Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 29: Chapter 29. Life In Wasteland Begins With Moving Bricks

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From the moment he opened his mouth, all the players shut their mouths and stared at him with bated breath, for fear of missing any details.

Lucius was very satisfied with the players reactions, and raised his head to look around the hall. But when he saw the lizard man standing in the corner, his expression froze for two seconds, and he almost touched the gun on his back.

Why are there aliens here???


Judging by this silly expression, there should be a player under this skin. Then there is nothing to worry about.

Whether it's combat experience or panel data, these little buddies are crushed by him in all directions. Lucius may be worried about the survivors lurking in the shadows, but he's really not afraid of these players making trouble.

It takes less than a second to kick people, seal titles, and confiscate qualifications. What can you do in a second?

Deciding to wait a while to study the situation of the lizardman, Lucius looked away from the lizardman, looked at the players in the hall, and continued.

"First of all, I have to tell you a piece of good news. The war is over."

"But the bad news is that our world has changed beyond recognition. If you expect to go home to find your mother immediately with your luggage, it is obviously impossible."

"Now is the 200th year after the apocalypse. Fortunately, we have successfully survived the most difficult years. You are luckier than 12 billion people to be able to stand here, and now I need you to realize as soon as possible The status quo, and then fulfill my declaration under the banner of the People's Federation - rebuild our homeland!"

"The one next to me is my assistant. Its name is Popo. You can ask it if you have any questions about the shelter or if you don't understand."

He once said the routine opening remarks, word for word. When the next batch of players arrive, he will say it again, if there are no serious bugs or plot loopholes, he doesn't plan to change it.

After all, it was finally compiled.

After a pause, Lucius continued.

"In addition, the shelter resident handbook has been updated to version 2.0, which includes resident conventions, codes of conduct, and requirements for public order, good customs, and prohibited items. Please check it out in time."

"For residents who violate the regulations, they will be forced to sleep and confinement, or they will be sent back to the ground and permanently delisted. I hope everyone will strictly abide by it."

There was a commotion among the players.

Is the power of this NPC too great?

However, everyone didn't have a particularly big reaction to this. Since they chose to make an appointment, it means that they have accepted the game's settings. Before logging into the game, they had already read the 'Resident Handbook' on the official website, and there were no strict regulations on it.

The newly added clauses only restrict behaviors such as 'PK between players', 'Harassing other players', 'Improper transactions', and 'Maliciously destroying in-game facilities'.

These terms are in line with the interests of the vast majority of 'normal' players, and even some terms were discussed by the players themselves in the forum, and added after being adopted by the dog planner.

For example, the 'malicious destruction of in-game facilities' proposed by Tomorrow Seeker and Badass Bunny, and the 'prohibition of forced sexual behavior' proposed by a female player who has not yet obtained the reservation qualification.

These opinions are all very good. After all, this is a brick-moving game, not a nuclear bomb simulator, let alone a small butter.

Even for games that flaunt the concept of freedom and sandbox, it is impossible to allow a certain player to unscrupulously destroy the game experience of other players.

Not only adopted these suggestions, Lucius also made more detailed regulations on these rules.

For example, malicious damage to facilities will be punished with 'Forced Labor', and forced X behavior will be 'Permanently confiscated tools for committing crimes'.


Can't accept it?

Hurry back to play CF ( CrossFire ) and give the helmet to those who need it.

After explaining the things that need to be paid attention to, Lucius took the 24 players out of the refuge, and took the elevator to the surface in two batches.

The oncoming visual impact left these new players speechless in shock.

Not even just visual. Hearing, smell, touch and even taste, every cell in the body is telling them that this is a completely real world!

"Too strong……"

"Is this... really a game world?"


Looking at the excited players dancing, Lucius's mouth curled into a smile.

He really want to tell them that it's too early to be happy.


Taking these new players to familiarize themselves with the facilities of the outpost, especially emphasizing to them that it is forbidden to defecate anywhere near the outpost, Lucius then took them all back to the nursing home and handed them over to Bunny, who had been waiting for a long time. them.

The construction site of the outpost is just the time to employ people. There is no need to worry about these players having nothing to do. The old players will tell them what to do.

Some people were called to move bricks to repair the wall.

Some people were led by Tomorrow to the construction site in the northeast of Wetland Park to carry the raw materials for firing cement.

As for remuneration. It is 10 contribution points per hour.

Although it is not clear what the contribution points are, one or two players are very motivated and can't wait to start working immediately.

Why do you care so much during the beta test stage? The developers have said not to delete the file, just do it and you're done!

Lucius was a little embarrassed by the energetic spirit of these players.

Of course, not all players are assigned to the construction site, and the work of making bacon jerky, tanning fur, fishing, hunting, and gathering all requires people to do it.

For example, the female player with a height of 1.8 meters and an ID named [ Yaya ] was assigned to collect.

Her gene sequence is of the perception system. Although the initial value of the main attribute ( perception ) is 1 point lower than that of Walker, only 6, she has an additional initial talent in the talent bar - 'Poison Intuition'.

According to the system's explanation of this talent in the player list, players with this talent can separate from knowledge and experience, and rely solely on biological instinct to perceive toxicity.

On the other hand, before gaining 'Toxin Resistance', the 'Poison Effect' itself will have more negative effects on her. In addition, the positive gain effect of this talent is affected by the perception attribute. It couldn't be more appropriate for her to be the collector.

In addition, there is the lizard man.

After arranging the job of the collector, Lucius called the player aside.

"Picking Up Trash Level 99?"

What kind of unusual name is this?

Seeing the manager talking to him, Mr. Garbage thought that a hidden plot had been triggered, so he stood up straight and nodded excitedly.

"It's right here!"

Lucius nodded, and was about to arrange his work, but saw that the garbage gentleman suddenly seemed to think of something, and took the initiative to hand over a note.

"Dear Master Manager, I found this note when I woke up. I can't understand the text on it. Can you tell me what is written on it?"

"Let me see."

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Lucius took the note from his hand.

The note was a little wet, as if it had been soaked in water, but it was not soaked, and it seemed to be a waterproof material. The notes on it are very familiar, and they are written in the language of this world. Lucius immediately guessed who left this thing.

"Where did you get it?"

"On the ass."

Lucius shook his hand and almost dropped it.

Seeing the manager with black lines all over his head, Mr. Garbage immediately guessed something, and hurriedly explained dumbfoundingly.

"I mean it was in the hatch, and when I woke up, it was stuck there."

"It's okay, I'll just ask casually."

Lucius continued to look at the content on the note.

[ Congratulations, you won the lottery! This is my Easter egg for you! The gene sequences stored in the gene bank are not all human genes, and there are also a small number of special gene sequences. Frankly speaking, I did it. Although there are accidental elements, I don't intend to admit my mistake. What do you say? Don't you think that's part of natural selection too? ]

[ Speaking of which, should we call it a special body or a heterogeneous? Forget it, it doesn't matter what you call it, you decide for yourself. ]

[——The First-Generation Manager. ]

This guy must be crazy.

Lucius was speechless.

He was too lazy to complain about dead people, opened the system interface, and confirmed the five-dimensional data and talents of the lizard man in front of him through the player list. Just like this guy's tall and burly physique, his strength and physique are unbelievably strong. If he didn't get an injection himself, his strength would even catch up to his LV5 self. And there are two talents of physical regeneration and cold blood, which are simply practical weapons!

Although it has debuffs that are difficult to upgrade, uncomfortable in low temperature, and difficult to operate complex machinery, it is not a fatal flaw.

In a word, it's not a big problem.

Lucius was already thinking about whether to install a glove or a steel claw on this guy. Or it seems to be good to make it into a tin can?

Being watched with scrutiny by the adult manager, Picking Up Trash Level 99, I always feel a little chill in my heart.

However, this NPC didn't stare at him for too long, and soon gave him a different task from other players.

"From today onwards, you will hunt with me."

Lucius decided not to worry about weapons anymore. These players are not necessarily stupid than themselves, it is better to let them study the gameplay by themselves.

Mr. Garbage clenched his fists excitedly, and said excitedly in a high voice.

"Willing to serve you! Dear Master Manager!"

"Very good, very imposing."

Lucius nodded approvingly, looked at him and continued.

"You go to the gate of the nursing home and wait for me."

"I still have some things to arrange, and I'll be here in a while."


The garbage gentleman walked away.

Lucius continued to look at another female player who was waiting anxiously.

Her ID is Shuri, and her gene sequence belongs to the intelligence department. She looks a little petite, about 1.5 meters tall.

The expression of genes is inherently unstable, no matter how perfect the design is, there will inevitably be omissions, and there is nothing Lucius can do if it becomes like this.

Not all bad things happened to her, though.

Like that Yaya, she has a very special initial talent "Ingenuity" in her talent bar.

【 Talent: Ingenuity (stronger muscle memory, faster accumulation of proficiency for repetitive tasks)】

If I remember correctly, her real occupation seems to be a fashion designer? If it is true, then this talent is tailor-made for her.

"Can you make clothes?"

Facing the manager's question, Shuri nodded nervously.

"Yes! If there are materials and tools... I can try it."

Although her job is design, she mainly works with computers, but her hands-on ability is not completely lacking, and she is still much better than ordinary people.

"Materials are not a problem, tools may have to find a come with me first."

As he said that, Lucius took her to the backyard of the nursing home, pointing to the rows of rough furs on wooden racks to dry.

"Are these enough?"

Looking at the rows of furs on the wooden shelf, Shuri stared straight. Although it is not sure what animals these furs were stripped from, the texture and luster of this hair is not cheap at first glance.

"This, these... are all mine?" Shuri's eyes sparkled.

Lucius nodded and said.

"Well, if you can, you can also start with the fur treatment. The leather on the shelf is handled by our chef, and he doesn't know much about it."

"Hmm! Don't worry! Just leave it on me," Shuri said excitedly, nodding vigorously, "Do you have any requirements? In terms of styling?"

Lucius: "There is no requirement for styling, as long as it can keep warm... Do you have any tools you need here? Sewing machines may be a bit difficult to get, but there are still some basic tools such as needlework scissors."

Shuri: "Although it is better to have a sewing machine, if the requirement is only to keep warm... these are enough!"


He likes hardworking players with few things to do.

Lucius nodded approvingly.

"Then please."

"I should be able to get some prey in the past few days... I plan to walk north along the elevated highway out of the city. I heard that there are migrating deer herds there."

"If you're lucky, you should be able to gain a lot!"


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