the sign that your death is not far. what you do with this knowledge is you," the phoenix said as its eyes returned to normal, leaving Sora frozen on the spot. everyone was also frozen as they slowly looked at Sora,

destiny didn't die, since he said it, then it meant it was going to happen. It was almost impossible for a person to escape what was been rewritten in the book of destiny. Sora went quiet for some time before looking at Hannah. was she one destiny spoke off? it was a most likely note.

If it was his wife, it would have said something like beloved or lover. but he said the closest thing. this meant that thing is something Sora has yet to see, an item or person Sora hasn't seen or had such attachment to yet. thinking to this point, Sora threw the matter to the back of his mind.

he shall conquer destiny, until then he would be careful what he loves and holds close. the phoenix flew into his chest, and using its power, Sora moved everyone's memories of what just happened. the phoenix statue was at the god of creation level, it was at the peak of the God of creation which meant that all his wives would have huge benefits nows.

with that, Sora and Hannah went on to enter the chamber to have some fun. so, time went by. Sora kept his promise and began trying to have children with his wives. it didn't take long for 11 months to pass, at which point Sora began teaching the Dao of conquest. many people had questions to ask, which Sora answered to the best of his capability.

but many questions which were given left Sora stuck, forcing Sora to think long a deep before finding an answer. this allowed him to improve his Dao from 85% to 90% within 6 months, and in a few years then he might be able to complete it.

but through this, Sora realized he needed to start cultivating his willpower. the best way to do this was of course through torture. Sora realized his mind was not all that when he almost killed himself from that pain, even if that pain was something that willpower alone couldn't handle, Sora should still handle it.

he should conquer every bit of his body, from not simply his heart demons, but also things like his senses, strength, speed, and stuff level the very concept of who Sora was. all this time, he had foolishly ignored all this, and only conquered his heart demons, while ordering his body around.

after this point was reached, Sora began conquering his body, while he left an avatar over to handle teaching the Doa of conquest. so like that, Sora began to take absolute control over who he was, from the cells which ran through his body, his senses, and so many more. everything slowly fell under Sora's power.

it took 10 years before Sora finally reached 99% within the conquest Dao, by this time, Irene, Tiang Tian, Charmcaster, Esdeath (Akame ga Kill), Krul Tepes (Seraph Of The End), and Daki (Demon Slayer) were the only people to get pregnant.

Sora was speechless that mostly villains got his sends, but he of course didn't care and simply continued improving his Dao while allowing some people within his world to reach the Sage realm, so he could kill them and absorb them. as a god, Sora had learned to be shameless and come up with reasons that sounded right to kill someone. this allowed Sora's cultivation speed to quickly raise


Sora suddenly heard an earth-shattering crack. Sora who was bathing in the worst poison that could be found in his world frowned slightly. this poison was called death wishing poison, a poison so deadly that Sora almost began begging for death upon entering for the first time, it was because the pain this brought was something willpower could handle. Sora used this to train his willpower to the point it was pretty much absolute, so much so that this poison that negates willpower couldn't do anything to him.

Sora got out of the bath as if it was some normal bath, with a thought, he willed himself to be clean and be dressed. the liquid all disappeared, and clothing appeared on his body. this was not the conquest Dao, just that Sora will power alone. he simply needed to think to get what he wants.

An egg appeared in Sora's hands, this egg was the Conquest egg, a mount he got upon finding a route to regaining his former status as conquest. the egg was currently cracked while absorbing a huge amount of energy,

slowly, a white horse slowly poked its head out of the egg. the horse had golden eyes, ita mane was covered in golden flames. it let out a cut roar, as it slowly got out of the egg cell. Sora put the horse down and watched it slowly struggle to stand up on its 6 legs

"..." the horse looked cutely at Sora before it struggled to walk up to Sora as if it shall its mother. Sora smiled slightly, he knew how Conquest birthed this horse. Odin had a 6 legged horse, Conquest had once taken a liking to that horse. so, he went on to find one of the same and killed it. using his power, he had it be reborn, as his child

"a god needs a good mount to ride into battle... I will call you Katakto." Sora said with a smile, as he stretched the head of the horse. this horse was born at the heavenly immortal tier, its talent was only less than the like of Sora.

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