Infamous: Drakyn

Chapter 7: The Mistake, Part 2

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"Are you really alright, sweetie?" Mitsuki asked her daughter.

The girl had fallen asleep in the arms of her mother, and now she slept soundly with a smile on her face as though nothing could disturb her peace. This was because Mitsuki had taken her to see someone else's home, which was made up of only one small room where the whole family lived together. She had brought her back to her own house and given her food to eat, but the girl was not hungry, for she knew that she would soon be going out again and would have no time to sit down at the table.

"Just let me sleep, ya old hag." Katsumi sighed. "I will go when I want to get up." The girl sank into silence, and she lay still in her bed.

Onyx Katsumi was her daughter's name. She had ash blond spiky hair, piercing red-onyx eyes and an explosive personality. Her looks were marred by the scar of a knife wound across her right cheek, which rendered her so scary that men did not dare look at her. Even after she became famous, people avoided even looking at her.

"Brat don't take that tone with me!" Mitsuki exclaimed angrily.

Katsumi seemed to listen intently, but when she spoke, she used a gentle voice that belied the anger within.

"Yeah, yeah old hag. I'm fine!"

"Are you sure? Mana exhaustion for the first time can be quite... Intense."

She understood that her daughter was trying to comfort her. But Katsumi was neither worried nor concerned about it since there was no way she could die from this sort of thing. She knew better than anyone who had seen her fight that nothing could kill her.

"I do feel sluggish. But I'm fine. Cause I'm going to be a great adventure and now will stop talking and let me rest?!" Katsumi said with a frown. Then she turned over and closed her eyes.

Mitsuki, however, was not satisfied.

"Hmm, that's normal. If you're brat, then I suppose it's alright."

"By the way, old hag, which restaurant are we going today?"

"Why ask such questions?"

"I just wondered is all."

"We are going to the Red Lamp Pavilion."

The Red Lamp Pavilion was situated at the end of a valley, where the path forked to either side; on one side went to the north, on the other to the west. This place lay close to the Imperial city and also served as a resort for people in search of health. There were several buildings built along the stream, among them being shops and eating places.

"Alright, let's go!" The little girl jumped out of bed.

"We are not going anywhere until you change young lady... And you WILL wear your qipao, won't you?!"

"Why don't you go by yourself, ya old hag!" Katsumi yelled back.

"Brat" Mitsuki retorted angrily "Don't speak to me like that. You've got to keep up appearances for everyone."

Katsumi looked away sulkily. "I'll show you something."

"Change now young lady!" She ordered her eight year old daughter.

Katsumi gave a long sigh and stood up. She was tall and slender and very pretty for age with that scar.

They made quite a pair as they walked through the busy streets of their village. Since it was very rare for Onyx to be seen in any other color than navy blue or black, they attracted some attention. Some men stared, but most did not, knowing that Katsumi was a child who had been raised to be fierce.

It took half an hour to get into the main street. They came to a bridge which crossed the stream flowing from the south to the north, and on the far side were the Red Lamp Pavilion, the famous resort for the Emperor's courtiers and generals. Here the waters ran clear and sweet, so that even those suffering from mana exhaustion could drink its healing qualities.

Her tomboyish daughter never liked those colors, considering them to be gloomy, her words not hers. And yet again, she was inclined to agree with Katsumi blunt opinion. They were really gloomy.

She, like her personality, liked vibrant colors. Red and yellow were her favorite. And if red is not enough, then she would use pink, orange, green, purple, and all other bright colors at once. She wore clothes of all different hues: A shirt of golden silk that hung loosely about her body, trousers of dark gray, a vest of violet and a long skirt of azure blue that fell past her ankles. These clothes added up to a picture of total contrast. It was a little hard to believe that this was a mere eight year old girl.

Likewise, since having her, her life also had become more colorful, to say the least. Wearing a yellow dress with a round neckline and wide sleeves with white embroidery, she looked like a queen..

Though both of them did have something in common, both have the Onyx crest proudly stitched on the back of their clothes like every other Onyx Dragon clan member. This crest consisted of three dragons flying in the shape of an X.

While her gentle beauty did turn a few heads, it was her daughter who attracted almost everyone's attention at least once. Since, well, she was the only blonde Onyx in the entire clan in addition to having mixed color eyes instead of their common onyx eyes. But still it seemed to be the daughter's attitude that drew people in. Some stared openly; some whispered.

Katsumi never bothered to look around, and she walked on as though she didn't care what others might be thinking.

Her behavior was also something of an anomaly to others. She didn't act like a typical Onyx. Every Onyx, for some strange reason, did have some type of calm and stern personality right from their childhood. Certainly, she was no different. As such, Katsumi was quite unusual.

Things... Events happened and she changed. Like anyone else, she matured, you could say. Turning into what she was today. Perhaps it was her own personality that affected her daughter, no, she was sure it was her personality that affected Katsumi. Regardless, she was thankful that she was different from a typical Onyx, she didn't want her daughter to be an emotionless daughter, who had a proper resting bitch face of her own all the time, and sometimes, replied only single syllables.

Every Onyx clan member has a dragon tattooed somewhere on them. For example, the mother had a large black and gold dragon engraved above her left breast, while the father had one over his right wrist. But Katsumi's dragon tattoo had been etched onto her shoulder blade.

A shudder went through her body. Oh, yeah. She definitely, definitely, didn't want a typical Onyx as a child.

More than enough people have wondered if she was actually adopted, though one look at her face quelled any doubt anyone ever had.

Except for the spiky ash-blond hair and bright red-onyx eyes, she was practically a mini-me of hers. Same soft round face, same round eye shape, and the same healthy pale skin. If she made her wear a wig and eye contact lenses that resembled her own eyes and hair, she would not be considered a tomboy anymore. She had her gentle beauty to her, after all.

Hmm. Perhaps she should try that. It would certainly make for a… fun memory. Get some pictures too, so she will be able to show that to her future daughter or son-in-law and embarrass her daughter.

Hmm. Now that definitely sounded like an idea. And she might even go out and do that herself!

After coming across a few more curious stares, they finally arrived at their destination. They walked past a long stone bridge, which led to the Red Lamp Pavilion itself. The place where they came for their lunch turned out to be very popular, so much so that they were forced to wait a while before they could enter.


"Yeah, Hag?"

"We're going to make a detour today. I have some… things I have to buy."

"Don't even." Why did that sentence fills her with dread? What was she going to buy? And why does she get the feeling that she was not going to like it. At all! The bitch better not try to dress her up again!

"You will see." She beamed brightly at her.

Ah. Well, it couldn't be that bad, right? Her mother was beaming, so surely it couldn't be that bad, right? Right?! So then why was she getting this feeling that she was going to get roped into something really embarrassing?!

"But after having dinner, of course." She added as an afterthought, thinking of all the different kinds of… looks that will suit her.

They finally entered the restaurant, a quaint building on the outskirts of the village. The interior was decorated in red and yellow, reminding one of a ying-yang.

"Hmm... These are quite nice!"

"Yes, isn't she young for eight?"

The two women sitting near them eyed Katsumi curiously. Katsumi's expression froze and she looked glared at them while giving lady a finger.

"Good evening! Welcome to the—oh! Well, if it isn't the cute blond from last week. How are you doing, blondie? " A petite twelve-year-old, a bubbly brunette greeted them, or, well, her daughter in particular.

"I am doing good, nice of ya to greet a person like with respect! So, Big Sis. How are ya?"
Manners were something she was sure to teach her. No child of hers will be impolite or without manners, for that matter.

"Same old, same same. Hey there, who is your friend? " The daughter of the restaurant owner replied with an airy wave of her hand. She grinned as she planted an enclosed fist on her hip. "So, what can I get you today, cutie?"

While she was looking forward to the day she would get a daughter-in-law or son-in-law, she wasn't in any particular hurry as of now. She saw fit to remind this bubbly, flirty girl she was also here. "Ahem!"

"Her name is Mitsuki. And she is my mommy. Can I get her some tea? " Katsumi asked.

The brunette's grin faltered and she immediately bowed her head, whether it was in an apology or greeting or a mixture of two, only she knew. "I am so sorry! I didn't realize you were there, Ma'am! Please, do forgive me."

"Ah," she placed a dainty hand against her cheek, giving a small, placid smile. "There's nothing to be sorry about, it's alright. My dear daughter is very cute, I don't blame you for forgetting me. Though, I would prefer it if you didn't try to flirt with her until she is of proper age."

The brunette girl in front of her colored to the very roots of her hair. In front of such a blunt response, she sputtered. "I-I wasn't flirting with her!"

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Abruptly, the sound of rambunctious laughter rang from behind the brunette. "Hahahahah! See, I have told you to not go after every cute boy or girl you see, Ayame. Now you just got told by the young lad's mother."

Utterly embarrassed, Ayame whined piteously, hiding her flushed face in her hands. "Daaaaaaaadddddd~!"

The owner of the restaurant came behind Ayame and affectionately tousled her brunette locks. The man gave both of them a pleasant, welcoming smile he is known for. "Do forgive my lass here. She, like most other girls her age, is interested in cute young boys or girls. And your young lady is a very cute girl, Lady Onyx."

"Please," Mitsuki returned the pleasant smile. "There is no need for that. Girls and boys her age does start to take an interest in romance, so there is nothing wrong about that. And please, don't be so formal with me, Mr. Yan, I am not someone of very high stature in our clan, so you can just address me by my name."

"Oh," Yoshi blinked in surprise at the woman's attitude. He just couldn't stop himself from asking. "Are you really sure you are from the Onyx Dragon clan?"

Bell-like pleasant laughter emerged from Mitsuki. Hiding her smile behind her open palm, she nodded. "I can assure you, Mr. Yan, my daughter and I are from the Onyx Dragon clan."

Blinking towards the mother and daughter duo, he gave them a wide smile. "So what can I get you two?"

"I want curry! Make it spicy! Five of 'em old man! " Katsumi quickly replied.

Yoshi laughed as she noted down the order. Amusement twinkled in his eyes as he looked at the blond girl. "Are you sure you could eat everything, young lady?"

"I can eat everything, thank you very much!" Katsumi crossed her arms in front of her small chest with a huff.

Yoshi laughed at her reply. The kid really was cute. And so very cheeky! He could understand why Ayame took an instant liking to her. "Alright, fives order of curry with extra everything! What would you like to have, Mrs. Onyx?"

"Ms. Onyx, Mr. Yan. I am not married." Mitsuki corrected him politely.

"Oh. Do forgive me, Ms. Onyx. What would you like to have? " While he was surprised, he let the matter pass quickly. It simply wasn't his place to ask anything. And both the mother and daughter looked happy with each other and that was all he cared for, really. Where did the girl come from, who cares. But he knew that much that she really was her daughter, the similarities between them was as clear as day.

Mitsuki smiled softly at the older man. Glad he did not dig into her personal matters like many others. "I would like the same thing as my daughter, but don't add the pork in it, Mr. Yan."

Yoshi nodded. "As you wish, then." Smiling, Yoshi hurried off to prepare their orders.

It was quite funny how this family had come to be. Not much was known of Katsumi's father, except that he was strong. Very strong. It was said that he defeated many enemies and even killed some.

Soon their food arrived. The smell alone was enough to make their mouths water. Katsumi dug into her with great gusto. So much so that a person could easily share a meal. However, Katsumi wanted to have her own. After all, she was a growing girl and had a definite appetite. Mitsuki ate at the same pace as the eight year old.

She would have preferred her daughter not to eat so much, but since she loved curry, there was no use trying to stop her.

They received some strange looks from people around them; at how the two Uchiha were acting, but they ignored them easily. Used to the attention they get.

Of course, some looks were less than pleasant. Those of mistrust, or downright hate aimed at the duo. But those looks were only from a few. Those were the people who blamed the Onyx clan for initiating the Nine-Tails attacked six years ago.

Though the looks of mistrust and hate were increasing day-by-day, they both weren't really bothered by them. Happy as they were just being with the other.

Clapping their hands back together in prayer. "Thank you for the delicious meal."

Katsumi looked at her mother with a toothy smirk. "That was soooo~ good, Ma!"

She nodded with a small grin of her own. "It really was good."

Everything about the meal was perfect. The consistency of the broth, the thickness of the rice, the freshness of the vegetables and meat. Everything was perfectly cooked and spiced. She really wouldn't mind eating here on a weekly basis. And looking at the face of her daughter, she was of the same mind as hers. Though, she might not agree on the weekly basis part.

And she would be correct. "I want to eat here every day! Ma make it so!"

"Brat," she patted her head and gently chided er. "What did I say about moderation? Everything is good only in a limit. If you overdo it, it will be bad for your health. Understand?"

Though she pouted and glared, she nodded her head, nonetheless. "Fine bitch."

She ruffled her hair affectionately. "Good brat."

"I do hope the meal was to both of your likings."

They both turned towards the sound of the owner and saw him standing behind the counter with the same smile he was famous for.

"Ah. Yes. It was very delicious, Mr. Yan. I doubt we would ever have curry that good anywhere else."

"Keep making me good food and I won't prank ya!" Katsumi bobbed her head in agreement to her mother's words.

A rambunctious laugh burst out of the ramen stand owner. "I am glad you liked it!"

Retrieving the purse from her side-pocket, Mitsuki looked up at the middle-aged man inquisitively. "How much is it for the meal, Mr. Yan?"

The man waved his hand in dismissal. "There's no need, Ms. Onyx. Consider it on the house today."

"I-I beg your pardon?" She blinked in shock.

Another laugh burst out of him. "As I said, there's no need to pay for the meal today, Ms. Onyx. I get the feeling the daughter of yours is going to be a regular in the future. And we rarely get to have an Onyx as our customer. Consider it as an… investment if you will. Hahahaha!"

She knew well enough the man was just jesting; if his jovial laugh already wasn't an indicator enough. Hmm. She supposed this particular hospitality of his is what made the stall so famous. Despite this being the second time visiting the stall in her entire life, she was already sold due to the hospitality. And food. Don't forget about the food.

Still, she insisted. "I am sorry, Mr. Yan, but I can't take advantage of your generosity like this in my good conscience. After all, it takes time and effort to make food, you shouldn't give it out for free, Mr. Yan. People will start coming in hopes to get food for free if they saw you giving it away like that."

"Eh?" Yoshi's jaw slackened slightly. Was this, was this woman scolding him? What the hell!

Mitsuki was still far from finished. "And you should also consider your age, Mr. Yan. You're not getting any younger, and you have a daughter to look after. If you keep giving away food for free like that, how will you save up for her future? Think about your coming old age and your daughter before giving away food for free like that. Do you understand, Mr. Yan?"


"Good. So how much is it, Mr. Yan?"

"...15 Gold..."

"Here. Hope you have a pleasant day, Mr. Yan."

"Later oldman! We will be coming again!"

"Go. Just go…"

Both mother and daughter tilted their heads with confusion as they saw Yoshi Yan staring at the ground with a lifeless stare. Wonder what got him like that?

They both looked at each other and shrugged. Going on their own merry way.

"Is cuti—I mean Katsumi! Gone, DaaAAAADDDD?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Ayame shrieked when she saw the state her father was in.

"... Old… Save money… For Ayame…"


"... Old… I am old…"


"... Old age… Death…"


On that day, Yoshi Yan, the owner of the Red Lamp Pavilion, the genius businessmen, the master chef, cried.

A lot!

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