In A New Era After The Collapse

Chapter 2: The Labyrinth & The Exit

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The young man went through the labyrinth like cavern he found  himself in to try to find an exit. After some time of mindlessly strolling, the young man heard an the sound of an animal.


A howl resonated through the stale air, bringing the man's mind back from daydreaming. A 4 legged animal, with gray fur, sharp claws and feral eyes entered the sight of the young man. The young man immediately ran into cover, praying to hide from the terrifying animal. What the man saw was a wolf, its frame was bigger than most wolves that he saw back before the destruction of his world. Holding his breath, he hoped that the wolf had not see him. However, one thing he forgot to consider, the beast was a wolf. Even if the wolf failed to see the young man within its sights, it had an amazing sense of smell. The wolf growled and slowly strutted towards its prey.

The young man was at his wits end, was this how its gonna end? A pathetic death after managing to somehow survive the catastrophic event that destroyed his world? If its going to end like this, he was going to face death itself. 

Just as the wolf pounced, the young man side stepped, barely avoiding the wolf . He felt that the world was slowing down, the man could feel the adrenaline flowing through his veins. The man took this opportunity to drive his arm to the side of the wolf since it was still in midair. The wolf gets knocked back into the walls of the cavern and the wolf yelped painfully. This was... Strange... that moment when he performed a counter attack, he felt that in that mere moment, his body had a surge of strength. 

"AAAAAAWWWOOUUUFF", The wolf howled in anger, resentment in its eyes as it wanted nothing more than to rend the young man's flesh asunder. The wolf ran towards the man although unstable, trying to get its revenge. The young man, fell as the wolf sit atop of him, trying to crunch his throat. He struggled, he held the wolf back with one hand, while his other hand rummaged the cold rough stone floor. After managing to find a a stone, he gripped it tightly and bashed the left eye of the wolf making it stagger. This would be a fatal mistake for the wolf as this allowed the young man to kick the wolf down and the man bashed its jaw in consecutively.

After some time, the man finally realized that the predator is dead. He gasped for air, this was the first time he felt his life was going about end. The man was breathing heavily, recovering from the shock the events gave him. His legs collapsed and sat on the floor. He looked back at the wolf and found a pile of flesh, the blood of the wolf has covered the air with a terrible stench and its carcass was no longer visible. The man stared at the corpse in a trance, he noticed a stone shining with a light blue hue. The man took the stone and began inspecting it. The stone seemed to be radiating something, a feeling that was exactly the same as the energy radiated by that void sphere.

Though somewhat traumatized, the man stood up and looked at the meat pile. The man knew that he won that fight only because of luck. Although it was mangled and was disgusting, the man began to shove the meat through his mouth and into this throat. DISGUST was the only emotion he felt in these moments as he began to scarf the raw bloody meat thinking that he may not be able to find food for a long time.

"Hahahah", The man was panting, the feeling of disgust growing ever so more with the meats horrendous taste lingering in his mouth. He swore at that moment he was not going to be a picky eater. After taking a few moments, the man continued to venture through the caverns. Avoid all sorts of monsters and arrive at a gate. This gate was around 4 meters tall, what stands behind this gate? Who knows, but there is one thing the young man is certain about, it is the only way out.

As he pushed the gate open, he is greeted by rays of sunlight. That was... anticlimactic the man thought. He expected something grandiose like an extremely strong monster... Actually... Thank god it was nothing. Anyways, the man looked at his surroundings, trees, grass, herbs and all matter of foliage as far as the eye can see. In conclusion, he is now stranded in a forest. Well, at least its a better start than being stranded in a cave. Ah speaking of caves... The young man turned around looking at the door from where he had came from and to his surprise, it was no longer there. Weird, he thought. However now is not the time to be pondering, he began wandering aimlessly through the forest, struggling the move past the shrubs and bushes. Not to mention that there was a lack of forests from where he came from which adds to the pitiful way the young man is scaling the forest. 

After a long arduous walk through the woods, he finally came across some pathway. Finally his angles would hurt no longer. The young man rushed onto the pathway, startling a woman. Wait, a woman? Then young man, after a realization turns around. What he saw was the most beautiful woman he has came across. Well at least after the that cataclysmic event. Which is honestly not saying much considering that this woman was the first person he has met. 

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