Infamous: Drakyn

Chapter 6: The Mistake, Part 1

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Some years ago today...

In the capital, a young man stands alone

Crimson Oricalchum Ferret, Tao Huang-Chan, the Fire Empeor's younger brother, The Inferno of Imperial City, The sole reason the dungeon flood didn't end many cities, was feeling fear. Rough primary fear.

Reason? One of his mistakes. An honest mistake, but a serious mistake, nevertheless.

What the hell did he do? He was engaged in infidelity.

Unfaithfulness of his beloved wife, Kushina Yang Lifen. The woman who can scare demons!

This wasn't his fault, honestly! He was so happy with the news that he was going to be a father, that he got wasted in a public bar.

Things... Deteriorated from there. He didn't know how it was, but he ended up with a nude woman the morning before.

In fairness, he could barely remember. Who started it, he had no idea. He had been. Just. So. Drunk!

While the infidelity that he had committed brought huge guilt on his being, almost threatening to overwhelm him, it wasn't the reason he was feeling such fear. No, that was the news he had just received from the woman who was sitting across from him at the moment.

The same woman he cheated with about a month ago.

When all is said and done, the woman was beautiful. Certainly not as much as his ardent wife, in his view, but beautiful nevertheless.

Soft round face framed by butt-length bright blue ebony tresses, light onyx eyes and her body is downright sinful curvaceous.

A strapless dark blue-gray top that exposes the middle of her chest, a black skirt and black heels

Yes, she was beautiful. But what really sparkled her beauty was her nature. She was one of the nicest women he had ever encountered.

Even now, to try and calm him, she smiles gently at him.

"Please, calm yourself, Master Tao. There is no need to panic."

God! Even her voice was so gentle, so calming.

He just couldn't do it. He couldn't keep his cool! How can I relax after what you just told me? It's going to destr—"

"Please, Lord Tao," she lifted her hand calmly. "Calm down. Nothing will get destroyed. I'm not here to mess up your life or anything, Lord Tao.

What? Did he hear that right? "Y-You aren't?"

A frown grew her smooth features. "Of course not. Why would I do that? You're a great man, Lord Tao. You are a great leader and a better person. I'm sure you're a wonderful husband for your wife as well; considering the way you cried that morning after realizing what you did.

Not one of his finest moments, but yes, he had cried after realizing what he had done. And it wasn't the only time he cried afterwards. He couldn't tell Kushina what he had done. He was sure she'd forgive him, she was really nice like that, but not until she kicked his ass in the most brutal manner.

But he just couldn't bring himself to do that. He knew she would be devastated at hearing that initially, just the thought of her in pain brought an ache to his heart. So, he just couldn't. For himself as much as for herself, he told himself.

Naturally, Kushina had noticed that he had a problem. Comforting him whenever he felt depressed but didn't even know the reason. Truly, he felt unworthy of her now.

"I am no longer sure of the husband part..." he murmured bitterly.

She flashed him a comforting smile. "Lord Tao, do not be alarmed." That was a good faith error on our part. You were drunk and I was drunk as well. No one could have predicted what would happen after getting drunk. Please, stop beating yourself over it, it isn't healthy for you."

He was so pathetic! To be comforted for the second time by the woman with whom he had committed infidelity was simply demeaning. She also did the same thing when he wept that morning.

Emotions riding an all-time high, he just snapped. "What is your wish, then?" Surely you want something. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here.

Full lips pursed in a straight line. "You're right. I need something from you.

Ha! There it was! "What do you want?"

"May I have the child?"

"Eh?" A sound of utter disbelief left him. He winked again and again and repeated his words with astonishment. "You want to… keep this child?"

"Yes," full lips quirked back up in a gentle smile and she nodded. "I want to look after this baby."

"T-That's it? That is all you want? Was she being facetious? Surely she was. It can't be that straightforward!

She said, "Yes, that's all I want." Her onyx eyes descended on her stomach and a tender gaze, much tenderer than anything he had seen in her eyes. "I... Had nothing to call mine, Lord Toa. I was orphaned from the Onyx Dragon clan. I have never known the love of a relative and I have no particular interest in pursuing some sort of romantic relationship. So… even if this child is a mistake, I want to keep it. I want to raise her. I want to love her. I want to call her my own. Can I… ask that of you, Lord Tao?"

His throat felt dry. Faced with such a plea, what can he do other than accept it. There was no deception in those onyx eyes. No ulterior motive of any kind.

Just a genuine desire to raise that child as her own.

Nothing more, nothing else.


"Th-That is all you want, really?"

Truly, this is all I want. You don't even have to be there or do anything for her, more than, I'd rather you stay away from her. I just want him as my own. I want to raise him all alone. Unless," a look of uncertainty came over her pale visage. "You want me to abor—"

"No! No, no, no. I can never ask you that. " Terminate a child? Denying the child to be born simply because they made a mistake? Unthinkable! "Please, I cannot do that. No matter if it was a mistake or not, I can't deny the child the right to be born in this world. It would be wrong of us, downright cruel, even."

"Oh," full lips parted in slight surprise at his vehement denial. A hopeful smile came on her face once the surprise wore off. "So, can I keep the child?"

"Certainly you can," said Tao. The blonde hair man couldn't deny her request. Though, a frown crossed his face, remembering her previous words. "You don't want me to do anything with her?"

"Ah, yes, I would prefer that. It would be better for both of us. No one will ever know that she is yours if you never interacted with her by going out of your way, and this is purely a selfish reason of my own, but I want to raise her solely without anyone interfering with us. I do hope you can understand that."

He did. No one will be able to make a connection between them if he never interacted with her. It would be good for both of their images from a political standpoint also, for him, infinitely so.

But... Not seeing and interacting with his own flesh and blood brought a terrible pang to his heart. Even though it was a mistake, it was still his child. But he knew, he couldn't deny this woman, her sole request. How can he? She didn't ask for practically anything. Any other woman could have -would have! - Asked for anything, and he would've been forced to do that, in order to save his image as well as marriage.

But still… "I understand that, but can I ask you something?"

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She nodded her head with a curious look etched on her face.

"You see… since I got married to Kushina, I always wanted to name my daughter after a fallen friend who saved when I was younger. She was special to me, but my wife already named her after her grandmother, not that I am unhappy about that! Gods no! I am immensely happy about that, but… it's just… you're going to have a daughter, aren't you?"

She nodded her head again. Even more curious where he was going with this.

"I just… I know it's going to be extremely selfish of me, but can I please name her, at least. Consider it my first and final request as her father, please."

"Of course, Lord Tao" She didn't even hesitate for a second before replying. A gentle smile formed on her face. "How can I deny such a lovely request. What do you want to name her?"

"Katsumi! Such was his ardour, which he stammered on his own words." A faint flush rose in his cheeks as the woman in front of him giggled.

"Why this name?" She bowed her head strangely.

"Yes, correct. That's a name out of my master's book. I hope you have no problem with that.

For the first time he encountered her, a look of pure disgust appeared upon her face. He didn't know she was even capable of it! "I hope you haven't taken that name from Lord Ira's notorious... Obscenity. Have you, Lord Tao?"

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no! It's not from that, believe me! It's from… wait, hold on," he reached for a drawer in his desk and opened it, shuffled some items aside, and pulled the thing he needed. He handed her the book. "Here. I have taken the name from this book. This is also the Master's work, but it was never recognised."

The Tale of the Ruler of the Wind? She folded one eyebrow in question when she read the title. Curiosity took over, she opened the book and started reading it straight away.

Tao didn't say anything, letting the woman read it, after all, he was asking her to name their son after a character of a book written by his Master. And, well, his Master was famous -or infamous, depending on which gender you asked- only for his smut, so he was content to let her read it and make her decision after that.

She closed the book while smiling. "Color me surprised, but this is good. I didn't think Lord Ira was capable of writing anything decent. Can I keep this book, if you don't mind, Lord Tao?"

"No. I don't mind. I have read it countless times so you can keep it. Even if it was true that he had read this book countless times, he did not just give her that reason. No. He knew she was serious when she had said she wanted him to stay away from their daughter. That meant doing absolutely nothing for him. No birthdays, no nothing. No passing down of anything that will connect them to each other.

So, while it was a fairly simple thing, he hoped this book would be passed down to his daughter named after a friend who saved his life. This book was close to his heart. Very close.

"So, about her name…"

"I don't mind." She smiled warmly at that. "Katsumi. Katsumi Onyx. Member of the Onyx Dragon clan sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

"It does." Toa nodded his head in agreement. It would have felt infinitely better if it was her last name.

What was done, was done. He wasn't able to change it. He would accept this and live with the consequences of his action for the rest of his life as he had several times before.

Abruptly, the fair-skinned Drakyn beauty stood up from the seat opposite to him. "Then, I will be going, Lord Toa. What I came here for is done and I have a doctor's appointment in a few minutes. If you will please excuse me. " She bowed her head and gave a small smile to him as she turned around and started walking away.

"Mitsuki!" He also stood up from his chair. Hearing her name being called, she turned around to face him and her onyx eyes widened at seeing him bent at the waist, bowing his head down in gratitude. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done."

"What are you doing, Lord Tao! A man of your stature shouldn't bow his head in front of commoners like us! " She immediately stepped forward and placed both of her hands on his shoulders. Forcing him to stand straight. "Please, don't do that. It is very unbecoming of you." She chided him gently.

He looked down at her face, she was a good head shorter than him. Slight tears were stinging at the corners of his eyes. "I… thank you."

She shook her head. A gratitude-filled look came on her face. "No. Thank you, Lord Toa, for giving me something to call my own. Even if it was a mistake, I don't regret it. You should also stop beating yourself over this. Mistakes happen. You should know this better than anyone. Just accept it and move on. You have a wife waiting at your home who will worry herself if you continue to be like this. If not for yourself, then for her. After all, she is also pregnant, right?"

"Yeah, she is."

"Then don't make her worry, alright? It will be very bad for her health. It can even lead to a miscarriage if you continue to be like this and make her worry. Think about your unborn daughter and your wife before you think of anything else, okay? " She gently wiped the tears that rolled down his cheeks with her thumbs and stepped back with a comforting smile on her face.

"I will, thank you again for everything, Mitsuki." This time, he didn't bow his head, instead, offered her a gratitude-filled smile.

"It's alright, Lord Tao. Have a pleasant day." Offering another smile and with a bow of her head, she turned around and started walking away.

He watched with a small smile as Mitsuki walked away. He was sure, if he didn't meet Kushina and met her first, he would've fallen for her. Hard. She truly was the gentlest woman he had ever met.

If she was the one who would be caring for their son, then he would truly turn in a wonderful man. At least, he can take solace in that. Even if he never saw his own son, at least, he knew he would be raised by this wonderful woman.

"Oh, and Lord Tao," Mitsuki paused in her step and turned to look at him.

"Ah, yes?"

"Hmm, how should I say this?" A look of uncertainty came over her face. "Since I was drunk, I don't seem to remember much about that night. But… you were awful."


"I don't know much about intercourse since I was a virgin, but I don't think anyone ejaculates that fast, Lord Tao. Personally, what I could remember of that night was just awful. Maybe you should talk to your wife about this. You know, she could be faking it all along to make you feel better. I think things like this should be discussed so that you can improve yourself, Lord Tao."

"A-Ah… I-I see…"

She placed a delicate hand against her cheek and a truly worrying expression came over her face. "I do hope any sons of yours don't inherit this part of yours. I bet future daughter-in-laws don't want to feel such disappointment that I felt."

Just stop, woman! Just stop!

His manly pride that was all but destroyed aside. He was now fearing for how his son might turn out to be!

My God! The woman was absolutely tactless! She was as brutal as a sledgehammer! She was barbarously honest!

He knew she was not trying to be mean or anything. No, he doubted this woman actually has a mean bone in her whole body. Looking at her face, she was just concerned about him. God! She really was the nicest and the most brutally honest woman he had ever met.

Even more so when the woman was so damn beautiful! Despite being in her late thirties, the entirety of Mitsuki's physical appearance deceived the Drakyn eye as it still looked as youthful and as shapely as ever. Her slim arms, thick legs and fat belly were smooth and well-toned. Her DD-cup breasts were still looking healthy and rather perky, showing no signs of aging or sag at all. Her wide hips were definitely that of a beautiful mother or soon to be mother to be more like it. And that ass,.. Dear lord, her bubbly, round ass was absolutely phenomenal. How the hell did he bed such a woman?

But two things were for sure at this moment, his pride as a man was all but destroyed and he was never going to take his Sensei's advice on this. Never!

"Ah," her eyes strayed to the wide window behind him and she glanced back at him. "I must be going now, Lord Tao. I am getting late for my appointment. Please excuse me."

"Go. Just go…"

Wonder what got him like that? She tilted her head in confusion as she saw Tao staring at the ground with a lifeless stare. She shrugged her shoulders and went on to attend her appointment.

On that day, Tao Liwei, the Fire Empeor younger brother, the Infero of Imperial City, the man who ended the 'flood' (an event where is no more room in dungeons and monster flood into the cities), single-handedly, cried.

A lot!

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