In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 73: 73: A conversation in the starry night and the form of His blessing.

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Now that we have returned to the suite, Mika has been drowning me with questions about my magic and so on.

"Master, how were you able to pinpoint a different space? Which mystical language you used in the latter half of your spell? I was able to follow the ancient Spatie that was used by the predecessors of modern spatial mages, but then the rest sounded like gibberish to me...”

Yep, lots of questions…

“Was it a language older than Spatie or an original one? If it was an original one, then how does the structures of power behave within your language? Does it have a number system too? Is it easy to learn? Is it based on a unique Dragon Lord language instead of Draconic? Is that space under Master's full control? Does it only contain that area, or is it actually a mirror image of Arte? And..."


And she is clearly not stopping any time soon...


Let’s look around for any maid to aid me…ah, Lucy!

Aaaand she just looks back at me, smiles, winks, and leaves.

All as if saying, 'enjoy yourselves, hehe.'


No one else is coming…

Allegra is in her room, briefing Luca, and the rest of the scouting team on how the operation went.

She looked especially eager to tell Luca about the poison.

Also, Jules and Sophie brought dinner for everyone. And this time it’s from a restaurant that Sophie liked.

Meanwhile…I am still stuck here.

"Fufufu~~~, look at it from the bright side, dear. You did manage to remind everyone that you are more than your…'massages'."

Yes...that is good, but now Mika wants to know everything about it...

Should I tell her that I just imagine, point, and shoot?

"Oh no. You shouldn’t tell her that unless you want to plunge her again into a crisis, dear. I did tell you that comments like those can give heart attacks to people, right? Well, I am partially to blame because I told you about the true essence of magic and gave you the perfect tools to use it. Even then, you surpassed my expectations, dear. I cannot fault little Mika for being curious. So, do hear her out."

I know...but I want to eeeeat...

"I await your answers, Master! Please, do not be concerned for my ignorance and dump it all on me! I shall take all the notes needed!"






She leaves me no choice!! I will use my instinct and mental agility to craft some good answers for her!!! All while doing my best impression of the undead majesty’s legendary mumble!!! If he can make it work with that genius demon, then I can make it work with this cute class president of a maid!!

"Hmph, then listen closely for I am not repeating myself until I have finished. Understood?"

I say so with my edge alter tone.

Also, Gabrielle and Bertia are now here and are serving us some freshly made tea and snacks.

One thing though, they are not saying a thing.

It seems that they are respecting Mika's time or maybe they just are curious too?

"Of course, Master! I won’t interrupt even if what Master says creates more questions within me! I have come to expect that given Master's mind-numbing ability!"


I know that you are excited, but could you use kinder words for this sensitive Master of yours?

"...then first..."


Ahhh...that was tiring...

She would just go on and on and on with her questions…

And when I thought that we were finished she just…made even more questions…


After that I had dinner with everyone, talked with Erevain and Gabrielle for a bit, and then I went to my room where I took a nice, relaxing bath.

Then I put on the fancy night robe that Nerinne made for me, which obviously emphasizes my breasts and overall figure, and launched myself at the bed.

Back first, obviously.

"But that Mika...seriously..."

I sigh while resting one arm on my forehead.

She didn't fill that giant notebook, but she did use a good chunk of it.

Like…I said a single sentence and she filled three pages...

When I mentioned a sensation or a sound, she filled five...

And don't get me started with the concepts of space that I have used...ten or more pages were violently written on by her when I mentioned them...

As a nerd she has out-nerded me...and I bet that she has out-nerded you too…

In my case, I never reached those kinds of numbers while taking notes on a class...not even in college.

I did when I was working on my thesis, but that was a different thing…

Still, I swear I could see smoke coming out of that poor pen and paper...

And I know that I don’t say this often, but I am glad that I am a nerd. Heh.

Because thanks to being one, I was exposed to some scientific concepts that I was able make use of in my explanation, regardless if that was not my actual area of study.

Also, with the help of my instinct telling me where I could do it, I was able to use sci-fi to fill the blanks.

If she can actually make sense of any of that and comes up with some crazy ultra-powerful arcane theory, then…I would also give her a hug and a reward of her choosing for being such a hard worker.

Also, that would be a CHECK for ultra-powerful things being born by the knowledge of the isekai protagonist.  

"Fufufu~~, indeed. If she manages to do that, then she more than deserves it. But don’t think that is that difficult to do that, dear. Because while magic ceased to exist in your former world due to the fall of the other races, humans replaced it slowly with their science and their attempts at comprehending the laws of the universe. ‘One day science will be undistinguishable from magic' that is the saying, am I correct? Fufufu~~, if only they knew how much truth there is in those words for their much time and knowledge many advances..."

Those are a lot of shocking revelations of my former I am about to do a Mika here and start asking questions nonstop! Races?! Magic?!

"Oh my, I think I said a bit too much, dear. But as the incredible Goddess that I am, timing will be always on my side! So, let's leave this conversation for later or better yet, until you forget!"

Huh?! Why?!

"You have a visitor, darling!"

A visitor? There is no visi—

*knock* *knock*

"Master...are you awake?"

That is...Erica? Does she need to report something?

And you lovable Goddess, I am not finished with you!! I'll make you tell me!!

"Fufufu~~, I'll be waiting. And if we end up 'fighting'...I will gladly 'eat' you up again, dear~~."


This Goddess...! Saying those things so casually!!


Oops, she heard me.

"*ahem* Yes, I am awake, Erica. Is there a problem?"


Oh, she got startled by my voice.

"Eh? Ah! No, no, there is no problem. I-I…it is just that…amm…I was thinking if…if I could talk with Master. O-of course, only if it is not a bother and I am not disturbing Master’s rest."

Hmm...she must not be used to making requests to those above her or am I just that unapproachable?

At least I don't think so. I mean, we all have been having good times when eating and such.

Oh well, let’s make it clear to her anyways.

"It is not a bother Erica; I am used to being awake at night. You can come in if you so wish."

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I say so with a warmer tone just so that my point can get across.

"N-no, I cannot...entering Master's bedroom at such hours could be misunderstood by Leader and Gabrielle...and I do not wish to be in the middle of that crossfire. Could we talk in the balcony instead, Master? It is a new moon, and the sky is clear, so we will be able to see just how many stars truly adorn it."

That is quite the specific reason...but it is a pretty obvious one after that little…'debate' those two had a couple of days ago...

Also, I do want to see those stars.

"I understand, go ahead."

“Yes, Master.”

And there she goes.

I can even hear her as she passes by the living room, pulls back a certain pair of curtains and opens the balcony's doors.

As for me, it’s time to get up from the bed and put my comfy slippers on.

Hmm…do I do my hair again or just leave it down?

Mmmm...nah, down it is.

Let’s go.


What I am seeing now could leave anyone without breath for a moment.

Erica looking at the sky while wearing a blue night robe with embroidery that looks like flowing water.

Not only that, but she is being bathed by the pale magic light that illuminates the balcony, which makes look even more beautiful.

Her slim but fit figure can be seen through her robe as an alluring shadow, that shows just enough. All while the bottom of her robe flutters because of the wind.

The look in her eyes has a tinge of both sadness and nostalgia it, and her smile is small but heavy.

It doesn’t take long before she notices me and turns around, leaning with her back on the balcony's handrail.

"I know that I was already forgiven, but...I apologize for my behavior at the cathedral."

She says that as she takes her eyes off the stars and looks down.  

"It is just that... after I lost my parents to the war, she became like a sister to…not like…she was a sister to me…"

Her eyes begin to look a bit teary as I get near her and lean right beside her on the handrail.

She then laughs wryly while shaking her head before continuing.

"When I was crying about my parents, she would always hug me before throwing me to the other side of the room...haha. I would ask why, and she would say 'you need to be strong! Keep crying but get up! And if you can't get up on your own, I'll help! I will always help! So, what's going to be?' I sometimes got up on my own...other times, I asked for her help...and sometimes she would just lay there with me until I got up or…or I asked her..."

Her voice is breaking up, but she is holding back her tears.

I can also feel something strange out there...but it's it a spy? No, Luca would've taken care of them...

It is also getting closer by the second...

"Ah…but that is not to say that the king and Queen Regent were not nice to me. On the contrary, they were more than nice. They took me in when…when my parents, their war siblings as they called each other, died in battle. And while there are many reasons for me to hate the king now…his embrace at that time was sincere…just as his tears for my parents and the Queen’s too.”

Erica glances at the palace as she says that. Or more like at the palace of the past…

“As for Leader…it might be surprising to hear, but while he has always been sincere and caring with me, we barely saw each other at the time. After all, I had my attendant training, and he had his classes as well as many other responsibilities. So…Mary was the only one there with me…the only one that…didn’t treat me like I preferred some time alone. She would appear on my bed, in the kitchen when I was there...even in the bathroom…she was there until my sobs became laughs…until color returned to my world…”

Her hands have turned into fists and are, all her body is shaking...

"I already trusted and loved her as my sister by that time. She was someone to look up to…to rely on…she was family. And that sentiment only grew when Leader was able to join us freely. By then…we trained together, laughed together, ate together and more. It was my job, but it didn’t feel like that at all…it felt like home. So why…? Why did she do that…? To me…? To Leader…?”


“Was I the only one who thought of her like that…? Were we the only ones who thought she was a close friend? Was she laughing behind our backs all that time? Just how long...!? How long was she planning to betray us…and…and break our hearts like that?!"

One moment I am listening to her and the next I am embracing her while caressing her head, which is at the height of my chest.


Yes…I’m consoling her, just like Nana taught me...when grandpa died.

I just…I just couldn't control myself. The second I saw a tear coming down of those eyes I moved...

"'s alright, Erica.”

“I…uuu…I…just want to know…uuu…”

“Let them out…”

“Because…uuu…if it’s like Master told us and…she looked burdened with enough guilt to think of…death as a punishment for her actions…then why? Why did she do it…? Uuu…why did she not tell us if she was being forced? Why didn’t she trust us?! Why is she still doing Licht’s bidding?! Uuu…”

She looks up at me, tears flowing down her cheeks, and asks me that…

“I…do not know the answers to those questions, but I do know that there is hope to be found in things not being as black and white as they once seemed."

Something is definitely getting nearer and, it is already here, observing us...









She made her move just when my instinct was telling me that it was her!

I was preparing myself to evade it, whatever it was...but...!

A violet blade came out of nowhere and was clearly trying to cut me in half!

But surprise, Violet Death!! It seems you activated my trap card!! Or more like my blessing card!!

Yawue's Blessing! Your extradimensional attack has been blocked and grabbed by the arm of a…STAND....A STAND?!!






It’s time to look right where my instinct is pinpointing me and say just one word to her while I break her spell with my BLESSING!

That is the protagonist way to go!!


And since my eyes are already glowing red, let's give her the edge alter glare while breaking that blade a bit more just to go even further.


I say while injecting more strength to my BLESSING until Violet Death's presence vanishes as does her spell.

"Master...what was that?"

Asks Erica who has a rapier made of water on her hand.

She must have made it with her magic... and it looks really cool.

Also, she was ready to fight even after all of that…she is strong.

"That...was Violet Death giving her greetings."

To be continued....(cue Auros doing those poses with Nerinne!) (An invisible plushie to whoever finds the typo that is actually reference!)

Holy Fact: Auros automatically speaks in whatever language is most effective for her spells thanks to Nerinne's blessing and her instinct.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry for the delay, but really wanted to tinker a bit more with the chapter before releasing it! In any case, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please look forward for the next one! Also, thank you all so much for making this story hit 'Trending' once again and in third place! Really, thank you everyone!

And if you wish to support me and the story in another way, then head over to my patreon or my ko-fi! Your help will truly go a long way!

Special thanks from the bottom of my heart to: EmbraceTheSleeb, Lord-Hollow, YukisoraRin, LordInquisitorSteele, Anon, Anon2, Tikku, Teresa, Ayth, Knight_Redundant, and Schoookie!

Please do not translate my work without my permission. Favor de no traducir mi trabajo sin mi expreso permiso.

See you all later!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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