In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 10: Chapter 9.

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As I shot down the last Bee, and see it's now dead body started to disappear into the streeks of lights. I sighed in relief. 

[Level Up]

[Ding, the mission has been completed.]

[Ding, Gacha coupons have been stored in the inventory.]

[Chat-Group, has been Unlocked.]

[Shop, has been Unlocked.]

[The All-Girls-Chat-Group is online...

Sending invitation....

Invitation has been sent...

Distributing the (Beginners Pack) to the members.]

[Beginners Pack has been stored in inventory.]

"W-wh-what the fuck, System why is the chat is All-Girls-Chat."

[Ding, it's was always been All-Girls-Chat-Group host, you never inquired about it.]

"W-wh-well I guess It's nice, now before anything let's check what changed in my stats, before starting the chat. " I really don't know what I should do about the chat group as it's an Girls Chat Group, as I really don't know how I should approach this, even though I feel incredibly excited. Even in my previous life I didn't have any friends from opposite gender or any experience in talking to girls, well I let nature take it's course. I guess. 

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Race: Celestial Human

Level: 575

Magic: -----

Attack: 85000

Defense: 80000

Agility: 83000

Intelligence: 135000

Luck: 45000

BP: 10000

Skills: [Meta-Creation] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: MAX] [Magic Power Generator] [Magic Power Concealment] [Magic Power Control] [Instant Regeneration] [Physical Enhancement] [Instant Mastery] [Analysis]  [Cooking: MAX] [Pain Tolerance] [Presence Detection] [Presence Concealment] [Weakness Detection] [Mapping] [All Elements Manipulation] [Thought Acceleration] [Magic Resistance] [Delete] [Search Engine] [Overwrite] [Mind-Body Unification] [Mental Enhancement] [Recreate]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] [Progenitor]

[Thought Acceleration] : Helps your mind to process information over thousand times.]

[Magic Resistance] : You have resistance against magical attacks, as you not gain any damage from it.]

[Delete] : You can delete the existing information, be it living or non-living being.]

[Search Engine] : Connects you to the Akashic Records of your existing universe.]

[Overwrite] : You can overwrite the reality or the existing information of any living or non-living being as you desire.]

[Mind-Body Unification] : It unifies the mind and body and gives you better control over your own body.]

[Mental Enhancement] : Increased resistance to mental attacks.]

[Recreate] : Allows you to recreate any non-living object. Requires you to know the inner structure of the object.]

Yup, it's already been three months as I  immenserd myself in hunting and Leveling Up. Though noting major has happened during the span of these months. All I did was followed I my schedule that I had set up. 

And at my Level I really felt a sense of accomplishment, I really worked hard during the past three months for Leveling Up. The numbers of Monsters I had faced during the these months can easily be numberd ten's of thousand. The highest was a Level 800 Monster name [Mithril Lizard] which was as big as three trucks lined together in length and a one floor house in height. It took me a total one and half hours to take it down as it has Magical and Physical Resistance because of it's skin, which was really made of Mithril. As Mithril is Metal which is highly compatible with magic and had incredibly tough. When I encountered it I was around Level 300~350, and to defeat it I had create a skill [Delete], which let me delete any living or non-living being, as I simply erase the Lizard from the existence as it was never been there, it also has the downside of using it because of erasing the Lizard existance it did not drop any items. Which I regretted.

But I was immediately became incredibly happy, because not far from where I had encountered the Lizard, I had come across the Mine, as it was not any other but a Mithril mine. With total 2 tons of Mithril that can be mined from it, but with the help of System l had moved all the Mithril Ores which was present in the mine to the System inventory, as I have total two tons of Mithril on myself and as it's a rare Metal I really felt in bliss for next few days.

But it did not end there as I continued on the exploration of the forest, I also came across a Gold Mine which was occupied by the some pack of Goblin Generals which I immediately acted and killing them.

The Gold Mine was also densely packed with the Gold Ores totaling around 1.2 tons of gold, which was lot considering it was never been discovered by the humans or any other intelligent creature who can use it. 

Thanks to that, I have a very excellent amount of Mithril and Gold Ores, which I can use for many things, mainly Gold which I can use in my original world during the time of economic crisis even though it might appear illegal but I can take care of it with the [Overwrite] skill as it grant me the ability to rewrite the reality itself.

As I encountered these mines, I really praised myself for adding the BP on my Luck stats. With that said I organized my gained BP to my stats... 

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Race: Celestial Human

Level: 575

Magic: -----

Attack: 85000

Defense: 80000

Agility: 83000

Intelligence: 140000

Luck: 50000

BP: 0

Skills: [Meta-Creation] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: MAX] [Magic Power Generator] [Magic Power Concealment] [Magic Power Control] [Instant Regeneration] [Physical Enhancement] [Instant Mastery] [Analysis]  [Cooking: MAX] [Pain Tolerance] [Presence Detection] [Presence Concealment] [Weakness Detection] [Mapping] [All Elements Manipulation] [Thought Acceleration] [Magic Resistance] [Delete] [Search Engine] [Overwrite] [Mind-Body Unification] [Mental Enhancement] [Recreate]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] [Progenitor]


Just as I assigned my BP.....

[Breserk Healer has joined the chat group...]

[Snow Goddess has joined the chat group...]

[Frozen Beauty has joined the chat group...]

[Best Maid has joined the chat group...]

"Some  of these names sounds quite familiar such as Berserk Healer and Frozen Beauty but the Snow Goddess and Best Maid I don't think know them." I said as I saw the names of the members who joined the Chat-Group, as some of the name sounds familiar to me.

If my guess is right, then the Berserk Healer is Yuuki Asuna from SAO and the Frozen Beauty is probably a Fairy from Frozen Cloud Asgaurd from Against the God's. But the Snow Goddess and Best Maid I have some ideas but I am not sure. 

[Frozen Beauty] : What? what is thing floating in front of me. Is this some kind of artifact?]

[Snow Goddess] : Did someone use Curse on me?]

[Berserk Healer] : What Curse? isn't it just Argumented Reality technology.]

[Best Maid] : .... ]

[Welcome to the Mutiverse-Chat-Group!

This group is connected to the different Dimension. Here you can chat with the people of different Dimension or World, can also visit different Dimension or World. You can also share and buy anything from the Chat Shop with the CP points that will be given daily and quest that will be given randomly.

You are reading story In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group at

For further inquiry you can ask from the Admin of the Chat-Group.]

[Berserk Healer] : Are you kidding me! A Different Dimension? isn't it just Arguments Reality Technology. Hey! Admin where are you come out and explain.]

[Frozen Beauty] : Yeah, please explain.]

[Snow Goddess] : +1 ]

[Best Maid] : +1 ]

The moment this message appeard, my mind was already in tromuil. I was cursing the dog system in my mind as it has dumped all the complex stuff on me and run away. Taking the deep breath I started to chat. 

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Ahem!! Hello, I guess, I honestly don't know anything, just like you guys. I was suddenly got invited in this Chat-Group and became the Admin. But I have some doubts, so why don't we get know eachother before so can you introduce ourself and send a picture.]

[Berserk Healer] : Fine, I guess, so I will start with myself. My name is Yuuki Asuna, I am 15 years old, currently a middle school student.]

[Berserk Healer] : Sent a picture.]

In a photo you can see a young and beautiful girl with the long brown-orange hair and brown eyes. Wearing a simple white shirt.

[Frozen Beauty] : How did you well....  never mind. ]

[Frozen Beauty] : Chu Yuechan, one of the seven Fairy's of Frozen Cloud Asgard.]

[Frozen Beauty] : Sent a picture.]

In a photo you can see a black haired girl, with the jade like skin. Wearing a beautiful blue robe and has her face covered with the veil. 

[Snow Goddess] : My name is Mu Ningxue, 15 years old, I am from a Mu Clan, currently an Novice Tier Mage.]

[Snow Goddess] : Sent a picture.]

In the photo you can see a young and beautiful girl with the snow white hair with violent color eyes. Wearing a white dress.

[Best Maid] : Grayfia Lucifuge, Heiress of Lucifuge Clan in Underworld and a Devil.]

[Best Maid] : Sent a picture.]

In the photo you can see a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and red eyes and red lipstick. Wearing an dress which can be considered as an old fashioned European Noble dress. 

I can already feel my mouth dry, by just seeing their pictures. I can't really imagine what will happen when I will see them in real life, as their beauty is already on the top level. 

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : All of you are really beautiful, even though it's only a picture.]

[Berserk Healer] : Hehe, thank's for the praise.]

[Frozen Beauty] : Thank you.]

[Snow Goddess] : Thank you.]

[Best Maid] : Thank you.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Well my name is Tenjou Yuuya, 15 years old, and I a human. Just like Yuuki-san I am also an middle school student. Though I am male.]

[Berserk Healer] : Wait, wait just wait a minute, what do you mean by that you are a male. Isn't the Group say it's an All-Girls-Chat-Group? so how can there be male here. Unless you're sexual orientation is not normal.]

[Frozen Beauty] : Well if that's the case, we will not judge you.]

[Snow Goddess] : +1 ]

[Best Maid] : +1 ]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Hey!! don't slander me with such wrong accusations and for your information my sexual orientation is normal and I like girls. As for your question I also don't know why I am here.]

[Ding, it's because the member [Perfect Progenitor] has at least has more than 100% of Luck than that of a normal mortal, ever in his universe.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : See, did you guys see this, it's because of my Luck. So please don't doubt my preferences.]

[Berserk Healer] : Well, yeah I did see it, but honestly how much Luck you have to get selected in such odd Chat-Group.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Last time I checked it was around 50000 points, though it can still be increased.] 

[Berserk Healer] : That's a lot, and what do you mean by it can still be increased? isn't it impossible to increase one's Luck, Right]

[Frozen Beauty] : +1]

[Snow Goddess] : +1]

[Best Maid] : +1]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Well I can't really explain it to you as it's a little complicated , but if you wish to increase your Luck you can visit my world, I can help you with that.]

[Berserk Healer] : Is that so, I guess it's okay then.  So will you send your picture now.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Yeah, OK. Here it is. ]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Sent a picture.]

[Berserk Healer] : ....]

[Frozen Beauty] : ....]

[Snow Goddess] : ....]

[Best Maid] : .....]

(10 minutes later)

[Berserk Healer] : ..... you are really handsome.]

[Frozen Beauty] : ....+1]

[Snow Goddess] : ....+1]

[Best Maid] : .....+1]


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Do you like the chat group members, if yes please comment on it. 

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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