In A New Era After The Collapse

Chapter 3: The Solace

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"Wh-who the hell are you?!?!" The unknown woman squealed in surprise. The young man stared at the woman from head to toe. A beautiful tall young lady with chestnut colored hair, tight waist and plump yet firm chest and rear giving her an hourglass figure. The lady then coughed a few times breaking the young man out of his trance

"Uh, my name is.. uh..", The young man stuttered. Not because he was shy, rather, he was unsure if should provide his own name to the lady as right now he does not know if he should trust her. The lady, decided to introduced herself first.

"My name is Sonia Solace. And I am the principal of the Arc Rozal Academy." The woman haughtily said. This raised questions in the young man, was this lady someone important? He did not know. The young man then decided to ask, braking the ego of the lady.

"Uhh... What's that? Are you someone important? If so I apologize..." The young man spoke. This shocked Sonia, how could he not know what Arc Rozal Academy is? Where had he been living to not know of the greatest academy in the entire continent? This genuinely made Sonia curious. After all he did jump out of the forest, his weird clothing is tattered. Not to mention the dust and dirt that stayed to his body.

"Who are you? How could you not know of the academy?" She questioned him, which made him nervous. But after some thinking he began to spill some the beans.

"Uh for now... You can call me... Draedon?"

"I don't know where I am. I only found myself here, I don't know anyone or anything" Draedon spoke with a hint of sadness. This earned the sympathy of Sonia who only saw Draedon as a pitiful young teen who is alone and afraid. After some thinking she decided to take him under her wing and they began to head towards the capital of the Reezlyte Kingdom.

(Reezlyte Kingdom, huh? That's definitely not a place on Earth... Is this even Earth? Some other world? If it is Earth, how long has it been since that event? Are there others like me who survived? I don't know anything about where I am in this new world... Guess I have no choice but to follow this lady, she doesn't seem to have bad intentions maybe I could trust her? For now, I'll just follow her...)

Both of them walked on the path for sometime. No words have been spoken between them, and soon their suffering from the everlasting awkward silence ended as they soon had arrived upon a towering wall. This majestic wall that surrounds the capital has seen its fair share of battles against enemy nations yet it still retains its white shine with not signs of wear or damage, after admiring the walls they both entered the through the gates with the guards nervously sweating not questioning Sonia or the person she brought along with her. Draedon was met with the sight of what seems to be a medieval city reminiscent of the ones in the the manga his brother loves to read. Dreadon and Sonia strolled through the capital like young couples, Sonia treated Draedon and bought food from various food stall vendors. These treats were scrumptious as Draedon endless much on these snacks and soon they finally stood at the entrance of a building that was built with white smooth stone, polished wood with an excellent texture and dark color. There was a sign with an unknown language, when Draedon questioned Sonia, Sonia was puzzled and and she thought he was illiterate and she sighed thinking that she would have to teach him how to read. but that would be put for later and for now she answered his question saying that it was the Adventurers Guild. The Adventurers Guild was an organization that allowed people to register as adventurers and allow them to take job requests from gathering herbs, escorting merchants to slaying terrifying monsters. In a nutshell they were like freelance mercenaries. Another neat thing about the Adventurers Guild is that by registering, you can get a guild card. This can serve as a means for identification, which is what Sonia came here for, to provide one for Draedon. After getting his ID card the pair proceeded to move into Sonia's residence which to Draedon's shock was a huge mansion.







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Draedon spent his first few days in Sonia's mansion to get to know the staff and maids. Right now he was known by all the staff that he was Sonia's disciple. After a spending a few day to acclimate to living in the mansion, she began to start teaching Draedon about the mystical arts. Magic, is a form of mystical art that functions by using an energy known as mana that exist within the air and the bodies of living beings. Magic has many elements with the main ones being; Fire, water, wind, earth, ice, nature, lightning, light and dark. Though ice, lightning, light and dark are relatively rarer than the others. For a spell to be created, there have to be a magic circle. This magic circle must contain the "element", "shape", "power" and many other weird and complicated processes. After the uninteresting lecture, Draedon began to practice magic.

Sonia left Draedon to his own with the assignment to learn to manipulate his mana. Draedon tried to practice manipulating the mana in his body though the result was anything but success. After asking for advice from Sonia, she struggled to think of advice and just told him that the most important thing in regards to mana manipulation is imagination. You need to create to image of mana moving through your body. Apparently according to Sonia, most people and nobles in the Kingdom of Reezlyte only begin practicing magic at the age of 10, this is due to the many dangers such as an out of control mana that could harm the body of the child. Well the realization that many people that are younger than him that are probably better than him makes him look of in the distance with dead eyes. Despite that fact he continued his training. He needed to sense the mana which was hard as he did not know what it felt like... No wait he does. Draedon pulls out the mana stone tucked in his old pants and began to feel it, the unnatural feeling of mana within the stone. After a few minutes of grasping the stone, Draedon began to try to sense the mana withing his body using the mana core of the wolf as a reference. After around 20 minutes Draedon managed to feel his mana inside his body. It feels like the coolness of a mint that remained in his heart. Draedon imagined the mana moving through his arms like a circuit, he felt the mana flowing through the skin and nerves before finally reaching his finger tips. 

Draedon left the room assigned to him and wonder around the mansion like estate that belonged to the Solace Household. The Solace Household managed the Arc Rozal Academy which was an academy responsible for raising many heroes through out the ages. After strolling through out the mansion and asking the maids who blushed at the handsome man that approached them, Draedon went towards the study room where the head of the household, Sonia, was managing documents pertaining to the school. On the way, however, Draedon bumped into a girl.

This girl... I've never seen her before, She might either be a guest or someone from this household who just returned home. This girl looked exactly the same as Sonia with the only difference being that she is petite and the look in her eyes. It felt cold, alone and burdened with expectations. The girl got back up, scoffed then yelled loudly enough that the entirety of the servants in the mansion could hear her as she began to berate Draedon for his minor hiccup

"What the hell do you think you are doing! Don't you know that its rude to bump into someone?!" This girl continuously berated Draedon. After the long 5 minutes of Draedon loosing his sense of hearing, he began to explain his circumstances to her, lest his ears starts bleeding. Soon with his explanation concluding, grumbled reluctantly before dragging him all the way to a certain room. It was the study room, and they both entered.

"Ah Leslie, I forgot to tell you about Draedon, starting from today, he will be my disciple, and he will live in the mansion alongside you. Oh! Right, one more thing, school is starting in next week, and it seems that Draedon had no knowledge about anything regarding this world. Help teach Draedon about how to read as he isn't literate, and make sure to teach him the dos and don'ts when facing and aristocrat and make sure to teach him etiquette and so on" Sonia ordered Leslie which made her sigh seeing as how burdensome this work seems, this made her wonder, how could someone not know anything about this world? was he living under a rock? How the hell is he illiterate? where did he come from and why has her sister decided to take this incompetent man as her disciple? Well no matter, Leslie believes in her Sister's judgement of other people.

After 5 days of consecutively cramming knowledge, Leslie began to teach Draedon regarding on a topic that has piqued his interest.

"Right, in this Kingdom there are a total of 8 Dukes, which are the Solace, Regislyre, Everfrost, Stonevier, Sinis, Kroneth, Miskearse and Nevermore. Each house hold specialize in something, like the Solace household specializing in the Wind element" Leslie spoke informing him about the 8 major households of the Reezlyte Kingdom.

"Right, not people who should be trifled with" Draedon replied with a deprecating smile. After all, right now he is Sonia's disciple, this would essentially make him a target to the nobles that are at odds with the Solace Household. 

(Soon, the first day of School would arrive... *sigh* I'm not sure if I should be happy for being able to go to a prestigious academy or afraid since practically all of nobility and even noble from other countries would be here.

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