In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 9: Chapter 8.

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Several days has passed, since I had taken care of the problems regarding school and Yuuya's parents, which I did all that by using Magic. 

In the end, they won't become a problem for me. 

Honestly, Magic makes everything convenient and easy. 

Though I had to use mind interference magic on some people, so they will not be suspicious of me, as they will think it as natural. As I had also opened the bank account for myself, after purchasing all the house appliances.

While I had gone out buy these things I had use my Presence Concealment skill, and cover my face with an mask when going out, why? 

Is there even a need to say? it's because of my looks. As where ever I walked people would always stare at me, as I am some kind of rare animal in a zoo. Especially girls and women they were looking at me with such an hot gaze  as they can't wait to pounce on me and devour me, as they were blushing, and the guys were looking at me with envy and jealousy filled eyes, while cursing. Which even made me uncomfortable, so I had use this skill. 

After, taking care of these problems, I focused myself on Leveling Up and completeing the mission as soon as possible, for that I had set an schedule.

For your information, my schedule is more or less like this:

Wake up around 7 am, wash up,  cook breakfast with the ingredients of the Sage's yard, then go to Argena to hunt for the Level Up till the lunch, have lunch, then practice with different elemental magic till the dinner. After dinner, I would surf on internet for more information of the world, till it was time to sleep.

Currently, I was in the forest of Argena as I hiding my presence from the a huge bear, as it was eating it's prey after killing it.

The bear has three atrocious horns growing on its forehead and deep crimson fur. In addition to jaws and fangs that easily crush the flesh and bones of the creatures it killed. In terms of size, it's two times larger than me.

So, I activated the Appraisal to look at its status.

[Devil Bear]

Level: 450

Magic: 4500

Attack: 10500

Defense: 6000

Agility: 2000

Intelligence: 3500

Luck: 500

After, looking at the Bear stats I immediately took out Formless Bow from the Item box. This a Bow without a shape. In other words, it's invisible to the eye. However, I could recognize it since I got a feeling, I firmly held the bow. From it, I could also generate invisible arrow, depending on my will.

While hiding my presence, I attached an invisible arrow to the bow and aimed it quietly at the Devil Bear while holding my breath.

And then ──


It was a bull's eye, the invisible arrow pierced in the Devil Bear's head. The Bear screamed in agony by the sudden attack, but soon the Bear started to vomit blood from its mouth, as it fell on the land, and died. After the Bear was dead, it's body started to disappear in the lights, leaving behind some drops. Which I immediately check...

[Red Hair of The Evil Bear] : The Devil Bear's fur. Resistant to fire and very warm, but also has a soft texture.]

[Meat of The Evil Bear] : The Devil Bear's meat. The meat will be hard when baked, but very soft when cooked.]

[Blood of The Evil Bear] : The Devil Bear's blood. Sometimes it is used as an item for magic tools, but you can also drink it accordingly. It has a refreshing taste, and it doesn't smell like iron. This blood also can be used for dashi soup. You can acquire resistance to flames by drinking it.]

[Magic Stone: Rank A] : A special ore that can be obtained from magical beasts.]

[Flame Guitar] : Rare drop items that can be obtained from Devil Bear. Playing with this guitar will make you feel uplifted and passionate. If you can master it, you'll be able to manipulate the flames.]

"Blood, and a guitar.."


Looking at the the drops that were consist of a large solid red fur, a large amount of meat wrapped in mysterious grasses, and a large amount of blood stuffed in a large bottle, a magic stone at a size of fist, and a red guitar.

And this guitar also seemed to be a rare drop item, but why a guitar? It would be better to get accessories like the Black Moon Necklace, the rare drop item that I got from the Hell Slime. Also it's written that I would be able to manipulate flames if I can master this guitar.

'Manipulating flames by playing a guitar? it does sounds cool, right' I smirked as I thought about it. 

Even though, I've never had a hobby, but it might be a good idea to start something with this opportunity.

After checking the effects of the items I throwed them into the item box


As the familiar message appeard in front of me, I immediately checked my status...

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Race: Celestial Human

Level: 195

Magic: -----

Attack: 22000

Defense: 22000

Agility: 22000

Intelligence: 32000

Luck: 19000

BP: 5000

Skills: [Meta-Creation] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: MAX] [Magic Power Generator] [Magic Power Concealment] [Magic Power Control] [Instant Regeneration] [Physical Enhancement] [Instant Mastery] [Analysis]  [Cooking: MAX] [Pain Tolerance] [Presence Detection] [Presence Concealment] [Weakness Detection] [Mapping] [All Elements Manipulation]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] [Progenitor]

"It went up by 45 levels."

Not only my Level, all my stats has also gone up by 2000 including Luck. 

After going through my stats, I started to assigned my BP....

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Race: Celestial Human

You are reading story In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group at

Level: 195

Magic: -----

Attack: 22000

Defense: 22000

Agility: 22000

Intelligence: 34500

Luck: 21500

BP: 0

Skills: [Meta-Creation] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: MAX] [Magic Power Generator] [Magic Power Concealment] [Magic Power Control] [Instant Regeneration] [Physical Enhancement] [Instant Mastery] [Analysis]  [Cooking: MAX] [Pain Tolerance] [Presence Detection] [Presence Concealment] [Weakness Detection] [Mapping] [All Elements Manipulation]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] [Progenitor]

Yeah, I am going to assign all my BP in Intelligence and Luck. 

Intelligence, because I can barely understand the Magic Theory's of Sage, as it is too complicated, even with my Instant Comprehension passive skill. Instant Mastery does even work on them as it only works for the techniques that one could use.

Also I want to understand and be able to use it before I unlock the Chat-Group, as I don't know what world it will be connected too. If I understand the Sage Magic Theory's, I will also be able to understand the law behind it. As it even has resurrection spells, and more of the amazing stuff. 

As for Luck, it's because of the Gacha, as I want raise it as much as I can, so that I can get some good and usefull stuff. 

"Yosh, that's about it let's continue on becoming stronger."

After checking various things, I stepped back to continue on exploring the forest.



In a part of the forest, sounds of clashes could be heard, as the you can see an incredibly handsome young man, with dark black hair and eyes and the handsome face that could put even God's to shame, dressed in an armor fighting against the group of huge bees, with the size of two adult human, as the bees ranging from various different colours. 

The bees of different colours, seems to able to manipulate different elements as some of the bees breath fire, water, air, etc. as the number of these bees consist in the vicinity of the battle was nothing to be scoff-off, as there are at least thousand of them flying around in the battlefield as they are engaged in the the battle with the young man. 


As hearing these strange noises from a the biggest bee that looks like the leader of the group, and because of it's striking rainbow color and it's size that is around a four adult human put together, as it has sharp claws that seem to able to tear of the steel, with hearing the strange noises the rest of the bees started to become more and more aggressive in their attacks, as they had recivied some kind of order.  

"Fuck!! there are too many of them." I cursed, as I sense there attacks on me increased on a terrifying rate. 

[Rainbow Queen Bee]

Level: 750

Magic: 120000

Attack: 60500

Defense: 75000

Agility: 70000

Intelligence: 35000

Luck: 1050


[Elemental Bee]

Level: 550

Magic: 95000

Attack: 40500

Defense: 50000

Agility: 60000

Intelligence: 20500

Luck: 600

I really hit the iron plate this time, as I don't know why I decided to engage in the combat with them as I feel their presence in the surroundings. At first they were around ten to twenty bees, but as soon as I shot down some of them using my the Formless Bow, I don't know where and when the group containg thousand of bees came suddenly pop out and started to bombard me, with different elemental magic. And when I checked their stats I immediately knew that I Fucked Up, as there is a group leader with Level 750 present with them and there are several thousand of bees as they ranging from Level 500~600, as there is really no end to them even though I had killed several hundreds of them even though they keep coming at me with their magic charged or they use their bodies tackle me to force me into a corner, as it seems there body seem to have resistance to magic as they didn't took any damage from my magical attacks earlier it means I can only take down them with physical force alone. 

"URGHH, Barrier" I grunted as I immediately raised a barrier in front of me to protect myself from their attacks. 

"Sigh" I sighed in relief as their attacks stop hitting on me, for the time being but I know that the barrier won't last long at the rate the Bees are attacking me. 

As I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and calmed my mind as I analyse the situation I was in. When I opened  my eyes...

{Space Lock}

As soon as I said that, a complex magic circle started to form in sky, with the length of several Km covering the whole battlefield. When it was formed the land which was covered by it stayed still as it seems like as the air seemed to have been frozen as everthing in the range of magic circle had stopped moving, including the Bees.


When the Bees seems to have realised their situation, they started to struggle to free them self from it's grasp. And when I saw them struggling to free themself I had a smile on my face as I took the Formless Bow and started to shot the Bees one by one.


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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