Infinite – A Progression Fantasy

Chapter 3: 3: The Hunt Party

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On the second day, Joey got up early, and dressed in his attire, which was the same as the one he wore the previous day. His appearance was almost the same except that he tied his long hair with a transparent ribbon. And with a dark red longbow and a bag of eagle feather arrows on his back, he looked quite like a warrior of the old empire.

"Brother!" A soft voice came from the back

Joey turned around, and saw an eight-year-old girl wearing a white leopard leather armour with exactly the same equipment on her back. It was just that the longbow and arrow seemed a little too big for this little girl.

"Are you also going for the hunt?" Joey asked in confusion. "No way!"

The bright smile on the little girl's face disappeared instantly. It was replaced by thousands of hazy frowns with tears flashing in her eyes. She really looked pitiful. "Don't you want me to go with you?"

"By the heavens." Joey muttered under his breath. He felt that his brain couldn't keep up with Eve's rhythmic expressions. This little girl could change her expressions whenever she wanted, even faster than flipping a book. 

Were all kids like this? Was it like this when he was a child too?

Nonetheless, Joey also knew that Eve was pretending. However, there was no way of saying that to this dramatic child. "I didn't say. Of course I want you to come with us, but you're just too young, Eve, which is very worrying."

"Really?" The dark cloud on Eve's face was swept away, and the sunshine of happiness was aglow again.

Joey sighed. It was not that this little girl hadn't participated in hunting of the stags before, but it was always a big hassle whenever he took her along.

Although this inconvenience was not really a big deal, Joey always wanted to be alone with Zoriya at any given time, but Eve always come to disturb their two-person world.


A smile appeared on the corner of Joey's mouth, and the image of a beautiful girl appeared in his mind: blonde, angelic face, and a bright smile.

Speaking of this girl, she was actually similar to Eve, but Zoriya was much older than Eve, and just a few months younger than himself.

"Brother is thinking about Sister Zorya again! Hee hee!" Eve's laughter interrupted Joey's thoughts.

Joey turned around to scold her, but Eve had already ran away with a smile.


Half an hour later, at the edge of the Royal Forest.

A large number of people, on the back of powerful horses, gathered here. They were all dressed in gorgeous hunting armour, carrying expensive bows and arrows, and the horses they rode were not just some powerful horses, but the precious Sumerian horses that were carefully catered for.

Needless to say, these people were nobles, and they were gathered here, waiting for the appearance of Catoril the Great.

Some young masters seemed eager in their anticipation, as if they want to perform well in the stag hunting. At this moment, they were full of endless expectations for the approaching hunt.

Nonetheless, this hunt was worth looking forward to. Not because of the stags and other beasts in the forest, but for the appearance of the great Catoril. Everybody was waiting for the emperor, especially the nobles.

Emperor Catoril, at the age of forty, in his prime, was known as the god emperor who was comparable to the founding king of the Asian-American Empire.

Since the Asian-American Empire went from prosperity to decline a hundred years ago, the Elia Empire has invaded many times. And almost every time, it had been able to seize a large amount of wealth from the Asian-American Empire.

But this situation changed completely ten years ago.

It started seventeen years ago, when Emperor Catoril came to the throne and implemented reforms. The decline in the strength of the Great Empire of Asian-American was effectively curbed, which led to the invasion of 300,000 troops of the Elia Empire.

Elia hierarchies feared the rapid recovery of the Asian-American Empire.

That war was not ideal at the beginning, but when the main forces of the Amer-American Empire and the main forces of the Elia Empire were about to have a decisive battle, the Great Emperor decided to lead the army of the Asian-American empire, himself.

That Great Armageddon war was marginally won by the Elia Empire, but emperor Catoril discovered talented warriors among his army. Rather than being content with a treaty, Elia empire seek indemnity from the Asian-American emperor. But Emperor Catoril's attitude was very tough, so he refused. Hence, the Elia Empire continued to invade the opposing empire.

Then, the emperor appointed a large number of talents who emerged during the war, into a special force and used their method of fighting to support the war to make the army stronger and stronger.

At the same time, after discussions between the emperor and his ministers, dozens of almost brand-new policies were launched, which made the entire empire burst into a powerful vitality. Even the continuous wars of the Elia Empire for more than ten years could not prevent the Asian-American Empire from becoming stronger again.

Now, as long as there were a few more decades, the Asian-American Empire would definitely recover to its heyday, four hundred years ago, or even better.

For these nobles, with such a strong and promising emperor, if they wanted to seek benefits, they must undoubtedly give the emperor a good impression. The hunting meeting was an opportunity to leave a good impression.

Suddenly, the nobles all looked to the left in unison. A group of people was coming towards them.

They saw that the leader was dressed in a tight golden hunting armour, which well highlighted his angular muscles. The national character-shaped face under the blond hair, carried a natural domineering and majestic power.

This was the great emperor of the Asian-American Empire, Catoril.

With him, there were five people who were slightly behind. They turned out to be Earl Clay, Trey Parker, Joey, Eve, and Zoriya. These five people also wore their own hunting armour.

However, the most attractive of them was Zoriya. Blonde and blue eyes, beautiful face, although her chest was not matured, her slender waist was enough to make countless women envious, and countless men go crazy.

But at this moment, no one was staring at her when she was by the side of Catoril the Great.

Behind the six people, followed a team of cavalry in dark golden armor. These were not ordinary cavalry, but soldiers of the Royal Forest Army. The Imperial Forest Army was not large in number, with only one soldier, but the combat power was amazing. The minimum requirements were all Tier 4, a large part of the cultivation base had reached Tier 5, and a few had reached Tier 6.

The lieutenant generals of the Imperial Forest Army had all reached the seventh-order cultivation base.

The Royal Forest Army was the emperor's exclusive escort team and was loyal to the emperor. Even if the emperor was abandoned by the whole country one day, they would protect the emperor.

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And most of the people in the team that the Great Emperor took by his side were in the late fifth-order stage, and there were even two sixth-order and one seventh-order among them.

Looking at this team of cavalry, the nobles couldn't help swallowing hard. When could they have such a guard in their own house?

However, it seemed a little strange that the prince would not participate in this hunting meeting. Did this hunt have any special significance?

Swifly, the nobles descended from their horses and saluted. "We have seen Your Majesty!"

The emperor showed a very good smile. "Today's hunt gathering is for us to relax and enjoy ourselves. You don't have to be restrained or too polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The nobles saluted again before returning to their horses.

In front of such a strong emperor, it was impossible not to be cautious. If you accidentally offended the emperor, you would suffer.

Although the Great Emperor would not punish severely, the loss of certain benefits would be more terrifying than the Great Emperor's heavy punishment!

"Everyone has been waiting here for a long time, and now I must not delay any further. Let the hunting meeting begin." Catoril said, taking the lead in riding his horse and galloping towards the forest.

The Royal Forest Army immediately stepped forward and protected the Great Emperor. Of course, Joey and others were also protected at the same time.

The nobles cast envious glances at the five people beside Catoril. But it was useless to envy, Zoriya was the daughter of the Great Emperor, Earl Clay and Trey Parker were both the Great Emperor's cronies, could this be envied?

The emperor suddenly stopped, with a half-smile on his face, he said. "Everyone, we have the stags in sight. So, who want to shoot the first arrow?"

The nobles didn't say anything. Too flattering?

Although the emperor didn't want to impose himself on them, the best way to respond was for them to be silent. This meant they acquiesced.

"So restrained?" The corner of Catoril's mouth curved into an arc, "Then let me fire the first arrow!" After that, he took a golden bow from his back, and a golden beam of light shot out!

Everyone looked in the direction of the beam of light, and saw a sturdy stag fell to the ground, with a golden arrow stuck in its throat!

What a fast arrow! Although every hunting meeting was the first archery of the emperor, every time it was like this, but every time I see it, it was shocking.

However, everyone also knows that the reason why the emperor could shoot arrows so fast was also because his cultivation was extremely high, reaching the seventh order!

The seventh-order essence energy cultivators. Even if they did not use essence strength, their combat power was still very terrifying, far beyond human beings.

"Hehe, my first arrow has been rewarded, who will shoot this second arrow?" Catoril spoke again.

Just like the first time, it was still silent. The difference was that many young nobles raised their heads slightly.

Now was the time for the emperor to "mobilize the hunt troop".

Catoril narrowed his eyes. "Since no one came out voluntarily, I'll just order it! Joey, shoot this second arrow!"

"As ordered." Joey bowed to the emperor, drove his horse a few steps forward, took off the dark red longbow, and attached an eagle-feather arrow.

Joey closed his eyes.

All the nobles thought it was very strange. What was Joey doing? Resignation?

Joey was not resigned to fate, but he has his own way of aiming. He has had a strange perception since he was a child. This perception, combined with hearing, will have a very good effect, so that he could "listen to sound and distinguish things. It was precisely because of this perception that Joey could perform well in swordsmanship and archery.

The dark red longbow made a "humming" sound, and the eagle feather arrow on the bow had disappeared, turning into an afterimage and flying into the bushes ahead.

Joey opened his eyes.

"How precise." Catoril was very pleased. Not to mention whether Joey's arrow hit the prey or not, just from the shape and direction of the arrow flew out after the boy closed his eyes, it could be seen that Joey was more familiar with bows and arrows. He was definitely a wielder of bow.

"Your Majesty, this arrow will hit the target." Joey said, his voice full of confidence.

Sure enough, a whimper came from the forest.

It was actually a shot!

The emperor glanced at a cavalryman, who immediately understood and drove his horse into the bushes, and after a while he dragged a stag out.

A satisfied smile appeared on Catoril's face. Although Joey's talent was not very good, and he would barely reach the top of the fourth rank in his lifetime, if he had practiced bow and arrow well enough, people with higher cultivation than him would not be his equal in archery.

Besides, the emperor didn't need Joey to fight with others. He only needed Joey and his daughter to be in love with each other, but Joey's performance was better, and there was always a happy light on his face as an emperor. After all, many people opposed this marriage, including Zoriya's mother.

Seeing the smile on the emperor's face, Joey was also overjoyed. The emperor was satisfied, and his resistance to marrying Zorya would be much less in the future.

Joey couldn't help looking at Zoriya, her face was so bright, she seemed to be saying that: he was the man I chose.

"Okay. Now, you can all put down your restraints and hunt by yourselves! I want to see which one has the most prey at noon!" The emperor put away his smile and said.

The hearts of the nobles jumped: The hunting meeting has finally officially begun!

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