In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 99: 0096 the barrier

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Within the void between stories, is a blank world. Zeno's father clashed against 5 of the strongest half-step supreme God's realm experts. shocking, he was holding his own. all attacks shot towards him all disappeared, as of being erased from existence.

"what a pointless fight, no matter if I have transcended my story, you are all chained forever trapped to be a side character" Zeno's father yelled as his power two erase all things gathered, forming a toward, filled with the power to Zero all things. the 5 tried yelled as they gathered their strongest attack,

Zeno's father roared as he swung forward. the clash clashed creating shock waves that were heaven shocking. but within the void between stories, they could do nothing. Zeno's father flew back while a rocket was covered in purple blood. the other 5 were also badly injured but compared to Zeno's father they were in mock better condition.

"I Saiko, will not only kill you all. but this world should also be conquered." He yelled as white light flashed across his hands, all his injuries flashed, erased as if they were never there. Saiko shot forward toward the stunned experts, but they quickly moved to fight

"This is the power of those who transcend the story. they do as they wish, if I wish for all injuries to be erased, then they shall be erased. if I wish for all hope of your winning to be erased then it shall be erased." He yelled as he slammed his fist which was covered in white light, erasing a huge part of an expert's head, before he flashed, dodging an attack that was aimed towards his back.

the experts whose head was almost completely erased tried to regrow his head but found that this injury was not so easy to recover from. slowly, he began to forget that he ever even had a complete head. the very idea of him having a complete head was erased. if he was at his peak, he would have been able to resist, but with how injured he was, his death seemed to be around the corner.

the 5 all looked at each other, they knew they were not his match. they looked over and shall a Saiyan who had purple hair, fighting a bunch of world gods along with many other angels, frost demons, and so on.

Suddenly expects all shot backward, and energy shot out of their body, but it was not normal energy. their limitless lifeforce gathered, forcing a barrier that covered their world. Saiko seeing this quickly moved to stop them, but a group of world gods who were within an avatar moved, holding him long enough that the barrier was set up. the 5 half-step supreme gods all went pale as they began aging. even if they were immortal, there was no such thing as a true infinite, or true immortality. death will come for all things.

Saiko badly attacked the barrier, his people were trapped on the other side, in the enemy ground. the 5 half-step supreme all moved and attacked Saiko's army. but many of them couldn't be killed, such as the Saiyan, Angels, and frost demons. Saiko had erased all the way they could be killed, so they sent them into their world where their powerlevel dropped to 1%. after which, they sealed them away.

after which, the 5 all coughed up blood. a step away from death. they used everything they to set up the barrier, and even more so to capture them. if they didn't capture them, they could have village for at least 5 billion or so years before death, but now they only had a few thousand

"we will go into hibernation, the barrier would only last for a few million at most with how he is attacking. we will leave everything to you all until we awaken." a man with 3 eyes and butterfly wings behind him said softly while looking at their disciples. their disciples nodded serouly, seeing them off as they went to fall into a deep sleep. trying to recover as best as they could, while also awaiting the next round.

among the soldiers that were fighting among the true Gods was Ling Han, he was still at half-step world god, and currently had the power to match those of the early god of creation. Ling Han at the moment had gritted teeth, among those at were badly injured was his master,

"Junior brother, let's go. with have a million years before the barrier breaks. let's use this time to reach the higher realm." a young man said softly, he was an early world god, Ling Han senior, Ling Han nodded for a moment before Shaking his head.

"I want to go check up on the Pangu world, it suddenly disappeared, I want to find it." Ling Han said softly, the young man nodded before offering to come with him. Ling Han hesitated for a moment before nodding. so, the two shot off, leading towards the Pangu world on board the ship

their speed was which, quickly arriving at the spot where the Pangu world once stood. by once stood, it meant that the Pangu world had disappeared countless of years ago. Sora had taken it into his world when he reached the Moutain and river tier,

"Sora," Ling Han suddenly yelled, the young man who was looking around in confusion was stunned seeing Ling Han suddenly yell out. no one was here, so what was the point of yelling?

"what is it?" a portal slowly opened, and Sora lazily stepped out, making Ling Han sigh in relief at this. but he couldn't help but be stunned seeing Sora walking around without a mask, his looks were clearly seen. yet his willpower couldn't be felt. the only unique thing about Sora at the moment was his looks and the aura of a ruler. a supreme ruler born to rule all things.

the newest change to Sora was his height, he stood at 6.3 inches, but now he stood at a shocking, 8 inches tall. he was a walking giant, but his height and muscles were seemly perfect, he didn't look skin for his height but had a perfect physique

"you're the one who killed the guy's son, are you not?" Ling Han asked, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, not expecting this. he of course knew of the war that was happening, which was perfect as it allowed him to quietly improve his Dao while both sides grew weaker

"what of it? I may or may have not killed a little brat who didn't know his place." Sora said calmly, stunning Ling Han that his theory was correct. the young man also froze, not expecting to hear someone like this in the trash region of the primordial void.

"... you caused so much chaos and you're just sitting here while both sides kill each other." Ling Han said with slight anger, Sora looked at Ling Han like he was looking at a fool.

"you want me to rush in yelling that I killed someone capable of fighting a half-step supreme son? you're right, staying quiet was foolish of me, I should head out and do the right thing." Sora said with slight disdain, making Ling Han's words be caught in his throat, he had nothing to say. why would Sora do something so foolish? hell, he would have stood aside and watched both sides fight to the death.

"What are you planning, how were you capable to leave this world and effect another world?" Ling Han asked, although he had his theories, he wanted to hear them from Sora's mouth.

"is it not clear? this lord is a conqueror. I was born to rule all things... literally." Sora said with a shrug, Ling Han's eyes narrowed for some time. thinking for some time, he was about to speak, when his senior brother suddenly shot towards Sora.

with overwhelming speed, he grabbed Sora. but his hand passed through Sora, stunning him. he quickly moved to grab Sora, but each time his hands went through Sora, Ling Han who wanted to stop him was stunned, Sora was not using any space ability, his senior body just couldn't touch Sora

"within the time this god hasn't seen you, this god has found many flaws within my path. which this God has completely fixed, what you see now is someone with almost absolute control of his body. anything I want to do shall be done, for I have conquered every single concept of who Sora is, " Sora said as he looked at his palm for a moment,

"if this god doesn't want your dirty hands to touch this god, you shall never touch me for this god wishes it," Sora said as he reached out, blocking the attack without moving backward in the slightly

"if I don't wish to move, I shall become unmoveable. even if you're stronger than me. my control over who I am is almost absolute." Sora said calmly, before turning to look at Ling Han.

"you're talented, even without my bloodline, you're this strong. in due time, I will have you submit." Sora said calmly as he turned, disappearing. Ling Han was frozen, Sora was only at the peak of the heavenly immortal realm, yet he was so powerful. but he was getting closer. this is why he didn't break through to the Sage realm, if Sora could do it, then he shall do it as well.

meanwhile, within the space, Sora looked at his palm. the block he used to block the attack from the world god. although his orders are seemly absolute, it was not absolute, it was almost absolute. strong enough power can overwhelm his order, leaving Sora helpless.

but with Sora gaining such control over his body, all limitation on his body was removed, if Sora had a limit on him, that means he was not in full control. this meant, Sora could order himself to become all-powerful, he of course would truly become all-power, but his power would reach the limit of his order.

Sora's mind, body, souls, and so on were not his limitations, but the power of his order was his one and only limitation to his power. Sora could stand before an extremely powerful person, and order himself not to be affected by anything. once that person attacks, their power would have to overwhelm Sora's order if they wish to do something.

still, since this Dao has not transcended and become a Sage Dao, Sora still needed to remain within a world if he wished to use his Dao. as for how he used his Dao outside of a world, he simply ordered himself before he left the system.

this meant Sora can get all kinds of knowledge he wants, he wants to become the best fighter. he simply orders himself and he shall. he wants to know something. then what was stopping him? this reached a point where he knew the future and past like it was the pack of his hands. Sora had conquered time and space within his world, so he knew pretty much everything that shall and would happen. of course, none of this was absolute

'i didn't expect Zeno's father to be so troublesome, although I'm confused about how dragon ball become its own thing without a hint of Zeno's father affecting it. it seems Zeno's father knew something.' Sora thought as he sat on his throne, and closed his eyes, looking over his Dao.

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meanwhile, within the demon realm, Daki sat on her throne while slowly rubbing her stomach. she had a seemly evil look while looking at the slight budge.

"the crown is naturally yours, once your father ignores all things and only forces on cultivating, everything shall belong to you and you alone." She said in a soft and gentle tone, her stomach shook slightly, making her smile slightly.

"yes, those so-called brothers and sisters are nothing but stepping stones for you to reach the top, you shall become the future ruler of all things, and do as you wish... but until then, grow, I shall make it so your talent is unthinkable." She said softly before looking up at the countless demons who were chained up before her, looking at her in horror.

"for my son's future, you're sufficed is something thats a most," Sora said as she have people affect them with the death wishing poison, suddenly the hundreds of demons began letting out pained cries, wanting nothing more but to die right there and get it over with. but she forced them all to remain alive, as their suffering and pained cries made a unique energy that she used,

with an Ice world, Esdeath rubbed her stomach with a slight smile. she looked at the many ice statues, this was her idea of art.

"weakness is the ultimate sin. in this world, and any others, The strong survive and the weak die. so, you must grow and become the strongest." She said softly as an ice blue flame slowly appeared in her hands, her stomach shook feeling this ice blue flame, causing her to smile.

"I shall help you stay away from committing such sins, and have you become the strongest, and take the throne. who in this world is more capable than you? the throne is rightfully yours." She said as she eat the flame,

within Heaven, Tiang Tian sat among the golden clouds, lazily eating. while looking at a hologram in front of her, showing a movie. She suddenly felt her stomach move slightly, making her smile slightly,

"yes, superman is strong. you want to be like him?" She asked as she looked at the screen which showed Superman fighting against powerful allies.

"yes, yes. you're my beloved son, of course, you can become the simple of justice, what's more, righteous than I, the heavens?" She said with a smile, her stomach shaking happily before they returned to match the movie...

within the dragon realm, Irene sat within her guard, with a book in hand. she read it out softly as if reading to someone. her stomach would shake from time to time, forcing her to go back a page or explain a few things

"Mom, who are you reading to?" Erza asked in confusion seeing Irene talking to herself, Irene smiled slightly seeing her daughter. she waved at her to come to sit next to her,

"We can communicate through our minds, he wants to be born, but he is not ready. so I have no choice but to read books to him to ease him." She said with a smile, stunning Erza he looked at the slight bump on her stomach. this was her brother, and although she wanted a sister, she was still happy to see the newcomer to the family.

Erza froze slightly as she felt a cute voice in her head, she was stunned for some time before she began speaking. even before being born, they were already getting to know each other,

many other wives could be seen doing similar things, years away from giving birth, they were slowly preparing in their own way to give birth to the best child they could give birth to.

"yes, I'm pregnant," Hannah said happily as she entered the throne room, making Sora annoyed, was that how a goddess should act? the cat which was peacefully resting in Sora's hands lazily looked at Hannah, before it closed its eyes, enjoying Sora who was stretching it.

in the past 10 years, she has become a goddess, Hannah had need done a great job as the goddess of goddesses. she managed Sora's world when Sora was too lazy to care and only cared for growing stronger, she loved after the complaints and trouble makers and so many other stuff. she gave Sora a lot of free time.

the only problem was her pranks, she just loved pulling pranks on people. her most notable target was Sora, which was why Sora avoid his room.

"shocking, the bed wetter is pregnant," Sora said calmly, making Hannah's joyful mode disappear. she angrily looked at her. not long ago, after she transformed into a maid and had the clothing he had one fart device within, Sora got paid back by having her have a dream of her going to bed while sleeping.

to say the least, the bed was wet that morning. it took some talking to with great Red, the dream god to find out Sora was behind it all. immortals didn't dream for no reason, that was the most humiliating moment of her life.

"... just watch," Hannah said angrily as she turned and walked off, Sora ignored slightly, he would not be leaving this throne room for some time. so what can she do?

slowly, Sora's shadow began releasing a black fog. a woman with an eye patch slowly floats out of the shadow, the cat in Sora's hand instantly got up, as if it was going to attack. but upon seeing who it was, it relaxed and returned to its restful state

"the 5 half step great sages have used up their lifespan to put up a barrier to protect this world, sadly, this barrier also blocks us from conquering worlds through the system. it also expected that there might be other barriers out there, if there is one, then there are an infinite of other worlds following the main plot and many others that we have yet to conquer." Tora said softly, she had the tracking system. in the past 5 years, she had mastered the arts of assassins personally taught by the assassin god, Ezio Auditore.

Sora thought for some time, this was a good time to conquer the primordial void, but they were still too weak to do this. they should send out spies to slowly conquer parts of the primordial void,

"Ainz," Sora said softly, a moment past and soon the throne doors opened as Ainz entered, falling to his knees in respect.

"I will give you the past of taking over the primordial void, how you go about it is up to you," Sora said calmly, Ainz was stunned for a moment before he nodded as if it was a piece of a cake. but deep down he was crying, why him of all people? but he had to keep up the act. Ainz quickly left, while Sora sent him off with his gaze.

'Ainz's luck and the fact he is the most normal of everyone in my world would allow him to blend in easily. so, he is the best pick.' Sora thought as he turned his attention to the cat,

"is that everything?" Sora asked as Tora didn't disappear and stayed behind him. Tora nodded slightly before she spoke.

"the 5 half steps Supreme God couldn't kill the power horses from Zeno's father's side with their injuries, so they instead sealed them away. if you absorbed them..." Tora didn't need to finish her words for Sora to understand what she meant.

"I care not about my cultivation. my cultivation can be anything I wish it to be, all I care about is my Dao. so, spread the news that whoever can get their hands on those who are sealed away can do anything they wish with them." Sora said calmly, Tora was stunned for a moment before she nodded and disappeared

"what is it?" Sora asked calmly seeing the cat started licking his fingers slightly, suddenly a poof of smoke, and the cat turned into a dark skin woman, who wrapped her hands around Sora while sitting in his lap. most of the time, Sora was alone in the throne. unless it was needed, he didn't allow guards to enter or something

"you can't be planning on simply comprehending the Dao all day, you're already happy from seeing me," She said softly in Sora's eyes, before biting his ear slightly. and rubbing the slight thing which suddenly awakened. Sora smiled slightly, before he disappeared, appearing in her room.

this cat woman was Yoruichi from bleach, the goddess of speed in this world,

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