Infinite Days | Season 1: The War of Golden Blood

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 | Chaos at Khaos Part 1

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We take a dive into an alternate reality, where anything is possible, where magic and superpowers exist, and people attempt to become gods.  We flash forward to a time where the first war between realms began, given the name, The War of Golden Blood.

A man captured a hint of his own reflection as he glared out of the tall window behind him, it was cold, dark, but home.  He fumbled his pen between his fingers as he began counting the ice topped mountains on the horizon.  His deep trace was broken as the doors to his office were burst open,

     “My lord, we have reports of mages attacking the Apollyon’s capital! I.. It was completely annihilated overnight!!”

     “You dont say, just what I fucking needed..”  Said the other,

     “I'm afraid it's no joke, my lord, in fact the Council of Mages are threatening war as we speak!”   The emperor sat in his chair silently as he listened to his servant’s words, a chilling ice began to seep down from his body.

      “I know it may seem hard to believe, but every attempt we've made to contact the royals thus far has failed.. Or anyone for that matter..”  …

  “So.. what are your plans, Master Lykan..?”  An aura of fear filled the room, Lykans eyes radiated a bright green in the dark corner, he approached the servant with the presence of a mountain, leaving behind a path of ice where he walked, with clouds of cold mist evaporating out of his mouth,

       “The council of mages, eh? Is this some kind of sick joke..?”  The servant didn't dare talk back to his leader,


“I think we might need to have a little chat with our mage friends…”  He opened his office window, the servant gazed upon him, his hair was white as snow with deep turquoise eyes, and pale white skin, he wrapped his white tail around his waist as he unfolded his giant wings..

    Lykan glanced back at the timid servant, “Everything you've told me today best be the truth.  I don't know where or who you heard this from, but I won't ask, because I hold my faith in you..  But for the sake of everything you hold dear, I hope you're right…”  Stacks of paper flew off his desk as he flapped his wings back, the servant shielded his face from the forceful wind as Lykan flew off into the night sky. …

     “Welp, guess I'd better go see for myself… but you know, it makes sense.. The emperor of the Appolyons has been bedridden for months now from a disease, and their economy has fallen into ruin these past few years, even the nobles are struggling.. BAH!  Damn it all!”  A sonic boom crackled as he boosted himself across the sky. 

          “Open relay, Khaos..”  The Tesseract that floated above him burst open, revealing its insides.. 

          “Connect me to that bastard, Polarus..” 


     He landed at the edge of town, the streets were almost empty at this time of night.

          “What Do You Mean No Connection?!”  He yelled,

     “Buahh?! Greetings your grace… Is something the matter?”  A lady in front of him bowed,

          He looked at her sincerely, “Don't know just yet, tell everyone you find to prepare for the worst.”

     “Wha?! Y..yes my lord.”  She said before scurrying off..  The few others that overheard them began muttering to each other.

     “Ugh, my head hurts, what a fucking mess.. feels like I haven't had a decent break in years.” Lykan said to himself,

          “Where do you think he's going?” One of the onlookers asked,

          “I have no idea, and at this late at night?” said another

           “Didn't he say prepare for the worst, is something bad about to happen? Asked a third,

           “Surely the emperor wouldn't lie about something like that, it has to be true.” Said a fourth,

           “What should we do? Are we all going to die?!”  Questioned a fifth,

     “Screw this, I'm leaving while I still have a chance!!”  Said the sixth.  Panic quickly spread throughout the town as four words were spoken… 

     Meanwhile outside the gates…  Are these guards really asleep?!   Lykan picked up the sleeping guard by his chestplate, the innocent guard opened his eyes to meet the face of the grim reaper himself..

          He grinned, “Good morning sunshine..”           

      “Forgive me, my lord.. I…”

     “Oh no, you're dead..”  Lykan flung him on top of the dazed second guard,

     “Yo, what the fuck..?  Oh shit.” 

      “So… what are your names?”  Lykan asked, the guards stared helplessly in his murderous eyes,

        “My name is… Agnis.. sir.. lord..” 

     “Agnis?  That sounds fucking stupid.  So tell me Agnis, are you fucking stupid?!”

     “Yes.. I am very stupid, my lord, incredibly.. sir..!” Lykan lifted him up by the throat.. The second guard felt his lungs burst as Lykan slammed his foot in his chest, ice shot out the bottom of his boot freezing him to the ground.

     “Ya wanna know what's funny? Go on, ask me!!” Lykan commanded,

     “What's funny my lord!!?” Agnis cried out,

     “I'm so glad you asked.  You see, my son is very sick with a fever he's had for a week.  I also have a mountain of paperwork sitting on my desk i've been signing off on for a week with no rest, and now I have to put my pen down because apparently, every motherfucker in the Khaos Empire is dead!  And my guards are sleeping on the job!!”   The guards' lips quivered in silence as their emperor cast down his rage.

     “LAUGH!!!”  He cast out a wave of pressure that overwhelmed them, the walls of the gate cracked from the force of his icy aura.

     “You there, the fat one, what's your name.?” 

     “It's Solrin, lord.”

     “Solrin eh?” 

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     Agnis gasped as he awoke from being passed out, he grabbed Solrin by the foot and lifted him up, breaking up the ice that pinned him down.

          “Alright then, you useless bastards are coming with me, we're going on an adventure.” 

     “Then who's gonna guard the gates?” 

     “What was that?  Wanna ask me another stupid question?  Then get fucking moving!”  The two of them spread their wings and hesitantly flew off with their leader..


           Where the hell is he taking us, people were killed?! Who?  Are we gonna die too?! Please just let me go home!!  Solrin yelled in his head.. They watched the cities fly past them as they traveled, Lykan peered straight ahead,

     I cant believe I just complained about all of my life problems to those fucking lowlives, what the hell has gotten into me..?   As they flew, a stone tower on an island in the middle of a lake faded into view,

          “We're here, prepare yourselves, because even I don't know what's next..”

          “Lord Lykan, why did you bring us here?  What's going on that has you so flustered? You must tell us.” Agnis asked, Lykan stopped, and without turning, he spoke.

          “Listen you two.  There was an ambush, and the entire capital of Khaos was wiped out…”

     “Huh? Where is Khaos? I've never heard of it?”” Solrin asked,

     “Khaos is the capital of the Apollyon’s that neighbors our galaxy, how do you not know? You were supposed to be informed on basics like that at least..”

     “Were going to travel to a different galaxy?! How?”

     “Not another word...”

Several minutes of silence dragged on, as they drew closer to a tall, abandoned tower,

     “Well, guess as long as we have you, there shouldn't be any problems, right?”

     Lykan took in a deep breath, “Why do you think I brought you two along?  If I somehow die at this place, you’re job is to get the fuck out of there, after all, dead men tell no tales.”

     “DIE!?  And.. we are just commoners, lord.  We are unworthy of even holding your gaze, let alone performing a task this important…” Solrin said, 

     Lykan stood in the air, dumbfounded,

     “What? The gates to my capital are being guarded by fucking commoners? They should be high nobles, at least!!  Who the hell stationed you two..  Ah fuck it, it makes no difference now..”

     The three of them traveled down to the base of the tower, where they entered through the rusted wooden doors. A chilling wind whooshed past them as the doors slowly creaked open. 

     “That's freaky..” Agnis said, his body in chills,

     “Got that right, I'm getting goosebumps already…” Solrin replied

     “Quiet..” Lykan scoffed. They walked up the dark spiral staircase that was only lit by the few small windows that lined up the walls… they jolted in surprise as one of the wooden stairs under them broke in two, 

     Solrin looked down at his feet,  “Oops.”

     “Watch it fatass!  Do you realize the gravity of a mistake your obesity is causing?! If this tower were to fall, the whole world could be obliterated!!” Lykan snapped,

     “The WORLD??!!”  

          “Ever wondered what happens when a Hexeract is broken?”

     “A Hexeract? what is that?!”

     “Fuck off already and stop asking questions!!...  

   Agnis broke down.. “What the hell? I never should have taken this job!” 

     “Well guess what? You're ass is with me now, and you're gonna wish you died in your sleep at my gates if you don't follow all of my orders to the letter.  So stop crying like a female and walk.  That goes for you too… whatever your name is..”.  They both nodded in silence as the three of them continued up the tower.


     “Hey, what's that humming noise?”  The entryway began to light up in front of them,

     “Were here…”  They walked up the final steps to find a giant, sixth dimensional cube with revolving faces that levitated atop a pedestal, 

     “Holy shit…” Agnis said.

     “It's so huge, it's even bigger than we are!!” Solrin added,

     “Isn't she beautiful? What you're looking at is one of the most powerful objects in the entire cosmos and our only tunnels that connect our realms together.”

          “So.. um, how does it work?”

          “God dammit…”

To be continued.  …

Next week, Chapter 3 | Agonize Part 1

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