Infinite – A Progression Fantasy

Chapter 4: 4: Into The Claws Of Death [I]

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At noon, on the edge of the Royal Forest.

A group of people sat on the ground and surrounded a dozen fire mounds, large and small. These fires were racked with large pieces of meat, or perhaps large chunks of stag meat.

At noon, it was a small feast for the nobles to enjoy the hunting results of the first morning of the hunting party, and at the same time, it was also to enjoy the delicious food. The animals in the Royal Forest were barely wild, and their taste was many times better than those in captivity.

Throughout the morning, the performance of the nobles was not bad, and the emperor praised it quite a bit. But the best was still from Trey Parker and Joey.

Although it was only the two of them that formed a group, Trey Parker was a seventh-order master, and he stayed on the hunting ground for quite a long time. Even if his archery was not the best, he was better and more precise than these nobles. As for Joey, he can aim at the prey even with his eyes closed, let alone with his sight on his side.

It would be really hard to find a family that was more powerful than of these two, meaning, the royal family. However, the Great Emperor did not compare them with these nobles. For him, it was meaningless to fight for the first place.

However, for these nobles, it was very interesting to compete for the first place.

But now no matter how the morning performance went, the main task now was to enjoy the delicious food.

Joey put a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it tenderly. Immediately, he heard a dissatisfied voice coming from his side, and quickly used the piece of stick to pick up another piece of meat and hand it over to the person beside him.

"Can't you feed me?" The girl asked in dissatisfaction, looking at Joey with a raised brow.

Joey turned around, faced the girl, cut a tiny bit of the meat with a knife, and put it in the girl's mouth. He cut off another tiny bit after she finished eating the previous one.

This person was Zoriya.

Finally, Zoriya finished eating the pieces of meat, picked up a piece of white cloth, wiped her mouth, moved in front of Joey, and kissed him on the cheek.

"You've put oil all over my face!" Joey said, deliberately wiping his face.

Zoriya glared. "What are you talking about? I wiped my mouth so clean!"

Joey smiled: "Hehe, I was only joking with you. My face was only stained with your  lovely fragrance, how dare I wipe it off?"

"Poor soul." Zoriya patted Joey's head, and she couldn't help laughing. A faint red glow appeared on her face. "You're beyond help."

The two continued to flirt with each other, but didn't see the lone figure of Trey Parker who was watching them, not far away.

Looking at the two kids, Trey Parker thought of her. Was it the same for the two of them in the beginning? But why did she leave him like that, all alone in this world?

Trey Parker had also thought about following her, but her biggest wish and hope before her death was for Trey Parker to live well.

He recalled that Joey had asked why everyone else had a mother, but he didn't. At that time, he had replied that it was not that he didn't have a mother, but that his mother had gone to a far away place and didn't know when she would be returning.

But whenever he uttered these words, he was always heartbroken. It was not that he didn't know when she would come back, but -- she couldn't come back!

Now, so many years have passed, and thinking of the past and her, he wanted to die. However, he couldn't die yet since the boy still needed his care.

Joey was the child she left behind, and he must take good care of him.

Suddenly, Trey Parker's hand, holding the wine glass, shook violently. He saw that at the edge of the forest, there was a red-haired woman in a red clothing.

How? It must be a hallucination. Trey Parker rubbed his eyes, hoping he was day dreaming.

No, the woman in red was still there. She smiled at Trey Parker and waved to him.

It was her!

Trey Parker's eyes blurred. He couldn't help standing up and walked towards the woman in red. "Are you... but how?"

Trey Parker felt great joy and pain hitting his heart at the same time, causing his heart to beat faster than a death drum. But he didn't care about it. He just walked towards the woman in red step by step.

The smile of the woman in red became more and more charming. Suddenly, she turned around and disappeared into the forest.

"No, don't go." Trey Parker quickened his pace. He had already lost her once, and he couldn't lose her again. "Please wait."

The figure of the woman in red was continued to loom ahead, but Trey Parker's footsteps were getting messier. Tears filled his eyes, which threatened to overflow at any moment. His heart was already muddled up.

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Although more than ten years had passed, his feelings were still as strong as they were back then, and this intensity could even make him lose his mind.

The woman in red seems to be teasing Trey Parker and scurrying ahead in the forest. Finally, she stopped and turned her back to Trey Parker.

"Wendy...Wendy, is that you?" Trey Parker's voice was trembling uncontrollably, displaying a trace of fear. He was afraid that his notion was true, that this person was not the "Wendy" he had in his mind.

The woman in red turned around: "Trey, don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"Wendy!" Trey Parker suddenly rushed forward and took the woman in red in his arms.

"Trey, I miss you so much..." The voice of the woman in red was full of sadness.

"Wendy, I miss you too..." Trey Parker also vented the pain that had been suppressed for more than ten years in his heart.

Over ten years was too long for Trey Parker, but he was already satisfied seeing her. After all, not long ago, he thought he would never be able to meet Wendy again.

After what appeared to be eternity, the mood of the two calmed down. They looked at each other, and felt the warmth of each other.

"Trey, how have you been faring for the past ten years?" The woman in red asked.

"What can I say? Fortunately, life has been fair to me. I also adopted a son. When I thought I would never see you again, I was hoping he would fill the void left by your demise." Trey Parker answered.

"How's he turning out?"

"More than I imagined, but a part of the void you left behind is still there." voice was very calm, but there was an endless stream of overwhelming affection in it.

"Trey, you are so bitter..." The woman in red cried again.

"Why are you crying when you're not the real..." Before Trey Parker could finish his words, his hand shot forward, hitting the woman in red squarely before his figure suddenly vanished. He reappeared five meters away in an instant.

The expression of the crying woman suddenly changed. She was startled, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"How... did you find..." The woman in red had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Hmph, bastards of the Holy Court, do you think I can't recognize you? When Wendy died, her pure soul would always describe her actions. Have you forgotten that scene more than ten years ago, when you wanted to arrest Wendy? The real reason for the war is just because Wendy and I are from the Asian-American Empire, and you support the Elia Empire in attacking the Asian-American Empire, and you want to take revenge while disguising otherwise." Trey Parker answered. He had already discarded the tenderness on his face before, and replaced it with ice frost.

The red-clothed woman's expression was even stranger and more perplexed. ""

It was just that she didn't have a chance to finish her sentence. So, she fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Trey Parker's expression became colder and colder, and a blue light suddenly lit up on his body, covering Trey Parker. "I know she was not alone, and there are many of you here. Come out, all of you."

Several figures came out from all around and surrounded Trey Parker.

"As expected of the Thunder General of the Asian-American Empire. You couldn't be deceived so easily like this." Said the black-haired man at the head of the group. The man was wearing white armor with a white cloak on his back. The word "Holy" was printed on it.

"I'm all too familiar with the aura of your people in the Holy Court." Trey Parker's voice was emotionless, "I know you lured me out to kill me. You knew that in my current situation, at most In a few decades, I will have the combat power to cause great damage to the Holy Court. Well, here I am."

"Hahaha, so smart." The black-haired man laughed. "Unfortunately, people who are too smart like yourself always die early in life. It's just that you fatally overestimated yourself."

"Really?" Trey Parker snorted coldly. "So, you came on a mission to kill me, and to destroy the royal family of the Asian-American Empire?"

"Actually, yes."

"But it seems that the mission is not something you can complete. You've realized it's way beyond you, haven't you?"

"It seems that I underestimated you." The dark-haired man had an admiring look on his face. "Yes, I can't destroy the heritage of the Asian-American Empire. However, my main mission is to kill you, and then kill a few people for the fun of it."

"For the fun of it?" Trey Parker knitted his brows together in anger. "You Holy Court believe in the God of Light, but your behavior is like that of a demon of darkness. Yet, you're still called the Holy Court? I think it is better to call yourselves the devil's court."

The black-haired man did not get angry because of these words, but said. "Okay, I won't play around with you anymore. It's time to see what you've got."

After saying this, he disappeared and instantly appeared in front of Trey Parker.

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