Inheriting the Influence #2

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

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There was knocking on the dorm door. Romeo left his belongings that he was unpacking and went to it.

He opened the door and saw a petite blonde girl holding flyers in her hand. She looked at him for a moment, then smirked. “I knew it from the moment I saw you, darling.”

She picked a flyer and handed it to him. “I’m hosting an all LGBT party tonight at eight and your pretty face is welcome. Bring yourself a friend. No, never mind, I only want you there.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but she interrupted him, “Don’t bother saying something. I have everything planned out and you are part of those plans.”

She turned around and swayed her hips as she walked away.

Romeo looked at the flyer and read through it. He stepped outside and yelled, “What am I supposed to wear?”

She held her hand up as she waved, saying, “Dress, fabulous darling. The fewer clothes, the better.”

He shook his head, amused, and closed the door.

Looking around, he asked himself, “Do I have anything to wear?”

He looked around at his stuff, then saw a box from one website he ordered from. He opened the box and smirked. ‘Why does it feel like its meant to be? Will something happen tonight?’


Romeo arrived at the dorm room, and it was loud even from outside. He knocked on the door and it soon opened.

Standing at the door was a boy with rainbow hair, and he smiled when he saw him. His gaze lowered to Romeo’s legs, and he said, “I love you outfit. Where did you buy it?”

Romeo held a finger to his lips and said, “That’s my secret.”

He let him in, and Romeo’s head started bobbing to the music. Their lights were dimmed and everyone inside was dressed to the nines.

He made his way over to the bar table and looked at the man behind it. He was handsome and dressed in all white. If they arrived together, you’d think they were a couple.

“Damn, you have beautiful eyes,” the man said.

Romeo blushed, “Thanks. What’s there to drink?”

The man smirked. “How about you give me your number first?”

Romeo rolled his eyes. “I don’t even know you.”

He held his hand out. “I’m Marcel Garcia.”

Romeo held his hand, shaking it. “I’m Romeo Washington.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr Washington,” Marcel said.

“It’s nice to meet you but Mr Washington is my dad, so, the drinks?” He asked.

Marcel looked down at the table, then held the glass out that he was drinking, asking, “Wanna have a taste? It’s the only thing I’m actually drinking here.”

Romeo hesitantly took the blue plastic cup from him and had a taste. It was slightly sweet.

Looking at him, he asked, “Will it make me drunk?”

Marcel nodded his head. “If you’re a light drinker, yes.”

He sighed, “Give me something that won’t make me drunk at all.”

Marcel chuckled. He reached down under the table and put something together. Romeo was curious and tried to look over it but he just couldn’t see. 

Marcel stood up and handed him the cup and said, “How about you try this?”

Romeo pulled his face and took it suspiciously. He smelled it first, then laughed, “Really? But it’s fine.”

“I still want you number,” he smiled.

Romeo shrugged. “I never gave it because I don’t have a phone.”

Marcel rolled his eyes. “Then I’ll see you around, sexy.”

“Yes you will,” Romeo smirked and walked off.

He looked around and watched as everyone danced about. They seemed so lively, it’s a pity he didn’t know anyone here.

He turned back, recalling Marcel and couldn’t see him behind the table. He scanned the crowd and found him making out with someone against the wall.

“Hey sexy!” Someone called from behind him.

He turned around to see who it was and saw that it was the girl who gave him the flyer, “Hey.”

She reached over and hugged him, and he instantly froze. She felt something odd and pulled away and looked at him.

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She saw the tears that started welling up in his eyes and quickly apologised, “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Romeo swallowed and nodded his head, “I, I, it’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” She asked as she watched him wipe his eyes.

He nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m just not used to being touched.”

“Oh,” she said, feeling slightly offended. “I just wanted to welcome you, but it’s fine. I see you have a drink. There’s pizza in the kitchen and the toilet is on your left behind that corner and don’t have sex without protection.”

He nodded his head silently and wasn’t even looking at her. He felt lightheaded and wanted to go back to his dorm. It was a mistake to come here.


Romeo made his way down the stairs and back to his dorm. On his way, he saw a bench and sat down with his face in his palms. He let his tears fall as he started trembling.

Inside, Angelique walked over to Marcel, “Hey, do you know that guy you were talking to?”

“Which one?” Marcel asked.

“The one with the green eyes. He was in all white with a crop top, booty shorts and thigh high socks,” he explained.

Marcel had to think about it for a moment and asked, “Oh, Romeo?”

“Yeah. I think I upset him. Can you go check up on him for me?” She asked.

He nodded his head slowly and looked around.

“He left,” Angelique said.

Marcel groaned and placed his cup down. He went out on a stroll; although he said he’d check up on Romeo, he didn’t know where to begin.

As he was walking, he heard someone sob and looked around. He saw someone sitting on a bench and when he looked closely; he saw it was Romeo.

He frowned and walked over. “Romeo?”

Romeo looked up, surprised. Wiping his eyes, he said, “Hey.”

He sat down beside him and asked, “Did something happen?”

He shook his head. Rubbing his thighs, he shook his head, “No, nothing happened. Why are you here?”

Marcel looked around confused, then looked at him and said, “I’m on my back. The party was boring.”

Romeo chuckled and wiped his face. Looking at him, he said, “I wouldn’t have thought that.”

“What do you mean?” He asked.

Smiling, he said, “Weren’t you making out with someone?”

Marcel cussed inwardly. He had made a pass at Romeo, but Romeo caught him with someone else.

“I’m single and can you blame me for looking for comfort from someone else after being rejected by this hot guy with green eyes and an ass that my hands want to squeeze?” He asked.

Romeo blushed and looked away. He withdrew for a few seconds to evaluate himself and found that he had calmed down. He looked at Marcel, who was pouting, then placed his hand on his thigh.

Marcel looked at Romeo and saw that he was smiling. He smirked and asked, “Are you feeling better?”

Gazing into his eyes, Romeo nodded his head. “Mn, I think I just need to attend counselling sessions again.”

Looking at him, Marcel wouldn’t have guessed that he was someone with a past.

Romeo stood up and chuckled. He looked down at Marcel and held his hands out to him. 

Marcel stood up and took his hands. Romeo pulled him close and asked as he gazed into his eyes, “You wanted my number, right?”

Marcel nodded his head.

“Well, I’m not someone who just gives it out. Earn it,” he said.

Marcel stepped closer and gently placed his right hand on the small of his back. He pulled Romeo closer and whispered into his ear as he took in Romeo’s scent, “And how do I do that?”

Romeo shuddered. What was the secret? 

How is it possible that he could allow this stranger to touch him yet Angelique couldn’t?

He turned his head, letting their noses meet.

He looked at Marcel and saw that he had his eyes closed and smiled. “Kiss me.”

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