In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 13: Chapter 12.

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So basically, we had to kill the Monsters we encounter in order to Level Up and as we Level Up we'll get points, which we had to assign in our Luck stats, right" 

Grayfia said with a doubtfull face, as she still can't believe that raising one Luck would be this easy. It's not just her but everyone had the same doubt as they still can't believe in what I had just said.

"..Yeah, I know it's sounds pretty ridiculous to you all, but that's how I did raise my Luck. It's better if you all experience it yourself, also please don't be surprised by the sudden screen which will show in front of you." 

Right, now we are all standing in front of the world gate. After I had finished explaining them how to I am going to help them raise their Luck, but they were doubtful of it as they asked me many questions, which I simply answerd them to experience themselves as it would be no fun if I explained to them. I can still see that Asuna and Mu Ningxue faces were uncomfortable, when I mentioned the word 'Kill' which I can guess as Asuna is just a teenager and she comes from a modern and peaceful world as she also didn't have any combat experience even though she was a trained in Martial Arts, which I can tell by the shape of her body as it's looked a little toned and Mu Ningxue is also a genius with a innate talent in Ice Magic in her world as she had awakened her first element before her peers, but she is still green when it's come to combat, even though her world has Monsters which constantly attacks Human City's so she was not surprised by the fact when I mentioned them to fight Monster in order to Level Up.  

Their strange expression were also noticed by the other two mature woman, as we all nodded towards eachother as of making an agreement.

"Before going, I have a suggestion for you. Why not we form a team as it will make the hunt easier and will also give you the idea of how it works, till you are comfortable with it." 

I suggested to them as to make the two girls comfortable and to have a support. The idea was also accepted by the other two women as they can see that the two young ones were uncomfortable with killing, so they nodded.

"Excellent, then please decide among yourself who you all will like to team up with, does this sounds good to you all"

"Yes, it's sounds good" 

"Then, let's go"

After, they agreed to my suggestions I immediately opened the door to other world, as we all went to other world together. We all appeared in the room of other world, as the girls looked around the house curiously, as I had also renovated the house on this side it as well as it's no longer an wooden house like before but an modern two story house with modern facilities.

As the girls were looking around the house curiously, the next moment, a translucent board appeard in their field of vision, though they were surprised by it's appearance they didn't react much as I had informed them about it.  

"Yuuya is this status you were talking about" Grayfia asked me while her gaze was set on her stats screen, it's not just her but everyone had their eyes set on their stats screen.

"Yeah, In this world, there's a concept of status, and apparently, various parameters are in numbers including Luck, as this parameters can still be increased if you want" 

"Incredible, wouldn't that mean that there is no need for me to cultivate if I stay here and  increase my strength like this" Chu Yuechan muttered under her breath has I looked towards her with teasing smile, sensing my gaze she looked towards me and seeing my smile and remembering what she had just said her face started to blush as she became embarrassed and quickly averted her eyes.

Others, seeing our interaction didn't interrupt us, just they were silently observing the two of us, while counting the pros and cons in their minds of the situation they were in.

"That's the status of all of you in this world, so how is it?"  when I asked them as they come out of their thoughts and looked at me.

"Yuuya-san... May I have you to look at it for me?"

"Huhh!! That's fine, but… are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't really know if it's good or bad but please"

"All right then, please excuse me"

As Asuna told me that, I was bit surprised by her sudden request but I obliged with it as I looked at her stats.


[Asuna Yuuki]

Level: 1

Magic: 10

Attack: 25

Defense: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 50

Luck: 150

BP: 0

(T/H : Honestly I don't feel like I should write skills and titles for all the girls as it would be to much of a hassle for me, sorry about that if we're expecting it.) 


"H-how's it?"

Asuna asked me anxiously, I was a bit surprised, she's stronger than me when I came at the other world in the beginning.

"Yeah… Asuna you are stronger than me when I first came to this world."


"At that time I was also small-fry, you know…"

I said to Asuna, as I still remember how weak I was when I first came in the other world as all my stats were basically shit, but thanks to the Creation skill I was able to become stronger, but I did not abuse the skill too much as it can also make me much stronger than I am now, and if I do that their would be no fun at all, as the opponents I will face in future will go down quickly which will also spoil my fun of fight and thrill. 

While I was busy on my own thoughts I feel an piercing gazes on myself, which bought me out of my thoughts and looking at owner's of the gazes I asked...

"Is something wrong, girl's...?" I asked in a uncertain tone as I don't recall anything that I did to make them unhappy as the way they looked at me is really uncomfortable, as if I had done something unforgivable to them. 

"No-nothing, but can you also help us to check our status and tell us if it's good or not." Grayfia said as rest nodded as if agreeing her statement. 

"Ohh!! sure I will do it" if it's really just that then they should have just asked,why look at me with that look? it's makes me uncomfortable. I didn't dare to say out loud as god knows, what they will do to me if dare to say that as the saying goes 'a woman heart is a bed of needles' as you never know how they would react to your doings, so I just silently complained about it in my mind. I still obliged with their request and checked the stats of the rest...

[Mu Ningxue]

Level: 1

Magic: 200

Attack: 35

Defense: 25

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 60

Luck: 180

BP: 0


[Grayfia Lucifuge]

Level: 295

You are reading story In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group at

Magic: 21000

Attack: 19000 

Defense: 16000

Agility: 13000

Intelligence: 8000

Luck: 160

BP: 0


[Chu Yuechan]

Level: 355

Magic: 22000

Attack: 23000

Defense: 19000

Agility: 15000

Intelligence: 8000

Luck: 150

BP: 0


"Woah!! strong, you guys are really strong compared to when I first came here, especially Miss Grayfia and Chu Yuechan, you both in particular are really strong as their is only a little bit difference between your strength" 


"Yup! you guys are strong" I nodded as they are really strong, well considering that both of them came from dangerous worlds were only the strong has the right to decide their destiny so it was not that supprising that they are strong, While Mu Ningxue is also strong but compared to these two it's not much but as she is still Novice Tier Mage so she will improve with time.

"As, you all would need wepons, so come with me I'll show you some wepons please select the one you're comfortable with"

With that said, I made them follow me to the storage room where I had stored all the the extra wepons that I had gotten while renovating this house, I can conclude that they are also made by the Sage but they are not good as my main wepons, the only thing that stand out in those wepons is that they are all made up off Mithril had has certain Magic properties.

"These are all the weapons that I had so please choose the one you are comfortable with, as I will be back after I change my clothes, as these clothes would make me uncomfortable in the forest."

After, I showed them the weapon room, I told that I am going to change clothes, as I was still wearing the T-shirt and a track pants, even though they are comfortable I don't wish to out in the forest with these. 

"Ooh!! Ok" 

"Then, I'll be right back"

With that said I left the girls to do their own thing.

(With the Girls)

Seeing the Yuuya figure disappearing in the distance as the girls let out an sigh of relief as they started to converse among them self...

"How do all feel about this?" Grayfia asked as she looked around the Swords, Spheres, Bows, Dagger, and various weapons that are available in the room.

"I don't know how I should feel about this, as first getting selected in weird Chat Group that connects you people to different Worlds who  all has amazing powers, and then find out that you are fictional character in one of the members World while they are in your World, then travel to a different World and meet an devilishly handsome man who can make you loose in his charms, as he will help you to raise your Luck so that you can get some amazing rewards or powers from the Chat..... What?"

As Asuna started to tell her thoughts everyone in the room looked at the girl with face that seem to say 'We Understand You' but when they heard her saying about Yuuya as her thoughts started to wander over the wrong direction as they looked at her with an speechless expression, while internally agreeing to her statement, they also felt that if they looked at him more than necessary they would definitely fall for him. As she also felt something wrong about the situation she stopped expressing her thoughts and looked at everyone whose faces are dyed in the shade of red, as they were looking at her with an awkward and speechless look. 

"W-what do mean by loose? Asuna?"  Mu Ningxue asked her with flushed face as she remembered Yuuya's face in her mind, it's not just her but everyone had the flushed face. 

"W-wh-wait-t, I didn't mean in that way it's just, just, jus... w-well you can't deny the fact that he is handsome, and I also didn't feel that he has any I'll intentions towards us, as he always maintain some distance between us even though he t-teases us..  and...."

Remembering what she had just said she started to panic and tries to explain herself, which also ended up a failure. All the girls present can see that she had already fallen in the hands of that man, and a little push she would completely fall for him. But they still can't deny her word's about him as what ever she had said is all true and they herself felt about him.

"Why don't you girls, tell us to whom you will like to team up with?" Chu Yuechan said as she tried to change the topic of conversation as she herself felt that if she talks or thinks about him a little more then the forbidden feeling that she had felt in her heart would grow more, which makes her panic. 

They looked at her with an speechless expression but didn't deny her as they all know it's better to not talk about him.

"Huuhhh..... I am only a Novice Tier Mage as I had just awakend my first element which is Ice, though I have no real combat experience but I can support you guys from behind by distracting the Monster attention" Mu Ningxue took a deep breath as she admitted, she herself knew that she is not much powerful and can only be a support team from behind.

"Same, I don't have any fancy power but I know Archery and Swordsmanship with a little experience in Martial Arts but I sure that I can support you guys from behind" seeing Mu Ningxue admitting her shortcomings Asuna also said what she can do in order to help, as she knew that she is the weakest in the group considering that she comes from a normal world with no fancy powers. 

"Okay, then I guess we can do this as I am also a mage I will team up with Mu Ningxue here while Chu Yuechan and Asuna you guys can be a team eachother, is it fine for you guys" Grayfia suggested the teams after hearing the young girls answers, while looking at the Chu Yuechan and everyone to confirm it. 

"I don't have any problems with it" Chu Yuechan nodded as she was fine with anyone to team up with.

"Ok, then it's decided then I and Mu Ningxue are in one team as Chu Yuechan and Asuna in one. So you should pick up the wepons you like as he should be coming back."

When Grayfia said that everyone nodded and started to look for the weapon they are comfortable with.


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Please comment on what rewards I should give them for the Gacha, as it will really help me.????

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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