Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 28: Chapter 28. 24 New Players! Reinforcements Arrive!

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September 12.


After the beta test qualification was issued, after three days of tormented waiting, it finally came to the day of server opening.

According to the tutorial on the official website, Elijah put on the helmet, lay flat on the bed, and closed his eyes.

By the way...

Is this really all you need?

However, at the moment when he had such an idea in his mind, he closed his eyes and soon saw that a beam of light passed through the darkness and shone in front of him.

Obviously he hasn't opened his eyes yet...

Elijah sat, up from the damp training cabin, looked around, his dull gaze was gradually replaced by strong shock.

This……Is it the game world?!

The metal textured walls and floor tiles, the streamlined hatch are full of sci-fi feeling, and the slightest steam evaporates from his shoulders, taking away his body temperature bit by bit.

Taking a deep breath of the air in the game world, he faintly smelled an unpleasant smell.

Elijah didn't know whether everything in front of him was real. But this 100% sense of immersion has already left him speechless in shock.

This feeling— It's a bunker!!!

At this time, the sleeping cabin next door suddenly opened, and a guy with a lizard mouth and covered in dark green scales sat up from the sleeping cabin.

The moment Elijah met his gaze, he was taken aback.

"F*ck?! What the hell is this?"

"What the hell..."

"Who the hell are you? NPC???"

"What NPC, I'm a player! ID: Picking Up Trash Level 99... I still want to ask you, who are you?"

"Are you picking up trash?! I'm Keeping People Under The Knife! Damn, you're the newcomer who joined the group a few days ago? Why are you so ugly?!"

"You are ugly, your whole family is ugly, you bastard..."

The amber pupils were wide open, and the lizardman looked confused, obviously not quite understanding the situation. But soon, his eyes fell on his scaly dark green skin, and his bewildered pupils gradually became tinged with panic.

He hurriedly lowered his head, looked left and right, his claws fumbled wildly on his body, his tail twisted along with his body, like a gecko that fell into a mud puddle. But at this moment, his eyes suddenly stuck between his legs. Immediately afterwards, there was a mournful howl.

"F*ck! Where is my little brother?!!!"

Elijah almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"You look like this, and the focus is actually on that thing!"

"That's not there, and that's not there! F*ck! Damn, the dog planner to deceive people! You can be a lizard man, why can't you open a female account!"

"If you want to be a lizard man, let's exchange it."

"Get out."

There is a body scanning device connected to the dormant cabin, and you can see your own attributes and levels. These are all information published on the official website.

Mr. Garbage stretched out his index finger and tilted up the operation interface, and soon the property panel was projected on the screen.

【 ID: Pick up trash level 99

Gene Sequence: Alien Lizardman

Level: LV.0

——Basic attributes——

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 7

Constitution: 8

Perception: 8

Intelligence: 2 】

【 Talent:

Cold-Blooded: ( Stronger concealment, slow action in low temperature environment.)

Parallel Feet: ( Greater stamina, difficult to operate complex machinery.)

Physical Regeneration: ( Stronger resilience, difficult to improve gene sequence level.) 】


There's something about this property!

Mr. Garbage vaguely remembers that it is written on the official website that the attribute benchmark value of a normal adult male is 5, fluctuating between ±2.

And I obviously don't use adult males as the standard. Except for the low intelligence attribute, the other four-dimensional attributes are ridiculously strong. The point is that he didn't think he wasn't smart either.

So what if the intelligence panel data is a little lower? It doesn't affect his pretense at all!

Realizing this, Mr. Garbage was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and he stopped making noise.

Elijah, who was sitting in the training cabin next to him, looked at the lizardman who was giggling there, and asked a question with concern.

"How are you?"

"Haha, that's great! Let's go, let's get out of this room and meet other players first! Don't make the manager wait!"

Saying that, Mr. Garbage turned over and jumped out of the training cabin.

He found another advantage of the lizardman, that is, he didn't need to wear clothes, because it didn't matter whether he took off his pants or not, there was no place to cover at all!

Staring at this lively lizard, Elijah's face was full of weirdness.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a note stuck to this guy's butt.

"There's something in your ass."

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Having said that, Mr. Garbage also felt the foreign body sensation on his buttocks, so he stretched his paws to the back.

I wasn't used to operating this body for the first time, so the two paws scraped for a while before finally scraping off the note.

The paper is a waterproof material, so it didn't get wet. However, the text written on it was not english, nor was it any language he knew.

Mr. Garbage was at a loss, scratching his paws above his head.

"What's written on it?"


Shelter Resident Hall.

The originally fairly spacious space is now being filled to the brim with new players. All kinds of people stood here, their faces were filled with bewilderment, surprise, excitement and curiosity.

Before that, almost everyone thought that this so-called 'fully immersive virtual reality game' might just be a joke made by a few boring game fans.

Even if they received the helmets from the game company, most of them were skeptical.

Now, however, all doubts were dispelled.

If we must find a game that is more realistic than this, I am afraid there is only 'Wasteland OL' itself!

Passing through the automatic opening and closing door, when 'Picking Up Trash Level 99' came out of the room, it caused quite a commotion.

At first everyone thought he was an NPC, but after asking, it turned out that he is also a player, and it is very likely that he is the legendary "hidden profession"!

Bathed in the envious eyes of everyone, Mr. Garbage seems to have put the fact that he has no little brother behind him, smiling quite proudly.

Is it important to have that thing?

it is not important.

"Brother, hang out with me in the future, I will cover you."

Mr. Garbage patted the shoulder of Elijah who was standing next to him, and the latter gave him a blank look and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

However, the initial panel data is slightly stronger.

Coming out of the room with this guy, Elijah also received a lot of attention.

But unfortunately, his gene sequence is just an ordinary strength system, and there is nothing special about it. While the players in the hall were looking at them, he was also secretly observing the other players in the hall.

Except for Brother Garbage, most players seem to be relatively normal, at least on the surface, there is no difference from others. From the physical point of view, they should also be dominated by strength and physique, but there are also a small number of perception, agility, and intelligence players.

What surprised Elijah the most was that there were actually two female players here?

One of them is 180cm tall, with a protruding figure and a bulging shelter uniform. It should be of the strength department.

The other one is a little shorter, estimated to be in his early 150s, plain and ordinary, he can't tell what it is, at least it doesn't look like a strength system.

Elijah was born in civil engineering. He has worked for many years, and his visual inspection is very accurate, especially in the evaluation of distance and size. Generally, there will not be too much error.

The two came out of the same room, and there seemed to be some conflicts, and the momentum was somewhat confrontational.

"Who is this little one?"

"You! You are so tall! You may be short in reality!"

"Hehe, to be able to say such a thing, it seems that you are not very old in reality, so you must be a primary school student, right?"

"Hehehe, what a coincidence, sister, I'm the director of a fashion design company, and I'm a big deal. Unlike you, I'm just looking for a sense of presence in the game."

"Hehehehe, mere director, I thought it was the president of some big group. I don't know which company my sister is working for?"

"Hehehehe, I want you to take care of it!"

Elijah: "..."

He always felt that these two guys were elementary school students...Of course, these two were far from the only ones making noise.

After waiting for so long, and finally getting the qualification for the beta test, the players who just entered the game were very excited, talking non-stop, touching left and right, and couldn't relax at all.

Someone hit their head against a wall, and instead of complaining of pain, they hugged their head and giggled.

And that's pretty normal.

Some people grabbed the player next to them and begged the other player to slap them. They just wanted to try what it was like to be slapped, so that they would be mentally prepared to fight monsters for a while.

Elijah felt his scalp go numb. Did I enter the game world, or was locked in a lunatic asylum?

Seeing someone taking off their pants to take a shit, or even doing something more eye-catching, a majestic voice passed through the resident hall and came from the direction of the main entrance.


For a moment, everything was quiet.

That majestic voice seemed to carry a special coercion, causing the players in the resident hall to stop making noise unconsciously, and their eyes followed the direction of the sound subconsciously.

Elijah was no exception.

Looking at the man standing at the door, the expression on his face became excited for a moment.


Opening scene!

This should be the legendary manager!

Although it is the first time to play this game, he has been chasing more posts on the official website before, so he is quite familiar with the settings in the game. The same is true for the other players here, all staring with bated breath, looking forward to the start of the plot.

When Lucius selects players, he will not only refer to the occupations filled in on the reservation page, but also refer to the historical speeches, online time and activity of the forum, and try his best to eliminate those 'primary school students' with abnormal brain circuits, and those who know how to talk all day long. little fool.

They're better suited for moving bricks on a construction site, not here.

Looking around at the players in the resident hall, Lucius continued to speak slowly in a calm and serious voice.

"Welcome to Shelter No.404."

"I'm the manager here."

"Code name—Dawn."

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