In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 14: Chapter 13.

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"....Are you girls ready" when I come back after changing, now I am wearing my  Bloody War Demon Series Armour, which I usually wear while I am going in the forest for hunt. 

As I asked them the girls looked at me surprised eyes, but soon they were back to normal. 

"Are you going to wear that Yuuya?" Asuna asked me surprise still visible in her eyes.

"Yeah, I always wear this when I go out in the forest. Why is there something that matter?" 

"N-no it's noting, is just that outfit, it looks great on you!"

"Really? Thanks. Like I said before, I wear it when I fight monsters and stuff in this world. So have you all choosesend the weapons."

"Yeah, we all have it"

"Good, then are you girls ready for the forest exploration, as it will be dangerous so I will first take you to fight some small and weak Monster, so make sure to make yourself comfortable, Okay"

I said, as I looked towards the girls specifically towards Asuna and Mu Ningxue, as they have no combat experience as well as this will be their first kill and I wanted to make them comfortable with it first. The girls in question noticed my gaze, but didn't say anything about it as they knew it that they are weak compared with others and didn't have any combat experience in real life, so they simply nodded to my suggestion but I can see fire burning in their eyes and their faces had resolute expression that seem say that they wanted to become stronger. Looking at their  expression I felt satisfied as they are willing to work hard. 

"All right, then please come a little closer to me as I am going to use teleportation, to teleport ourselves near monster's location so please don't make any noise and be ready with your wepons, as it will be easier" 


When I told the girls to come closer to me they were clearly surprised by my suggestion but they still complied with it as they moved closer to me.

'They smell good' I thought as I felt a sweet smell invading my nose and looking closely at them I still can't believe that I am in presence of such beautiful womens and no matter who, they are all top beauties with incredible charm, as they are capable to drive any man crazy for just a simple smile from them. But I immediately stopped myself from thinking about this stuff. 

"All right, let's go then {Teleport}"

As I invoked the spell a magic circle started to form below our feet, which surprised them though Grayfia, Chu Yuechan, Mu Ningxue  look closely at the circle that was formed as if they are trying to understand it how it works. But to their dismay before they could get the closer look at the circle we were all teleported away and arrived in the middle of the forest.

"W-wo-woah..." as they all arrived at the location, Asuna exclaimed as it was her first time experiencing moving with something like this considering her world as it doesn't have any Magic, though the others didn't react much as teleportation is something common in their respective world so they adapted, as all are looking at their surroundings which has changed.

"Be ready with your wepons and magic as there are several life signatures ahead of us" I remind the girls that are looking at their surroundings, while I slowly went towards the direction of presence.

With hearing Yuuya's warning the girls quickly became alert as they took out their wepons as they started to formed a formation for battle as Grayfia and Chu Yuechan being on the front  and Mu Ningxue and Asuna on their back for support, as the latter had Bows in their hand with arrows attached to it as they look ready to shoot, while the two in the front are also ready with swords and spear in their hands, while continuing moving forward.

[Horned Rabbit]

Level: 85

Magic: 600

Attack: 2500

Defense: 1500

Agility: 3000

Intelligence: 500

Luck: 100

Infront of us was a white rabbit with a horn coming of it's head like an unicorn, it's has a size of a normal rabbit and it was resting on the stone as if basking upon the sun. There were around 7~8 rabbits with same strength around. Though they were not as powerful as other Monster that are available in this forest but they are the starters for the girls to experience.

"It's not a strong monster, but you have to look out for it as it's agility is relatively high" I told the girls after checking stats of the rabbits.

"So who is going to face it?"

"I think, it should be better if we let Mu Ningxue and Asuna handle it as I can sense it's strength it's not that powerful and can be handled with ease by two of them, it can be consider good experience for the two, if anything goes wrong we will interfere. So what do you think is it alright?"

Chu Yuechan suggested and as a cultivator, she can sense the opponents strength. From the rabbits she doesn't feel any type threat and these rabbits doesn't interest her much so she suggested to let the two handle it.

"I-is it really right..." Asuna tried to talk but.. 

"I also agree, I too think that it will give them experience of how to handle the monsters" Grayfia agreed as she was also not much interested in these rabbits.

"Yeah, I also agree to that" 

With that said we all looked at the two girls who are clearly nervous though Mu Ningxue seems to less nervous compared to Asuna who's hands are trembling though she tried to hide it but we can all see that, as I sigh inwardly.

"B-but.. those rabbit doesn't seem to harmful and they are just sitting there and doing nothing... plus they look c-cute.." Asuna said though her voice was low,  but we were all clearly able to hear it considering none of present here is a normal person. 

"Ok, get ready just consider it as a wild hunt experience or something."

After, I said that I walked a little away from the two and stand with the rest, we will observe them and only interfere if they are in danger.

Asuna and Mu Ningxue looked at eachother and nodded as they took a deep breath as they seem to be readying their heart's. 

"Asuna, I will use my magic to trap these rabbits and once they are trapped and then we should attack them."


Mu Ningxue suggested, to which Asuna agreed easily as they also didn't want to give any chances to these rabbits for flee or to attack them. Seeing Asuna agreeing to her suggestion Mu Ningxue sighed as she closed her eyes while focusing on trapping these rabbits, when she opened her eyes, on her pupils a weird magic circle was formed as she invoked her spell while raising her hands...

{Ice Chains}

"Grhh" "Arghh" Grhha"

As she cared her spell, on her hands a magic circle was formed and from the circle chains started to come out as those chains were made upof ice. As those chains shot towards the direction of the rabbits I  an incredible speed, which immobilized the rabbits, as they let out an alarmed cry. 

"Asuna, now!"


Asuna was clearly supprised as she saw how Mu Ningxue who was same age has her immobilised all the  rabbits present with her magic alone, and seeing her performing magic she felt a little envious of her in her heart but she didn't show that, hearing Mu Ningxue reminder she came back to her senses as she quickly aimed her arrow towards the rabbits, and started shot them. 

Mu Ningxue on the other side, raised her hand as she shot ice spikes at the immobilized rabbits in attempt to take them down.

"So, what do you think about them? "

Looking at the both the girls, I asked Grayfia and Chu Yuechan, about their opinion on both the girls.

"They are quite impressive for the newcomers considering this is their first time in real combat experience in such a environment. Especially, Mu Ningxue even though she doesn't have any experience she can still handle herself in this situation properly without being much nervous, while Asuna even though being uncomfortable with her environment she can still handle herself properly though her movements are little rigid and crude. Both of them have many flaws in their techniques, but they have potential so they can still improve themselves if they are properly trained."

"Yeah, I agree they heve talent, if they are trained properly then they would become quite strong individuals in the future"


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"Asuna, watch out {Ice Shield}"


Just as Chu Yuechan and Grayfia were speaking their opinions on the girls, a scream caught our attention as we looked at the direction were the scream come from. 

From the direction were the rabbits were  immobilized, we saw a giant rabbit with two to three times size that of a previous group of rabbits. The only difference on giant rabbit is that, he has two horns on his head rather than the previous one horned rabbits as his body colour is also different his fur is sky blue rather than commonly white, I immediately checked his status...

[Needle Rabbit]

Level: 150

Magic: 15000

Attack: 20000

Defense: 16000

Agility: 25000

Intelligence: 11000

Luck: 200

I knew that they would not be able to handle it so I immediately took out the Absolute Spear from my item box and throw it towards the giant rabbit without holding back. As the rabbit was going to launch it's attack on Asuna and was already near her even though Mu Ningxue tried to stop it but she failed, so I subconsciously didn't hold back my strength and threw the spear at my full strength, as soon as the spear left my hand it brokethrough the sound barrier with it's speed and hit the rabbit before he could even reach Asuna... 



As soon as my spear pierce the rabbit body it let out an painful cry but my spear didn't stop, but flew past it body and hit the trees on the forest with the tremendous force making an explosion on that area. 

"Asuna are you alright?"

I didn't pay attention to the explosion as I moved towards Asuna and asked her in a concerned tone, though she was clearly shocked by the sudden turns of event as she had lost her balance and fallen on the ground. 

 "Ah! Y-yess, I am alright"

Hearing Yuuya's concerned voice Asuna snapped back from the shock as she replied to him in a shaky and nervous tone.

"Good, so can you stand."


After confirming that she is okay I offered her my hand to help her stand, which she took it. Everyone is already here as they looked as they looked at Asuna in concern.

"Asuan, I am really sorry I was supprised by the sudden appearance that I was not able to warned you in time"

"N-noo, it's okay I was also supprised by it sudden appearance so don't feel guilty about it and Yuuya-san has already save me so don't worry about it"

Just as Asuna stand up, Mu Ningxue came forward and to apologize to her, which Asuna accepted easily.

"Yeah, don't worr..."

"Grrrrhhhhhh" "Grrrrr" 

Just as I was about to say something we all heard several monsters roar as if they were coming at our direction. 

"Shit, that I forgot about the explosion" I remember about the explosion which I had created with the spear 

"Judging from their aura they feel pretty powerful" Chu Yuechan reminded as she felt the auras of the monsters.

"Yeah, I can also feel that" Grayfia agreed as she also felt the monsters which was attracted by the explosion were powerful.

"W-what should we do... if they are powerful then should we run" Asuna said as she gripped my had tighter and looking at everyone. 

I didn't said anything I just called back my spear and held it in my hand as I asked everyone.

"So, what do you want to do fight or move"

"I want fight it as I am interested in this Monsters"

"Same I am also interested"

Grayfia and Chu Yuechan agreed to face the monster which made the both Asuna and Mu Ningxue nervous and want say something but they hold back, seeing their reaction I chuckled.

"Okay, then Asuna, Mu Ningxue I will help you both so don't be nervous they won't be able to hurt you, Come here and stand together so I can help you"

As I said that they looked at me but still complied with my request and stand together.


I immediately made a barrier around them so they won't be hurt by the attacks, my action has clearly supprised the both as they looked at me with wide eyes.

"I had made an barrier around both of you form the outside no one will be able to hurt you, and you can attack from the inside so don't worry about it just be ready, and don't leave the barrier boundary it will make you safe"

"Grhhhh"  "Grrrhhhhh"

"So get ready girl's, because they are here" I said as I feel the monsters presence about to approach us. 


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Sorry for the late update guys, as this and the next month is going to be quite hectic for me. Because I got assignments, internals exams and also semester exams is coming from the next month so the updates will be irregular. I really sorry about that. But don't worry I am not going to drop the novel as I have many things that I want to write in it.????????

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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