Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 34: Chapter 34. We Are A Serious Company

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Yaya: [ I admit! I am indeed die! But I can’t help it. If I want to blame it, I have to blame the talent of 'poison intuition'. As long as it is poisonous, my eyes will glow green. ]


Lucius was taken aback for a moment, and then he was completely surprised.

"Can it be recognized directly with the naked eye? Is it so awesome."

But what is the judgment rule of this 'poisonous'? Is there a dosage limit? And what is the trigger mechanism for this talent?

I don't understand...

Lucius decided to put aside the things he couldn't understand for the time being, and continued to read.

The post continued.

[ ...According to the task assigned by the manager, I started picking mushrooms and raspberries in the forest. Relying on the effect of the character's talent, poisonous berries and mushrooms can basically be identified, so the efficiency is quite high, and I picked several plastic buckets back in a while. ]

[ I thought that I had finished picking near the sanatorium, so I wanted to take a closer look, and then I walked to a place that looked like a parking lot. There are quite a lot of mushrooms there, and I picked a lot. When I was about to go back, I suddenly saw a very tall and large concrete pipe, which looked a bit like the entrance of a sewer, and there was a lot of green light in it! ]

[ I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought that there are so many mushrooms inside, why not go in and have a look, anyway, I can recognize the poisonous ones, and it's over if I don't touch it. ]

[ Plus, I didn't see any dangerous monsters around, so I walked over and poked my head in to take a look... I swear, I really just took a look at that time! ]

[ Then a terrifying thing happened!!! ]

[ A lump of meat... I don't know what it is, but it hit me directly in the face. At that time, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't open my eyes, and soon I couldn't even move. It felt like I was swallowed by something? ]

[ In short, although there is no pain, the feeling is really terrible! Almost at the moment of losing consciousness, I suddenly woke up from reality, and everything that happened just now was like a nightmare. ]

[ At first I thought it was disconnected, so I quickly put on the helmet and reconnected, and then I saw the words 'Connection Interrupted' written in the helmet, and then it became 'Restricted Login', no matter how I tried, I couldn't log in woo woo woo. ]


After reading the post, Lucius was dumbfounded.

This player is really brave, poking his face into the grass seriously, he would definitely not dare to do such a thing...

The netizens below the post are also quite unfriendly.

Some people have already obtained the qualification for the closed beta test, and they are completely watching the excitement, but more netizens who can't make an appointment for life and death condemn this shameful wasteful behavior.

You know, it takes at least three days to revive the CD! Such a free offer is equivalent to wasting three days of game time!

What's wrong with this time?

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ It's okay without a head, headless senior? ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨ ]

Quit Smoking: [ What the hell? ! That's it? That's it? It's really not good to play, please donate the game qualification to those who need it! ]

Big Eyes In Debt: [ It's really cheap, isn't this free? Why don't you let me come!乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ ]

Irena: [ Continue to update! Tell me in detail what it feels like to be eaten?(⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠) ]

The Dog Took All The Good Names: [ I'm going to miss you when you say that, brother, let me take a step to speak. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ]

The Yaya probably started to crooked from here.

It was a good help post, but no one cared whether her problem was solved or not.

In the end, it may be that the official did not respond to me, and the mouths of the netizens were too stinky, and the post gradually became a one-on-one battle with the Confucianism, and angrily confronted the netizens.

This little player's mouth is also poisonous enough, it looks like an old troll.

Lucius couldn't stand it anymore, locked her post, and had a private chat in the background.

"Hi, I'm Wasteland OL game planner, we have received your feedback. According to the death penalty set by the game, it takes 72 hours to be resurrected. Please wait patiently for the resurrection CD to end, and then you can log in to the game again and go online."

Yaya: "Huh? I have to wait for three days... Can it be changed to one day? I can pay, how much can you say."

Lucius: "It's not about money."

Yaya: "Can't you be more flexible? Please, brother planner, I really didn't mean it, so you can help me. By the way, what is your penguin number? Can I add it? Type here It’s so troublesome, let’s talk on Penguin. (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)”

Lucius: "Rules are rules, I can't help you with this."

Yaya: "Can't you really accommodate me? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)"

Lucius was indifferent and continued to dig out the words.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. In addition to the resurrection CD, the player's first death in the game will also deduct 500 contribution points from the player."

Yaya: "I still have to deduct contribution points?! But I don't have that many..."

Lucius: "This is the troublesome part. At present, your contribution points are only 30, which come from collection tasks. These contribution points are not enough to pay the death penalty."

Yaya: "What if it's not enough? (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠)"

Lucius: "The current setting will affect the NPC's evaluation of the player, in other words, it will lose the favorability."

Yaya: "Losing favorability?! Don't! (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ"

"Obviously you don't realize the seriousness of the problem at all. Imagine that the role you play is on the mission of saving civilization. However, as a human elite who went to the surface to support the construction, instead of creating any value, you just run around like headless chicken without thinking? Don't you feel guilty at all for causing so much trouble for everyone??"

He didn't even earn 500 free whoring coins, so he wasted a large pot of active substances.

Yaya: "Yes, but this is a game..."

"That's right, it's a game, but it's not your game alone," Lucius typed righteously, "You should have played script killing."

Yaya: "Play, play..."

Lucius: "This is equivalent to a 30-player book, 29 of whom are playing seriously, but one of them is playing blindly and getting an ID card. You should know how bad this kind of behavior is to other players, right?"

In fact, it's not that exaggerated. He's just a newcomer, and he'll die if he dies, but Lucius feels that if he doesn't respond to anything, these players won't have a long memory.

Must be educated!

But maybe he said too much, this little player's face is too thin, or he was really tricked when playing script killing in reality.

Yaya, who was sitting in front of the computer, was about to cry after being told, typing desperately to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! It's my fault!" .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.

A series of messages flashed in the chat window, and Lucius, who was about to continue typing, felt a little embarrassed.

How do you feel that you are in PUA.

Never mind……


Lucius: "You don't need to apologize to me, I just explain to you the punishment mechanism of the game and why it is set up like this. You can tell other players in your post later, and I will unlock the post .”

Lucius: "In addition, I have to emphasize again that the positioning of Wasteland OL is a hardcore game, at least in the early stages of the game, there will not be too many casual elements, and this is what we decided when designing the entire game framework. If you really can’t accept the settings, I suggest you change to another game, or wait until the public beta version is online and the content is richer before playing.”

Yaya: "Don't, I want to play! I'm going to die without a helmet!"

Yaya: "Well, planner brother, I have no opinion on the death penalty. How can I restore the lost favorability? Is it useful to admit mistakes after resurrection?"

Lucius: "It may be useful, but it is of little significance. The manager's AI personality and behavior logic are set to be neutral and lawful. His evaluation is mainly determined by whether the player's behavior is in line with the overall interests of the shelter. So if you want to make up for it , let him see your hardworking side, and don't do those mindless things."

Yaya: "I see, that... can I make a little suggestion?"

Lucius: "Say."

Yaya: "Can you give me some krypton gold gifts in the future? The kind that can increase the favorability. I see other games have them, such as Big Nose Mole Manor... I can buy them with money!"

Lucius, with black lines all over his head, typed.

"My friend, don't always think about using money to solve problems, we are a serious company!"

He was already dead, what the use of having money?

Yaya who was sitting in front of the computer was stunned for a moment, his hands rested on the keyboard, and his mind didn't turn around for a moment.

You are reading story Is This Really A Game? at

Serious company...

Isn't it just a scam?

It's not serious if you don't want money...

After closing the webpage, Lucius put the matter of this little player aside for the time being, and then boarded his own Penguin.

What's interesting is that the post on the official website happened to be discussed in the Cowboy Club group.

It seems that everyone is quite concerned about the death penalty in the game.

Keeping People Under The Knife: [ I've played it, let me tell you something, this game is really awesome, I take back what I said before, I'm convinced! ]

Bear Hugger: [ F*ck, you are also bought by the dog management, you big-eyed one??? ]

[ "Bear Hugger" was banned by the administrator for 1 hour. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ The dog barks again? ]

Badass Bunny: [ Don't bullshit, have you seen the post on the official website? It's the one who died today. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ I see, the ID is Yaya, and it's that 180 tall long-legged one! The group owner, hurry up and find a way to pull the group. ]

Badass Bunny: [ Go away, go by yourself. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ After reading the post, I have summarized three points: 1. Losing consciousness or dying in the game will cause the connection to be forcibly disconnected. 2. The over-limit pain sensation has been removed. This is the same as what I tested before. I have to say that the game official is very smart! It doesn't feel unreal at all, it hurts too much and I'm persuaded to quit, now it's just right! But I still say that, it would be nice if I could adjust it myself. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Anything else?? ]

8th Level Gale: [ Let me add, if you don't die, you won't die. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Correct answer. ]

Quit Smoking: [ I threw up, why can't I make an appointment, I really want to play! ]

Badass Bunny: [ Uh, why don't you ask Brother Light for a chance? ]

Quit Smoking: [ I've looked for it, but he asked me to wait. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Sorrow. ]

Badass Bunny: [ Huh? No way, did you secretly hack him? This old man is indeed a little grudge, I read the information is a Scorpio. ]

Quit Smoking: [ No way, how dare I hack him! I'm Brother Light's most loyal licking dog, okay?!! ]

Badass Bunny: [ That’s weird, I’ll ask you another day. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ By the way, is Picking Up Trash Level 99online? ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Ahem, what's the matter? I am in the group. ]

Flocks of water are not as interesting as peeping screens. What's more, this kind of acquaintance group, he, a newcomer who has just joined the group for a few days, rarely gets in his mouth.

Tomorrow Seeker: [ I think your character is a lizard man, how does it feel when you take off your helmet and return to reality? Like inconsistencies? ]

Lucius, who was also watching the screen, was also interested when he saw this.

He was also quite curious about what it was like to be a player who entered the game as a lizardman. Especially the lack of a small tail and the addition of a big tail, I don't know if I am used to it or not.

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ doesn't seem to be? It feels pretty good. The athletic ability in the game is really strong, and the reaction is also very fast. There is nothing wrong after quitting the game. However, there is one thing that I am not used to. I always want to eat raw meat in the game. When I see blood, my whole body feels hot, but once the helmet is removed, it will be fine. It is very amazing. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Shit! Why even choose a non-human character, why not create a female account! ]

8th Level Gale: [ cough-cough, be more sensible brother. ]

Badass Bunny: [ You scare me a little like this. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [Get out! I just wanted to try out what it felt like, pure curiosity, you know. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ No, no, we don't understand. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Speaking of which, Night Walker and Picking Up Trash Level 99, When you two went out hunting with the manager today, did you encounter a predator? ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Yes! There are two predators, and a domesticated mutant hyena. They were executing a scavenger at the time, and by the time we found out that person had been killed by the plot! We then killed the two marauders and took their gear. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Domestication? It turns out that alien species can be domesticated. I don't know if players can keep pets in the future... I guess this should be an official foreshadowing. ]

8th Level Gale: [ You killed the NPC? ヽ⁠༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽⁠ノ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Well, the manager ordered the attack... Shouldn't it be a violation of the regulations in the resident handbook? Later, I specifically flipped through it, and only stipulated that attacking neutral and friendly NPCs is prohibited. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Uh, I think those should be spawned wild monsters, not NPCs, right? But the bleeding effect... is really a bit realistic, I almost thought it was really dead. ]

When he saw this, Lucius fell into deep thought.

He had guessed before that whether the world the players saw had filters added, and now it seems that this is really possible.

However, this filter is not necessarily the kind of filter in the beauty camera, it is more likely to be a similar conceptual blurring. It's like how the device handles pain.

The pain beyond the limit will be blocked by the player's brain, and the sensory shock beyond the tolerance range should also be treated with corresponding 'emotional passivation'.

Otherwise, the 'fuse mechanism' of the brain is triggered, and the player wakes up from the 'nightmare' directly, wouldn't the connection be interrupted?

Obviously, these details have been considered by the designers of this device.

After analyzing this point, Lucius suddenly became a little envious.

When he first came to the wasteland, it took him a long time to overcome these psychological obstacles.

8th Level Gale: [ Are they speaking English? ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ Their speech is very strange, the pronunciation is a bit like English but not, I can't understand anyway, it should be randomly generated by the program. ]

When depicting alien planets or different worlds, many film and television works or games will have similar settings, creating a 'foreign language' by disrupting the normal sequence of a passage, and some are simply made up.

Such as the huh-huh villain in The Sims.

From the point of view of Picking Up Trash Level 99, Wasteland OL should have adopted a similar design. From this point of view alone, this game does quite like that.

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Well, the arrangement of this plot is actually quite interesting, I think it is to remind us of the hidden crisis in this wasteland. Just like the mutant tribes explored before, the purpose should be to create a sense of crisis. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Uh, isn't it a randomly generated plot? ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Everything you see is programmed, there is no real randomness. ]

Badass Bunny: [ I think what Tomorrow said is a bit reasonable, but this happened on the day when the new player went online... It feels a bit deliberately arranged. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ It can only be regarded as a conjecture! I think this plot can be understood as that as the scale of the outpost expands and the overall strength of the players improves, the conflicts between the players and other forces and alien species on the wasteland will gradually intensify. The competition for living resources and space may be the main theme of the next stage of the game.

Now we can actually start preparing for war! I estimate that if it is soon, Winter will come to the end of the expansion, and the next expansion will be Stronghold Conflict. ]

8th Level Gale: [ Good guy...]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [6666, this analysis is OK. ]

Get Up Ten Times A Night: [ Brother Tomorrow, this wave is in the atmosphere! ]

Quit Smoking: [F*ck! I really want to play! ]

Then the group of friends began to exchange skills of indigenous steelmaking and gunpowder making, while Lucius in front of the screen was dumbfounded.

My good fellow, even what I didn't consider in my own plan, this old man has considered everything for himself.

It's a talent!

Lucius felt emotional, and copied and pasted the content analyzed by the elder brother to the document for preservation.

You are all right.

They are all old friends.

If someone asked in the future, Lucius decided to just explain it like this.

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