In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 74: 74: Getting ready for the ball.

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"Violet Death?! And Master stopped her strange attack with her own strange attack...?"

Exclaimed Erica baffled by the identity of the one who interrupted our talk and how I dealt with it.

Also, it is not strange, it was my BLESSING.

Heh, yeah, I am thinking that word in all-caps to keep the reference.

Heck let's make that its name.

What? It doesn't have the name of a band or a popular song?

Well...yeah...but I still feel that it is a good name.

Allegra much, you say? Hey! That's not fair!

Anyways, there’s something I’m curious about.

"How did her attack look to you, Erica?"

"It was like a moving distortion, Master. Similar to the ones Master creates when using spatial magic. It was moving at an incredible speed too, so I am not sure if I would have been able to perceive it before I joined Master."

She answers immediately while making her water rapier disappear.

Also…that means that I’m the only one capable of seeing that blade, huh.

Not only that, but it would be a troublesome attack for the Maid-Knights if she were to put more power into it. Of course, assuming everyone’s perception is the same as Erica’s...

“Is the Violet Death nearby, Master? We could mount a counterattack if that is the case."

And with those firm words I see no sign of the vulnerable side that she showed me moments ago.

"Hmph, there is no need for that. As I told you, that was a mere greeting from her. She is telling us that our actions have been noticed and that she will be dealing with us personally. As such, it is most likely that she is preparing to attack this place as we speak."

I say so as I close my eyes, put one of my arms under my voluptuous chest, my other arm in the typical chin-holding position, and nod while looking extremely confident in my words.

Because I am.

My instinct and my isekai knowledge are backing me up after all.

"Then what Master said when we were making our travel preparations is true...she has hastened her plans to attack."

Erica has opened her eyes widely in surprise and I smile at her with confidence.

"Indeed, that is why we do not have to do anything besides having a good rest. For our battle preparations have been under way since that moment."

I say so as I start walking back to the interior of the suite, followed closely by Erica.

Back then, my instinct had told me that she'd attack the Capital between the space of one to two weeks after our arrival. And now it is obvious that everything we did was what brought that result.

"I shall take Master's advice then and go to rest. I...thank you for listening to me and...for what you did, Master."

She says that as we walk through the hall leading to my bedroom.

While doing so, I carefully, and naturally, evade a certain 'empty' space.

Shortly after that, it doesn't take long for us to reach my bedroom's door.

I then turn around and put my hand on Erica’s shoulder in an affectionate way.

"I will always be open to lend an ear for my precious comrades. So, do not hesitate to ask me again if you so need to or want to."

After that, I smile warmly at her, to which she nods and smiles back.

"Ah! Master, should I tell everyone what just happened? Or should I wait until tomorrow?"

And I was waiting for that question! Time to do an anime style exit!

I look towards the 'empty' space that we passed by a bit ago and smile, startling said ‘empty’ space for a moment before it quickly calms down.

"There is no need for that, Erica."

As I say that, I start turning around slowly and grab my bedroom's doorknob.

"After all, everyone has been watching us since the very beginning. Huhu…with it being casted on so many people, Luca has quite the useful spell, don’t you think?"


With that, I smile at the dumbfounded Erica and point at where she should be looking at before entering my room.

How was that?!

Now comes the funny part!! Will they stay hidden? Will they be scolded? Or will she be embarrassed?

To discover that, I obviously stick my ear to the door and wait. Even if I don’t need to due to my senses!

What? Even then, it’s impossible for me to stick close to the door because of my boobs, you say? HA! You lack imagination!!

I am leaning completely on my side instead of just my head!

Oh! Its starting!!


While Erica was confused for a moment at her Master’s words, she still turned around and looked at the place her Master pointed at.

Then, she focused her senses, which were much sharper than they ever were before her change, and something clicked within her.

"This sensation...Master was right..."

It was then that such murmur left her lips as her expression turned into a deadpan, for she was not amused.

"Luca, we have sparred together long enough for me to recognize that spell. Come out."

Not only that, but the air around her made it clear that she was angry, even if she spoke at the 'empty' space in a monotone.

And in response to it, the 'emptiness' disappeared, replaced by various women in nightwear that suddenly appeared in its place.

Some had nervous smiles on their faces as they tried to avoid Erica’s gaze.

Some laughed in both embarrassment and nervousness.

And others simply cleared their throats before trying to act as normal as possible.

Indeed, none were nonchalant about.

None…save for one.


Or at least it only seemed that way, for there was indeed an apologetic feeling in the way she said 'hi' with her hand.

In any case, Erica’s gaze immediately fell on the one she had called out, and said bang covered maid promptly pointed at the woman beside her.


So said Luca in her clearest whisper possible.

"What?! That's not true!"

Startled by such whispered declaration and Erica's gaze falling on her, Lucy immediately exclaimed that while she raised her hands and shook them.


But none of that worked as Erica's intense gaze remained locked on her. Something that only increased her fear and nervousness as Lucy became smaller before it.

"I'm telling the truth! It wasn’t my idea!"


Still, Lucy tried again to declare her innocence, but she only received silence and a raised eyebrow in response. One that clearly spelled ‘really?’.

And so, seeing that she was not being believed, Lucy proceeded to resign herself to her fate.

"Ahaha...ok...ok...yes it was my fault but...! I only said it as a joke! It was Leader's decision to actually do it!"

Or not, for she shifted the blame to Erevain, who coughed out of surprise.

"I...*ahem*...yes, it was my decision. But I want you to know that I only gave such permission because I knew the rest would have done it anyways. And knowing Lucy and Bertia, they might have interrupted you by making some noise. So, I swiftly tasked Luca with helping us in preventing that."

Said Erevain as she clearly tried to give her own spin to something as simple as her wanting to join in the peeking, all while having Erica’s gaze was fixed on her.

"Oi, are you saying that I can't be stealthy, Leader?!"

"My, who was it that almost made a flower vase fall when we were moving?"


Bertia, who seemed offended by Erevain's words, got her question quickly shot down by Gabrielle's retort, which made her immediately look away in shame.


Seeing that, Erica simply shook her head and moved on to the maids that were left.

"I just joined because I wanted a late-night snack."

Said Jules as she looked towards the kitchen.

"I go where Luca goes."

Said Allegra as she hugged a cutely embarrassed Luca from behind.

Meanwhile, Mika was nowhere to be seen and as such, Erica assumed that she was probably the only one dutifully sleeping.

With that, Erica’s intense gaze subsided, and she smiled at everyone, making almost all the maids present let out a sigh of relief.

"I am glad that you unders—"

"Leader. Everyone. You are the worst."


But it had been too soon for them to let out such a sigh, for not only did the well-mannered and loyal Erica interrupt Erevain with such coldly delivered words, but it was the first time that she had said something like that at all.

"Good night."

Thus, everyone was terribly shocked, for none of them were expecting that. So much so, that they all looked like statues as Erica walked past them and went to her room.

And of course, none of them knew nor noticed, that their Master enjoyed every single moment of it all. To the point that she laughed herself to sleep shortly after everything had ended.


Meanwhile, inside the royal palace’s royal chambers, the King stood on his balcony, looking at the moonless sky.

"Tomorrow will finally be the day I bring a new glory to this world."

The gaze of King Raphael turned sharper as he let out such words.

He did so in a way that made them seem to be directed at someone or something in the starry sky.

Yes...perhaps such words were meant for his deceased wife.

Perhaps they were meant for the son that he believed to be dead.

Or perhaps…they were meant for the Goddess that seemed to be ignoring that place.

Indeed, that is how it seemed, but that was not the case.

Those words were for himself.

They were his way to reaffirm the path he had chosen.

They were his way to prepare himself for what he was going to do, for there was no going back once he did it.

"Indeed, My King. Despite the recent inconvenience caused by a bubble of natural gas, the workers report that the door will be ready to be opened tomorrow night without any problems.”

Such were the words of his advisor, Hilde Val, who entered his royal quarters unannounced and without knocking.

And indeed, while it was somewhat surprising for the King to hear that the whole working crew had been knocked out by natural gas, that ended up being thought as the culprit for there were no traces of poison or magic.

Something that even sounded logical given that they were working in an underground area.


In any case, the King did not turn around to face his advisor and even ignored her lack of manners, preferring to keep looking at the starry sky as he spoke.

"Your presence here must mean that the preparations for tomorrow's ball are complete. Am I correct?"

"Yes, My King. Not only the vehicle that shall take everyone to the location of the main event has been finished, but the blackening process on the Bulls’ and My King’s weapons has been successfully completed too.”

As she said that, Hilde put a storage ring on the small table that was close to her before continuing.

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“As such, there is practically nothing left to do. Other than wait for your signal tomorrow, of course. And when that happens, not only everything shall go according to plan, but everyone shall finally see the fruits of your labor, My King. You will obtain the recognition you deserve."

Said Hilde, whose voice was full of confidence, just as her smile.

But even after all of that, the King still did not grace her with his gaze. Instead, he turned it to the capital that was before him…and beyond.

"Hmph. Those phony knights tried to stop us with their meager sabotage and subterfuge, but in the end that only amounted to be on the same level as a mewling child. And now that everything has been but completed, this world will see a new glory and there is nothing they can do to stop it from happening.”

So declared the King with great disregard for those he was talking about, but also with great confidence in his plan.

"As it should be, My King. May a New Glory be onto you."

And with that, Hilde left the King’s royal quarters.


Meanwhile, inside Roxxy's smithy in the Castle of the Ever-Burning Will.

"I-I did it...! It's awake!! Nnngh...but I can't stop to admire this legend in my hands, even if pains me! Aye, there is still work that needs to be done.”

Said Roxxy, the Blacksmith Maid, as she carefully sheathed a certain ancient, blessed weapon and carefully placed it in a special wooden sword stand. Then, she turned to the friends that had been helping her. Friends that were all sleeping in a corner of the smithy.

“Max, Josie, Patricia! Wake up! Sleeping break is over! Prepare the Moon Tears!! We have a sword and shield to forge and only one night to do it!!"

“““….!! Y-yes!!”””

With that, it did not take long for the usual melody of the smithy to be 'played' again.

Neither her nor her helpers noticed, but they were being watched by Nerinne, their Goddess.

And she had a satisfied smile on her face.

Thus, the night gave birth to a brand-new day.

One that would go down in history as the birth of a new age of legends.

To be continued…(cue illustration of the Royal Palace)

From Auros' stat sheets: Erica's sheet

Name: Eric Fontanela→ Erica Fontanela

Alias: Erica La Fonte.

Race: Human→ High Human.

Gender: Male→ Female.

Age: 20 years old.

Rank: A→SS

Class: Mystic Knight.

Variant: Rapier.

Subclass: Fencer.


·        Strength: C→A

·        Intelligence: A

·        Agility: B→SS

·        Mana: B→SS

·        Endurance: B→S

·        Constitution: C→S

Passive skills:

·        Leadership: B

·        Noble Presence: A

·        Strategist: B

·        Knight’s Oath: A

·        Magic Resistance: C→SS

·        Dancing Beauty of the battlefield: S (NEW!)

·        Physical Resistance: B→S

·        Combat Enchantment Enhancement MK: B→S

·        Rapid Healing: A (NEW!)

·        Moon-reflecting Lake: S*

·        Flowing Sword Dance: A (NEW!)

·        Combat Magic Enhancement MK: C→S

·        Mana Regeneration: S (NEW!)

·        Self-Enchantment Enhancement MK: A→SS

·        Sword Technique (Rapier): A

·        Fontanela’s Bloodline: S**

·        Dragon Lord Slayer: SS (NEW!)

·        Abnormal Status Resistance: S

·        Way of the Royal Attendant: B

·        ??????

Active skills:

·        Enhance Endurance: C→A

·        Enhance Strength: D→B

·        Enhance Agility: C→A

·        Heartbreaker Thrust: A→SS

·        Enhance Sword Skills: A→S

·        Triple Thrust: A→S

·        Enhance Speed: B→S

·        Charging Thrust: B→S

·        Enhance Elemental Resistance: B→S

·        Dance Form (Evade & Counter): A→S

·        Triple Effect: C→S

·        Mirage Stab: A→S

·        Fencer’s Spirit: A→SS

·        Thrust Blitz: SS

·        Mystic Knight’s Trance: A→SS

·        ????

Unique traits:

·        Unaging (Race).

·        Moon-reflecting Lake*.

·        Fontanela’s Bloodline**.

·        Pact of the High Dragon Lord (Voluntary).

·        Blessing for the worthy: Knight

·        Blessing of Nerinne.

·        Undying Loyalty.

· ▅▆█▅▆▅


Water Attribute Magic.

Combined Magic:


Unique Magic:



·        Water Blast

·        Water Blade

·        Water Sword Summon (Rapier)

·        Savage Wave

·        Water Enchant

·        Perilous Swirl

·        Misty Shroud

·        Water Step

·        Water Skin

·        Disastrous Torrent

·        Water Clone

·        ??????


Noble Born, Only Son of the Fontanela’s (former), Doted Child, Inheritor of the Fontanela’s Bloodline, A Parent’s Pride, Orphan, The Queen Regent’s Entrusted Child, Trainee Attendant, Charles’ Butler Apprentice, A Half-Ogre’s Rough Care Target, Mary’s Friend, Survivor of Charles’ Apprenticeship, Crown Prince Attendant, Crown Prince Friend, Bond Brother of the One Blessed by the Moon, Bond Brother of Three Eyed Half-Ogre, Grade Skipper, Perseverant Fencer, Apprentice of the Proud Swordsman, Crown Prince’s Sparring Partner, Mary’s Sparring Partner, Young Knight Candidate, Young Knight, Knight, The Young Sub-leader, Erevain’s Second in Command, Mystic Knight, Knight of the Raging Sea, Knight of the Still Lake, Bandit (Fake), Unknown Supporter, Only Daughter of the Fontanela’s, High Dragon Lord’s Most Experienced Maid, Fencer Maid, Mystic Maid Knight, Sub-Leader of the Maid Knights, One who reflects the Moon, ▅▆█▅▆▅.

Nerinne’s Glossary Corner:

*Moon-reflecting Lake: A unique passive skill given to one who shares a deep bond with our princess who is the One Blessed by the Moon. And so, Erica’s water attribute abilities are enhanced whenever she fights close to our princess, the One Blessed by the Moon. Not only growing in damage, but also sharing the properties of Moonlight Attribute Magic, albeit weaker. Truly a reflection on the still surface of a lake.

**Fontanela’s Bloodline: In Arte some bloodlines pass on certain magical traits mixed with the usual physical ones. Erica’s bloodline is known for being only able to use the water attribute, no matter how great their overall magical potential is. However, their progress and growth in the usage of water attribute magic is faster than the average person’s. Not only that, but the Fontanela’s have made a great fountain of knowledge with each generation. Letting them learn all sorts of water attribute unique and variant spells that are pretty much made for them. It is also said that the Fontanela’s can bring forth the strength of the natural disasters of the legendary age. Although, such a feat has claimed the lives of many Fontanela’s throughout history.

Thank you very much for reading! I hope that you enjoyed the chapter! And if you did, please drop a heart on it! we have a very cute and beautiful piece of fanart made by DavidDehGoo! One that I dub "Morning Luca"!

She looks so...BEAUTIFUL!! Don't you think so?! Thank you so much. DavidDehGoo! You rock!

And if you want to send some fanart, you can do so by uploading to our fanart channel in the story's discord server! 

In any case, thank you so much for reading once more! If you want to support the story and me, please consider either donating to my Ko-Fi or subscribing to my Patreon! Your support will really go a long way, no matter how big or small! 

Special thanks from the bottom of my heart to: EmbraceTheSleeb, Lord-Hollow, YukisoraRin, LordInquisitorSteele, Anon, Anon2, Tikku, Teresa, Ayth, Knight_Redundant, and Schoookie!

Please do not translate my work without my permission. Favor de no traducir mi trabajo sin mi expreso permiso.

See you all on wednesday! I'll be taking tomorrow off to focus on volume 2 work!

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